Scientia Professor Andrew Martin

Scientia Professor Andrew Martin

Scientia Professor

BA (Hons-Psych), MEd (Hons-Ed Psych), PhD (Ed Psych)

Arts, Design & Architecture
School of Education

Andrew Martin, BA (Hons), MEd (Hons), PhD, is Scientia Professor, Professor of Educational Psychology, and Chair of the Educational Psychology Research Group in the School of Education at the University of New South Wales, Australia. He is also Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Education at the University of Oxford and a Registered Psychologist (Psychology Board of Australia). Andrew is recognized for his research on student motivation, engagement, learning, and achievement. His research bridges other disciplines, investigating motivation and engagement in sport, music, and work.

In 2020-2023 Elsevier rankings of Scopus-based citations (Baas et al., 2021, 2022; Ioannidis, 2023), Andrew listed in the Top 25 of the world’s 85,000+ authors indexed in Education. He also listed Top 5 in the latest 5-Yearly International Rankings of the Most Published Educational Psychologists (Fong et al., Ed Psych Rev, 2022). He is ranked in the top 1% of Educational Psychology on Google Scholar (h-index = 100+) and in the top 1% of all researchers on ResearchGate. He has written over 250 peer reviewed journal articles, over 100 peer-reviewed chapters, 3 books for parents and teachers (published in 5 languages), 2 Edited Handbooks, 1 Monograph for the British Psychological Society, 15 commissioned government reports, and over 140 publications for professional and lay audiences (e.g., teachers, parents, psychologists, counsellors). Andrew has delivered over 200 invited/keynote presentations and his work has been featured in over 500 radio, television, newspaper, newsletter, and web outlets.

Andrew has won 15 Australian Research Council (ARC; 12 grants) and National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC; 3 grants) grants as well as international funding (e.g., European Commission, US Spencer Foundation, EARLI/Jacobs Foundation) and 15 government and non-government research tenders. In total, he has secured over $7 million in nationally and internationally competitive grants, government tenders, and corporate/commercial funds. He has supervised over 20 PhD students and in four separate years has won his university's Postgraduate Council Research Supervisor Award.

He is Consulting Editor for Psychological Review, Journal of Educational Psychology, and Educational Psychology, serves on numerous international Editorial Boards (Educational Psychologist; Contemporary Educational Psychology; British Journal of Educational Psychology; Learning and Individual Differences; Learning and Instruction, Journal of Experimental Education), and Guest Edits numerous journal Special Issues (e.g., in Contemporary Educational Psychology, British Journal of Educational Psychology, Educational Psychology).

In annual rankings since 2018, he has been listed five times as National Research Field Leader in “Educational Psychology and Counselling” by The Australian newspaper. Since 2019, Andrew has served as Distinguished Scholar of the New South Wales Institute for Educational Research. In 2017-2018, Andrew was appointed Fellow of the (Australian) College of Educational and Developmental Psychologists and also received the College’s Award of Distinction. In 2016, Andrew was elected Fellow of the American Psychological Association and Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. In 2013, he was elected Fellow of the American Educational Research Association. Prior to that, in 2008 Andrew received the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Raymond B. Cattell Early Career Award. Before that, Andrew was listed in The Bulletin magazine’s ‘SMART 100 Australians’ (2003). His PhD was judged the Most Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in Educational Psychology by Division 15 of the American Psychological Association and also judged the Most Outstanding PhD in Education in Australia by the Australian Association for Research in Education.

