Congratulations to Ricky Gao who has been selected for the Students Choice Teaching Award. The student who nominated Ricky said , “I was pleasantly surprised by Ricky's approach to tutoring though, and how he welcomed us into the lab group with icebreakers and encouraged us to work with each other in groups. This was something that really resonated with me at the time, since we were midway through campus-shutdown and I know other lab groups weren't doing the same sort of cooperative learning scheme. Not only did that method ease my anxiety over lab activities, but it opened up opportunities to meet new people and gain further insight into the lab prompts via group discussion… I couldn't have done so well in the subject, if he hadn't been such an approachable and reliable tutor!”
Mei Cheng Whale, a computer system officer in CSE noted that “Ricky is one fine example of many of our CSE tutors who cares for their students, who would go beyond the scope of their work to help their students better understand the topics. One of which is to provide additional teaching material. In particular, Ricky discusses methods of engaging students in class as he sees the benefit of it in his own development. Ricky is setting a good example to new tutors in the way other senior tutors had inspired him when he started two years ago.”
Chun Tung, who taught ENGG1811, in which Ricky tutored added that, “I have always been impressed with Ricky's dedication to his students. The testimony has clearly demonstrated that his thoughtful approach to tutoring has created a superb learning environment for his students.”
Commenting on this award Ricky said, “I’m extremely thankful and honoured to have received this award! Over the past two years, it’s been such a privilege to meet so many inspirational, dedicated and bright students, and it’s been an absolute joy to share a class with each and every one of them. Being a tutor has been such an amazing experience, and I’m incredibly grateful to UNSW for offering these incredible teaching opportunities to students like myself.
Thank you to all the amazing lecturers and teachers that I’ve had; you’ve all taught me so much and my teaching methods have certainly been influenced by each of you. I’d also like to give a special thanks to the student who wrote the heart-warming nomination. It was an incredibly nice thing to do and it certainly caught me off guard.
As always, my inbox will be open to all of my students and anyone else who just want to have a chat!”
Finally, Aaron Quigley the Head of School in Computer Science and Engineering remarked that, “Everyone here congratulates Ricky for receiving this award. Our tutors and demonstrators are fundamentally important to the teaching and learning environment we seek to have here. Ricky’s work and his actions demonstrate the very best traditions in this school as we seek to support and challenge the next generation.”
Ricky will be awarded by the Deputy Dean Education, Prof Maurice Pagnucco at the Engineering Town Hall this week.