Associate Professor Andrew Murphie
Andrew Murphie's work examines the productive nature of process and intensity. He works at the junction of digital and networked media, philosophy and politics—as these are filtered through generative process in media, arts and philosophy, dynamic modeling of all types, and new forms of cooperation in politics/social organization. His current writing is on "the world as medium", affect, and the philosophy of intensity (Deleuze, Whitehead, Haraway, etc) in relation to media and communications (contemporary media and cultural theory), different understandings of thinking and perception, climate change and a critique of performance culture.
Andrew also works on electronic arts and design (eg cross signal processing), performance in all its senses, ‘speculative pragmatics’ (Massumi/Manning), and extended and dynamicist theories of mind. He has an interest in the contemporary transformation of publishing (from academic publishing to books, music, journalism), both new practices and theory, as well as related events in education and knowledge mobilization and exchange (technics, methods, and new network, information and, e.g. attentional literacies).
Andrew is the co-author of Culture and Technology, with John Potts. Recent/forthcoming publications include: 'The World as Medium: Whitehead's Media theory', 'Auditland', ‘Making Sense: the transformation of documentary by digital and networked media’, ‘Convolving Signal: Thinking the Performance of Computational Processes’, 'Performance as the Distribution of Life: from Aeschylus to Chekhov to VJing via Deleuze and Guattari', ‘Deleuze, Guattari and Neuroscience’ and, with Lone Bertelsen, 'An Ethics of Everyday Infinities and Powers: Félix Guattari on Affect and the Refrain’ in the Affect Theory Reader.
Andrew works as a CI on an international partnership network grant funded by the Canadian SSHRC (7 years from 2013), run by Erin Manning: Immediations: art, media, event (experimental humanities, philosophy, researcj-creation). He is affiliated with the National Institute for Experimental Arts at UNSW Art and Design in Sydney, and was recently a visiting researcher at the Department of Aesthetics and Communication at Aarhus University in Denmark. From 2007-2011 he was a Chief Investigator (with Dr Anna Munster) on an Australian Research Council Discovery Project: Dynamic Media: innovative social and artistic developments in new media in Australia, Britain, Canada and Scandinavia since 1990. He is also involved in several Learning and Teaching development projects.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Shortlisted 2017 for Higher Degree Research supervision prize in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Andrew is also associated with various research networks and centres, particularly in Montreal (Senselab) and Aarhus, Denmark. As well as Editor for the Fibreculture Journal, Fibreculture Book Series and Immediations Book Series, he is on the following:
Editorial Boards
- Open Humanities Press
- Pedagogies Book Series for Edinburgh University Press
- Capacious: Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry
- Conjunctions: Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation
- Journal of Aesthetics and Culture
- Research in Education
- Scan: Journal of Media Arts Culture
- Journal of Peer Production
- Inflexions: A Journal of Research-Creation
- Performance Paradigm: A Journal of Performance and Contemporary Culture
- Junctures: The Journal for Thematic Dialogue
- dancecult: journal of electronic dance music culture