Associate Professor Mark Holzer has had a paper published in Nature Communications which explores the role of the Pacific's deep waters in the earth's climate system.
Diffusion controls the ventilation of a Pacific Shadow Zone above abyssal overturning was co-authored with Tim DeVries (UCSB) and Casimir de Lavergne (LOCEAN).
Dr de Lavergne was a Postoctoral Research Fellow in the School of Mathematics and Statistics from 2016-2018.
"The deep North Pacific is a vast reservoir of remineralized nutrients and respired carbon that have accumulated over centuries," said A/Prof Holzer.
"When these deep waters are returned to the surface, their nutrients support biological production and their dissolved CO2 can be released into the atmosphere. As such, the deep Pacific plays a key role in the earth's climate system."
Read the paper here
Eureka Alert press release about the paper