Dr Anne Hogden
PhD, BSpPath, BA(Hons)
B.Arts Hons, B Speech Pathology University of Newcastle; PhD, UNSW
I am a Senior Lecturer with the School of Population Health, Faculty of Medicine & Health, UNSW.
My teaching work is convening and delivering safety and quality courses for the Master of Health Leadership and Management, and supervision of Masters’ and PhD students. My teaching is underpinned by a strong track record of research in health service delivery and management.
My research interests are focused on the clinical care of people living with motor neurone disease (MND), including health service delivery and organisation, stakeholder engagement, patient-centred decision-making and interprofessional team processes.
I have acted as lead or associate investigator on numerous research grants that have attracted over $6 million in research funding. Recent collaborations include: St Vincent’s Health Network telehealth project; Integrated Care model development or MND; MiNDAUS (NHMRC partnership funding); UK DiAMoND decision tool development project (Marie Curie Foundation), USA NorthWestern University Les Turner ALS Centre decision tool development.
My foundational research developed web-based decision tools to support people living with MND to make decisions for care and quality of life. I devised a model of patient-centred decision-making to guide care delivery for my PhD study, and I have since built a strong track record of academic outputs, grant activity, higher degree student supervision and academic service in this field. Uptake of my research internationally has resulted in international collaborations for MND decision-making and support tools.
I am a serving Board member of the MND Collective and member of MND Research Australia and MND Australia Research Committees, and the MND Collective Clinical Care group.
My clinical background is in neurological rehabilitation as a speech pathologist, with 15 years’ experience working in health services as a clinician and healthcare manager (Australia and UK).
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Recent grants include:
- Motor Neurone Disease: Patient centred care for a progressive neurological disease - evidence driving policy (MiNDAUS). NHMRC Partnership grant.
- Exploring access to Motor Neurone Disease healthcare and the potential use of Telehealth for remote, rural and regional New South Wales (a collaboration project of Concord Hospital, St Joseph’s Hospital and Motor Neurone Disease NSW). Funded by St Vincent's Clinic Foundation
- Evaluation of an implemented integrated multidisciplinary clinic for people living with motor neurone disease on the Central Coast. Funded by Central Coast Local Health District.
- Best practice in end of life care and bereavement support: A national survey of bereaved family carers of people with MND. Funded by MND Research Australia
- Development and pilot testing of a web-based decision aid for people with motor neurone disease considering a gastrostomy. Funded by Marie Curie Foundation (UK)
My research activities include:
- Development of patient decision support tools for MND care (Australia, UK and USA)
- Evaluation of the MiNDAUS MND patient registry from user perspectives
- Informing policy development for MND clinical care
- Use of telehealth service delivery for MND care in regional and rural NSW
- Evaluation of an integrated model of care for MND
My Research Supervision
I supervise the following PhD student projects:
Social media for healthcare messaging: improving practice and policy. (Babatune Balogun)
How is change embedded for sustained improvement in patient safety and care quality in hospital settings? (Sarah Eunjung Moon)
Staff engagement for safety culture (Grace Scott)
Embedding large scale change in healthcare organisations (Natalie Wilson)
Agency collaboration for improved outcomes for people in custody receiving care in a hospital environment (Alison Derrett)
My Teaching
I teach strategic and applied healthcare safety and quality in Clinical Governance and Risk Management (PCHM9748) in the Master of Health Leadership and Management.