Federal Budget 2020—UNSW academics available to comment
UNSW has academic experts available to comment on the Federal Government budget announcement.
UNSW has academic experts available to comment on the Federal Government budget announcement.
On Tuesday October 6, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg will announce the most significant budget since World War II. UNSW has academic experts available to comment on Australia’s economic situation in response to this announcement.
General impact on the economy, the manufacturing package, labour market, crisis, and recovery (bushfires, drought, COVID-19), industry relief and international trade.
You can contact him directly on 0408 485 479 or e-mail tim.harcourt@unsw.edu.au
Cybersecurity in the context of small businesses and regulation, stimulating the digital economy (including NBN and capacity building), media regulation and platform businesses (the Fletcher announcements), competition policy changes, including the Consumer Data right.
You can contact him directly on 0412 646 477.
Available before 10.30 pm and before 5pm on Tuesday, for anyone who is not in the budget lockdown room, and available generally throughout the week.
General impact on the economy.
You can e-mail directly at gigi.foster@unsw.edu.au.
The impact on young people and the JobMaker payments.
Available Tuesday, Wednesday 1-4pm.
The impact to government debt and financial impact on the economy.
You can contact him on 0412 965 340 or at m.humpheryjenner@unsw.edu.au.
Available Monday, Tuesday before 2.30pm or after 7pm, Wednesday, Thursday besides 12-3pm, Friday.
The impact to refugees and asylum seekers.
You can contact directly at f.anseel@unsw.edu.au
The future of work/digital adoption, innovation, and productivity in the workplace.
The unemployment rate, small business regulation, and JobKeeper and JobSeeker.
Personal tax reform, practical impacts of tax announcements for people and how businesses operate and how the budget impacts the Australian Taxation Office implementing the announcements and other any budget impacts on the ATO (eg funding changes).
Available late Wednesday morning 11.30am onwards, Thursday after 2pm, Friday 9.30am to 11am and after 3pm.
The impact on reforms of business taxes including international tax and R&D changes and CGT.