(02) 9385 3522

Barbara Gillam
Emeritus Professor
BA (Hons I) Sydney, PhD ANU, Post-doctoral Columbia University, New York
School of Psychology
Academic appointments:
Professor 1986-
Appointed Scientia Professor 2002
ARC Professorial Fellow 2002-2006
State University of New York, College of Optometry:
Assoc-Professor then Professor, 1972-86
Research areas:
Stereoscopic vision. The perception of surfaces and occlusion. Perceptual coherence. Hemispheric integration. Attention. Professional issues in psychology.
Mathews, Room 701
- Publications
- Awards, Fellowships and Grants
- Badcock, D & Gillam, B. (2016). Fostering psychological science down under. APS Observer 29 1 (Association of Psychological Science).
- Gillam, B.J. (2014) William Matthew O'Neil (Bill) 1912-1991 Australian Dictionary of Biography 2006-2014.
- Gillam, B.J. (2014) Grouping & occlusion in perception and art. 22nd Kanizsa Lecture. Trieste University Press. 1-11
- Wardle, S.G., Palmisano,.S.A., & Gillam, B.J. (2014) Monocular & binocular edges enhance the perception of stereoscopic slant. Vision Research 100 113-123
- Gillam, B.J & Marlow, P.J (2014) Comparing subjective contours for Kanizsa squares and linear edge alignments Perception 43 977-988
- Gillam, B.J., Wardle, S.G. & Vecellio, E (2014) Orientation contrast and entropy contrast in the genesis of subjective contours along thin lines. Perception 43 (1) 7-22.
- Wardle, S.G. & Gillam, B.J. (2013) Ecological Constraints for perceiving depth from camouflage in da Vinci Stereopsis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 39 6 1525-1540.
- Wardle, S.G. & Gillam, B.J. (2013) Phantom Surfaces in da Vinci Stereopsis. Journal of Vision 13(2):0, 1–14.
- Gillam, B.J., & Wardle, S.G. (2013) A mid-level explanation of the venetian blind effect Frontiers in Psychology 4 908.
- Gillam, B..J. & Vecellio, E. (2012) Subjective Contours along Truncated Letters Perception 41 831-839.
- Spang, K, Gillam, B & Fahle, M (2012) Electrophysiological correlates of binocular stereo depth without binocular disparities PLoS 1 7(8) E40562.
- Gillam, B (2011) The influence of monocular regions on the binocular perception of spatial layout. In Vision in 3-D environments. Ed LR Harris and M. Jenkin. Cambridge University Press.
- Marlow, P.J. & Gillam B.J. (2011) Stereopsis loses dominance over relative size as target separation increases. Perception 40 1413-1427.
- Gillam B.J. (2011) Occlusion issues in early Renaissance Art. i-Perception 2 1-20.
- Marlow P., Gillam B.J. (2011). Stereopsis loses dominance over relative size as target separation increases. Perception, 40(12), 1413-1427. doi:10.1068/p7033
- Gillam B.J., Sedgwick H.A., Marlow P. (2011). Local and non-local effects on surface-mediated stereoscopic depth. Journal of Vision, 11(6), 1-14. doi:10.1167/11.6.1
- Gillam B.J., Grove P.M. (2011). Contour entropy: A new determinant of perceiving ground or a hole. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 37(3), 750-757. doi:10.1037/a0021920
- Gillam B., Palmisano S.A., Govan D.G. (2011). Depth interval estimates from motion parallax and binocular disparity beyond interaction space. Perception, 40(1), 39-49. doi:10.1068/p6868
- Palmisano S., Gillam B., Govan D.G., Allison R.S., Harris J.M. (2010). Stereoscopic perception of real depths at large distances. Journal of Vision, 10(6), 1-16. doi:10.1167/10.6.1
- Gillam B.J., Grove P.M., Layden J. (2010). The role of remote closure in the perception of occlusion at junctions and illusory contours. Perception, 39(2), 145-156. doi:10.1068/p6446
- Gillam, B. (2010). The influence of monocular regions on the binocular perception of spatial layout. In L.R. Harris & M. Jenkin (Eds.), Vision in 3-D environments. Cambridge University Press
- Allison R.S., Gillam B.J., Palmisano S.A. (2009). Stereoscopic discrimination of the layout of ground surfaces. Journal of Vision, 9(12), 1-11. doi:10.1167/9.12.1
- Allison R.S., Gillam B.J., Vecellio E. (2009). Binocular depth discrimination and estimation beyond interaction space. Journal of Vision, 9(1). doi:10.1167/9.1.10
- Gillam B.J., Anderson B.L., Rizwi F. (2009). Failure of facial configural cues to alter metric stereoscopic depth. Journal of Vision, 9(1). doi:10.1167/9.1.3
- Hayhoe M., Gillam B., Chajka K., Vecellio E. (2009). The role of binocular vision in walking.. Visual neuroscience, 26(1), 73-80. doi:10.1017/S0952523808080838
- Rogers, B., Gillam, B., & Gregory, R. (2009) Optic arrays and retinal images: Discussion. Perception, 38, 159-163.
- Brooks K.R., Gillam B.J. (2007). Stereomotion perception for a monocularly camouflaged stimulus. Journal of Vision, 7(13). doi:10.1167/7.13.1
- Gillam B., Blackburn S., Brooks K. (2007). Hinge versus twist: The effects of 'reference surfaces' and discontinuities on stereoscopic slant perception. Perception, 36(4), 596-616. doi:10.1068/p5535
- Ben Sachtler W.L., Gillam B. (2007). The stereoscopic sliver: A comparison of duration thresholds for fully stereoscopic and unmatched versions. Perception, 36(1), 135-144. doi:10.1068/p5625
- Grove P.M., Ben Sachtler W.L., Gillam B.J. (2006). Amodal completion with background determines depth from monocular gap stereopsis. Vision Research, 46(22), 3771-3774. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2006.06.020
- Seizova-Cajic T., Gillam B. (2006). Biases in judgments of separation and orientation of elements belonging to different clusters. Vision Research, 46(16), 2525-2534. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2006.02.010
- Brooks K.R., Gillam B.J. (2006). The swinging doors of perception: Stereomotion without binocular matching. Journal of Vision, 6(7), 685-695. doi:10.1167/6.7.2
- Grove P.M., Brooks K.R., Anderson B.L., Gillam B.J. (2006). Monocular transparency and unpaired stereopsis. Vision Research, 46(10), 1695-1705. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2005.05.006
- Brooks K.R., Gillam B.J. (2006). Quantitative perceived depth from sequential monocular decamouflage. Vision Research, 46(5), 605-613. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2005.06.015
- Gillam B.J., Pianta M.J. (2005). The effect of surface placement and surface overlap on stereo slant contrast and enhancement. Vision Research, 45(25-26), 3083-3095. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2005.07.003
- Grove P.M., Byrne J.M., Gillam B.J. (2005). How configurations of binocular disparity determine whether stereoscopic slant or stereoscopic occlusion is seen. Perception, 34(9), 1083-1094. doi:10.1068/p5274
- Palmisano S., Gillam B. (2005). Visual perception of touchdown point during simulated landing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 11(1), 19-32. doi:10.1037/1076- 898X.11.1.19
Recent research grants:
- (2008-2010) ARC Discovery: An Investigation of Long-range Stereopsis. (Gillam, Palmisano, & Allison)
- (2007-2009) ARC Discovery: Stereoscopic Edge and Surface Perception. (Gillam)
- (2006) ARC International Linkage Fellowship: Stereopsis at Large Distances. (Gillam & Allison)
- (2005-2007) ARC Discovery: Occlusion, surface perception and illusory contours. (Gillam & Anderson)