(+61 2) 9065 2094
Room G36, Morven Brown Building
  • Books | 2016
    Martin AJ, 2016, Using Load Reduction Instruction (LRI) to boost motivation and engagement, British Psychological Society, Leicester, UK,
    Books | 2013
    Martin A, 2013, Influences from the Home
    Books | 2012
    Martin AJ, 2012, How To Help Your Child Fly Through Life, Random House Australia, Sydney
    Books | 2010
    Martin AJ, 2010, Building Classroom Success: Eliminating Academic Fear and Failure, Continuum, London
    Books | 2003
    Martin AJ, 2003, How to Motivate Your Child for School and Beyond, Random House Australia, Sydney
  • Book Chapters | 2024
    Martin AJ, 2024, 'Growth goals: A review of the construct, predictors, consequences, and intervention', in Advances in Motivation Science,
    Book Chapters | 2023
    Caldecott-Davis K; Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2023, 'Need Satisfaction and Links with Social-Emotional Motivation and Outcomes Among Students', in Self-Determination Theory and Socioemotional Learning, Springer Nature Singapore, pp. 19 - 37,
    Book Chapters | 2023
    Evans P; Martin A, 2023, 'Explicit Instruction', in O'Donnell A; Barness NC; Reeve J (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Educational Psychology, Oxford University Press,
    Book Chapters | 2023
    Martin A; Burns E; Kennett R; Pearson J, 2023, 'Harnessing biopsychology and mobile technology to develop motivation science in the next decade', in Bong M; Reeve J; Kim S (ed.), Motivation Science: Controversies and Insights, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 435 - 440,
    Book Chapters | 2023
    Martin A; Burns E, 2023, 'Gaps in contemporary motivation research: A biopsychological perspective', in Bong M; Reeve J; KIm S (ed.), Motivation Science: Controversies and Insights, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 380 - 386,
    Book Chapters | 2022
    Bostwick KCP; Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Durksen TL, 2022, 'Students' Growth Orientation', in Handbook of Positive Psychology in Schools, Routledge, pp. 309 - 318,
    Book Chapters | 2022
    Bostwick KCP; Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Durksen TL, 2022, 'Students' growth orientation: Implications for their academic flourishing', in Handbook of Positive Psychology in Schools: Supporting Process and Practice, pp. 309 - 318,
    Book Chapters | 2022
    Holliman AJ; Connolly C; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2022, 'Adaptability and educational transitions', in Overcoming Adversity in Education, Routledge, pp. 54 - 65,
    Book Chapters | 2022
    Martin A, 2022, 'The role of academic engagement in mediating the link between instruction and academic outcomes: New insights from load reduction instruction and the 4M Academic Engagement Framework', in Christenson S; Reschly A (ed.), Handbook of Research on Student Engagement, Springer, New York,
    Book Chapters | 2022
    Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2022, 'The Academic and Cultural Demands-Resources (ACD-R) framework', in Overcoming Adversity in Education, Routledge, pp. 249 - 261,
    Book Chapters | 2022
    Martin AJ; Evans P, 2022, 'Buoyancy, Resilience, and Adaptability', in The Oxford Handbook of Music Performance, Volume 1, Oxford University Press (OUP), pp. 630 - 651,
    Book Chapters | 2022
    Martin AJ; Tynan L; Collie RJ; Bishop M; Lowe K, 2022, 'Indigenous (Aboriginal, First Nations) students overcoming academic adversity', in Overcoming Adversity in Education, Routledge, pp. 211 - 222,
    Book Chapters | 2021
    Burns EC; Martin AJ, 2021, 'Motivational Issues in Gifted Education: Understanding the Role of Students’ Attribution and Control Beliefs, Self-Worth Protection and Growth Orientation', in Springer International Handbooks of Education, pp. 339 - 357,
    Book Chapters | 2021
    Martin A; Evans P, 2021, 'Buoyancy, resilience, and adaptability', in G M (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Music Performance, Oxford University Press, Oxford
    Book Chapters | 2020
    Burns EC; Martin AJ, 2020, 'Received Support', in Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer International Publishing, pp. 4326 - 4328,
    Book Chapters | 2020
    Granziera H; Collie R; Martin A, 2020, 'Understanding Teacher Wellbeing Through Job Demands-Resources Theory', in Cultivating Teacher Resilience International Approaches, Applications and Impact, Springer
    Book Chapters | 2020
    Holliman A; Martin A; Collie R, 2020, 'Adaptability and academic development', in Hupp S; Jewell JD (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development, Wiley-Blackwell, London, pp. 1 - 11,
    Book Chapters | 2020
    Liem G; Martin A, 2020, 'Direct instruction', in Hattie J; Anderman E (ed.), Visible learning: Guide to student achievement, Routledge, London
    Book Chapters | 2020
    Martin A; Evans P, 2020, 'Load reduction instruction policy', in Allen K; Reupert A; Oades L (ed.), Building better schools with evidence-based policy: Adaptable policy for teachers and school leaders, Routledge, New York
    Book Chapters | 2020
    Martin A; Newton K; Sperling R, 2020, 'Educational psychology and students with special needs', in Martin A; Sperling R; Newton K (ed.), Handbook of educational psychology and students with special needs, Routledge, New York,
    Book Chapters | 2020
    Martin A; Newton K; Sperling R, 2020, 'Future directions in the application of educational psychology to students with special needs', in Martin A; Sperling R; Newton K (ed.), Handbook of educational psychology and students with special needs, Routledge, New York,
    Book Chapters | 2020
    Martin A, 2020, 'Goal orientation', in Hattie J; Anderman E (ed.), Visible learning: Guide to student achievement, Routledge, London
    Book Chapters | 2020
    Martin A, 2020, 'Self-worth motivation theory and students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)', in Martin A; Sperling R; Newton K (ed.), Handbook of educational psychology and students with special needs, Routledge,
    Book Chapters | 2020
    Martin AJ; Bostwick K; Collie RJ; Tarbetsky AL, 2020, 'Implicit Theories of Intelligence', in Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer International Publishing, pp. 2184 - 2190,
    Book Chapters | 2019
    Burns E; Martin A, 2019, 'Educational psychology, evolutionary psychology, and socio-cultural perspectives: A roadmap for research and practice', in Good T; McCaslin M (ed.), Encyclopedia of Education, Routledge, Oxford
    Book Chapters | 2019
    Burns E; Martin A, 2019, 'Motivational issues in gifted education: Understanding the role of students’ attribution and control beliefs, self-worth protection, and growth orientation', in Smith S (ed.), Handbook of giftedness and talent development in the Asia-Pacific, Springer, Singapore,
    Book Chapters | 2019
    Burns E; Martin A, 2019, 'Received support', in Zeigler-Hill V; Shackelford T (ed.), Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences, Springer Nature, Switzerland,
    Book Chapters | 2019
    Collie R; Martin A, 2019, 'Motivation and engagement in learning', in Zhang L (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, Oxford University Press, New York,
    Book Chapters | 2019
    Holliman A; Collie R; Martin A, 2019, 'Adaptability and academic development', in Jewell J (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development, Wiley, London,
    Book Chapters | 2019
    Martin AJ; Evans P, 2019, 'Load reduction instruction (LRI): Sequencing explicit instruction and guided discovery to enhance students’ motivation, engagement, learning, and achievement', in Advances in Cognitive Load Theory: Rethinking Teaching, Routledge, Oxon, U.K., pp. 15 - 29,
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Burns E; Martin A, 2018, 'Growth goal setting in positive education: The role of personal best (PB) goal setting in promoting student well-being and academic success', in Stokoe J (ed.), Global perspectives in positive education, John Catt Educational, Melton
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Martin AJ, 2018, 'Evolutionary psychology and the classroom: Implications for theory, research, and practice in motivation, learning, achievement, and instruction', in Liem GAD; McInerney DM (ed.), Big Theories Revisited - Two, edn. Research on Sociocultural Influences on Motivation and Learn, Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Martin AJ, 2018, 'Grade Retention: Assessing Its Role in Students’ Academic and Personal Wellbeing Outcomes', in Encyclopedia of Adolescence, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1638 - 1644,
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Collie R; Martin AJ; Frydenberg E, 2017, 'Social and emotional learning: A brief overview and issues relevant to Australia and the Asia-Pacific', in Frydenberg E; Martin A; Collie R (ed.), Social and emotional learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific, Springer, New York,
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Collie R; Perry NE; Martin AJ, 2017, 'School context and educational system factors impacting educator stress', in McIntyre TM; McIntyre SE; Francis DJ (ed.), Educator Stress An Occupational Health Perspective, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 3 - 22
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Marsh HW; Martin AJ; Yeung A; Craven R, 2017, 'Competence self-perceptions', in Elliot A; Dweck C; Yeager D (ed.), Handbook of competence and motivation, edn. 2nd ed., Guilford, New York, pp. 85 - 115
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Frydenberg E, 2017, 'Social and emotional learning: Lessons learned and opportunities going forward', in Social and Emotional Learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific: Perspectives, Programs and Approaches, Springer, pp. 459 - 471,
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Martin AJ; Cumming TM; O Neill SC; Strnadová I, 2017, 'Social and emotional competence and at-risk children’s well-being: The roles of personal and interpersonal agency for children with ADHD, emotional and behavioral disorder, learning disability, and developmental disability', in Social and Emotional Learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific: Perspectives, Programs and Approaches, Springer, pp. 123 - 145,
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Martin AJ; Strnadova I; O'Neill S; Cumming T, 2017, 'The role of perceived competence in the lives of children with ADHD, emotional and behavioral disorder, learning disability, and developmental disability: A positive psychology perspective', in Guay F; Marsh H; Craven R; McInerney D (ed.), SELF – Driving Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Martin AJ, 2017, 'Grade retention: Assessing its role in students’ academic and personal wellbeing outcomes', in Levesque RJR (ed.), Encyclopedia of Adolescence, Springer, New York,
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Martin AJ, 2017, 'Opposite-Sex Relationships', in Shackelford T; Weekes-Shackelford V (ed.), Encyclopedia of evolutionary psychological science, Springer, New York,
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Martin ANDREW; Strnadova I; O'Neill S; Cumming TM, 2017, 'The role of perceived competence in the lives of children with ADHD, emotional and behavioral disorder, learning disability, and developmental disability: A positive psychology perspective.', in Guay E; Marsh H; McInerney I; Craven R (ed.), SELF – Driving Positive Psychology and Wellbeing. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing., edn. Cambridge Studies in Public Opinion and Political Psychology, Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC, pp. 1 - 26,
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Tarbetsky AL; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2017, 'Social and emotional learning, social and emotional competence, and students’ academic outcomes: The roles of psychological need satisfaction, adaptability, and buoyancy', in Social and Emotional Learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific: Perspectives, Programs and Approaches, Springer, pp. 17 - 37,
    Book Chapters | 2016
    Liem GAD; Martin AJ; Gibson R, 2016, 'Technology-mediated arts engagement: Theoretical views, empirical bases and applied implications', in Fleming J; Gibson R; Anderson M (ed.), How Arts Education Makes a Difference: Research Examining Successful Classroom Practice and Pedagogy, Routledge, Oxford, pp. 205 - 223,
    Book Chapters | 2016
    Mansour M; Martin AJ; Anderson M, 2016, 'The project's research methods: Addressing gaps in previous arts research', in Fleming J; Gibson R; Anderson M (ed.), How Arts Education Makes a Difference: Research Examining Successful Classroom Practice and Pedagogy, Routledge, Oxford, pp. 51 - 69,
    Book Chapters | 2016
    Mansour M; Martin AJ; Liem GAD, 2016, 'School, home and community arts participation and students' outcomes: Quantitative findings', in Fleming J; Gibson R; Anderson M (ed.), How Arts Education Makes a Difference: Research Examining Successful Classroom Practice and Pedagogy, Routledge, Routledge Oxford, pp. 87 - 105,
    Book Chapters | 2016
    Martin AJ; Bostwick K; Collie RJ; Tarbetsky A, 2016, 'Implicit Theories of Intelligence', in Zeigler-Hill V; Shackelford T (ed.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer, New York, pp. 1 - 7,
    Book Chapters | 2016
    Martin AJ; Collie R, 2016, 'The role of teacher-student relationships in unlocking students’ academic potential: Exploring motivation, engagement, resilience, adaptability, goals, and instruction', in Wentzel KR; Ramani GB (ed.), Handbook of Social Influences in School Contexts Social-Emotional, Motivation, and Cognitive Outcomes, Routledge, New York, pp. 158 - 177
    Book Chapters | 2016
    Martin AJ, 2016, 'Grade Retention: Assessing its Role in Students’ Academic and Personal Wellbeing Outcomes', in Levesque RJR (ed.), Encyclopedia of Adolescence, Springer, New York, pp. 1 - 7,
    Book Chapters | 2016
    Martin AJ, 2016, 'Musical prodigies and motivation', in McPherson G (ed.), Musical prodigies: Interpretations from psychology, music education, musicology and ethnomusicology, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 320 - 337
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Collie R; Martin AJ, 2015, 'Teachers’ Psychological Needs, Motivation, and Autonomy-Support: Impacts on Students’ Growth Goals and Achievement Outcomes', in Goal Setting and Personal Development: Teachers' Perspectives, Behavioral Strategies and Impact on Performance, Nova, New York, NY, pp. 1 - 14,
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Liem GAD; Martin AJ; Gibson R, 2015, 'Technology-mediated arts engagement: Theoretical views, empirical bases and applied implications', in Fleming J; Gibson R; Anderson M (ed.), How Arts Education Makes a Difference: Research Examining Successful Classroom Practice and Pedagogy, Routledge, London, pp. 205 - 223,
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Mansour M; Martin AJ; Anderson M, 2015, 'The project's research methods: Addressing gaps in previous arts research', in How Arts Education Makes a Difference: Research Examining Successful Classroom Practice and Pedagogy, pp. 51 - 69,
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Mansour M; Martin AJ; Liem GAD, 2015, 'School, home and community arts participation and students' outcomes: Quantitative findings', in How Arts Education Makes a Difference: Research Examining Successful Classroom Practice and Pedagogy, pp. 87 - 105,
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Evans P, 2015, 'Motivation and engagement in music: Theory, research, practice, and future directions', in Fleming J; Gibson R; Anderson, M. (ed.), How Arts Education Makes a Difference: Research Examining Successful Classroom Practice and Pedagogy, Routledge, London, pp. 169 - 185,
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Martin AJ, 2015, 'Are These Testing Times, or Is It a Time to Test? Considering the Place of Tests in Students' Academic Development', in Proctor H; Brownlee P; Freebody P (ed.), CONTROVERSIES IN EDUCATION: ORTHODOXY AND HERESY IN POLICY AND PRACTICE, SPRINGER, pp. 55 - 62,
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Martin AJ, 2015, 'Are these testing times, or is it a time to test? Considering the place of tests in students’ academic development', in Proctor H; Brownlee P; Freebody P (ed.), Controversies in education: Orthodoxy and heresy in policy and practice, Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 55 - 62,
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Martin AJ, 2015, 'Teaching academically at-risk students in middle school: The roles of explicit instruction and guided discovery learning', in Groundwater-Smith S; Mockler N (ed.), Big fish, little fish: Teaching and learning in the middle years, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 29 - 43,
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Munday C; Anderson M; Gibson R; Martin AJ, 2015, 'Drama in schools: Agency, community and the classroom', in Freebody K; Finneran M (ed.), Drama and Social Justice: Theory, research and practice in international contexts, Routledge, London, pp. 75 - 88,
    Book Chapters | 2015
    Walker R; Anderson M; Martin AJ; Gibson R, 2015, 'Constructing identity and motivation in the drama classroom: A sociocultural approach', in Davis S; Ferholt B; Clemson HG; Jansson S-M; Marjanovic-Shane A (ed.), Dramatic interactions in education: Vygotskian and sociocultural approaches to drama, education and research, Bloomsbury Publishing, London, pp. 115 - 131,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Martin A, 2014, 'Interpersonal Relationships and Students’ Academic and Non-Academic Development', in Interpersonal Relationships in Education, SensePublishers, pp. 9 - 24,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Martin AJ; Nejad H; Colmar S; Liem GAD, 2014, 'From measurement to modeling: A case study of the development and implementation of the Adaptability Scale', in Flett B (ed.), Sage Research Methods Cases, Sage, London,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Martin AJ, 2014, 'Academic buoyancy and adaptability: How to help students deal with adversity and change', in Street H; Porter N (ed.), Better than OK: Helping young people to flourish at school and beyond, Fremantle Press, Perth, pp. 51 - 55,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Martin AJ, 2014, 'Interpersonal relationships and students’ academic and non-academic development: What outcomes peers, parents, and teachers do and do not impact', in Zandvliet D; den Brok P; Mainhard T; Tartwijk J (ed.), Interpersonal relationships in education: From theory to practice, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 9 - 24,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Martin AJ, 2014, 'Multidimensional motivation and engagement: The Motivation and Engagement Wheel', in McInerney DM (ed.), Educational Psychology: Constructing Learning, Pearson, Sydney, pp. 240 - 244,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Martin AJ, 2014, 'Personal best goals and student growth', in Street H; Porter N (ed.), Better than OK: Helping young people to flourish at school and beyond, edn. 1st, Fremantle Press, Perth, pp. 19 - 23,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Martin AJ, 2014, 'Student motivation and engagement: Strategies for parents and educators', in Street H; Porter N (ed.), Better than OK: Helping young people to flourish at school and beyond, Fremantle Press, Perth, pp. 41 - 50,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Parker P; Martin AJ; Dicke T, 2014, 'Occupational well-being and motivation of those in the helping professions', in Michalos AC (ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 4461 - 4464,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Liem GAD; Martin AJ, 2013, 'Direct instruction and academic achievement', in Hattie J; Anderman EM (ed.), International Guide to Student Achievement, Routledge, Oxford
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Liem GAD; Martin AJ, 2013, 'Latent Variable Modeling in Educational Psychology', in Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Educational Research and Practice, SensePublishers, pp. 187 - 216,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Liem GAD; Martin AJ, 2013, 'Latent variable modelling in educational psychology: Insights from a motivation and engagement research program', in Applications of Structural Equation Modeling in Educational Research and Practice, Sense, Boston, pp. 187 - 216,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Marsh HW; Craven RG; Martin AJ, 2013, 'What is the nature of self-esteem? Unidimensional and multidimensional perspectives', in Kernis MH (ed.), Self-Esteem: Issues and Answers, Psychology Press, New York
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Martin AJ; Ginns P; Papworth B; Nejad H, 2013, 'Aboriginal/Indigenous students in high school: Understanding their motivation, engagement, academic buoyancy, and achievement', in Liem GAD; Bernardo A (ed.), Advancing cross-cultural perspectives on educational psychology, Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC, pp. 273 - 294,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Martin AJ, 2013, 'A unified approach to motivation and engagement: The Motivation and Engagement Wheel – ‘Extension Study’ section.', in McInerney DM (ed.), Educational Psychology: Constructing Learning, edn. 6th, Pearson, Sydney
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Martin AJ, 2013, 'Family-school partnerships and academic achievement', in Hattie J; Anderman EM (ed.), International Guide to Student Achievement, Routledge, Oxford
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Martin AJ, 2013, 'Goal Setting and Personal Best Goals', in International Guide to Student Achievement, pp. 356 - 358,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Martin AJ, 2013, 'Goal orientation and academic achievement', in Hattie J; Anderman EM (ed.), International Guide to Student Achievement, Routledge, Oxford
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Martin AJ, 2013, 'Goal setting, personal best (PB) goals, and academic achievement', in Hattie J; Anderman EM (ed.), International Guide to Student Achievement, Routledge, Oxford
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Martin AJ, 2013, 'Male involvement in children’s lives the Australian context: Roles and relevance to academic and nonacademic outcomes in the Australian context', in Father Involvement in Young Children's Lives: A Global Analysis, pp. 241 - 260,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Martin AJ, 2013, 'Male involvement in young children’s lives: Roles and relevance to academic and non-academic outcomes in the Australian context', in Pattnaik J (ed.), Father Involvement in Young Children's Lives, Springer Verlag, New York
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Martin AJ, 2013, 'Motivation to learn', in Holliman A (ed.), The Routledge International Companion to Educational Psychology, Taylor & Francis, London
