EDI team were named ‘Working from Home Champions’ at this years NSW Green Impact Challenge. They were awarded for creating initiatives using homegrown produce to make an environmental impact at home.  

UNSW Green Impact Challenge is a change and engagement program that works with universities to help people understand sustainability and social responsibility. From 2019, UNSW staff and students have been competing to come up with innovative ways to make small environmental changes to make positive sustainability changes at home, in community and on campus. 

The EDI ‘Earth Defenders Institute’ achieved a Gold award, coming 6th overall across the 50 teams across UNSW. Specialising in Working from Home initiatives, the team put together a range of resources and tips on how to increase your Green Impact in your own backyard. 

“Earth Defenders Institute have been proactive across all areas of sustainability this year, working hard to integrate recycling, composting and energy saving practices into their households. The team have also been passionate about sustainable produce and finding creative ways to encourage their families and friends to get involved. This year, they have hosted a sustainable lunch party, committed to Meat-Free Mondays and even made marmalade from scratch using produce harvested by friends!” said Daniel Hempel at the Green Impact Awards   

The Earth Defenders Institute, involving EDI staff members Stephanie Ashby, Farhana Laffernis, Rebecca Martin, Leisa Sargent, Ursula Brown and Daniella Vukas came up with initiatives that can be implemented at home. 

“Working from home this year encouraged us to think inside the box and evaluate what little things we can do every day to reduce our environmental footprint. Seeing how the team implemented green initiatives into their home life really inspired me to want to do more, and I really learnt a lot of great tips and tricks that my family and I can implement going forward from being a part of this challenge.” Says Daniella Vukas,  

Check out the Earth Defenders Institute’s Tips and tricks and try these initiatives today.


Ollas are an irrigation method to water plants by burying terracotta pots in your garden beds and filling them with water, and the pot releases the water slowly to the roots so you use significantly less water on your garden, great for having a garden in a drought. The cute bluebird topper keeps the water from evaporating.  

Worm Farms 

Worm farms are an easy way to make use of your organic food scraps, and the casting from the worm farm make a nutrient rich fertilizer for your at home garden.  


Uses bokashi composting to break down dog poo, so no plastic bags going into landfill! 

Check out Compost Revolution to get your own worm farm, compost or bokashi. 

Download and print the teams Tips to improve your Green Impact guide to put on the fridge and remind yourself how you can be greener.