Dr Chaoran Huang
BEng, PhD
Chaoran Huang is a Postdoctoral Fellow/Research Associate with Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering, and he was with School of Computer Science and Engineering, The University of New South Wales, supervised by Dr. Lina Yao , and works closely with and her group D².
He used to concentrate on Service-Oriented Computing, while much of his current research is focused on the data mining, machine learning and IoT data analytics. More can be found in http://chaoranhuang.com/.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
My Research Supervision
I am jointly supervising 4 PhD students secondarily supervising 1 PhD student
Not available as solely as primary HDR supervisor, but can be co-supervisor, joint supervisor or secondary supervisor.
My Teaching
Course admin & lab demonstrator for COMP9321 in Term1, 2019
Assessor for Research Thesis B - 2021 T2