Three of CCRC’s academic staff members are on the 2020 Clarivate Web of Science Highly cited researchers list (Lisa Alexander, Alex Sen Gupta and Matthew England).
That means 25% of CCRC's permanent staff are in the top 1%.
The Highly cited researchers list recognizes researchers who have produced multiple highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations in their field and for the relevant year.
The methodology and the full list of Highly cited researchers can be accessed here.
The CCRC engages in high-profile research, accounting for a very high proportion of UNSW’s publications in top journals such as Science and Nature in recent years, despite the modest size of the Centre. The Centre’s work is highly cited and collaborative in nature. We collaborate with researchers and stakeholders from leading institutions in Australia and overseas. The CCRC regularly hosts visiting fellows from prestigious laboratories and research groups across the world.
Image credit: https://www.bravehearteducation.co.uk/outstanding-achievement-award/