Associate Professor Behzad Hajarizadeh
Behzad trained as a Medical Practitioner and has a Masters in Public Health (MPH) and PhD in Medicine (Clinical Epidemiology). He is an NHMRC Emerging Leader Fellow. His main area of expertise is viral hepatitis with several years experience as a clinician and then researcher in the field of liver diseases. His employment history includes working as a Research Fellow in La Trobe University, Melbourne and as a Senior Research Officer and Project Coordinator in the Ministry of Health and UNAIDS country office in Iran.
Research Interests:
Epidemiology and natural history of acute and chronic HCV infection, including HCV re-infection; HCV management and barriers to care in prison setting and among people who inject drugs; HBV management among culturally and linguistically diverse people; Development, and monitoring/evaluation of HBV and HCV elimination programs in Australia and in low/middle-income countries.
For the most recent list of Behzad's publications, please see "Publication" here: https://www.unsw.edu.au/staff/behzad-hajarizadeh
Society Memberships & Professional Activities:
Member, Australasian Society for HIV Medicine (ASHM)
Member, European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL)
Member, International Network on Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU)
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Hepatitis C elimination in Australia: Filling the gaps (NHMRC Investigator Grant; 2024)
Evidence Check: Population-level evidence to reduce Hepatitis B (NSW Ministry of Health; 2022)
Real world assessment of people living with chronic hepatitis B in Australia (Department of Health; 2022)
Australian hepatitis and risk survey in prisons (Department of Health; 2022)
National prisons hepatitis C education: improving health literacy to enhance treatment uptake (NHMRC Partnership Grant; 2021)
The impact of improving hepatitis C treatment on hepatocellular carcinoma (Cancer Council NSW Research Project Grant; 2017)
Hepatitis C treatment-as-prevention in the prison setting (NHMRC Early Career Fellowship; 2016)
Risk of hepatitis C reinfection among people with current injecting drug use following successful HCV treatment (NHMRC Project Grant)
2024: NHMRC Emerging Leader Fellowship (National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia)
2022: Brett Tindall Memorial Award (Kirby Institute)
2019: Levinia Crooks Emerging Leader in Viral Hepatitis Award (Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine, ASHM)
2018: Award for Research Excellence (University of New South Wales)
2017: The Kirby Institute Emerging Investigator Award (Kirby Institute)
2016: NHMRC Early Career Fellowship (National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia)
2015: UNSW Medicine Dean’s List Award (University of New South Wales)
2013: ASHM Junior Researcher Support Awards in HIV and Hepatitis (Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine, ASHM)
2011: Australian Postgraduate Award - APA (Commonwealth Government of Australia)
Behzad's research interests include epidemiology and natural history of acute and chronic HCV infection, including HCV re-infection, HCV management and barriers to care in prison setting and among people who inject drugs, HBV management among culturally and linguistically diverse people, and development, and monitoring/evaluation of HBV and HCV elimination programs in Australia and in low/middle-income countries.