In truth, AFL and soccer games would have more closely resembled water polo matches. Nevertheless, members of the #TeamUNSW community relinquished their flannel pyjamas, hot chocolates and movie marathons (sorry. . .study marathons) as they ventured out to compete. 

UNSW Rugby journeyed west to Epping where the colts and lower grades recorded wins and the second grade came heartbreakingly close to victory. The first grade will put a loss behind them and look ahead to their clash with Barker Old Boys next weekend in what is predicted to be a tight match. Leading the charge is point-scoring maestro Andrew Walsh. Walsh has the highest number of tries to his name in the Barraclough Cup so far this season, crossing the line for UNSW on seven occasions.

Full Results 
Barraclough Cup lost to Epping 5-41
Stockdale Cup lost to Epping 12-15
Robertson Cup (Colts) defeated Epping 27-17
Blunt Cup defeated Epping 37-12
Richardson Cup defeated Epping 17-0

In June every year, one experiences that existentially fraught conversation in which one of you exclaims, “I can’t believe it’s almost July!” As you shrug incredulously and ponder where this year gone, consider that this weekend marks the critical halfway point in the netball season. There is cause for celebration as six UNSW teams currently feature in the top three in their respective divisions. The Sies (A1, 1st), Blues (B2, 1st), Grays (B3, 3rd), Omurais (C2, 3rd), Mobies (C3, 3rd) and Dolphins (Inters, 2nd) continue to execute successful game plans. That’s enough to make the earth spin faster on its axis if you ask me.

Full Results 
A1: UNSW Sies lost Double Bay Diamonds 1 39-49
A1: UNSW Blacks lost to Randwick Rugby 2 38-42
A2: UNSW Pilots lost to Double Bay Diamonds 4 34-41
B2: UNSW Blues defeated Marrickville RSL 38-22
B2: UNSW Orcas defeated 28-9
B3: UNSW Grays lost to Randwick Rugby 7 20-34
C2: UNSW Omurais lost to Marrickville RSL 10 14-23
C3: UNSW Mobies defeated Coogee 6 33-35
C4: UNSW Fins lost to Mascot 7 29-40
C5: UNSW White lost to Randwick Rugby 14 29-56
Inter 3: UNSW Dolphins defeated Mascot 10 36-32

With Noah on speed dial and the women’s game washed out, the men’s team stepped up and defended valiantly against Hurstville FC. In a huge effort, UNSW prevented their fourth ranked opposition from scoring a single point. Everyone loves an underdog, especially one in a black and gold jersey like some adorable Internet meme. 

Full results
UNSW Men’s tied with Hurstville FC 0-0

Introducing our Men’s Division 1 Team representing UNSW in the Eastern Suburbs Football Association competition.

This week in hockey, our UNSW premier women’s team defied all odds to defeat the top-ranked Sutherland team in a truly epic clash. UNSW representatives in Women’s Metropolitan League and all men’s sides suffered tough losses to experienced opponents.
The #Whalies can always be counted upon to put themselves on the line. Every week these admirable players face opponents brandishing sticks, plotting the best way to propel a ball-shaped projectile in their direction, and where the goalie just might block a shot that scatters his or her teeth across the field. Alright, maybe not the part about dental emergencies. Forgive the poetic licence, but win or loose, UNSW have a dedicated contingent of hockey lovers who take to the fields every weekend. For this reason and no matter the results, we salute you.

Full Results
Women’s Metropolitan League
UNSW 1 lost to Sydney Uni 0-6
UNSW 2 lost to Sydney Uni 0-3
UNSW 3 lost to Sydney Uni 0-4

Sydney East Hockey Association Women’s Competition
UNSW 1 defeated Sutherland 2-0
UNSW 2 defeated Bosco 2-1
UNSW 3 Gold tied with Bentstix 1-1
UNSW 4 lost to Dolphins 1-2

Men’s Premier League
UNSW PL1 lost to NWS/BH 4-8
UNSW PL2 lost to Easts 2-3
UNSW PL3 lost to Easts 2-3

Men’s Sydney League
UNSW SL1 lost to Sutherland 0-1
UNSW SL3 lost to Sutherland 1-2
UNSW SL4 lost to Sutherland 0-2

In the Sydney Winter Baseball League, #TeamUNSW stepped onto the diamond and came away with dominant wins against the Greenway Giants in Blacktown, establishing themselves as a force to be reckoned with. Once perplexing to the Australian player who would presumably stare blankly at this strangely shaped bat and run straight to second, baseball at UNSW is niche no more.

Full Results
First Grade: UNSW defeated Greenway 5-0
Second Grade: UNSW defeated Greenway 12-4
Third Grade: UNSW defeated Greenway 9-0