Embarking on her academic voyage in 2020, Georgia Warren joined the Royal Australian Air Force as a Trainee Officer at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) and chose to pursue a Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering (Honours) at UNSW Canberra in the Chief of Defence Force Students Program. The program offered Georgia, who maintained a high level of performance in her studies, the opportunity to undertake research across diverse fields such as composite materials, bioengineering, and hypersonics. Her undergraduate thesis, developed in collaboration with esteemed institutions including the US Air Force Academy and the University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics, embodied her commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge.

Throughout her studies, Georgia's achievements shone brightly, earning her accolades such as the Sir Richard Williams Award for outstanding performance in military training and academic commendations from both the Commandant and Commanding Officer. Her participation in the Warman Design and Build Competition National Final also highlighted her talent in the practical application of engineering principles.

In her final year, Georgia's ingenuity came to the fore as her Aircraft and Systems Design team secured a nomination for the Indo Pacific 2023 National Innovation Award, showcasing her ability to conceptualise cutting-edge solutions to complex challenges. Their success garnered recognition from the Australian Naval Institute, again solidifying Georgia's reputation as a visionary in the engineering realm.

As well as practical prowess, Georgia's academic achievements also reached new heights at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) 2023 Region VII Student Paper Conference, where her paper titled "Development and Testing of a Stereo Photogrammetry System for Multi-Axis Optical Tracking of Free-Flight Models" won the top prize. Georgia wrote this paper during her final year at UNSW Canberra. Her subsequent triumph on the international stage at the 2024 AIAA SciTech Forum International Student Conference in Florida reaffirmed her status as a global leader in aerospace engineering research.

Georgia graduated from UNSW Canberra in December 2023 with First Class Honours and the University Medal, and was also awarded the university prize for The Best Student in the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours).

As she embarks on the next phase of her career, Georgia, marked by groundbreaking research and notable achievements, exemplifies the spirit of excellence and innovation synonymous with UNSW Canberra alumni and we can’t wait to see where she soars to next! 

Georgia Warren graduating from UNSW Canberra.