Dr Alanya Drummond

Dr Alanya Drummond

Senior Lecturer


B IntArch UNSW (Univ Medal, Hons 1)

Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
School of Built Environment

Alanya holds a key focus on increasing the wellbeing and sense of belonging for all students. Alanya is a member of teaching staff for the Interior Architecture program in the Built Environment where she convenes courses in design practice. Alanya has been an Education Focused academic since 2018. 

Alanya graduated from the Interior Architecture program at UNSW in 2003 with the University Medal and returned to the BE to complete her PhD in 2013 on the topic of celebrity architects, focusing on how the phenomenon of fame influences the architectural process. Alanya’s industry experience spans from Sydney to Paris, where she has worked for a range of high profile studios including the atelier of Pritzker Prize winning architect Christian de Portzamparc, the architectural practice of Alec Tzannes AM, and the Australasian design firm Geyer. Her roles have incorporated interior design, workplace strategy, communications and research relating to knowledge transfer and trust building.

Alanya is also involved in local government and is a current elected Councillor for North Sydney Council.

Thematically, Alanya's current interests in education and publication are:

- Waste reduction / low-impact design / conscious consumption

- Inclusive spaces / designing for mental health

- Behavioural sciences / sensory optimisation / salient design

- Knowledge transfer / intrinsic motivation / communication strategies

- Political environments / designing for governance

Red Centre, Level 2, Office 2022
  • Books | 2009
    Drummond A, 2009, The Perception of Sound and Space, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany
  • Book Chapters | 2024
    Drummond A, 2024, 'Newcastle Masterplan and Housing', in Favora P; Freestone R (ed.), Tzannes: Adaptive Urban Architecture and Design, Thames & Hudson, Victoria, Australia, pp. 190 - 199
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Aznavoorian L; Agustin C; Drummond A, 2012, 'Interior design as a strategic tool to support diffusion of innovation in the workplace', in Gjoko M (ed.), Design for Business, Intellect L & D E F A E
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Drummond A, 2012, 'Time Magazine and the Publication of Celebrity Architects', in Patricios N; Alifragkis S (ed.), Construction: Essays on Architectural History, Theory & Technology, edn. 1, Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), Athens, Greece, pp. 61 - 72, http://www.atiner.gr/construction.htm
  • Journal articles | 2021
    Alic D; Drummond A; Praharaj S, 2021, 'Leveraging the Capabilities of Sessional Teachers in Design Education', International Journal of Design Education, 15, pp. 131 - 143, http://dx.doi.org/10.18848/2325-128X/CGP/v15i01/131-143
    Journal articles | 2014
    Drummond A; Chevez A; Aznavoorian L, 2014, 'Trust Me! Exploratory research into office design and organisational trust causality', Corporate Real Estate Journal, 3, pp. 334 - 348, https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/hsp/crej
    Journal articles | 2012
    Drummond A, 2012, 'Architects on the Cover of Time Magazine', The International Journal of the Image, 2, pp. 83 - 98, http://ijx.cgpublisher.com/product/pub.202/prod.84
  • Working Papers | 2013
    Aznavoorian L; Chevez A; Drummond A, 2013, Trust Me! Exploring the impact of trust in the workplace, Geyer, http://dx.doi.org10.26190/unsworks/27635
    Working Papers | 2012
    Aznavoorian L; Chevez A; Drummond A, 2012, Dialogue #01 Trust in the Workplace, Geyer, http://dx.doi.org10.26190/unsworks/27630
    Working Papers | 2012
    Aznavoorian L; Chevez A; Drummond A, 2012, Dialogue #02 Workplace Trends, http://dx.doi.org10.26190/unsworks/27631
    Working Papers | 2011
    Aznavoorian L; Chevez L; Drummond A, 2011, Fertilizer #3 Future Proofing, http://dx.doi.org10.26190/unsworks/27634
    Working Papers | 2010
    Aznavoorian L; Chevez A; Drummond A, 2010, Fertilizer #1 Knowledge Management, http://dx.doi.org10.26190/unsworks/27636
    Working Papers | 2010
    Aznavoorian L; Chevez A; Drummond A, 2010, Fertilizer #2: Technology, http://dx.doi.org10.26190/unsworks/27632
    Working Papers | 2010
    Aznavoorian L; Chevez A; Drummond A, 2010, Fertilizer #3 Technology, http://dx.doi.org10.26190/unsworks/27643
  • Conference Presentations | 2020
    Drummond A; Alic D, 2020, 'Developing the capabilities of sessional educators', presented at Architecture MPS 2019 Conference ‘Education, Design and Practice, New York USA, 17 April 2020 - 19 May 2020, https://epale.ec.europa.eu/en/content/education-design-and-practice-understanding-skills-complex-world
    Theses / Dissertations | 2014
    Drummond A, 2014, The significance of celebrity in relation to the professional legitimisation of American architects in the 1970s and 1980s: a case study, https://www.unsworks.unsw.edu.au/primo-explore/fulldisplay?vid=UNSWORKS&docid=unsworks_12032&context=L
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Drummond A, 2011, 'Promotion and celebrity in the architectural profession', Vienna, Austria, presented at The International Conference on Architecture and Design (INTERCAD), Vienna, Austria, 21 September 2011 - 23 September 2011
    Other | 2011
    Kalantzis-Cope P; Gilbert T; Burns J; Kornell B; Turza S; Angier C; Aravot I; Barrett E; Bitarello B; Boynton N; Brook R; Chisholm J; Coester D; De Masi A; Erler C; Fox RF; Hushlak G; Kim S; Kim M; Kirk E; Drummond A; Madloch J; McWilliams S; Medley S; Ramaswamy D; Romberger J; Rose E; Sassi M; Sultana N; Wendl P; Wuensch M; Yang W (eds.), 2011, THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE IMAGE,
    Conference Posters | 2010
    Drummond A, 2010, 'The self-promotional behaviour of celebrity architects as a representation of the shift in professional architectural practice in the 20th century USA', Sydney, presented at BE Postgraduate Research Conference, Sydney, 06 December 2010, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/27633
    Conference Papers | 2010
    knowles A, 2010, 'The Identity of Architects: From Professionalism to Celebrity', in 1st International Graduate Research Symposium on the Built Environment, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 301 - 306, presented at 1st International Graduate Research Symposium on the Built Environment, Ankara, Turkey, 15 October 2010 - 16 October 2010

Learning & Teaching grant UNSW BE (2018)

Career Development Funding for Education Focussed Academics UNSW (2018)

FBE Dean's scholarship UNSW (2009-2013)

UNSW Research Excellence Award (2009-2013)

Wightman Postgraduate Scholarship in Architecture UNSW (2010, 2011, 2012)


UNSW Built Environment Learning and Teaching Excellence Award for Design Excellence (2017)

FMA Australia & Spotless Most Significant Research Initiative Excellence Award (2010) 

National Association of Women in Construction scholarship (NAWIC) finalist (2012)

DIA Big Picture Design Challenge, mixed medium image category (2010)

Davenport Campbell Prize for the best performance in final year interior architecture (2003)

Design Institute of Australia encouragement award (2003)

PhD Thesis

Drummond, Alanya, 2014 'Celebrity and architects. The significance of celebrity in relation to the professional legitimisation of American architects in the 1970s and 1980s: a case study', Built Environment, Faculty of Built Environment, UNSW 

Book Chapters

Chevez, Augustin; Aznavoorian, Laurie; Drummond, Alanya, 2012, ‘Interior design as a strategic tool to support diffusion of innovation in the workplace’ in Design for Business: Volume 1, Muratovski, Gjoko (ed), Intellect Ltd, Bristol, UK.
ISBN-10: 0646585908 / ISBN-13: 978-0646585901

Drummond, Alanya, 2012, ‘Time Magazine and the publication of celebrity architects’, Chapter 5 (pp. 61-72) in Essays on Construction, Alifragkis, Stavros (ed), Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece.
ISBN 978-960-9549-89-9

Journal Articles

Chevez, Agustin; Aznavoorian, Laurie; Drummond, Alanya, 2014, ‘Trust Me! Exploratory research into office design and organisational trust causality’, Corporate Real Estate Journal, Vol. 3, No. 4 / Summer, pp. 334-348(15)

Drummond, Alanya, 2012, ‘Architects on the cover of Time Magazine’, The International Journal of the Image, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp.83-98.

Drummond, Alanya, 2012, ‘Architects on the cover of Time Magazine’, The International Journal of the Image, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp.83-98.

Conference Proceedings

Knowles, Alanya, 2010, ‘Architects, celebrity and the media’ in Imagining...: proceedings of the 27th Annual International SAHANZ conference, Newcastle, Australia,  30 June – 2 July, 2010, pp.191-195 (isbn 978-0-646-53690-3, double-blind peer-reviewed proceedings)

Knowles, Alanya, 2010, ‘The identity of architects: from professionalism to celebrity’ in proceedings of the 1st International Graduate Symposium on the Built Environment, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 15 – 16 October, 2010, pp. 301-305 (isbn 978-975-429-285-5 (1.c), document id DT2E164, single-blind peer-reviewed proceedings)

Knowles, Alanya, 2011, ‘Celebrity in the profession of architecture: an analysis of practice
in the 20th and 21st century’ in proceedings of ARCC Conference 2011 - Considering Research: Reflecting upon current themes in Architectural Research, Detroit, MI, USA, 20-24 April 2011

Knowles, Alanya, 2009, The perception of sound and space: the role of auditory awareness in the discernment of spatial quality, LAP publishing

Industry Publications (Geyer research)

Chevez, Agustin; Aznavoorian, Laurie; Drummond, Alanya, 2013, ‘Trust Me!’, Fertilizer Vol.4. (Publication of the results of a research collaboration between Swinburne University of Technology, Geyer and Great Place to Work that explored the impact of trust in the workplace.)

Drummond, Alanya, 2012 ‘Trust in the Workplace’, Generator, Vol. 4
Drummond, Alanya, 2012 ‘Best Practice Workplace’, Generator, Vol. 3
Drummond, Alanya, 2012 ‘Trends in the Workplace’, Generator, Vol. 2
Drummond, Alanya, 2012 ‘Activity Based Working’, Generator, Vol. 1

Chevez, Agustin; Aznavoorian, Laurie; Drummond, Alanya, 2012, ‘Future Proofing’, Fertilizer, Vol. 3
Chevez, Agustin; Aznavoorian, Laurie; Drummond, Alanya, 2011, ‘Technology in the Workplace’, Fertilizer, Vol. 2
Chevez, Agustin; Aznavoorian, Laurie; Drummond, Alanya, 2011, ‘Knowledge Management’, Fertilizer, Vol. 1
Chevez, Agustin; Aznavoorian, Laurie; Drummond, Alanya, 2010, ‘Debunking the Gen Y Myth’, Fertilizer, Vol. 4


My Teaching

Course Convening

INTA2302 – Design Practice 6 “Speculate”, 3rd year (s2 2017) 12UOC. Workplace design in partnership with a real world brief/site/client - The Studio Incubator, anchor tenant of The Hub on York St Wynyard, due for completion Jan 2018. The course was structured to maximise student exposure to industry stakeholders and ensure a professionally expansive learning experience. 

INTA3241 -  Communication Techniques 3, 2nd year (s1 2010) 6UOC (with Eva Lloyd)
Techniques in visual presentation


INTA2101 – Design Practice 1 “Enquire”, 1st year INTA (s1 2017)
Focus – cultural centre at Maroubra

INTA2302 – Design Practice 6 “Speculate”, 3rd year INTA (s2 2016)
Focus – workplace design: a new head office space on Pier 2/3 in Walsh Bay

INTA3381 -  The Practice of Interior Architecture, 3rd year INTA (s1 2010)
Focus - current business practices in the profession of interior architecture

INTA2101 + INTA2202 - Design Studio, 2nd year INTA (s1 2010, s2 2010)
Focus - the principles of two- and three-dimensional design

INTA3121 + INTA3122 - History and Theory, 1st year INTA (s1 2010, s2 2010)
Focus - the history of architecture and theory of modernism