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Martin AJ, 2013, 'Television and academic achievement', in Hattie J; Anderman EM (ed.), International Guide to Student Achievement, Routledge, Oxford
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Martin AJ, 2013, 'The Personal Proficiency Network: Key self-system factors and processes to optimize academic development', in McInerney DM; Marsh HW; Craven RG (ed.), Theory driving research: New wave perspectives on self-processes and human development, edn. International Advances in Self Research, Information Age Pub Incorporated, Charlotte, NC,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Munns G; Martin AJ, 2013, 'Me, my classroom, my school: A mixed-methods study of the meE Framework of motivation, engagement, and academic development', in Liem GAD; Bernardo A (ed.), Advancing cross-cultural perspectives on educational psychology, Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC, pp. 317 - 342,
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Martin AJ, 2012, 'Adaptability and learning', in Seel NM (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer, New York
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Martin AJ, 2012, 'Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)', in Seel NM (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer, New York
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Martin AJ, 2012, 'Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), perceived competence, and self-worth: Evidence and implications for students and practitioners', in Handbook on Children with Special Health Care Needs, Springer, New York
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Martin AJ, 2012, 'Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder', in Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer US, pp. 360 - 361,
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Martin AJ, 2012, 'Enhancing motivation', in Barletta J; Bond J (ed.), The home therapist: A psychological first aid manual, Australian Academic Press, Sydney
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Martin AJ, 2012, 'Fear of failure in learning', in Seel NM (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer, New York
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Martin AJ, 2012, 'Grade retention: Effects on academic and non-academic development', in Levesque RJR (ed.), Encyclopedia of Adolescence, Springer, New York
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Martin AJ, 2012, 'Motivation and engagement: Conceptual, operational and empirical clarity. Section Commentary in S. Christenson', in Christenson SL; Reschly AL; Wylie C (ed.), Handbook of Research on Student Engagement, Springer, New York
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Martin AJ, 2012, 'Motivation enhancement', in Seel NM (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer, New York
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Martin AJ, 2012, 'Part II commentary: Motivation and engagement: Conceptual, operational, and empirical clarity', in Handbook of Research on Student Engagement, pp. 303 - 311,
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Martin AJ, 2012, 'Preparation, perseverance, and performance in music: Views from a program of educational psychology research', in McPherson G; Welch G (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Music Education, Oxford University Press, Oxford
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Martin AJ, 2012, 'Resilience and learning', in Seel NM (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer, New York
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Middleton C; Martin AJ; Marsh HW, 2012, 'Development and validation of the Mental Toughness Inventory (MTI): A construct validation approach', in Gucciardi D; Gordon S (ed.), Mental Toughness in Sport: Developments in research and theory, Taylor & Francis, London
    Book Chapters | 2011
    Bobis J; Anderson J; Martin AJ; Way J, 2011, 'A model for mathematics instruction to enhance student motivation and engagement', in Brahier DJ (ed.), Motivation and Disposition: Pathways to learning mathematics, Wiley-Blackwell; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), Reston, VA
    Book Chapters | 2011
    Ginns P; Liem GAD; Martin AJ, 2011, 'The role of personality in learning processes and learning outcomes in applied settings', in Boag S; Tiliopoulos N (ed.), Personality and individual differences: Theory, assessment, and application, Nova Science Publishers, New York
    Book Chapters | 2011
    Marsh HW; Xu K; Martin AJ, 2011, 'Self-concept: A synergy of theory, method, and application', in Harris KR; Graham S; Urdan T (ed.), APA Educational Psychology Handbook 3v, American Psychological Association (APA), Washington
    Book Chapters | 2011
    Martin AJ; Green J; Colmar S; Liem GAD; Marsh HW, 2011, 'Quantitative modelling of correlational and multilevel data in educational research: A construct validity approach to exploring and testing theory', in Markauskaite L; Freebody P; Irwin J (ed.), Methodological choices and research designs for educational and social change: Linking scholarship, policy and practice, Springer, Dordrecht
    Book Chapters | 2011
    Martin AJ, 2011, 'Preface', in Inspired children: How the leading minds of today raise their children, Sydney University Press, Sydney
    Book Chapters | 2010
    Martin AJ, 2010, 'Multidimensional motivation and engagement: The Motivation and Engagement Wheel – ‘Extension Study’ section.', in McInerney DM; McInerney V (ed.), Educational Psychology: Constructing Learning, edn. 5th, Pearson, Sydney,
    Book Chapters | 2008
    Marsh HW; Cheng J; Martin AJ, 2008, 'Advances in Motivation and Achievement', in Maehr M; Urdan T; Karabenick S (ed.), Advances in Motivation and Achievement, Elsevier, New York
    Book Chapters | 2006
    Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Hau KT, 2006, 'A multiple method perspective on self-concept research in educational psychology: A construct validity approach', in Diener E (ed.), Handbook of multimethod measurement in psychology, Amer Psychological Assn, Washington DC
    Book Chapters | 2005
    Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Williamson A; Debus RL, 2005, 'Fear of failure in students’ academic lives: Exploring the roles of self-handicapping and defensive pessimism from longitudinal, multidimensional, and qualitative perspectives', in Marsh HW; Craven RG; McInerney DM (ed.), International Advances in Self Research, Information Age Publishing, Greenwich, CT
    Book Chapters | 2005
    Martin AJ, 2005, 'The Student Motivation and Engagement Wheel – ‘Researcher in Profile’ section', in McInerney DM; McInerney V (ed.), Educational Psychology: Constructing Learning, edn. 4th, Prentice-Hall, Sydney
    Book Chapters | 2001
    Marsh HW; Martin AJ; Debus RL, 2001, 'Individual differences in verbal and math self-perceptions: One factor, two factors, or does it depend on the construct?', in Riding R; Rayner S (ed.), International Perspectives on Individual Differences, Greenwood Publishing, London
    Book Chapters | 1996
    Watson K; Martin AJ, 1996, 'The role of attitude in intercultural understanding: An assessment of secondary students’ freehand maps', in Baumgart NL (ed.), Changing the Landscape, Pacific Circle Consortium for Education, Sydney
    Book Chapters | 1993
    Fry G; Martin AJ, 1993, 'Factors contributing to identification and incidence of stress during the school practicum as reported by supervising teachers', in Teacher Educators' Annual Handbook, QUT Press, QLD
  • Edited Books | 2023
    Martin A; Malmberg L-E; Pakarinen E, (eds.), 2023, The potential of biophysiology for understanding educational psychology: Special Issue in British Journal of Educational Psychology, Wiley,
    Edited Books | 2020
    Martin A; Sperling R; Newton K, (eds.), 2020, Handbook of educational psychology and students with special needs, Routledge, New York
    Edited Books | 2017
    Frydenberg E; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, (eds.), 2017, Social and emotional learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific, Springer, Singapore
    Edited Books | 2017
    Li H; Martin AJ; Yeung J, (eds.), 2017, Academic risk and academic resilience: Special Issue in Educational Psychology, Taylor and Francis, UK,
    Edited Books | 2017
    Martin AJ; Newton K; Sperling R, (eds.), 2017, Learning disabilities, ADHD, and executive functioning: Special Issue in Contemporary Educational Psychology, Elsevier, USA,
    Edited Books | 2015
    Martin AJ, (ed.), 2015, Academic growth goals: Special Issue in British Journal of Educational Psychology, British Psychological Society, UK,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Bostwick KCP; Burns EC; Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Durksen TL, 2024, 'A Bifactor Exploratory Structural Equation Model of Students’ Growth-Focused Motivation', Journal of Experimental Education,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Collie RJ; Caldecott-Davis K; Martin AJ, 2024, 'Academic buoyancy among female secondary school students: An examination of predictors and outcomes up to age 22', Social Psychology of Education, 27, pp. 363 - 388,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Renshaw L; Caldecott-Davis K, 2024, 'Students’ perceived social-emotional competence: The role of autonomy-support and links with well-being, social-emotional skills, and behaviors', Learning and Instruction, 90,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2024, 'Teachers’ motivation and engagement to harness generative AI for teaching and learning: The role of contextual, occupational, and background factors', Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 6,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2024, 'The academic and social-emotional flourishing framework', Learning and Individual Differences, 114,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Granziera H; Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2024, 'The role of personal best goal setting and teaching styles in homework behavior: An academic demands-resources perspective', Social Psychology of Education, 27, pp. 2129 - 2142,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Martin AJ; Bostwick KCP; Burns EC; Munro-Smith V; George T; Kennett R; Pearson J, 2024, 'A healthy breakfast each and every day is important for students' motivation and achievement', Journal of School Psychology, 104,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Malmberg LE, 2024, 'Exploring the roles of academic, personal, and cultural demands and resources in immigrant students' motivation, engagement, and achievement', Learning and Instruction, 92,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Stephan M; Flesken A; Halcrow F; McCourt B, 2024, 'The role of teaching support in assisting students' transition to high school', Learning and Individual Differences, 109,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Stephan M; Flesken A; Halcrow F; McCourt B, 2024, 'What is the role of teaching support in students’ motivation and engagement trajectories during adolescence? A four-year latent growth modeling study', Learning and Instruction, 92,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Nagy RP; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2024, 'Corrigendum: Disentangling motivation and engagement: Exploring the role of effort in promoting greater conceptual and methodological clarity(Front. Psychol., (2022), 13, (1045717), 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1045717)', Frontiers in Psychology, 15,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Sun SW; Evans P; Martin AJ, 2024, 'Load reduction instruction: Exploring its applicability in a Chinese-speaking secondary school context', Teaching and Teacher Education, 148,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Bembenutty H; Liem GAD; Allen KA; King RB; Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Craven RG; Kaplan A; Schunk DH; DiBenedetto MK; Datu JAD, 2023, 'Culture, Motivation, Self-Regulation, and the Impactful Work of Dennis M. McInerney', Educational Psychology Review, 35,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Flesken A; McCourt B, 2023, 'Personal agency among students from low socio-economic backgrounds: An examination of student profiles, perceived teaching support, and achievement', Social Psychology of Education,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2023, 'Teacher well-being and sense of relatedness with students: Examining associations over one school term', Teaching and Teacher Education, 132,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Danker J; Strnadová I; Tso M; Loblinzk J; Cumming TM; Martin AJ, 2023, '‘It will open your world up’: The role of mobile technology in promoting social inclusion among adults with intellectual disabilities', British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51, pp. 135 - 147,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Evans P; Martin AJ, 2023, 'Load reduction instruction: multilevel effects for motivation, engagement, and achievement in mathematics', Educational Psychology, 43, pp. 1125 - 1143,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Ginns P; Martin AJ; Freebody K; Anderson M; O’Connor P, 2023, 'Creative Self-Beliefs Among Children and Adolescents', Australian Journal of Education, 67, pp. 181 - 195,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Marsh HW; Dicke T; Riley P; Parker PD; Guo J; Basarkod G; Martin AJ, 2023, 'School principals' mental health and well-being under threat: A longitudinal analysis of workplace demands, resources, burnout, and well-being', Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 15, pp. 999 - 1027,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Martin A, 2023, 'Integrating motivation and instruction: Towards a unified approach in educational psychology', Educational Psychology Review, 2023, pp. 1 - 35,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Holliman AJ, 2023, 'The role of health demands, health resources, and adaptability in psychological strain and life satisfaction', Stress and Health,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Martin AJ; Ginns P; Collie RJ, 2023, 'University students in COVID-19 lockdown: The role of adaptability and fluid reasoning in supporting their academic motivation and engagement', Learning and Instruction, 83,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Martin AJ; Ginns P; Nagy RP; Collie RJ; Bostwick KCP, 2023, 'Load reduction instruction in mathematics and English classrooms: A multilevel study of student and teacher reports', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 72,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Martin AJ; Malmberg LE; Pakarinen E; Mason L; Mainhard T, 2023, 'The potential of biophysiology for understanding motivation, engagement and learning experiences', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 93, pp. 1 - 9,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Martin AJ, 2023, 'University Students’ Motivation and Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Roles of Lockdown, Isolation, and Remote and Hybrid Learning', Australian Journal of Education, 67, pp. 163 - 180,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Bostwick KCP; Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Burns EC; Hare N; Cox S; Flesken A; McCarthy I, 2022, 'Academic Buoyancy in High School: A Cross-Lagged Multilevel Modeling Approach Exploring Reciprocal Effects With Perceived School Support, Motivation, and Engagement', Journal of Educational Psychology, 114, pp. 1931 - 1949,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Bostwick KCP; Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Durksen TL, 2022, 'Motivation in context: A multilevel examination of growth orientation across one year', Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 81,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Burns EC; Collie RJ; Bergen PV; Martin AJ, 2022, 'Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Psychosocial Adjustment Resources and Achievement: A Multilevel Latent Profile Analysis of Students and Schools', Journal of Educational Psychology, 114, pp. 1912 - 1930,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Burns EC; Martin AJ; Kennett R; Pearson J; Munro-Smith V, 2022, 'High school students' out-of-school science participation: A latent class analysis and unique associations with science aspirations and achievement', Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 60,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Granziera H; Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2022, 'Teacher well-being: A complementary variable- and person-centered approach harnessing Job Demands-Resources theory', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 71,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Granziera H; Liem GAD; Chong WH; Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Bishop M; Tynan L, 2022, 'The role of teachers' instrumental and emotional support in students' academic buoyancy, engagement, and academic skills: A study of high school and elementary school students in different national contexts', Learning and Instruction, 80,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Martin AJ; Balzer B; Garden F; Handelsman DJ; Hawke C; Luscombe G; Paxton K; Skinner SR; Steinbeck K, 2022, 'The role of motivation and puberty hormones in adolescents' academic engagement and disengagement: A latent growth modeling study', Learning and Individual Differences, 100,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Martin AJ; Burns EC; Collie RJ; Cutmore M; MacLeod S; Donlevy V, 2022, 'The role of engagement in immigrant students’ academic resilience', Learning and Instruction, 82,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Nagy RP; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2022, 'Disentangling motivation and engagement: Exploring the role of effort in promoting greater conceptual and methodological clarity', Frontiers in Psychology, 13,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Burns EC; Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Mainhard T, 2021, 'Perceived classroom disruption undermines the positive educational effects of perceived need-supportive teaching in science', Learning and Instruction, 75,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Burns EC; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2021, 'A future time perspective of secondary school students' academic engagement and disengagement: A longitudinal investigation', Journal of School Psychology, 84, pp. 109 - 123,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Burns EC; Martin AJ; Kennett RK; Pearson J; Munro-Smith V, 2021, 'Optimizing science self-efficacy: A multilevel examination of the moderating effects of anxiety on the relationship between self-efficacy and achievement in science', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 64,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Morin AJS; Malmberg LE; Sammons P, 2021, 'A Multilevel Person-Centered Examination of Teachers' Workplace Experiences: Replication and Extension With Links to Instructional Support and Achievement', Frontiers in Psychology, 12, pp. 711173,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Granziera H; Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Nassar N, 2021, 'Behavioral Self-Regulation Among Children With Hyperactivity and Inattention in the First Year of School: A Population-Based Latent Profile Analysis and Links With Later ADHD Diagnosis', Journal of Educational Psychology, 115, pp. 523 - 538,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Holliman AJ; Waldeck D; Jay B; Murphy S; Atkinson E; Collie RJ; Martin A, 2021, 'Adaptability and Social Support: Examining Links With Psychological Wellbeing Among UK Students and Non-students', Frontiers in Psychology, 12,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Lain SJ; Wiley V; Jack M; Martin AJ; Wilcken B; Nassar N, 2021, 'Association of elevated neonatal thyroid-stimulating hormone levels with school performance and stimulant prescription for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in childhood', European Journal of Pediatrics, 180, pp. 1073 - 1080,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Martin AJ; Burns EC; Collie RJ; Bostwick KCP; Flesken A; McCarthy I, 2021, 'Growth Goal Setting in High School: A Large-Scale Study of Perceived Instructional Support, Personal Background Attributes, and Engagement Outcomes', Journal of Educational Psychology, 114, pp. 752 - 771,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Martin AJ; Burns EC; Kennett R; Pearson J; Munro-Smith V, 2021, 'Boarding and Day School Students: A Large-Scale Multilevel Investigation of Academic Outcomes Among Students and Classrooms', Frontiers in Psychology, 11,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Nagy RP, 2021, 'Adaptability and High School Students’ Online Learning During COVID-19: A Job Demands-Resources Perspective', Frontiers in Psychology, 12,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Martin AJ; Ginns P; Anderson M; Gibson R; Bishop M, 2021, 'Motivation and engagement among Indigenous (Aboriginal Australian) and non-Indigenous students', Educational Psychology, 41, pp. 424 - 445,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Martin AJ; Ginns P; Burns EC; Kennett R; Munro-Smith V; Collie RJ; Pearson J, 2021, 'Assessing Instructional Cognitive Load in the Context of Students' Psychological Challenge and Threat Orientations: A Multi-Level Latent Profile Analysis of Students and Classrooms', Frontiers in Psychology, 12,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Martin AJ; Ginns P; Burns EC; Kennett R; Pearson J, 2021, 'Load Reduction Instruction in Science and Students’ Science Engagement and Science Achievement', Journal of Educational Psychology, 113, pp. 1126 - 1142,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Martin AJ; Kennett R; Pearson J; Mansour M; Papworth B; Malmberg LE, 2021, 'Challenge and threat appraisals in high school science: investigating the roles of psychological and physiological factors', Educational Psychology, 41, pp. 618 - 639,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Martin AJ; Strnadová I; Loblinzk J; Danker JC; Cumming TM, 2021, 'The role of mobile technology in promoting social inclusion among adults with intellectual disabilities', Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 34, pp. 840 - 851,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Skilling K; Bobis J; Martin AJ, 2021, 'The “ins and outs” of student engagement in mathematics: shifts in engagement factors among high and low achievers', Mathematics Education Research Journal, 33, pp. 469 - 493,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Bostwick KCP; Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Durksen TL, 2020, 'Teacher, classroom, and student growth orientation in mathematics: A multilevel examination of growth goals, growth mindset, engagement, and achievement', Teaching and Teacher Education, 94,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Burns EC; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2020, 'Supporting and thwarting interpersonal dynamics and student achievement: a multi-level examination of PISA 2015', International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 43, pp. 364 - 378,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Burns EC; Martin AJ; Mansour M; Anderson M; Gibson R; Liem GAD, 2020, 'Motivational processes that support arts participation: An examination of goal orientations and aspirations.', Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 14, pp. 384 - 400,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Collie R; Guay F; Martin AJ; Caldecott-Davis K; Granziera H, 2020, 'Examining the unique roles of adaptability and buoyancy in teachers’ work-related outcomes', Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 26, pp. 350 - 364,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Collie RJ; Bostwick KCP; Martin AJ, 2020, 'Perceived autonomy support, relatedness with students, and workplace outcomes: an investigation of differences by teacher gender', Educational Psychology, 40, pp. 253 - 272,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Collie RJ; Granziera H; Martin AJ; Burns EC; Holliman AJ, 2020, 'Adaptability among science teachers in schools: A multi-nation examination of its role in school outcomes', Teaching and Teacher Education, 95,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Collie RJ; Granziera H; Martin AJ, 2020, 'School principals' workplace well-being: a multination examination of the role of their job resources and job demands', Journal of Educational Administration, 58, pp. 417 - 433,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Collie RJ; Malmberg LE; Martin AJ; Sammons P; Morin AJS, 2020, 'A Multilevel Person-Centered Examination of Teachers’ Workplace Demands and Resources: Links With Work-Related Well-Being', Frontiers in Psychology, 11,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Fleming J; Gibson R; Anderson M; Martin AJ, 2020, 'Quality teaching frameworks and arts education: Seeking a compatible approach', Journal of Curriculum Studies, 52, pp. 840 - 856,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Martin AJ; Mansour M; Malmberg LE, 2020, 'What factors influence students’ real-time motivation and engagement? An experience sampling study of high school students using mobile technology', Educational Psychology, 40, pp. 1113 - 1135,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Martin AJ; Marsh HW, 2020, 'Investigating the reciprocal relations between academic buoyancy and academic adversity: Evidence for the protective role of academic buoyancy in reducing academic adversity over time', International Journal of Behavioral Development, 44, pp. 301 - 312,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bostwick KCP; Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Durksen TL, 2019, 'Growth orientation predicts gains in middle and high school students’ mathematics outcomes over time', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 58, pp. 213 - 227,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Burns EC; Bostwick KCP; Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2019, 'Understanding Girls’ Disengagement: Identifying Patterns and the Role of Teacher and Peer Support using Latent Growth Modeling', Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48, pp. 979 - 995,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Burns EC; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2019, 'Examining the yields of growth feedback from science teachers and students' intrinsic valuing of science: Implications for student- and school-level science achievement', Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 56, pp. 1060 - 1082,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Burns EC; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2019, 'Understanding the Role of Personal Best (PB) goal setting in students' declining engagement: A latent growth model', Journal of Educational Psychology, 111, pp. 557 - 572,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Burns EC; Martin AJ; Evans PA, 2019, 'The role of teacher feedback-feedforward and personal best goal setting in students' mathematics achievement: a goal setting theory perspective', EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Collie RJ; Granziera H; Martin AJ, 2019, 'Teachers' motivational approach: Links with students’ basic psychological need frustration, maladaptive engagement, and academic outcomes', Teaching and Teacher Education, 86,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Bobis J; Way J; Anderson J, 2019, 'How students switch on and switch off in mathematics: exploring patterns and predictors of (dis)engagement across middle school and high school', Educational Psychology, 39, pp. 489 - 509,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Colmar S; Liem GAD; Connor J; Martin AJ, 2019, 'Exploring the relationships between academic buoyancy, academic self-concept, and academic performance: a study of mathematics and reading among primary school students', Educational Psychology, 39, pp. 1068 - 1089,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Granziera H; Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2019, 'Adaptability: An important capacity to cultivate among pre-service teachers in teacher education programmes', Psychology Teaching Review, 25, pp. 60 - 66,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Holliman AJ; Sheriston L; Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Sayer D, 2019, 'Adaptability: does students’ adjustment to university predict their mid-course academic achievement and satisfaction?', Journal of Further and Higher Education, 43, pp. 1444 - 1455,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Lawley CM; Winlaw DS; Sholler GF; Martin A; Badawi N; Walker K; Nassar N; Lain SJ, 2019, 'School-Age Developmental and Educational Outcomes Following Cardiac Procedures in the First Year of Life: A Population-Based Record Linkage Study', Pediatric Cardiology, 40, pp. 570 - 579,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Malmberg LE; Martin AJ, 2019, 'Processes of students’ effort exertion, competence beliefs and motivation: Cyclic and dynamic effects of learning experiences within school days and school subjects', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 58, pp. 299 - 309,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Durksen TL; Burns EC; Bostwick KCP; Tarbetsky AL, 2019, 'Growth goals and growth mindset from a methodological-synergistic perspective: lessons learned from a quantitative correlational research program', International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 42, pp. 204 - 219,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2019, 'Teacher-student relationships and students' engagement in high school: Does the number of negative and positive relationships with teachers matter?', Journal of Educational Psychology, 111, pp. 861 - 876,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Martin AJ; Malmberg LE; Kennett R; Mansour M; Papworth B; Pearson J, 2019, 'What happens when students reflect on their self-efficacy during a test? Exploring test experience and test outcome in science', Learning and Individual Differences, 73, pp. 59 - 66,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Martin AJ; Strnadova I; Hájková V; Němec Z; Květoňová L, 2019, 'Teaching Assistants Working with Students who have a Disability: The Role of Adaptability in Enhancing their Workplace Outcomes.', International Journal of Inclusive Education.,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Yu K; Martin AJ; Hou Y; Osborn J; Zhan X, 2019, 'Motivation, Engagement, Academic Buoyancy, and Adaptability: The Roles of Socio-Demographics among Middle School Students in China', Measurement, 17, pp. 119 - 132,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Bentley JP; Schneuer FJ; Lain SJ; Martin AJ; Gordon A; Nassar N, 2018, 'Neonatal morbidity at term, early child development, and school performance: A population study', Pediatrics, 141, pp. e20171726,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Burns EC; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2018, 'Adaptability, personal best (PB) goals setting, and gains in students’ academic outcomes: A longitudinal examination from a social cognitive perspective', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 53, pp. 57 - 72,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cano F; Martin AJ; Ginns P; Berbén ABG, 2018, 'Students’ self-worth protection and approaches to learning in higher education: predictors and consequences', Higher Education, 76, pp. 163 - 181,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Collie RJ; Granziera H; Martin AJ, 2018, 'Teachers’ perceived autonomy support and adaptability: An investigation employing the job demands-resources model as relevant to workplace exhaustion, disengagement, and commitment', Teaching and Teacher Education, 74, pp. 125 - 136,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Nassar N; Roberts CL, 2018, 'Social and Emotional Behavioral Profiles in Kindergarten: A Population-Based Latent Profile Analysis of Links to Socio-Educational Characteristics and Later Achievement', Journal of Educational Psychology, 111, pp. 170 - 187,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Roberts CL; Nassar N, 2018, 'The roles of anxious and prosocial behavior in early academic performance: A population-based study examining unique and moderated effects', Learning and Individual Differences, 62, pp. 141 - 152,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Evans P; Martin AJ; Ivcevic Z, 2018, 'Personality, coping, and school well-being: an investigation of high school students', Social Psychology of Education, 21, pp. 1061 - 1080,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Ginns P; Martin AJ; Durksen TL; Burns EMMA; Pope A; Burns E, 2018, 'Personal Best (PB) goal-setting enhances arithmetical problem-solving', The Australian Educational Researcher, 45, pp. 533 - 551,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Ginns P; Martin AJ; Papworth B, 2018, 'Student learning in Australian high schools: Contrasting personological and contextual variables in a longitudinal structural model', Learning and Individual Differences, 64, pp. 83 - 93,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Holliman AJ; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2018, 'Adaptability, engagement, and degree completion: a longitudinal investigation of university students*', Educational Psychology, 38, pp. 785 - 799,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Roberts C; Nassar N, 2018, 'The role of medication in reducing the negative effects of hyperactivity-inattention on achievement: A population-based longitudinal investigation of students and their classrooms', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 55, pp. 97 - 109,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Martin AJ; Evans P, 2018, 'Load reduction instruction: Exploring a framework that assesses explicit instruction through to independent learning', Teaching and Teacher Education, 73, pp. 203 - 214,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Martin AJ; Lazendic G, 2018, 'Achievement in large-scale national numeracy assessment: An ecological study of motivation and student, home, and school predictors', Journal of Educational Psychology, 110, pp. 465 - 482,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Martin AJ; Lazendic G, 2018, 'Computer-adaptive testing: Implications for students' achievement, motivation, engagement, and subjective test experience', Journal of Educational Psychology, 110, pp. 27 - 45,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Schneuer FJ; Bentley JP; Davidson AJ; Holland A; Badawi N; Martin AJ; Skowno J; Lain SJ; Nassar N, 2018, 'The impact of general anesthesia on child development and school performance: a population-based study', Paediatric Anaesthesia, 28, pp. 528 - 536,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Schneuer FJ; Bentley JP; Davidson AJ; Holland AJA; Badawi N; Martin AJ; Skowno J; Lain SJ; Nassar N, 2018, 'Reply to Ritchie-McLean, Susanna; Wilmshurst, Sally, regarding their comment “Can population cohort studies assess the long-term impact of anesthesia in children?”', Paediatric Anaesthesia, 28, pp. 1157 - 1158,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Bentley J; Roberts C; Bowen J; Martin A; Morris J; Nassar N, 2017, 'Born a bit too early: A study of early planned birth and child development at school age', International Journal of Population Data Science, 1,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Bostwick KCP; Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Durksen TL, 2017, 'Students' growth mindsets, goals, and academic outcomes in mathematics', Zeitschrift fur Psychologie / Journal of Psychology, 225, pp. 107 - 116,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Burns EC; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2017, 'Understanding the role of adaptability and personal best (PB) goals in students’ academic outcomes: A social cognitive perspective', British Journal of Educational Psychology Monograph Series, 12, pp. 111 - 131,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Collie RJ; Ginns P; Martin AJ; Papworth B, 2017, 'Academic buoyancy mediates academic anxiety’s effects on learning strategies: an investigation of English- and Chinese-speaking Australian students', Educational Psychology, 37, pp. 947 - 964,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Collie RJ; Holliman AJ; Martin AJ, 2017, 'Adaptability, engagement and academic achievement at university', Educational Psychology, 37, pp. 632 - 647,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Bottrell D; Armstrong D; Ungar M; Liebenberg L, 2017, 'Social support, academic adversity and academic buoyancy: a person-centred analysis and implications for academic outcomes', Educational Psychology: an international journal of experimental educational psychology, 37, pp. 550 - 564,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2017, 'Adaptive and maladaptive work-related motivation among teachers: A person-centered examination and links with well-being', Teaching and Teacher Education, 64, pp. 199 - 210,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2017, 'Students’ adaptability in mathematics: Examining self-reports and teachers’ reports and links with engagement and achievement outcomes', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 49, pp. 355 - 366,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2017, 'Teachers' sense of adaptability: Examining links with perceived autonomy support, teachers' psychological functioning, and students' numeracy achievement', Learning and Individual Differences, 55, pp. 29 - 39,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Durksen TL; Martin AJ; Burns EC; Ginns P; Williamson D; Kiss J, 2017, 'Conducting research in a medical science museum: Lessons learned from collaboration between researchers and museum educators.', Journal of Museum Education, 42, pp. 273 - 283,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Durksen TL; Way J; Bobis J; Anderson J; Skilling K; Martin AJ, 2017, 'Motivation and engagement in mathematics: a qualitative framework for teacher-student interactions', Mathematics Education Research Journal, 29, pp. 163 - 181,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Karikios DJ; Mileshkin L; Martin A; Ferraro D; Stockler MR, 2017, 'Discussing and prescribing expensive unfunded anticancer drugs in Australia.', ESMO Open, 2, pp. e000170,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Li H; Martin AJ; Yeung WJJ, 2017, 'Academic risk and resilience for children and young people in Asia', Educational Psychology, 37, pp. 921 - 929,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Mansour M; Martin AJ; Anderson M; Gibson R, 2017, 'Getting into flow in the arts classroom: Research findings and implications for practice', Educational Practice and Theory, 39, pp. 5 - 15,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Martin AJ; Burns EC; Collie RJ, 2017, 'ADHD, personal and interpersonal agency, and achievement: Exploring links from a social cognitive theory perspective', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 50, pp. 13 - 22,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Martin AJ; Ginns P; Papworth B, 2017, 'Motivation and engagement: Same or different? Does it matter?', Learning and Individual Differences, 55, pp. 150 - 162,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Martin AJ; Steinbeck K, 2017, 'The role of puberty in students' academic motivation and achievement', Learning and Individual Differences, 53, pp. 37 - 46,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Martin AJ; Yu K; Ginns P; Papworth B, 2017, 'Young people’s academic buoyancy and adaptability: A cross-cultural comparison of China with North America and the United Kingdom', Educational Psychology, 37, pp. 930 - 946,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Martin AJ, 2017, 'Adaptability-What it is and what it is not: Comment on Chandra and Leong (2016)', American Psychologist, 72, pp. 696 - 698,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Martin AJ, 2017, 'Math memorization: Comment on Boaler and Zoido', Scientific American (Mind), 28, pp. 5 - 5
    Journal articles | 2017
    Martin TG; Martin AJ; Evans P, 2017, 'Student engagement in the Caribbean region:Exploring its role in the motivation and achievement of Jamaican middle school students', School Psychology International, 38, pp. 184 - 200,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Murayama K; Goetz T; Malmberg L; Pekrun R; Tanaka A; Martin AJ, 2017, 'Within-person analysis in educational psychology: Importance and illustrations', British Journal of Educational Psychology Monograph Series, 12, pp. 71 - 87,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Newton K; Sperling R; Martin AJ, 2017, 'Learning disabilities, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and executive functioning: Contributions from educational psychology in progressing theory, measurement, and practice', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 50, pp. 1 - 3
    Journal articles | 2016
    Bentley JP; Roberts CL; Bowen JR; Martin AJ; Morris JM; Nassar N, 2016, 'Planned Birth Before 39 Weeks and Child Development: A Population-Based Study', PEDIATRICS,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Bobis J; Way J; Anderson J; Martin AJ, 2016, 'Challenging teacher beliefs about student engagement in mathematics', Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 19, pp. 33 - 55,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Papworth B; Ginns P, 2016, 'Students' interpersonal relationships, personal best (PB) goals, and academic engagement', Learning and Individual Differences, 45, pp. 65 - 76,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2016, 'Adaptability: An Important Capacity for Effective Teachers', Educational Practice and Theory, 38, pp. 27 - 39,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Fleming J; Gibson R; Anderson M; Martin AJ; Sudmalis D, 2016, 'Cultivating imaginative thinking: teacher strategies used in high-performing arts education classrooms', Cambridge Journal of Education, 46, pp. 435 - 453,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Mansour M; Martin AJ; Anderson M; Gibson R; Liem GAD; Sudmalis D, 2016, 'Student, home, and school socio-demographic factors: links to school, home, and community arts participation', Australian Educational Researcher, 43, pp. 221 - 244,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Mansour M; Martin AJ; Anderson M; Gibson R; Liem GAD; Sudmalis D, 2016, 'Young People's Creative and Performing Arts Participation and Arts Self-concept: A Longitudinal Study of Reciprocal Effects', The Journal of Creative Behavior,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Martin AJ; Durksen TL; Williamson D; Kiss J; Ginns P, 2016, 'The role of a museum-based science education program in promoting content knowledge and science motivation', Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 53, pp. 1364 - 1384,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Martin AJ; Elliot AJ, 2016, 'The role of personal best (PB) and dichotomous achievement goals in students’ academic motivation and engagement: a longitudinal investigation', Educational Psychology, 36, pp. 1282 - 1299,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Martin AJ; Elliot AJ, 2016, 'The role of personal best (PB) goal setting in students' academic achievement gains', Learning and Individual Differences, 45, pp. 222 - 227,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Martin AJ; Martin TG; Evans P, 2016, 'Motivation and Engagement in Jamaica: Testing a Multidimensional Framework Among Students in an Emerging Regional Context', Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Martin AJ; Papworth B; Ginns P; Malmberg LE, 2016, 'Motivation, Engagement, and Social Climate: An International Study of Boarding Schools', Journal of Educational Psychology, 108, pp. 772 - 787,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Martin AJ; Papworth B; Ginns P, 2016, 'Effects of boarding school', The Psychologist, 29, pp. 414 - 414
    Journal articles | 2016
    Martin AJ; Yu K; Ginns P; Papworth B, 2016, 'Young people’s academic buoyancy and adaptability: a cross-cultural comparison of China with North America and the United Kingdom', Educational Psychology, pp. 1 - 17,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Martin AJ, 2016, 'Positive Education in Asia and Beyond', Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 25, pp. 493 - 498,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Newton KJ; Sperling RA; Martin AJ, 2016, 'Learning disabilities, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and executive functioning: Contributions from educational psychology in progressing theory, measurement, and practice', Contemporary Educational Psychology,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Skilling K; Bobis J; Martin AJ; Anderson J; Way J, 2016, 'What secondary teachers think and do about student engagement in mathematics', Mathematics Education Research Journal,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Tarbetsky AL; Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2016, 'The role of implicit theories of intelligence and ability in predicting achievement for Indigenous (Aboriginal) Australian students', Contemporary Educational Psychology,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Collie R; Martin AJ; Curwood JS, 2015, 'Multidimensional motivation and engagement for writing: Construct validation with a sample of boys', Educational Psychology: an international journal of experimental educational psychology,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Collie R; Shapka JD; Perry NE; Martin AJ, 2015, 'Teacher Well-Being: Exploring Its Components and a Practice-Oriented Scale', Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 33, pp. 744 - 756,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Malmberg L-E; Hall J; Ginns P, 2015, 'Academic buoyancy, student's achievement, and the linking role of control: A cross-lagged analysis of high school students', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 85, pp. 113 - 130,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Collie RJ; Shapka JD; Perry NE; Martin AJ, 2015, 'Teachers' beliefs about social-emotional learning: Identifying teacher profiles and their relations with job stress and satisfaction', Learning and Instruction, 39, pp. 148 - 157,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Liem GAD; Martin AJ, 2015, 'Young people's responses to environmental issues: Exploring the roles of adaptability and personality', Personality and Individual Differences, 79, pp. 91 - 97,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Liu M; Calvo RA; Pardo A; Martin A, 2015, 'Measuring and visualizing students' behavioral engagement in writing activities', IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 8, pp. 215 - 224,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Martin AJ; Bottrell D; Armstrong D; Mansour M; Ungar M; Liebenberg L; Collie RJ, 2015, 'The role of resilience in assisting the educational connectedness of at-risk youth: A study of service users and non-users', International Journal of Educational Research, 74, pp. 1 - 12,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Martin AJ; Nejad H; Colmar S; Liem GAD; Collie RJ, 2015, 'The role of adaptability in promoting control and reducing failure dynamics: A mediation model', Learning and Individual Differences, 38, pp. 36 - 43,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Martin AJ; Papworth B; Ginns P; Malmberg LE; Collie RJ; Calvo RA, 2015, 'Real-time motivation and engagement during a month at school: Every moment of every day for every student matters', Learning and Individual Differences, 38, pp. 26 - 35,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Martin AJ; Way J; Bobis J; Anderson J, 2015, 'Exploring the Ups and Downs of Mathematics Engagement in the Middle Years of School', Journal of Early Adolescence, 35, pp. 199 - 244,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Martin AJ, 2015, 'Growth approaches to academic development: Research into academic trajectories and growth assessment, goals, and mindsets', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 85, pp. 133 - 137,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Martin AJ, 2015, 'Implicit theories about intelligence and growth (personal best) goals: Exploring reciprocal relationships', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 85, pp. 207 - 223,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Martin AJ, 2015, 'Motivating the gifted and talented: Lessons from research and practice', Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 24, pp. 52 - 60,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Burns E; Martin AJ, 2014, 'ADHD and adaptability: The roles of cognitive, behavioural, and emotional regulation', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 24, pp. 227 - 242,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Ginns P; Martin AJ; Liem GAD; Papworth B, 2014, 'Structural and concurrent validity of the International English Mini-Markers in an adolescent sample: Exploring analytic approaches and implications for personality assessment', Journal of Research in Personality, 53, pp. 182 - 192,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Ginns P; Martin AJ; Papworth B, 2014, 'Student Learning Theory goes (back) to (high) school', Instructional Science, 42, pp. 485 - 504,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Ginns P; Martin AJ; Papworth B, 2014, 'Student Learning Theory goes (back) to (high) school', Instructional Science, 42, pp. 485 - 504,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Liem GAD; Martin AJ; Anderson M; Gibson R; Sudmalis D, 2014, 'The role of arts-related information and communication technology use in problem solving and achievement: Findings from the programme for international student assessment.', Journal of Educational Psychology, 106, pp. 348 - 363,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Martin AJ; Burns EC, 2014, 'Academic buoyancy, resilience, and adaptability in students with ADHD', The ADHD Report, 22, pp. 1 - 9,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Martin AJ; Durksen TL; Williamson D; Kiss J; Ginns P, 2014, 'Personal Best (PB) goal setting and students' motivation in science: A study of science valuing and aspirations', Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 31, pp. 85 - 96,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Martin AJ; Papworth B; Ginns P; Liem GAD, 2014, 'Boarding School, Academic Motivation and Engagement, and Psychological Well-Being: A Large-Scale Investigation', American Educational Research Journal, 51, pp. 1007 - 1049,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Martin AJ; Yu K; Hau K-T, 2014, 'Motivation and engagement in the ‘Asian Century’: A comparison of Chinese students in Australia, Hong Kong, and Mainland China', Educational Psychology: an international journal of experimental educational psychology, 34, pp. 417 - 439,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Martin AJ; Yu K; Papworth B; Ginns P; Collie RJ, 2014, 'Motivation and Engagement in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and China: Testing a Multi-Dimensional Framework', Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Martin AJ, 2014, 'Academic buoyancy and academic outcomes: Towards a further understanding of students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), students without ADHD, and academic buoyancy itself', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 84, pp. 86 - 107,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Martin AJ, 2014, 'The role of ADHD in academic adversity: Disentangling ADHD effects from other personal and contextual factors', School Psychology Quarterly, 29, pp. 395 - 408,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Yu K; Martin AJ, 2014, 'Personal best (PB) and 'classic' achievement goals in the Chinese context: Their role in predicting academic motivation, engagement and buoyancy', Educational Psychology, 34, pp. 635 - 658,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ginns P; Martin AJ; Marsh HW, 2013, 'Designing Instructional Text in a Conversational Style: A Meta-analysis', Educational Psychology Review, 25, pp. 445 - 472,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Koch J; Martin A; Nash R, 2013, 'Overview of perceptions of German wine tourism from the winery perspective', International Journal of Wine Business Research, 25, pp. 50 - 74,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Liem GAD; Marsh HW; Martin AJ; McInerney DM; Yeung AS, 2013, 'The Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect and a National Policy of Within-School Ability Streaming: Alternative Frames of Reference', American Educational Research Journal, 50, pp. 326 - 370,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Malmberg LE; Hall J; Martin AJ, 2013, 'Academic buoyancy in secondary school: Exploring patterns of convergence in English, mathematics, science, and physical education', Learning and Individual Differences, 23, pp. 262 - 266,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Malmberg LE; Walls TA; Martin AJ; Little TD; Lim WHT, 2013, 'Primary school students' learning experiences of, and self-beliefs about competence, effort, and difficulty: Random effects models', Learning and Individual Differences, 28, pp. 54 - 65,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Malmberg LE; Woolgar C; Martin AJ, 2013, 'Quality of measurement of the learning experience questionnaire for personal digital assistants', International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education, 1, pp. 275 - 275,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Martin AJ; Ginns P; Brackett MA; Malmberg LE; Hall J, 2013, 'Academic buoyancy and psychological risk: Exploring reciprocal relationships', Learning and Individual Differences, 27, pp. 128 - 133,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Martin AJ; Ginns P; Papworth B; Nejad H, 2013, 'The role of academic buoyancy in aboriginal/indigenous students' educational intentions: Sowing the early seeds of success for post-school education and training', Diversity in Higher Education, 14, pp. 57 - 79,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Martin AJ; Mansour M; Anderson M; Gibson R; Liem GAD; Sudmalis D, 2013, 'The role of arts participation in students' academic and nonacademic outcomes: A longitudinal study of school, home, and community factors', Journal of Educational Psychology, 105, pp. 709 - 727,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Martin AJ; Nejad HG; Colmar S; Liem GAD, 2013, 'Adaptability: How students' responses to uncertainty and novelty predict their academic and non-academic outcomes', Journal of Educational Psychology, 105, pp. 728 - 746,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Martin AJ; Wilson R; Arief GDL; Ginns P, 2013, 'Academic momentum at university/college: Exploring the roles of prior learning, life experience, and ongoing performance in academic achievement across time', Journal of Higher Education, 84, pp. 640 - 674,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Martin AJ, 2013, 'Academic buoyancy and academic resilience: Exploring 'everyday' and 'classic' resilience in the face of academic adversity', School Psychology International, 34, pp. 488 - 500,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Martin AJ, 2013, 'Improving the achievement, motivation, and engagement of students with ADHD: The role of personal best goals and other growth-based approaches', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 23, pp. 143 - 155,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Green J; Liem GAD; Martin AJ; Colmar S; Marsh HW; McInerney D, 2012, 'Academic motivation, self-concept, engagement, and performance in high school: Key processes from a longitudinal perspective', Journal of Adolescence, 35, pp. 1111 - 1122,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Liem GAD; Ginns P; Martin AJ; Stone B; Herrett M, 2012, 'Personal best goals and academic and social functioning: A longitudinal perspective', Learning and Instruction, 22, pp. 222 - 230,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Liem GAD; Martin AJ; Porter AL; Colmar S, 2012, 'Sociocultural antecedents of academic motivation and achievement: Role of values and achievement motives in achievement goals and academic performance', Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 15, pp. 1 - 13,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Liem GAD; Martin AJ, 2012, 'The motivation and engagement scale: Theoretical framework, psychometric properties, and applied yields', Australian Psychologist, 47, pp. 3 - 13,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Martin A, 2012, 'Winning and losing: What do they mean and how do they shape our lives and society?', Australian Review of Public Affairs
    Journal articles | 2012
    Martin AJ; Anderson J; Bobis J; Way J; Vellar R, 2012, 'Switching on and switching off in mathematics: An ecological study of future intent and disengagement among middle school students', Journal of Educational Psychology, 104, pp. 1 - 18,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Martin AJ; Anderson M; Adams RJ, 2012, 'What Determines Young People's Engagement with Performing Arts Events?', Leisure Sciences, 34, pp. 314 - 331,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Martin AJ; Liem GAD; Mok MMC; Xu J, 2012, 'Problem solving and immigrant student mathematics and science achievement: Multination findings from the programme for international student assessment (PISA)', Journal of Educational Psychology, 104, pp. 1054 - 1073,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Martin AJ; Nejad H; Colmar S; Liem GAD, 2012, 'Adaptability: Conceptual and empirical perspectives on responses to change, novelty and uncertainty', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 22, pp. 58 - 81,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Martin AJ, 2012, 'The role of personal best (PB) goals in the achievement and behavioral engagement of students with ADHD and students without ADHD', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 37, pp. 91 - 105,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Martinez CJ; Martin AJ; Liem GAD; Colmar S, 2012, 'A longitudinal analysis of physical and psychological wellbeing amongst late adolescents: Exploring the transition from school to postschool life', Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 29, pp. 17 - 43,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Parker PD; Martin AJ; Colmar S; Liem GA, 2012, 'Teachers' workplace well-being: Exploring a process model of goal orientation, coping behavior, engagement, and burnout', Teaching and Teacher Education, 28, pp. 503 - 513,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Steinbeck K; Hazell P; Cumming RG; Skinner SR; Ivers R; Booy R; Fulcher G; Handelsman DJ; Martin AJ; Morgan G; Starling J; Bauman A; Rawsthorne ML; Bennett DL; Chow CM; Lam MK; Kelly P; Brown NJ; Paxton K; Hawke C, 2012, 'The study design and methodology for the ARCHER study - adolescent rural cohort study of hormones, health, education, environments and relationships', BMC Pediatrics, 12, pp. 143,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Li H; Martin AJ; Armstrong D; Walker R, 2011, 'Risk, protection, and resilience in Chinese adolescents: A psycho-social study', Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 14, pp. 269 - 282,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Liem GAD; Martin AJ; Nair E; Bernardo ABI; Prasetya PH, 2011, 'Content and structure of values in middle adolescence: Evidence from Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Australia', Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42, pp. 146 - 154,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Liem GAD; Martin AJ, 2011, 'Peer relationships and adolescents' academic and non-academic outcomes: Same-sex and opposite-sex peer effects and the mediating role of school engagement', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 81, pp. 183 - 206,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Marsh HW; Ginns P; Morin AJS; Nagengast B; Martin AJ, 2011, 'Use of student ratings to benchmark universities: Multilevel modeling of responses to the Australian course experience questionnaire (CEQ)', Journal of Educational Psychology, 103, pp. 733 - 748,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Marsh HW; Liem GAD; Martin AJ; Morin AJS; Nagengast B, 2011, 'Methodological measurement fruitfulness of exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM): New approaches to key substantive issues in motivation and engagement', Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 29, pp. 322 - 346,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Marsh HW; Liem GAD; Martin AJ; Nagengast B; Morin AJS, 2011, 'Erratum to: Methodological Measurement Fruitfulness of Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM): New Approaches to Key Substantive Issues in Motivation and Engagement (Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, (2011), 29, (322-346), 10.1177/0734282911406657)', Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 29, pp. 497,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Marsh HW; Martin AJ, 2011, 'Academic self-concept and academic achievement: Relations and causal ordering', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 81, pp. 59 - 77,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Martin AJ; Bobis J; Anderson J; Way J; Vellar R, 2011, 'Patterns of multilevel variance in psycho-educational phenomena: Comparing motivation, engagement, climate, teaching, and achievement factors', Zeitschrift fur Padagogische Psychologie, 25, pp. 49 - 61,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Martin AJ, 2011, 'Courage in the Classroom: Exploring a New Framework Predicting Academic Performance and Engagement', School Psychology Quarterly, 26, pp. 145 - 160,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Martin AJ, 2011, 'Holding back and holding behind: Grade retention and students' non-academic and academic outcomes', British Educational Research Journal, 37, pp. 739 - 763,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Martin AJ, 2011, 'Personal Best (PB) Approaches to Academic Development: Implications for Motivation and Assessment', Educational Practice and Theory, 33, pp. 93 - 99,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Martin AJ, 2011, 'Prescriptive Statements and Educational Practice: What Can Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Offer?', Educational Psychology Review, 23, pp. 235 - 244,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Parker PD; Martin AJ, 2011, 'Clergy Motivation and Occupational Well-being: Exploring a Quadripolar Model and Its Role in Predicting Burnout and Engagement', Journal of Religion and Health, 50, pp. 656 - 674,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Marsh HW; Martin AJ; Jackson S, 2010, 'Introducing a short version of the physical self description questionnaire: New strategies, short-form evaluative criteria, and applications of factor analyses', Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 32, pp. 438 - 482,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Martin AJ; Colmar SH; Davey LA; Marsh HW, 2010, 'Longitudinal modelling of academic buoyancy and motivation: Do the '5Cs' hold up over time?', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 80, pp. 473 - 496,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Martin AJ; Hau KT, 2010, 'Achievement motivation among Chinese and Australian school students: Assessing differences of kind and differences of degree', International Journal of Testing, 10, pp. 274 - 294,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Martin AJ; LIEM GAD; Coffey L; Martinez C; Parker PP; Marsh HW; Jackson SA, 2010, 'What happens to physical activity behavior, motivation, self-concept, and flow after completing school? a longitudinal study', Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 22, pp. 437 - 457,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Martin AJ; Liem GAD, 2010, 'Academic personal bests (PBs), engagement, and achievement: A cross-lagged panel analysis', Learning and Individual Differences, 20, pp. 265 - 270,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Martin AJ; Malmberg LE; Liem GAD, 2010, 'Multilevel motivation and engagement: Assessing construct validity across students and schools', Educational and Psychological Measurement, 70, pp. 973 - 989,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Cheng JHS; Ginns P, 2010, 'Fathers and Male Teachers: Effects on Boys Academic and Non-Academic Development', Childhood Education, 86, pp. 404 - 408,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Martin AJ, 2010, 'Physical activity motivation in late adolescence: Refinement of a recent multidimensional model', Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81, pp. 278 - 289,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Martin AJ, 2010, 'Physical activity motivation in the year following high school: Assessing stability and appropriate analytical approaches', Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 11, pp. 107 - 113,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Martin AJ, 2010, 'Should Students Have a Gap Year? Motivation and Performance Factors Relevant to Time Out After Completing School', Journal of Educational Psychology, 102, pp. 561 - 576,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Parker PD; Martin AJ; Martinez C; Marsh HW; Jackson S, 2010, 'Longitudinal approaches to stages of change measurement: Effects on cognitive and behavioral physical activity factors', Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 43, pp. 108 - 120,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Parker PD; Martin AJ; Martinez C; Marsh HW; Jackson SA, 2010, 'Stages of change in physical activity: A validation study in late adolescence', Health Education and Behavior, 37, pp. 318 - 329,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Liem GAD; Martin AJ; Nair E; Bernardo ABI; Prasetya PH, 2009, 'Cultural Factors Relevant to Secondary School Students in Australia, Singapore, the Philippines and Indonesia: Relative Differences and Congruencies', AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING, 19, pp. 161 - 178,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Liem GAD; Martin AJ; Nair E; Bernardo ABI; Prasetya PH, 2009, 'Cultural factors relevant to secondary school students in Australia, Singapore, the Philippines and Indonesia: Relative differences and congruencies', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 19, pp. 161 - 178,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Mansour M; Martin AJ, 2009, 'Home, Parents, and Achievement Motivation: A Study of Key Home and Parental Factors that Predict Student Motivation and Engagement', Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 26, pp. 111 - 126,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Martin A; Marsh HW; McInerney DM; Green J, 2009, 'Young people's interpersonal relationships and academic and non-academic outcomes: The relative salience of teachers, parents, same-sex peers, and opposite-sex peers', Teachers College Record,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Martin AJ; Dowson M, 2009, 'Interpersonal relationships, motivation, engagement, and achievement: Yields for theory, current issues, and educational practice', Review of Educational Research, 79, pp. 327 - 365,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Martin AJ; Marsh HW, 2009, 'Academic resilience and academic buoyancy: Multidimensional and hierarchical conceptual framing of causes, correlates and cognate constructs', Oxford Review of Education, 35, pp. 353 - 370,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Martin AJ, 2009, 'Age Appropriateness and Motivation, Engagement, and Performance in High School: Effects of Age Within Cohort, Grade Retention, and Delayed School Entry', Journal of Educational Psychology, 101, pp. 101 - 114,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Martin AJ, 2009, 'Motivation and engagement across the academic life span: A developmental construct validity study of elementary school, high school, and university/college students', Educational and Psychological Measurement, 69, pp. 794 - 824,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Martin AJ, 2009, 'Motivation and engagement in the workplace: Examining a multidimensional framework and instrument from a measurement and evaluation perspective', Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 41, pp. 223 - 243,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Parker PD; Martin AJ, 2009, 'Coping and buoyancy in the workplace: Understanding their effects on teachers' work-related well-being and engagement', Teaching and Teacher Education, 25, pp. 68 - 75,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Jackson SA; Martin AJ; Eklund RC, 2008, 'Long and short measures of flow: The construct validity of the FSS-2, DFS-2, and new brief counterparts', Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 30, pp. 561 - 587,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Marsh HW; Martin AJ; Cheng JHS, 2008, 'A Multilevel Perspective on Gender in Classroom Motivation and Climate: Potential Benefits of Male Teachers for Boys?', Journal of Educational Psychology, 100, pp. 78 - 95,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Martin AJ; Jackson SA, 2008, 'Brief approaches to assessing task absorption and enhanced subjective experience: Examining 'short' and 'core' flow in diverse performance domains', Motivation and Emotion, 32, pp. 141 - 157,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Debus RL; Malmberg LE, 2008, 'Performance and mastery orientation of high school and university/college students: A rasch perspective', Educational and Psychological Measurement, 68, pp. 464 - 487,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Martin AJ; Marsh HW, 2008, 'Academic buoyancy: Towards an understanding of students' everyday academic resilience', Journal of School Psychology, 46, pp. 53 - 83,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Martin AJ; Marsh HW, 2008, 'Workplace and academic buoyancy: Psychometric assessment and construct validity amongst school personnel and students', Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 26, pp. 168 - 184,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Martin AJ, 2008, 'Enhancing student motivation and engagement: The effects of a multidimensional intervention', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 33, pp. 239 - 269,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Martin AJ, 2008, 'How domain specific is motivation and engagement across school, sport, and music? A substantive-methodological synergy assessing young sportspeople and musicians', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 33, pp. 785 - 813,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Martin AJ, 2008, 'Motivation and engagement in diverse performance settings: Testing their generality across school, university/college, work, sport, music, and daily life', Journal of Research in Personality, 42, pp. 1607 - 1612,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Martin AJ, 2008, 'Motivation and engagement in music and sport: Testing a multidimensional framework in diverse performance settings', Journal of Personality, 76, pp. 135 - 170,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Munns G; Martin A; Craven R, 2008, 'To Free the Spirit? Motivation and Engagement of Indigenous Students', Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 37, pp. 98 - 107,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Munns G; Martin AJ; Craven R, 2008, 'To free the spirit? Motivation and engagement of Indigenous students', Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 37, pp. 98 - 107
    Journal articles | 2008
    Parker PD; Martin AJ; Marsh HW, 2008, 'Factors predicting life satisfaction: A process model of personality, multidimensional self-concept, and life satisfaction', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 18, pp. 15 - 29,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Parker PD; Martin AJ, 2008, 'Personal capacity building for the human services: The roles of curriculum and individual differences in predicting self-concept in college/university students', Learning and Individual Differences, 18, pp. 486 - 491,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Green J; Martin AJ; Marsh HW, 2007, 'Motivation and engagement in English, mathematics and science high school subjects: Towards an understanding of multidimensional domain specificity', Learning and Individual Differences, 17, pp. 269 - 279,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Mcinerney DM; Green J; Dowson M, 2007, 'Getting Along with Teachers and Parents: The Yields of Good Relationships for Students' Achievement Motivation and Self-Esteem', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 17, pp. 109 - 125,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Martin AJ, 2007, 'Examining a multidimensional model of student motivation and engagement using a construct validation approach', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77, pp. 413 - 440,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Dixon R; Craven R; Martin AJ, 2006, 'Underachievement in a whole city cohort of academically gifted children: What does it look like?', Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 15, pp. 9 - 15
    Journal articles | 2006
    Green J; Nelson G; Martin AJ; Marsh H, 2006, 'The causal ordering of self-concept and academic motivation and its effect on academic achievement', International Education Journal, 7, pp. 534 - 546
    Journal articles | 2006
    Marsh HW; Papaioannou A; Martin AJ; Theodorakis Y, 2006, 'Motivational constructs in Greek physical education classes: Factor structure, gender and age effects in a nationally representative longitudinal sample', International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 4, pp. 121 - 148,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Martin A, 2006, 'The relationship between teachers' perceptions of student motivation and engagement and teachers' enjoyment of and confidence in teaching', Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 34, pp. 73 - 93,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Martin AJ; Marsh HW, 2006, 'Academic resilience and its psychological and educational correlates: A construct validity approach', Psychology in the Schools, 43, pp. 267 - 281,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Martin AJ; Tipler DV; Marsh HW; Richards CE; Williams MR, 2006, 'Assessing multidimensional physical activity motivation: A construct validity study of high school students', Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 28, pp. 171 - 192,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Martin AJ, 2006, 'A motivational psychology for the education of Indigenous students', Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 35, pp. 30 - 43
    Journal articles | 2006
    Martin AJ, 2006, 'Personal bests (PBs): A proposed multidimensional model and empirical analysis', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, pp. 803 - 825,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Martin A; Marsh H, 2005, 'Motivating boys and motivating girls: Does teacher gender really make a difference?', Australian Journal of Education, 49, pp. 320 - 334,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Martin AJ; Linfoot KW; Stephenson J, 2005, 'Problem Behaviour and Associated Risk Factors in Young Children', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 15, pp. 1 - 16,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Martin AJ, 2005, 'Exploring the effects of a youth enrichment program on academic motivation and engagement', Social Psychology of Education, 8, pp. 179 - 206,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Stephenson J; Martin AJ; Linfoot KW, 2005, 'Promoting positive interactions between mothers and their at-risk young children', Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 5, pp. 128 - 137
    Journal articles | 2004
    Martin AJ, 2004, 'Perplexity and passion: Further consideration of the role of positive psychology in the workplace', Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 24, pp. 203 - 205,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Martin AJ, 2004, 'School motivation of boys and girls: Differences of degree, differences of kind, or both?', Australian Journal of Psychology, 56, pp. 133 - 146,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Martin AJ, 2004, 'The role of positive psychology in enhancing satisfaction, motivation, and productivity in the workplace', Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 24, pp. 113 - 133,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Middleton SC; Marsh HW; Martin AJ; Richards GE; Savis J; Perry C; Brown R, 2004, 'The psychological performance inventory: Is the mental toughness test tough enough?', International Journal of Sport Psychology, 35, pp. 91 - 108
    Journal articles | 2003
    Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Debus RL, 2003, 'Self-handicapping and defensive pessimism: A model of self-protection from a longitudinal perspective', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 28, pp. 1 - 36,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Williamson A; Debus RL, 2003, 'Self-Handicapping, Defensive Pessimism, and Goal Orientation: A Qualitative Study of University Students', Journal of Educational Psychology, 95, pp. 617 - 628,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Martin AJ; Marsh HW, 2003, 'Fear of failure: Friend or foe?', Australian Psychologist, 38, pp. 31 - 38,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Martin AJ, 2003, 'Boys and motivation', Australian Educational Researcher, 30, pp. 43 - 65,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Martin AJ, 2003, 'Enhancing the educational outcomes of boys: Findings from the A.C.T investigation into boys' education', Youth Studies Australia, 22, pp. 27 - 36
    Journal articles | 2003
    Martin AJ, 2003, 'The Student Motivation Scale: Further testing of an instrument that measures school students' motivation', Australian Journal of Education, 47, pp. 88 - 106,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Martin AJ, 2003, 'The relationship between parents' enjoyment of parenting and children's school motivation', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 13, pp. 115 - 132
    Journal articles | 2003
    Martin AJ, 2003, 'The role of significant others in enhancing the educational outcomes and aspirations of Indigenous/Aboriginal students', Aboriginal Studies Association Journal, 12, pp. 23 - 26
    Journal articles | 2002
    Marsh HW; Rowe KJ; Martin A, 2002, 'PhD students' evaluations of research supervision: Issues, complexities, and challenges in a nationwide Australian experiment in benchmarking universities', Journal of Higher Education, 73, pp. 313 - 348,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Martin A, 2002, 'Motivation and academic resilience: Developing a model for student enhancement', Australian Journal of Education, 46, pp. 34 - 49,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Martin AJ, 2002, 'Motivating the gifted and talented: Lessons from research and practice', Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 11, pp. 26 - 34
    Journal articles | 2002
    Martin AJ, 2002, 'The lethal cocktail: Low self-belief, low control, and high fear of failure', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 12, pp. 74 - 85
    Journal articles | 2001
    Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Debus RL, 2001, 'A Quadripolar Need Achievement Representation of Self-Handicapping and Defensive Pessimism', American Educational Research Journal, 38, pp. 583 - 610,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Debus RL, 2001, 'Self-handicapping and defensive pessimism: Exploring a model of predictors and outcomes from a self-protection perspective', JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, 93, pp. 87 - 102,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Debus RL, 2001, 'Self-handicapping and defensive pessimism: Exploring a model of predictors and outcomes from a self-protection perspective', Journal of Educational Psychology, 93, pp. 87 - 102,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Martin AJ, 2001, 'The Student Motivation Scale: A tool for measuring and enhancing motivation', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 11, pp. 1 - 20
    Journal articles | 2000
    Gaasterland DE; Ederer F; Beck A; Costarides A; Leef D; Closek J; Banks J; Jackson S; Moore K; Vela A; Brown RH; Lynch M; Gunsby J; Lober K; Marsh T; Stepka C; Montgomery R; Clagett D; Ashburn F; Schacht K; Coyle E; Garland MK; Lauber S; Michelitsch K; Plavnieks S; Vayer L; Burt E; Hundley M; Rae A; Allen RC; Miller E; Sporn A; Fendley CK; Hoyle LS; Weber PA; Derick R; McKinney K; Moore D; Lauderbaugh T; Baker ND; Kapetansky F; Lehmann D; Black L; Gloeckner B; Coleman K; Cassady M; Sharf LJ; Romans B; Satterwhite Y; Simmons L; Vela MA; Harbin TS; Brannon L; Wright J; LaSalle J; Degenhardt G; Bridgman SA; Ozment RR; Hooper M; Goldstein S; Butler L; Perry M; Eckel A; Martin A; Session C; Nummerdor D; Wille L; Cyrlin MN; Dubay H; Fazio R; Corbin PS; Wilensky JT; Lindenmuth K; Hillman D; Carroll CA; Hatton J; Sonty S; Higginbotham EJ; Scholes G; Uva R; Fiene J; Frohlichstein D; Gates V; Pappas L; Rathbone D; Tadelman M; Hopkins G; Lichter PR; Bergstrom TJ; Moroi SE; Pollack- Rundle CJ; Standardi C; Abt L; Van Heck T; Skuta GL; Schertzer RM; Wicker D; Van Veldhuisen PC, 2000, 'The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS): 7. The relationship between control of intraocular pressure and visual field deterioration', American Journal of Ophthalmology, 130, pp. 429 - 440,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Martin AJ; Linfoot K; Stephenson J, 2000, 'Exploring the cycle of mother-child relations, maternal confidence, and children's aggression', Australian Journal of Psychology, 52, pp. 34 - 40,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Martin AJ; Milne-Home J; Barrett J; Spalding E; Jones G, 2000, 'Graduate Satisfaction with University and Perceived Employment Preparation', Journal of Education and Work, 13, pp. 199 - 213,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Stephenson J; Linfoot K; Martin A, 2000, 'Behaviours of concern to teachers in the early years of school', International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 47, pp. 225 - 235,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Stephenson J; Linfoot K; Martin A, 2000, 'How Teachers of Young Children Respond to Problem Behaviour in the Classroom', Australasian Journal of Special Education, 24, pp. 21 - 31,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Stephenson J; Linfoot K; Martin A, 2000, 'How teachers of young children respond to problem Behaviour in the Classroom', Australasian Journal of Special Education, 24, pp. 21 - 31,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Garvin M; Martin AJ, 1999, 'High school students' part-time employment and its relationship to academic engagement and psychological well-being', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 9, pp. 1 - 14
    Journal articles | 1999
    Linfoot K; Martin AJ; Stephenson J, 1999, 'Preventing conduct disorder: A study of parental behaviour management and support needs with children aged 3 to 5 years', International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 46, pp. 223 - 246,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Martin AJ; Linfoot K; Stephenson J, 1999, 'How teachers respond to concerns about misbehavior in their classroom', Psychology in the Schools, 36, pp. 347 - 358,<347::AID-PITS7>3.0.CO;2-G
    Journal articles | 1999
    Martin AJ, 1999, 'Alternative factor structure for the revised self-consciousness scale', Journal of Personality Assessment, 72, pp. 266 - 281,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Martin AJ, 1999, 'Assessing the Multidimensionality of the 12-Item General Health Questionnaire', Psychological Reports, 84, pp. 927 - 935,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Martin AJ, 1999, 'Assessing the multidimensionality of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire', Psychological Reports, 84, pp. 927 - 935,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Spiers T; Martin AJ, 1999, 'Depressed mood amongst adolescents: The roles of perceived control and coping style', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 9, pp. 55 - 76
    Journal articles | 1999
    Stephenson J; Linfoot K; Martin AJ, 1999, 'Dealing with problem behaviour in young children: Teacher use and preferences for resources and support', Special Education Perspectives, 8, pp. 3 - 15
    Journal articles | 1998
    Martin AJ; Debus RL, 1998, 'Self-reports of mathematics self-concept and educational outcomes: The roles of ego-dimensions and self-consciousness', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 68, pp. 517 - 535,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Martin AJ; Milne-Home J; Barrett J; Spalding E, 1997, 'Stakeholder perceptions of the institution: To agree or not to agree', Journal of Institutional Research in Australasia, 6, pp. 53 - 67
    Journal articles | 1997
    Martin AJ; Smith ID, 1997, 'Television violence: A review, suggested research design and statistical approach', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 32, pp. 407 - 430,
    Journal articles | 1995
    Everingham S; Bertram S; Flaherty B; Martin AJ, 1995, 'Knowledge of HIV/AIDS issues amongst Vietnamese and Spanish-speakers in Sydney', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 5, pp. 60 - 61
    Journal articles | 1994
    Relich J; Way J; Martin A, 1994, 'Attitudes to teaching mathematics: Further development of a measurement instrument', Mathematics Education Research Journal, 6, pp. 56 - 69,
  • Other | 2024
    Collie R; Martin A; Renshaw L; Caldecott-Davis K, 2024, Why should teachers support students’ social-emotional confidence? There's a few good reasons. In ‘Education HQ’, March, ,
    Other | 2024
    Collie R; Martin A, 2024, How do we help students from disadvantaged backgrounds feel confident about school? In ‘The Conversation’, April, ,
    Other | 2024
    Collie R; Martin A, 2024, Valuing and integrating generative AI in teaching. In ‘Teacher Magazine’, May, ACER, ,
    Other | 2024
    Flesken A; McCourt B; Collie R; Martin A, 2024, Supporting students from low socioeconomic backgrounds to flourish. In NSW Department of Education ‘What Works Best’ Series, March, NSW Department of Education, ,
    Other | 2024
    Martin A; Burns E; Pearson J; Bostwick K; Kennett R, 2024, Eating an unhealthy breakfast could have a similar effect on your child’s school day as having nothing at all. In ‘The Conversation’, April, ,
    Other | 2024
    Martin A; Collie R; Malmberg L-E, 2024, How to predict if an immigrant student will succeed – and what you can do to help. In ‘EduResearch Matters’, April, AARE, ,
    Other | 2024
    Martin A; Collie R, 2024, Teenagers’ motivation dips in high school—but research shows supportive teachers can really help. In ‘The Conversation’, August, ,
    Other | 2024
    Martin A, 2024, Student learning, motivation, and engagement: What can parents do? In 'Raising Parents (Parenting Science Insights)' Podcast Series, January, ,
    Other | 2023
    Bostwick K; Collie R; Martin A; Durksen T, 2023, Students’ growth mindsets, goals, and academic outcomes in mathematics. In ‘Maths for Humans’, November,
    Other | 2023
    Bostwick K; Martin A; Burns E; Collie R, 2023, What helps students cope with academic setbacks? In ‘The Conversation’, September, ,
    Other | 2023
    Collie R; Martin A, 2023, The link between teacher wellbeing and teacher-student relationships. In ‘Teacher’, September, ,
    Other | 2023
    Kennett R; Burns E; Martin A; Pearson J, 2023, Educational neuroscience in practice: An investigator’s guide for including neuro and physio data alongside traditional educational and psychological measures, UNSW, Sydney, ,
    Other | 2023
    Martin A; Ginns P; Collie R, 2023, Adaptability is different from resilience – and here’s how to nurture it. In ‘The Times Higher Education Campus Magazine’, January, Times Higher Education, London, ,
    Other | 2023
    Martin A; Ginns P; Nagy R; Collie R; Bostwick K, 2023, It would be so much better if we taught two ways—balancing explicit and independent approaches. Here’s why. In ‘EduResearch Matters’, January, AARE, ,
    Other | 2023
    Martin A, 2023, An educational psychologist explains how to think about your ATAR and set post-school goals. In ‘The Conversation’, ,
    Other | 2023
    Martin A, 2023, Does age matter in student motivation and engagement? In ‘EducationHQ’, July,
    Other | 2023
    Martin A, 2023, Educational psychology meets generative AI: A look at the impact of ChatGPT, Bard, and others on education and beyond. In ‘Psychology Today’, May, Sussex Publishers Inc, ,
    Other | 2023
    Martin A, 2023, It’s a no-brainer: Beginning teachers should learn about the brain. In ‘EduResearch Matters’, July, Australian Association for Research in Education, ,
    Other | 2023
    Martin A, 2023, Teacher-student relationships: A key starting point for helping disengaged kids. In ‘The Educator’, February, ,
    Other | 2023
    Martin A, 2023, What specific COVID-19 disruptions have impacted university students’ motivation and engagement? In ‘The Times Higher Education Campus Magazine’, July, The Times Higher Education, ,
    Other | 2023
    Martin AJ, 2023, Academic adjustment problems – Is it will, skill, or both? In ‘EducationHQ’, April, ,
    Other | 2023
    Nagy R; Martin A; Collie R, 2023, It’s time to measure students’ effort at school. In ‘Education Review’, January, ,
    Other | 2022
    Flesken A; Cox S; Bostwick K; Martin A; Collie R; Burns E, 2022, Everyday resilience. In NSW Department of Education 'What Works Best' Series, June, NSW Department of Education, Sydney, ,
    Other | 2022
    Martin A, 2022, Academic self-sabotage: 5 strategies to reduce students' deliberate underachievement. In ‘EducationHQ’, July, ,
    Other | 2022
    Martin A, 2022, Boarding and day school students: How do they compare on motivation, engagement, and learning? Podcast for ‘Faculti’, January, ,
    Other | 2022
    Martin A, 2022, Bouncing back: The 5Cs formula. In ‘Brisbane Catholic Education Partners in Learning’, June, ,
    Other | 2022
    Martin A, 2022, Dennis McInerney: A reflection. In ‘Times Magazine: A Publication of AERA’s Self-Regulated Learning SIG’, Vol 5,
    Other | 2022
    Martin A, 2022, Four ways teachers make a difference to students’ motivation and engagement. In ‘Teacher Magazine’, April, ,
    Other | 2022
    Martin A, 2022, How to help students value school and schoolwork. In ‘Education Review’, February, ,
    Other | 2022
    Martin A, 2022, How to use the Motivation and Engagement Wheel to keep students on board. In ‘The Times Higher Education Campus Magazine’, May, ,
    Other | 2022
    Martin A, 2022, What switches students on and off? A guide to the good, the bad, and the ugly of student motivation. Vodcast for ‘The Education Hub’, June, ,
    Other | 2021
    Martin A; Burns E; Bostwick K; Collie R, 2021, Setting goals to beat previous efforts improves educational outcomes – and the gains are bigger for disadvantaged students. In 'The Conversation', July, ,
    Other | 2021
    Martin A; Collie R; Nagy R, 2021, Students who are more adaptable do best in remote learning – and it’s a skill we can teach. In ‘The Conversation’, August, ,
    Other | 2021
    Martin A; Collie R, 2021, Dealing with academic setback and adversity in effective ways: The role of academic buoyancy. In ‘Alliance — The Official Magazine of the Alliance of Girls’ Schools Australasia’, ,
    Other | 2021
    Martin A; Granziera H; Collie R; Burns E; Holliman A, 2021, Links between teachers' adaptability and self-efficacy. In 'EducationHQ', February, ,
    Other | 2021
    Martin A; Strnadova I; Loblinzk J; Cumming T; Danker J, 2021, Mobile technology and social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. Vodcast for 'UNSW Disability Innovation Institute', ,
    Other | 2021
    Martin A, 2021, Online learning during COVID-19: The role of adaptability. Podcast in 'UNSW's Ask a Social Scientist Series’, September, ,
    Other | 2021
    Martin A, 2021, The adaptability advantage: We need more than just resilience. Podcast in 'Character Lab', November, ,
    Other | 2020
    Collie R; Helena G; Martin A, 2020, Research reveals key factors that influence principals' workplace wellbeing. In 'EducationHQ', August, ,
    Other | 2020
    Collie R; Helena G; Martin A, 2020, Workplace wellbeing among school principals. In 'EducationHQ', August, ,
    Other | 2020
    Collie R; Martin A, 2020, Autonomy-supportive leadership practices for equity and excellence. In 'Australian Educational Leader', Vol 42, Australian Council for Educational Leadership, ,
    Other | 2020
    Collie R; Martin A, 2020, Impact of positive teacher-student relationships. Podcast on ‘Teachers’ Education Review’, February, ,
    Other | 2020
    Collie R; Martin A, 2020, Teacher wellbeing during COVID-19. In 'Teacher Magazine', April, ACER, ,
    Other | 2020
    Martin A; Barker K, 2020, Motivation for students in a time of uncertainty. Vodcast on ‘MCERA YouTube’, April, ,
    Other | 2020
    Martin A; Barker K, 2020, Motivation for students. In ‘MCERA Briefing Paper #001: Education and COVID-19’, May, MCERA, ,
    Other | 2020
    Martin A; Bostwick K, 2020, Researchers should try to keep researching during the pandemic and while research funds may be limited. Here’s 5 tips to help you do it. In ‘EduMatters’, April, ,
    Other | 2020
    Martin A; Marsh H, 2020, Student resilience and boosting academic buoyancy. In ‘Teacher’, March, ACER, ,
    Other | 2020
    Martin A; Strnadova I, 2020, Teacher assistants working with students with disability. Podcast on ‘Faculti’, March, ,
    Other | 2020
    Martin A, 2020, Adapting to change. Podcast in 'Potential Psychology', June, ,
    Other | 2020
    Martin A, 2020, How to optimize online learning in the age of coronavirus (COVID-19): A 5-point guide for educators. In ‘UNSW Newsroom’, March, ,
    Other | 2020
    Martin A, 2020, Kids learn best when you add a problem-solving boost to ‘back-to-basics’ instruction. In ‘The Conversation’, January, ,
    Other | 2020
    Martin A, 2020, NSW ‘staggered’ return to school: Some students may need in-class time more than others. In ‘The Conversation’, April, ,
    Other | 2020
    Martin A, 2020, “So you’re thinking of editing a Handbook?” In American Psychological Association's 'Tips from an Editor', August, American Psychological Association Division 15 (Educational Psychology), ,
    Other | 2020
    Sweller J; Martin A; Evans P, 2020, Cognitive load theory, load reduction instruction, and problem solving. In 'NSW Department of Education Expert Panel',, NSW Department of Education,
    Other | 2019
    Burns E; Bostwick K; Collie R; Martin A, 2019, Teacher support reduces girls’ disengagement in high school. In ‘Teacher’, April, ACER, ,
    Other | 2019
    Collie R; Granziera H; Martin A, 2019, Student disengagement and self-sabotage. In ‘Teacher’, December, ACER, ,
    Other | 2019
    Kennett R; Martin A; Pearson J; Burns E, 2019, On a brainwave: Real-time capture of student engagement using biometrics. In 'The Journal of The Future Project', Vol 6,
    Other | 2019
    Martin A; Guay F; Hau K-T, 2019, The role of motivation and engagement in promoting literacy and numeracy. In 'IAAP United Nations White Paper Series', International Association of Applied Psychology, New York,
    Other | 2019
    Martin A; Malmberg L-E, 2019, The positives and negatives of teacher expectations. In ‘The Conversation’, August, ,
    Other | 2019
    Martin A, 2019, The benefits of homework may not be immediately apparent. In ‘The Sydney Morning Herald’, March, ,
    Other | 2019
    Martin A, 2019, The psychology of student motivation. Podcast for 'Atomi Brainwaves', April, ,
    Other | 2018
    Burns E; Martin AJ; Collie R, 2018, Personal best goal setting can buffer student disengagement: opinion. In ‘Education Review’, August,
    Other | 2018
    Burns EC; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2018, Using personal best goal setting to promote students’ academic improvement. In ‘EducationHQ Australia’., ,
    Other | 2018
    Collie R; Martin AJ; Granziera H, 2018, Being able to adapt in the classroom improves teachers’ well-being. In 'The Conversation', May, The Conversation, ,
    Other | 2018
    Collie R; Martin AJ; Nassar N; Roberts CL, 2018, Understanding social and emotional behaviours in early education? In 'EducationHQ Australia' May, EducationHQ, Australia, ,
    Other | 2018
    Cutmore M; MacLeod S; Donlevy V; Spence C; Martin A; Collie R, 2018, Against the Odds – Academically resilient students with a migrant background and how they succeed, European Commission, Brussels, Belguim, ,
    Other | 2018
    Ginns P; Martin A, 2018, Personal Best: How setting PB goals can significantly improve student performance. In ‘EduResearch Matters’, November, Australian Associate for Research in Education, ,
    Other | 2018
    Granziera H; Martin A; Collie R, 2018, Job crafting: Helping teachers deal with job demands by drawing on the important resources available to them. In ‘Education HQ Australia’, July, EducationHQ, Australia,
    Other | 2018
    Martin A; Kennett R; Mansour M; Papworth B; Pearson J, 2018, The role of motivation and engagement in students’ enjoyment and achievement in science. In ‘The Journal of The Future Project’, Vol 5,
    Other | 2018
    Martin A, 2018, Children’s resilience. Podcast In ‘Education Review’, June, ,
    Other | 2018
    Martin A, 2018, Including English in every ATAR is unfair to students with other strengths. In ‘The Sydney Morning Herald’, June, ,
    Other | 2018
    Martin A, 2018, Integrating explicit instruction with independent learning: Load Reduction Instruction (LRI). In ‘Australian Educational Leader’, Vol 40,
    Other | 2018
    Martin A, 2018, Load Reduction Instruction (LRI): Balancing explicit instruction and independent learning. In “Psychologists in Schools Newsletter" (Australian Psychological Society), Term 4, Australian Psychological Society,
    Other | 2018
    Martin A, 2018, Preparing elite athletes for transition to life after sport should begin in childhood. Podcast In ‘Heads ‘N Tails’, June,
    Other | 2018
    Martin A, 2018, Successful resilience programs for children. In ‘Teacher’, March,
    Other | 2018
    Martin A, 2018, Successful study tips. Video Interview on ‘UNSW Twitter’, October, ,
    Other | 2018
    Martin A, 2018, Two myths fuel the pressure to excel in the ATAR. In ‘The Sydney Morning Herald’, December 10th, Fairfax Press, ,
    Other | 2018
    Martin AJ, 2018, Motivation and engagement. In ‘AERA Motivation SIG Motivation Monday’ series., ,
    Other | 2018
    Martin AJ, 2018, Personal best goal setting. Blog Interview In ‘PsychED’, August,
    Other | 2017
    Collie R; Martin AJ; Frydenberg E, 2017, Teachers’ adaptability and its importance for teachers’ and students’ outcomes. In ‘The Link’ (The Association of Independent Schools of New South Wales). Term 1, 1-2., Australian Association for Research in Education, ,
    Other | 2017
    Collie R; Martin AJ, 2017, Does being adaptable help students in their learning? In ‘Education HQ Australia’, August., EducationHQ, ,
    Other | 2017
    Collie R; Martin AJ, 2017, Teacher motivation profiles and how they impact teachers’ wellbeing. In ‘Teacher’., Australian Council for Educational Research, ,
    Other | 2017
    Durksen T; Martin AJ; Ginns P; Williamson D; Kiss J, 2017, Science education - surviving the zombie apocalypse. In ‘Teacher’., ACER, ,
    Other | 2017
    Green J; Martin AJ, 2017, Mindful teachers cultivate a growth mindset. In ‘EduResearch Matters’ (Australian Associate for Research in Education blog), October., ,
    Other | 2017
    Green J; Martin AJ, 2017, Using personal best (PB) goal-setting and values driven action. In ‘Teacher’., ACER, ,
    Other | 2017
    Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2017, Importance of social and emotional competence for teachers, for very young children and for at-risk students: latest research. In ‘EduResearch Matters’ (Australian Associate for Research in Education blog), November, ,
    Other | 2017
    Martin AJ; Steinbeck K, 2017, Puberty and its effects on students’ motivation and achievement. In ‘Psychlopaedia’, May., APS, ,
    Other | 2017
    Martin AJ, 2017, Explicit instruction, discovery learning, motivation, and engagement. On ‘Education Research Reading Room Podcast Series’., ,
    Other | 2017
    Martin AJ, 2017, Girls and anxiety. In ‘Mamamia’., ,
    Other | 2017
    Martin AJ, 2017, How technology affects children’s learning. In ‘Psychlopaedia’, December., ,
    Other | 2017
    Martin AJ, 2017, How to maintain the balance between boundaries and freedom in secondary school parenting. In ‘The Conversation’., The Conversation, ,
    Other | 2017
    Martin AJ, 2017, How to motivate and engage students who are gifted. In ‘Australian MENSA Initiative Series’, March, 1-8., MENSA Australia, MENSA Australia, ,
    Other | 2017
    Martin AJ, 2017, How to tell if your child's educational needs are being met at school. In ‘The Conversation’., The Conversation, ,
    Other | 2017
    Martin AJ, 2017, NAPLAN 2017: Don’t forget the strugglers, Fairfax Publishing, Sydney, ,
    Other | 2017
    Martin AJ, 2017, Raising girls. On ‘Kinderling Kids Radio Podcast’, November., ,
    Other | 2017
    Martin AJ, 2017, Transition planning for elite sportspeople and other elite performers. In ‘The Conversation’,, The Conversation (February), ,
    Other | 2017
    Martin AJ, 2017, Turning novices into experts: Helping students develop web-based research skills. In ‘Australian Teacher Magazine’, August.p.38. Republished in EducationHQ., ,
    Other | 2016
    Collie R; Shapka JD; Perry NE; Martin AJ, 2016, Social and emotional learning in schools. In ‘Teacher’., Australian Council for Educational Research, ,
    Other | 2016
    Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2016, Teachers’ adaptability and its importance for teachers’ and students’ outcomes. In ‘The Link’ (The Association of Independent Schools of New South Wales). Term 1, 1-2., Association of Independent Schools of NSW, ,
    Other | 2016
    Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Scott Curwood J, 2016, Students’ motivation and engagement in writing: Do they have the ‘write’ stuff? In ‘Education Matters’., ,
    Other | 2016
    Martin AJ; Papworth B; Ginns P, 2016, Effects of boarding school. In ‘The Psychologist’, vol 29, p 414., British Psychological Society,
    Other | 2016
    Martin AJ, 2016, Creativity: What do motivation and engagement have to do with it? In ‘EducationHQ’, November., ,
    Other | 2016
    Martin AJ, 2016, Problems at school: What is the role of ADHD and other factors? In ‘Psychlopaedia’, November., Australian Psychological Society, ,
    Other | 2015
    Fleming J; Gibson R; Martin AJ; Anderson M; Sudmalis D, 2015, The benefits for students of arts participation. In ‘Leadership in Focus’, vol 37, pp. 18-19.,
    Other | 2015
    Ginns P; Martin AJ; Marsh H, 2015, Engaging students through a conversational writing style. In ‘Teacher’, September., ,
    Other | 2015
    Martin AJ; Collie R; Papworth B; Ginns P; Calvo R; Malmberg L, 2015, Academic motivation and engagement: Every moment of every day for every student matters. In ‘Teacher’, October., ,
    Other | 2015
    Martin AJ; Durksen T; Williamson D; Kiss J; Ginns P, 2015, Undead science ed: Zombies, museum learning, and students’ science aspirations. In ‘Museums Australia Magazine’, vol 23, pp. 30-32.,
    Other | 2015
    Martin AJ; Liem GAD, 2015, The role of adaptability in tackling climate and environmental challenges. In ‘Geographical Education’, vol 28, pp. 15-17.,
    Other | 2015
    Martin AJ, 2015, Student motivation and engagement: Does gender matter? In ‘EducationHQ’, November., ,
    Other | 2015
    Martin AJ, 2015, The Personal Proficiency Network: Helping students achieve to their academic potential. In ‘Principal Matters’, Winter, pp. 18-21.,
    Other | 2014
    Martin AJ, 2014, Arts make kids smart. In ‘NSW Parents Council Parent News’, Term 1, p. 2.,
    Other | 2014
    Martin AJ, 2014, The Motivation and Engagement Scale. Sydney: Lifelong Achievement Group., Lifelong Achievement Group, Sydney, ,
    Other | 2014
    Martin AJ, 2014, The Motivation and Engagement Workbook. Sydney: Lifelong Achievement Group., Lifelong Achievement Group, Sydney, ,
    Other | 2014
    Martin AJ, 2014, What makes a good teacher? Teacher-student relationships. In ‘The Conversation’, August., ,
    Other | 2013
    Martin AJ, 2013, Coping with change: Teaching adaptability will help kids grow. In ‘The Conversation’, November., ,
    Other | 2013
    Martin AJ, 2013, From will to skill: The psychology of motivation, instruction and learning in today’s classroom. In ‘InPsych – Bulletin of Australian Psychological Society’, December, Lead Article for Special Issue, pp. 10-12., ,
    Other | 2013
    Martin AJ, 2013, More to learn about ADHD. In ‘Monitor on Psychology’ (Magazine of American Psychological Association), vol 44, p. 4.,
    Other | 2012
    Ginns P; Papworth B; Martin AJ, 2012, Enhancing students' approaches to learning. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding School Association), vol 5(1), pp. 12-13.,
    Other | 2012
    Martin AJ; Papworth B; Ginns P; Nejad H, 2012, Academic buoyancy, academic resilience, and adaptability: How students deal with difficulty and change. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding Schools Association), vol 5(3), pp. 4-6.,
    Other | 2012
    Martin AJ, 2012, High school motivation and engagement: Gender and age effects. Educational Resources Information Center Document (ED) 532692. U.S. Department of Education.,
    Other | 2012
    Martin AJ, 2012, Personal best goals may help at-risk students’ achievement. In ‘The College of Educational and Developmental Psychologists Newsletter’, September, p. 3.,
    Other | 2012
    Papworth B; Martin AJ; Ginns P; Liem G, 2012, Attending boarding school: What’s the difference in academic and non-academic outcomes? In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding Schools Association), vol 5(4), pp. 8-10.,
    Other | 2012
    Papworth B; Martin AJ; Ginns P; Liem G, 2012, Research into the effects of boarding school: Year 2 (2011) findings. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding Schools Association), vol 5(2), pp. 6-8.,
    Other | 2011
    Ginns P; Martin AJ; Papworth B, 2011, Residential education: Key findings presented at an international symposium. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding School Association), vol 4(2), pp. 18-19.,
    Other | 2011
    Martin AJ; Papworth B; Ginns P, 2011, Early findings on the effects of boarding school. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding Schools Association), vol 4(1), pp. 18-19.,
    Other | 2011
    Martin AJ, 2011, Playing catch up: Should students repeat a grade at school? In ‘The Conversation’, November., ,
    Other | 2010
    Ginns P; Martin AJ; Papworth B, 2010, Understanding approaches to learning. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding School Association), vol 3(3), pp. 4-5.,
    Other | 2010
    Jackson S; Eklund R; Martin AJ, 2010, The Flow Scales: Instrumentation and Test User Manual: Menlo Park, CA, USA: Mind Garden Inc., Mind Garden Inc, Menlo Park, California, ,
    Other | 2010
    Liem G; Martin AJ, 2010, Personal Bests (PBs): A new approach to realising academic potential. In ‘Education Review’, June, p. 15.,
    Other | 2010
    Martin AJ; Ginns P; Papworth B, 2010, Powerful answers to important educational questions. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding Schools Association), vol 3(2), pp. 12-13.,
    Other | 2010
    Martin AJ; Liem G, 2010, Personal Bests (PBs) at school: How self-competition can work for your child. In ‘Parents and Citizens (P&C) Journal’, Term 3, pp. 27-28.,
    Other | 2010
    Martin AJ, 2010, Effects of age on students’ academic outcomes: Implications for parents’ decision making. In ‘Pediatrics for Parents’, vol 26, pp. 16-18.,
    Other | 2010
    Martin AJ, 2010, Girls, achievement motivation, and the glass ceiling: Implications for personal potential. In ‘Alliance (Magazine of Alliance of Girls’ Schools)’, vol 45, p. 22.,
    Other | 2010
    Martin AJ, 2010, Motivating and engaging young people in physical activity. In ‘Active Education Magazine’, vol 25, pp. 42-44.,
    Other | 2010
    Papworth B; Martin AJ; Ginns P, 2010, Preliminary insights and research directions. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding School Association), vol 3(4), pp. 18-19.,
    Other | 2010
    Papworth B; Martin AJ; Ginns P, 2010, Understanding boarding school from residential and experiential perspectives. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding Schools Association), vol 3(1), pp. 10-11.,
    Other | 2009
    Ginns P; Martin AJ; Papworth B, 2009, The role of personality in a successful boarding experience. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding School Association), vol 2(2), pp. 20-21.,
    Other | 2009
    Martin AJ; Ginns P; Papworth B, 2009, How does boarding school affect student outcomes? In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding Schools Association), vol 2(3), pp. 18-19.,
    Other | 2009
    Martin AJ, 2009, Strategies to increase your child’s motivation. In Parent News, vol 29 (2), p. 2.,
    Other | 2009
    Martin AJ, 2009, Teachers really do make a difference in young people’s lives. In ‘Education Views’, July., ,
    Other | 2009
    Papworth B; Martin AJ; Ginns P, 2009, Large-scale evidence-based approaches to better understanding boarding school and its effects on academic and non-academic outcomes. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding School Association), vol 2(1), pp. 18-19.,
    Other | 2008
    Martin AJ, 2008, Pulling students back from the brink: The roles of academic resilience and good relationships. In ‘SPELD Newsletter (Specific Learning Disabilities Association)’, vol 40, pp. 6-8.,
    Other | 2007
    Martin AJ, 2007, How to motivate and engage gifted and talented students. In ‘New South Wales Education Magazine’, Term 3, p. 10 (reprinted in Queensland, Western Australia issues).,
    Other | 2007
    Martin AJ, 2007, Learning outside the classroom: The effects of extra-curricular activity. In ‘New South Wales Education Magazine’, Term 4, p. 36 (reprinted in Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia issues).,
    Other | 2007
    Martin AJ, 2007, Pastoral pedagogy: Teaching that makes great music. In ‘New South Wales Education Magazine’, Term 2, p. 38 (reprinted in Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia issues).,
    Other | 2007
    Martin AJ, 2007, Personal bests (PBs) in the classroom. In ‘New South Wales Education Magazine’, Term 1, p. 8 (reprinted in Victoria, Queensland issues).,
    Other | 2007
    Martin AJ, 2007, Personal bests (PBs): What can schools learn from elite sportspeople? In ‘Australian Guidance and Counselling Association Newsletter’, June (1), pp. 18-19.,
    Other | 2007
    Martin AJ, 2007, Personal bests in school: Lessons from elite sportspeople. In ‘Teacher: The National Education Magazine’, April, pp. 36-39.,
    Other | 2006
    Martin AJ, 2006, Bouncing back. In ‘About Catholic Schools’, March, p. 12.,
    Other | 2006
    Martin AJ, 2006, Getting students into the ‘flow’ of learning. In ‘New South Wales Education Magazine’, Term 4, p. 22 (reprinted in Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia issues).,
    Other | 2006
    Martin AJ, 2006, Keys to academic resilience: How to help kids deal with setbacks, challenges and pressures at school. In ‘New South Wales Education Magazine’, Term 3, p. 26 (reprinted in Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia issues).,
    Other | 2006
    Martin AJ, 2006, Pastoral pedagogy: A great composition comprising the song, the singer, and the singing. Educational Resources Information Center Document (ED) 490483. U.S. Department of Education.,
    Other | 2006
    Martin AJ, 2006, Pastoral pedagogy: When learning makes beautiful music. In ‘Leadership in Focus’, vol 4, pp. 7-9.,
    Other | 2005
    Martin AJ, 2005, Boosting students’ motivation and engagement. In ‘The Addvocate’ (Newsletter of Attention Deficit Disorder Association of Qld), vol 8, pp. 3-6.,
    Other | 2005
    Martin AJ, 2005, Educational resilience: Helping kids deal with setback, challenge, and pressure at school. In ‘Australian Guidance and Counselling Association Newsletter’. Nov/Dec (2), pp. 18-23.,
    Other | 2004
    Martin AJ, 2004, Boosters, mufflers and guzzlers. In ‘Independent Education’, vol 33, pp. 19-20.,
    Other | 2003
    Martin AJ, 2003, Boosting boys’ motivation and engagement at school. In ‘The New South Wales Education Magazine’, Term 4, pp. 8-9 (reprinted in Queensland, Western Australia issues).,
    Other | 2003
    Martin AJ, 2003, Burning to learn. In ‘Principal Matters’, vol 56, pp. 14-16.,
    Other | 2003
    Martin AJ, 2003, Flow in learning. In ‘Australian Guidance and Counselling Association Newsletter’, May (2), pp. 19-24.,
    Other | 2003
    Martin AJ, 2003, Increasing your child’s motivation. In ‘Parents and Citizens Journal’, vol 54, p. 8.,
    Other | 2003
    Martin AJ, 2003, Motivating children who are gifted and talented. In ‘Gifted’, October, pp. 5-7.,
    Other | 2003
    Martin AJ, 2003, Motivating students to learn. In ‘InPsych – Bulletin of Australian Psychological Society’, June, pp. 32-34.,
    Other | 2003
    Martin AJ, 2003, Raising happy learners. In ‘Choosing a School for Your Child – NSW’, vol 19, pp. 23-25 (reprinted in Victoria issue).,
    Other | 2002
    Martin AJ; Tracy D, 2002, Motivating students to learn. In ‘Learning Links – Publication of Association for Children with Learning Disabilities’, vol 3, pp. 1-5.,
    Other | 2002
    Martin AJ, 2002, Boosting your child’s motivation. In ‘Choosing a School for Your Child – NSW’, vol 18, pp. 31-34.,
    Other | 2001
    Martin AJ, 2001, Enhancing students’ motivation and academic resilience. In ‘Australian Guidance and Counselling Association Newsletter’, Nov (2), pp. 26-31.,

