Associate Professor Andrea Taschetto
PhD - Physical Oceanography, USP, Brazil
MSc - Physical Oceanography, USP, Brazil
BSc - Physics, USP, Brazil
Associate Fellowship of Higher Education Advance, accreditation UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning in higher education.
I investigate the mechanisms by which the oceans affect regional climate. I am interested in climate variability, atmospheric teleconnection patterns, interaction across tropical ocean basins, and future projections. My research explores how large-scale sea surface temperatures impact rainfall variability and drought over Australia and other regions. I am particularly interested in how different types of El Niño Southern Oscillation influence atmospheric circulation, regional climate, and interact with other oceanic basins.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- Jan/2024 - "ARC Centre of Excellence for the Weather of the 21st Century", C. Jakob et al.
- Jan/2022 – Dec/2024 – ARC CE17010002, “ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes”, A. Pitman et al.
- Jan/2021 – Aug/2024 – ARC DP220102223, “Will rivers be smaller when the climate is hotter?”, P. Hesse, K. Fryirs, T. Ralph, A. Kiem, A. S. Taschetto, A. Tripaldi, A. Mehl.
- Apr/2017 – Jun/2021 – ARC FT160100495, “Tropical ocean interactions and implications for regional climate”, A. S. Taschetto.
- Mar/2016 – Feb/2018, FAPESP-UNSW Joint Program RG152743, “Untangling the ocean climate drivers of the Southwest Atlantic”, A. Maharaj, A. S. Taschetto, A. Sen Gupta, T. Ambrizzi, P. Polito, O. Sato.
- Jan/2011 – Dec/2013, ARC DP110100601, “The changing relationship between the South Asian and Australian Monsoon in a warming world”, A. Sen Gupta, M.H. England, A.S. Taschetto, C.C. Ummenhofer, A. Karumuri, Krishnan R., A.K. Sahai.
- Jan/2010 – Mar/2015, ARC DP1094784, “Modes of Pacific Ocean variability and their relationship to regional Southern Hemisphere climate”, A. S. Taschetto and G. A. Meehl.
- Jan/2005 – Dec/2007, ARC DP0556939, “Australian climate extremes and predictability in a changing CO2 world: the unique role of the Southern Hemisphere extratropical ocean-atmosphere”, M.H. England, A.S. Taschetto, S.B. Power, and D.J. Karoly.
Australian Academy of Science Dorothy Hill Award for excellence in Earth sciences research
Fellowships and Scholarships
- 2017, ARC Future Fellowship
- 2010, ARC Post Doctoral Fellowship
- 2010, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) Fellowship, Brazil
- 2003, Inter-American Institute (IAI/SACC) Fellowship, USA
- 1997 to 2006, PhD, MSc and Research Scholarships from FAPESP and CNPq, Brazil
- 2009, UNSW Gold Star Award jointly with A. Sen Gupta and C.C. Ummenhofer
- 2017, CHyCle Award at the 1st Electronic Conference on the Hydrological Cycle
- 2005, IAPSO Award at the Dynamic Planet Conference, Australia, for best PhD presentation
Membership of national and international committees
- Since 2021 – Panel member of the CLIVAR Pacific Regional Panel and Pacific Decadal Variability Working Group
- Since 2020 – Panel member of Tropical Basin Interactions CLIVAR Research Foci.
- 2018 – 2021 – Council member of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS) and Science Technology Australia liaison.
Editorial activities
- Since Apr/2022 – Guest Editor of Frontiers in Earth Science – Pacific Multi-Decadal Variability and ENSO impact on the South American Climate
- Since Nov/2021 – Guest Editor of Frontiers in Climate – Dynamics and Impacts of Tropical Climate Variability: Understanding Trends and Future Projections
- Since Mar/2021 – Reviewer Editor of Frontiers in Climate – Predictions and Projections
- Since Nov/2018 – Associate Editor of the Journal of the Southern Hemisphere Earth System Science
- Nov/2017 – Apr/2019 – Guest Editor of the Atmosphere (Special Issue on Climate and Weather Extremes)
- Active journal reviewer for top journals in the field, including Nature Geoscience, Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, Journal of Climate, Geophysical Research Letters, among others.
- Invited to review grant proposals for the Australian Research Council (ARC) and international agencies in the USA, Brazil, Chile and Israel.
University administration
- Since Jan/2021 – CCRC Undergraduate Coordinator, UNSW.
- Since Jan/2022 – CLEX Equity and Diversity Committee member, UNSW.
- Since Jan/2021 – CLEX Seminar Committee member, UNSW.
- Since Jan/2019 – CLEX Tropical Variability meetings, UNSW.
- Apr/2017 – May/2018 – CCRC Postgraduate Coordinator, UNSW.
- Feb/2016 – Apr/2017 – Seminar Coordinator at the CCRC, UNSW.
- Since Nov/2015 – Member of the CCRC Post Graduate Review Committee, UNSW.
- Feb/2004 – Jan/2006 – Representative of graduate students at the Institute of Oceanography at USP.
Conference organisation and session convener
- Since 2015 I have convened and chaired conference sessions in Australia and overseas, such as the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS), American Geophysical Union (AGU), International Conference of the Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography (ICSHMO), Japan Geophysical Union (JpGU), Asia Oceanic Geosciences Society Meeting (AOGS)
My Research Supervision
- Nicholas Grosfeld – “Examining extratropical lows in the Southern Hemisphere” Supervisors: A.S. Taschetto, S. McGregor, A. Pepler, J. Risbey, A. Sen Gupta
- Michael Eabry - "Dynamics of the Southern Hemisphere mid-latitudes" Supervisors: A. Sen Gupta, A.S. Taschetto, and R. Goyal
- Annette Stellema – “Future changes to tropical Pacific circulation and its impact on biogeochemistry” Supervisors: A. Sen Gupta, A.S. Taschetto and M. Feng
- Sebastian McKenna – "Indian Ocean circulation biases in global climate models" Supervisors: A. Santoso, A. Sen Gupta, and A.S. Taschetto
- Quincy Forest - "Investigating hail in Australia and links to climate drivers" Supervisors: T. Raupach and A.S. Taschetto
- Iara Scricco - "Interbasin moisture transport associated with Indian Ocean warming and impacts on South American climate" Supervisors: L. Alves and A.S. Taschetto
My Teaching
I coordinate and teach CLIM1001/GENS0401 - Introduction to Climate Change. This is an online-only course for first year undergraduate students in Science and other areas. It gives you an introduction to climate impacts, climate law, climate psychology, general circulation of the atmosphere and oceans, paleo climate, future projections, among other topics. The course covers the review process in the IPCC, while encouraging you to think critically and work individually and in group. More information at https://www.unsw.edu.au/science/our-schools/bees/student-life-resources/courses/clim1001-introduction-to-climate-change or in the handbook.