Coastal and regional Oceanography lab
Towards an integrated understanding of boundary current systems.

Welcome to the Coastal and Regional Oceanography Group in the School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Science at the University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia.
The primary goal of this group is to make a major contribution to understanding our coastal oceans. We use a combination of in-situ and satellite remote sensing observations from observational platforms such as current meter and temperature moorings, radar facilities, autonomous underwater gliders, profiling CTDs and boat based measurements. We analyse the data in combination numerical modelling to explain fundamental coastal ocean physical dynamics, and to gain an integrated, quantitative understanding of their impacts on coastal ocean bio-geo-chemical processes.
The research interests in the group include:
- Cross-shelf processes and nutrient enrichment
- NSW Integrated Marine Observing System - Design and implementation
- Numerical modelling and data assimilation in ROMS and POM
- Estuarine circulation dynamics
- Bio-physical interactions and Marine Systems
We welcome interested students and researchers to make enquiries and to join our team.