Researchers at NDARC and the Kirby Institute are looking for data from around the world about the prevalence of injecting drug use and HIV, hepatitis B and C (HBV and HCV) among people who inject drugs.

We are also seeking any survey data of people who inject drugs that may contain details about their demographics, drug use behaviours, mental and physical health, clinical experiences, and service engagement.

Do you have data from your country to share?

This work will inform a range of global data collection efforts, including the Global Burden of Disease project.

We are collecting data from every country on:

  • prevalence of injecting drug use
  • prevalence of HIV, HCV and HBV among people who inject drugs
  • community surveys of people who inject drugs that report demographic, clinical, or behavioural characteristics
  • programmatic data from services provided to people who inject drugs including:
    • Needle and syringe programmes
    • Opioid agonist treatment (methadone, buprenorphine etc.)
    • HIV and HCV testing and counselling
    • HIV antiretroviral therapy (ART)
    • HCV treatment
    • Naloxone provision
    • Drug checking services
    • Safe consumption sites

An update of these estimates using recently published, peer-reviewed and grey literature is underway, however there may be studies or reports that we were not able to obtain or have missed.

Do you have any information that may be of use to us? Any assistance will be acknowledged in the reports we are writing on this subject. Due to the tight timelines of this project we can only consider material received by Friday 17 December 172021.

Please direct all correspondence to and please circulate this to your network who may be able to assist.