2022:  Ranked Top 5 in 5-yearly International Rankings of the Most Published Educational Psychologists (Source: Fong et al., Educational Psychology Review, 2022)

2021, 2022, 2023:  Ranked Top 25 out of 85,000+ authors indexed in Education globally for Scopus-based citations for the years 2020, 2021, and 2022

2021:  Excellence in Media Engagement Award from Media Centre for Education Research in Australia (MCERA) for excellence in media engagement by an education researcher

2020 & 2021:  One of only 9 (in 2020) and 15 (in 2021) Australian researchers listed as top of the world in their discipline (based on citations to their publications in their discipline’s Top 20 journals in previous 5 years) by The Australian newspaper

2019-Present:  Distinguished Scholar, New South Institute for Educational Research

2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022:  National Research Field Leader for the “Educational Psychology and Counselling” discipline in The Australian newspaper

2018:  Award of Distinction, College of Educational and Developmental Psychologists, Australian Psychological Society

2017:  Fellow, College of Educational and Developmental Psychologists, Australian Psychological Society

2016:  Based on lead authorships, placed 1st in International Rankings of the Most Published Educational Psychologists (Source: Table 2, Greenbaum et al., Educational Psychology Review, 2016; and 8th in absolute output, Table 1)

2016:  Fellow, American Psychological Association

2016:  Fellow, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia

2016, 2018, 2020, 2023:  Doctoral Supervisor Awards – Awarded by Postgraduate Council, University of New South Wales, Australia

2015-Present:  Chair, Educational Psychology Research Group, School of Education, University of New South Wales, Australia

2015:  Dean’s Award for Research Scholarly Impact, University of New South Wales

2014-2018:  President, International Association of Applied Psychology – Division 5 Educational, Instructional, and School Psychology

2013-2021:  Honorary Professor, School of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney

2013:  Fellow, American Educational Research Association (AERA)

2011-Present:  Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Education, University of Oxford

2010-2018:  Board Member, International Association of Applied Psychology – Division 5 Educational, Instructional, and School Psychology

2010-2014:  President Elect, International Association of Applied Psychology – Division 5 Educational, Instructional, and School Psychology

2010-2014:  Australian Research Council Future Fellowship

2010-2014:  Invited Inaugural Honorary Member, Australian Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools, APAC (NSW)

2009:  Based on International Rankings of the Most Productive Educational Psychologists (2003-2008), Top 25 most published researchers across all peer reviewed journals (Source: Table 2, Jones et al., Contemporary Educational Psychology, 2010)

2008-Present: Editor Roles and Editorial Boards - see Engagement Section below

2008:  American Educational Research Association (AERA) Early Career Award

2007-2023:  Visiting Scholar/Professor at University of Oxford (2007-2008), National Institute of Education Singapore (2008, 2023), Hong Kong Institute of Education (2010), Beijing Normal University (2012), Yale University (2012), University of Leiden Netherlands (2023), University of Oslo Norway (2023)

2003:  Listed in The Bulletin magazine’s ‘SMART 100 Australians’

2003:  Outstanding Contribution to Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN), Rotary Australia

2001/2002:  Outstanding Educational Psychology PhD by Division 15 of American Psychological Association

1999/2000:  Outstanding Australian PhD in Education by Australian Association for Research in Education

1997:  Placed on Dean’s List of Scholars for Academic Excellence in Education (University of Sydney)

1996:  Postgraduate Travel Scholarship from Australian Association for Research in Education

Engagement with Learned and Professional Academies and Societies:

- Fellow, American Psychological Association

- Fellow, American Educational Research Association

- Fellow, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia

- Fellow, College of Educational and Developmental Psychologists, Australian Psychological Society

- Distinguished Scholar, NSW Institute of Educational Research

- Registered Psychologist (Psychology Board of Australia)

- Member, Australian Psychological Society

- Member, Educational Psychology Division (Div. 15) of American Psychological Association

- Member, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)

- Member, Motivation and Emotion Special Interest Group, EARLI

- Member, Australian Association for Research in Education


Engagement with Academic Journals and Scholarly Volumes - Current:

- Consulting Editor, Psychological Review

- Consulting Editor, Editorial Board, Journal of Educational Psychology

- Consulting Editor, Educational Psychology

- Editorial Board, Educational Psychologist

- Editorial Board, Contemporary Educational Psychology

- Editorial Board, British Journal of Educational Psychology

- Editorial Board, Learning and Individual Differences

- Editorial Board, Learning and Instruction

- Editorial Board, Journal of Experimental Education


Engagement with Academic Journals and Scholarly Volumes - Completed:

- Associate Editor, Journal of Educational Psychology (completed)

- Associate Editor, British Journal of Educational Psychology (completed)

- Associate Editor, School Psychology International (completed)

- Guest Editor, British Journal of Educational Psychology (Special Issue: Academic Growth) (completed)

- Editorial Board, American Educational Research Journal (completed)

- Editorial Board, Educational and Psychological Measurement (completed)

- Editorial Board, Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools (completed)

- Editorial Board, Educational and Developmental Psychologist (completed)

- Editorial Advisory Board, Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (Springer) (completed)

- Section Editor, International Guide to Student Achievement (Routledge) (completed)

- Guest Editor, Educational Psychology (Special Issue: Educational Resilience in Asia; with Drs Haibin Li and Jean Yeung) (completed)

- Guest Editor, Contemporary Educational Psychology (Special Issue: ADHD, Learning Disability, Executive Function Disorder; with Drs Rayne Sperling and Kristie Newton) (completed)

- Advisory Board, Routledge/AARE Local/Global Issues in Education Series (completed)

- Advisory Committee, International Association of Applied Psychology United Nations White Paper Series (completed)