In a week of truly cinematic milestones, UNSW AFL club resembled the guilty pleasure of the heart-warming team sport movie.

One of UNSW’s favourite homegrown players, Ben Davis, soared to new hights and made his AFL debut for the Adelaide Crows. Congratulations Ben!

This weekend also marked 50 games for Tom Staines. Stainesy, Staino or Stainer (with all the elegance of Australian sports nicknames tradition) has been described by teammates as a “loveable larrikin who embodies the #one19s values”. A crucial asset for both U19s teams in their successful push for the Grand Finals last season, Staines is usually found in the back line despite being a talented goal-kicker - a testament to the depth of talent on the Bulldogs junior ranks. 

And in a feat nothing short of historic, last Saturday saw Troy Luff run out for the UNSW/ES Bulldogs in his 250th club game in the Sydney AFL. Let’s pause on that for a second. 

For a moment set aside Troy Luff’s dazzling professional AFL career, his 155 games for the Sydney Swans, his 85 goals and his 1996 AFL grand final appearance- when Stainesy and his teammates were a figment of their parent’s imagination just to add perspective. 

Luff has played 18 consecutive seasons, including 135 games with UNSW/ES. He has kicked over 400 goals, is a dual Phelan medallist, and coached the Bulldogs in 2005, sharing his wealth of knowledge and experience amongst his many team and club mates. His love of footy is palpable and his humble generosity of spirit is enough to make even the most inexperienced of players comfortable asking for advice. 

The famous #34 kicked a fairy-tale 11 goals. Oh to be a fly on the wall during the Saturday night celebrations. 

With his willingness to embrace the responsibility of stardom without ego, and with an eye to local league and grassroots AFL, Luff couldn’t be more representative of the #TeamUNSW spirit if he morphed into a golden lion passant guardant.

Full Results
Men’s Premier Division defeated UTS 17.20 (122) to 1.5 (11)
Women’s Premier Division defeated Inner West Magpies 8.8 (56) to 2.1 (13)
Men’s Premier Reserves defeated UTS 7.17 (59) to 4.5 (29)
Women’s Division 2 lost to Wollondilly Knights 2.4 (16) to 2.5 (17)
Men’s Division 2 defeated UTS 21.7 (133) to 4.3 (27)
Men’s Division 3 defeated Nor-West Jets 9.9 (63) to 2.9 (21)
U19s Division 1 defeated Camden Cats 7.11 (53) to 4.6 (30)

Though the third grade suffered a one try loss, the remaining UNSW teams awed spectators and outclassed their opposition to record wins across their respective divisions. 

The undisputed try of the week went to colts captain Jeremy Chow who executed the kind of spectacular individual play that will embellish with age and alternately amuse and fatigue colts players of the future.

UNSW came away with a convincing win in round 4 of the Sydney Women’s Rugby Union 7s tournament at the Southern Districts Rugby Club. Boosted by tries from Teutenberg, Barrow and Hardie, the team exuded confidence and played with panache. The competition is a valuable opportunity for the team to gain experience and rub shoulders with some of the premier clubs in Australia like the revolutionary rock stars they are.

Full Results 
Barraclough Cup defeated Barker Old Boys 46-37
Stockdale Cup defeated Barker Old Boys 37-7
Robertson Cup (Colts) defeated Barker Old Boys 19-15
Blunt Cup lost to Hills 22-29
Richardson Cup defeated Epping 17-0

Sydney Women’s Rugby Union Competition
UNSW defeated Briars 29-5

UNSW women’s rugby 7s team at the Sydney Women’s Rugby Union 7s tournament on the weekend.

Now that the metaphorical Wednesday of the netball season has passed and the teams look towards the finals, competition is heating up these chilly July weekends. 

Full Results 
A1: UNSW Sies tied with Randwick Reps 15U 0-0
A1: UNSW Blacks lost to Randwick Rugby 20-39
A2: UNSW Pilots lost to Randwick Rugby 24-38 
B2: UNSW Blues defeated South Sydney Juniors 30-6
B2: UNSW Orcas lost to Coogee 3 31-44
B3: UNSW Grays defeated the Juniors 21-12
C2: UNSW Omurais lost to Mascot 21-28
C3: UNSW Mobies defeated Coogee 5 40-35
C4: UNSW Fins tied with Randwick Rugby 13 0-0
C5: UNSW White lost to the Duchesses 44- 16 
Inter 3: UNSW Dolphins defeated Randwick Rugby 5 38-36

The UNSW men’s team caused a decisive upset to defeat Balmain. The women’s team reigned in the Marconi Stallions to tie nil to nil, a perfect confidence booster for those trailing for the Nationals Division 1 team this week. 

Full results
UNSW Women’s team tied with Marconi Stallions 0-0
UNSW Men’s team defeated Balmain Tigers 3-1

In tough times athletes look to those around them for support and morale. Great leaders lead by example, through actions, and through immense passion and selfless dedication. UNSW Hockey Club president Johanna Sonneveldt is all of those things. And a key goal scorer to boot. 

Full Results
Women’s Metropolitan League
UNSW 1 tied with GNS 1-1
UNSW 2 lost to GNS 2-3
UNSW 3 defeated GNS 3-0
Men’s Premier League
UNSW PL1 tied with Moorebank Liverpool 2-2
UNSW PL2 tied with Sydney Uni 2-2
UNSW PL3 tied with Sydney Uni 2-2
UNSW PL4 lost to Sydney Uni 1-2
Men’s Sydney League
UNSW SL1 lost to Sutherland 0-1
UNSW SL3 lost to Glebe 5-0
UNSW SL4 lost to Bentstix 2-2

Johanna Sonneveldt celebrates after her goal on the weekend.
Johanna Sonneveldt celebrates after her goal on the weekend.

Men’s baseball teams came agonisingly close to victory against strong Hawkesbury sides this weekend in the Sydney Winter Baseball League. It was the pride round of the Sydney Women’s Baseball League last weekend as the UNSW Lions took on the Sliders. UNSW participates in this local tournament that champions sport as a vehicle for social healing. Feeling inspired? Expressions of interest are now open for summer softball. Head to the UNSW Baseball/ Softball website and social media pages for more details. 

Full Results
Sydney Women’s Baseball League 
Lions lost to the Sliders 0-14

Sydney Winter Baseball League
First Grade: UNSW lost to Hawkesbury 5-6
Second Grade: UNSW lost to Hawkesbury 4-3
Third Grade: UNSW tied with Hawkesbury 6-6