PhD researchers are sought to join the Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship team 'Caves and their stalagmites: linking climate to groundwater recharge'. The project is funded from 2025 to 2030, and we are looking to recruit PhD researchers to the team in 2025 and 2026. The specific projects are:

  • PhD 1 To create high resolution stalagmite records of when recharge occurred over at least the past 500 years (collaborating with Pauline Treble, ANSTO)
  • PhD 2  Upscaling recharge estimates from drips to whole caves using lidar mapping (collaborating with Kashif Mahmud, Midwestern State University USA)
  • PhD 3 Climate model simulations to investigate the climate processes that lead to relationships between climate state, rainfall intensity, and groundwater recharge (collaborating with Andrea Taschetto, UNSW)
  • PhD 4 Groundwater recharge modelling to investigate future relationships between climate and environmental change and groundwater recharge (collaborating with Andreas Hartmann, TU Dresden, Germany)
  • PhD 5 Climate, recharge, and groundwater sustainability (collaborating with Gabriel Rau, University of Newcastle)
  • PhD 6 Climate, recharge, and groundwater policy (collaborating with Marilu Melo Zurita and Cameron Holley, UNSW)  
  • PhD 7: Using long-term cave hydrological monitoring to quantify rainfall recharge thresholds and climate drivers.


  • $37,684 to $39,880 per annum, 3.5 years
  • International candidates will have to apply for a Tuition Fee Scholarship


  • Domestic and International Candidates

How to Apply

Email an expression of interest including your CV and academic transcripts to Professor Andy Baker

School / Research Area

Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences