Dr Andrea Schaffer
PhD, University of New South Wales, Australia (2017)
MBiostat, University of Sydney, Australia (2011)
MSc(Epidemiology), McGill University, Canada (2004)
BSc(Hons)(Microbiology and Immunology), McGill University, Canada (2001)
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
NHMRC-EU Collaborative Research Grant (CIC, 2021-2023) - "ManagemenT of chronIc cardioMetabolic diseasE and treatment diScontinuity in adult ADHD PAtieNts (TIMESPAN)"
NHMRC Ideas Grant (CIA, 2021-2023) - "Disentangling the interrelationship between multimorbidity, multimedicine use, and cardiovascular health"
NHMRC Project Grant (CIC, 2019-2022) - "Health service and medicine utilisation before suicide: optimising suicide prevention using population-based linkage of routinely collected data"
NHMRC Early Career Fellowship (2019-2022) - "Evaluating population-level medicine policy interventions: generating high-quality evidence about intended and unintended consequences"
NHMRC Post-graduate scholarship (2014-2017)
2019 - UNSW Medicine Early Career Academic Network (ECAN) Best Paper Award, Clinical, Health Services or Public Health category
2019 - Best Paper by an Early Career Researcher (Highly Commended) at the 11th Health Services and Research Association of Australian and New Zealand
2017 - Rising Star Award for best abstract presented by a junior investigator at the 10th Asian Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology
2016 - MJA, MDA National Prize for Excellence in Medical Research for best clinical paper published in the Medical Journal of Australia in 2015
2015 - Stanley A. Edlavitch award for best abstract submitted by a student to the 31st International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology