Emeritus Professor Chris Davison
BA (Hons) Dip Ed MEd (Melb) BEd (TESOL) PhD (La Trobe)
Professor Chris Davison, a specialist in language education and school-based assessment, is Professor of Language and Literacy Education in the School of Education, University of New South Wales (UNSW), and the former Head of the School for more than 10 years (2008-2019). She has worked in teacher education for over 35 years, including at the University of Hong Kong (1999-2008) where she was Associate Dean (Research), the University of Melbourne (1988-1999), and La Trobe University (1985-89). Before that, Chris had extensive experience as an English and ESL teacher and consultant in primary and secondary schools, English language centres and the adult and community education sector in Australia and overseas.
Chris has researched and published extensively on the interface between English as a mother tongue and ESL development, integrating language and content curriculum, and English language assessment, with over 100 peer-reviewed publications, including in leading international journals such as TESOL Quarterly, Applied Linguistics, Language Assessment Quarterly, Language Testing and Linguistics and Education. Her books include a two volume handbook of teaching English internationally (Springer, with Jim Cummins) and a co-authored book on English language teaching innovation in China (HKU Press, with Xinmin Zheng). She is founding co-editor (with Andy Gao) of the Springer book series on English Language Education.
With colleagues at the University of Hong Kong, Chris completed the research and development of a range of oral school-based assessment initiatives for the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, and also worked over a number of years with the Ministries of Education in Singapore and in Brunei on integrating assessment for learning into their new curricula. She has recently completed a multimillion dollar project researching and developing an online assessment resource centre for assessing and teaching EAL learners in Victorian schools, funded by the Department of Education and Training (DET), Catholic Education and Independent Schools Victoria. She has conducted many in-service programs and consultancies with educational systems in the Asian region, including Singapore, Laos, Vietnam, Taiwan, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand and China.
Chris has been actively involved in an extensive range of professional associations and community organizations throughout her career, including undertaking stints as President of the Australian Council of TESOL Association, Chair of the Australian Literacy Federation, Chair of the TESOL International Research Committee and most recently, Chair of the NSW Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards Initial Teacher Education Committee and President of the NSW Council of Deans of Education. In 2015-18 she was on the Executive of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia as Editor in Chief of their journal, the Australian Review of Applied Linguistics.
Chris is recipient of a number of awards, most recently for Outstanding Contributions to Teacher Education and to TESOL, awarded by the Australian Council of Deans of Education in 2016, the Ralph Rawlinson Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Education of Students with Disadvantage at the International Level in 2017, and the UNSW Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Dean's Research Leadership Award and the UNSW Postgraduate Council Outstanding Supervisor Award in 2018.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
2018-22 Department of Education, NSW, (with A/Prof Scott Eacott). Longitudinal evaluation of the Griffith secondary education model.
2018-19 Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Board. (with Dr Michael Michell, Dr Alan Williams). EAL Curriculum research and development.
2017 Department of Education, NSW, (with A/Prof Scott Eacott). Scoping study evaluation of the Griffith secondary education model.
2015 The Association of Independent Schools of NSW. Improving the Quality of Teacher Education Practicum Experiences.
2012-16 Department of Education and Training (DET), Catholic Education Office and Independent Schools Victoria. Research and Development: Tools to Enhance Assessment Literacy for Teachers of English as an Additional Language (TEAL).
2010-11, NSW Department of Education and Training (DET), (with Dr Michael Michell). ESL Assessment English as a Second Language (ESL) Assessment Tools and Advice: Phase 2 – Design Options.
2010-11, Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD), (with Dr Michael Michell). ESL Assessment English as a Second Language (ESL) Assessment Tools and Advice: Phase 2 – Design Options.
2007-09 Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, (with Prof Liz Hamp-Lyons), Continuation study on the implementation of the school-based assessment component of the 2007 HKCE English Language Examination.
2006-09 Hong Kong Research Grants Committee (RGC) Competitive Earmarked Research Grant (CERG) Award 2006-07, HK$1,174,116, (with Dr Steve Andrews (PI) and Prof L Hamp-Lyons, University of Hong Kong, Dr Liying Cheng, Queen’s University). An impact study of a high-stakes ESL assessment innovation in Hong Kong secondary schools.
2006-08 Hong Kong Research Grants Committee (RGC) Competitive Earmarked Research Grant (CERG) Award 2006-07, HK$ 724,319 (with Dr S Andrews and Prof L Hamp-Lyons, University of Hong Kong, Prof C Leung, King’s College, University of London). The use of summative oral school-based assessment for formative purposes in Hong Kong secondary English.
2006-08 Quality Education Fund, Education and Manpower Bureau, HK $2,359,000 (with Dr S Andrews, D Carless, M Clarke, G Davies, N Tavares, L Hamp-Lyons), University of Hong Kong), Aligning assessment with curriculum reform in junior secondary English language teaching.
2005-07 Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, (with Prof Liz Hamp-Lyons), Longitudinal study on the implementation of the school-based assessment component of the 2007 HKCE English Language Examination.
2005-06 Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, (with Prof Liz Hamp-Lyons), Research and development for professional development courses for teachers in preparation for the school-based assessment component of the 2007 HKCE English Language Examination
2005 Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, (with Prof Liz Hamp-Lyons) Field trialling for school-based assessment in the 2007 HKCE English Language Examination
2005 Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, (with Prof Liz Hamp-Lyons) Professional development for teachers in preparation for school-based assessment in the 2007 HKCE English Language Examination, Part 1 & 2
2004-06 Hong Kong Research Grants Committee (RGC) Competitive Earmarked Research Grant (CERG) Award 2004-05, HK $690,000 (with Dr S Andrews, Prof L Hamp-Lyons & R Tang, University of Hong Kong), Oral summative assessment of secondary ESL in Hong Kong .
2004-06 Quality Education Fund, Education and Manpower Bureau, HK $314,000 (with Dr S Andrews, Dr F Hyland, Dr A Wong, R Tang, University of Hong Kong), Making school-based assessment more effective in English language education.
2001 Universitas 21 International Collaborative Research Grant, University of Melbourne, AUD$10,000 (with Dr Sophie Arkoudis, University of Melbourne), Cross national similarities and differences in teachers’ assessment judgments of student written texts and the implications for alternative assessment.
2000-03 Hong Kong Research Grants Committee (RGC) Competitive Earmarked Research Grant (CERG) Award, 2000-2001, HK $807,817 (with Dr J Day, Dr T Kwan, F. Real-Lopez and Prof A Tsui, University of Hong Kong), An investigation into the impact of school-university partnerships in teacher education in Hong Kong.
1999 Australian Research Council (ARC) Grant. The assessment practices of ESL teachers.
1992-98 Language Australia (formerly National Languages and Literacy Institute of Australia), AUD$180,000, Victorian Child Literacy and ESL Research Network.
1998 Most Exemplary Thesis in Education, Most Outstanding Doctoral Thesis, La Trobe University.
2012 Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teacher Education, Australian College of Education.
2016 Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teacher Education and to TESOL,
Australian Council of Deans of Education.
2016 Supervisor Award, Postgraduate Council, UNSW.
2017 Ralph Rawlinson Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Education of Students with
Disadvantage (International Level), Australian College of Education.
2018 Outstanding Supervisor Award, Postgraduate Council, UNSW.
2018 Dean's Research Leadership Award, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UNSW.
2018 Anna Hogg Oration, Australian College of Education.
Director (2014-2020), UNSW-Matraville Education Partnership, https://education.arts.unsw.edu.au/about-us/community-engagement/matraville-education-partnership/ For videos, see https://matrasport-h.schools.nsw.gov.au/, https://www.abc.net.au/7.30/struggling-sydney-school-becomes-teacher-training/6949854
Project Leader (2020), Indigenous Cultural Residents Project (incorporating the Matraville Culture, Community and Curriculum Project).
Project Leader (2012-2018), Tools for Enhancing Assessment Literacy of Teachers of English as an Additional Language, see http://teal.global2.vic.edu.au/. Latest podcast, https://faculti.net/using-assessment-to-promote-learning/
Membership of relevant government bodies and any office held
2020- Member, Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) Advisory Committee, Federal Department of Home Affairs, Australia.
2015- Member, LANTITE Governance Committee, Federal Department of Education, Australia.
2015- Member, EALD Assessment Reference Group, Department of Education and Training, Victoria
2017 Chair, Initial Teacher Education Committee and Member, Quality Teaching Council, BOSTES, NSW
2015-17 Teacher Education Policy Advisory Committee, BOSTES, NSW
2013-17 Member, Initial Teacher Education Committee, BOSTES, NSW
2011-15 Member, International Advisory Panel, English Language Institute, Singapore
2007-08 Member, Working Party on School-based Assessment for new Diploma of Secondary Education, Curriculum Development Institute/Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
2004 Member, Awards for Excellence in English Language Teaching, Quality Education Fund, Hong Kong.
2003-08 Member, Committee on Standards-referenced CE English Language Examination, Curriculum Development Institute/Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority.
2002-08 Member, English Language Committee, Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority.
2006 International Expert Reviewer, VCE Study Design, Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Australia.
1999 Board Member, Language Australia (formerly the National Language and Literacy Institute of Australia)
1999 Member, Ministerial Advisory Committee on LOTE and ESL, Victoria, Australia
1993-94 Independent ESL Expert, DEET Tendered Labour Market Programs, Australia.
1992 Chair, ESL Strand, Special Follow-Up Conference on Teacher Education for Literacy, DEET/Australian Language and Literacy Council.
1991-99 Member, Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Year 12 English (ESL) External Examination Panel and Year 12 English (ESL) assessor
1991 Member, National Review of ELICOS Teacher Qualifications, National ELICOS Accreditation Scheme.
1991 Member, National Review of AMEP Tendering, Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs (DILGEA).
1991 Member, Steering Committee, National Coordinating Agency for the Training of Adult literacy Personnel in Australia (CATALPA)
1990 Member, Special Advisory Group of Distinguished Academics and Literacy Specialists for the Minister for Department of Education, Employment and Training (DEET) and the Australian Language and Literacy Policy Task Force.
1989 Member, ESL Reference Group, Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Board (VCAB); Advisor, State Board Literacy Strategy, Victoria, Australia
1987-90 Examiner and Marker, VCE Year 12 Alternative English (ESL), Victoria, Australia
1985-88 Member, TESL Curriculum Committee, Ministry of Education, Victoria.
1995-9 Member, Advisory Group, Victorian Directorate of School Education ESL Course Advice for the Curriculum and Standards Framework.
1994-9 Advisor, Schools Curriculum and Assessment Authority, England
1994 Critical Friend, Review of Research and Scholarly Literature - Schools Sector, Australian Language and Literacy Council
1994 Member, Steering Committee, DEET Project on the Assessment and Moderation of Adult Language and Literacy Students in DEET-funded Labour Market Programs
1994 Member, Advisory Committee, National Reporting Mechanism on Adult English Language, Literacy and Numeracy, Australian National Training Authority/ACTRAC.
1993 Member, Steering Committee, DEET Project on the Registration and Accreditation of Adult Language and Literacy Courses and Providers in DEET-funded Labour Market Programs
1993 Critical Friend, National Framework of Adult English Language, Literacy and Numeracy Competencies, ACTRAC
1993 Member, Advisory Group, Victorian ESL Scales, Directorate of School Education.
1992-94 Member, Steering Committee, Language and Literacy Schools: ESL Development Research Project, National Languages and Literacy Institute of Australia.
1991 Advisor, New Arrivals Curriculum Project, Ministry of Education and Training (Victoria)
1991 Member, Steering Committee, Coordinating Agency for the Training of Adult Literacy Personnel in Australia (CATALPA)
Recent consultancies
2015 - current Australian Council of Educational Research. Consultant on Literacy Assessment for student teachers
2013-15 ACARA, Consultant on EALD Curriculum and Assessment.
2012 - current Department of Education and Training, Victoria. Consultant on EALD Curriculum and Assessment
2009 - 2013 Ministry of Education, Brunei. Consultant on Curriculum and Assessment
2005 - 2015 Ministry of Education, Singapore. Consultant on English Language Curriculum and Assessment
2004 - 2012 Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, Hong Kong. Consultant/Project Leader
2003 Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates. Consultant
1999 - 2008 East Asian Regional Council of Overseas Schools. Consultant.
Membership of relevant professional bodies and any office held
2014-17 President, NSW Council of Deans of Education
2012-14 Vice-President, NSW Council of Deans of Education
2012-18 Member, Australian College of Educators.
2008-18 Member, Australian Council of Deans of Education ; Board Member, 2014-16
2008- Member, ATESOL NSW, VicTesol.,
2006-09 Chair Elect (2006-07) and Chair (2007-08), Research Committee, TESOL International.
2003-06 Member, Standards Committee, TESOL International.
2003-05 Member, International Research Agenda Task Force, TESOL International.
2003-05 Chair Elect and Chair, Research Interest Section, TESOL International.
1992 Chairperson, Australian Literacy Federation (ALF).
1988-91 President, Australian Council of TESOL Associations (ACTA).
1988 – Member, Australian Association for Applied Linguistics (ALAA); 2015 – 2018 Executive Member.
1986-99 Committee Member, Victorian Association of TESOL and Multicultural Education (VATME).
Editing of professional or academic journals
2016-18 Editor in Chief, Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, Benjamins
2014-current Founding co-editor, Springer series in English language education, https://www.springer.com/series/11558
2007-08 Guest Editor, Special Issue of TESOL Quarterly (with Prof C Leung)
2005-07 Guest Editor, Special Issue of Journal of Asian-Pacific Communication (with Dr S Arkoudis)
2012- current Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Sociocultural Theory
2007-09 Member, Editorial Board, CamTESOL (Journal of TESOL Cambodia)
2006- 09 Member, Editorial Board, Asian Journal of English Language Teaching
2003-09 Member, Editorial Board, Assessing Writing
2003-09, 2019-current Member, Editorial Board, Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics
2002-09 Member, Editorial Board, Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics
2000-01 Member, Editorial Board, TESOL Journal (Journal of TESOL International)
1999-04 Member, Editorial Advisory Board, TESOL in Context
1993 Guest Editor, TESOL in Context, Vol. 3, No. 1.
1990-95 Member, Editorial Sub-Committee, TESOL in Context
External reviewing for competitive research grants, academic awards and prizes
2016- Swedish Council of Educational Research
2010- Australian Research Council
2010 - Competitive Research Grants, National Institute of Education, Singapore
2006 - College of Reviewers, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada
2004 - Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
2003-07 Judge (& Chair 2004, 2007), Distinguished Researcher Award, TESOL, USA
2000 Judge, British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL) Book Prize
My Research Supervision
UNSW Higher Degree Research (Masters by Research and PhD) Current students Rodriguez,Jaime Alejandro Batley,Debra Aghamalian, Teny |
PhD EdD EdD |
Secondary supervisor |
2020 T2 2020 T1 2020 T1 |
Sun, Alice |
PhD |
Secondary Supervisor |
2021 T1 |
Park, Eun Kyong |
PhD |
Secondary Supervisor |
2018 S2 |
Donehue,Tracey Elisapeta |
PhD |
Joint Supervisor |
2017 S1 |
PhD | Joint Supervisor | 2017 S1
Morrison,Hanna |
PhD |
Joint Supervisor |
2015 S1 |
Stanyer,Susanne Maree |
PhD |
Supervisor |
2014 S1 |
UNSW Higher Degree Research (Masters by Research and PhD)
PhD |
Joint Supervisor |
2020-04-01 |
Oo,Cherry Zin |
PhD |
Joint Supervisor |
2020-01-08 |
Mashayekh,Sara |
PhD |
Supervisor |
2019-08-27 |
Anson,Daniel Walter John |
PhD |
Secondary Supervisor |
2019-08-16 |
Rodriguez,Jaime Alejandro |
MEdLead (Research) |
Joint Supervisor |
2019-08-16 |
Li,Yuhua |
PhD |
Secondary Supervisor |
2019-01-09 |
Iranmanesh,Leila |
PhD |
Joint Supervisor |
2018-11-16 |
Carroll,Daniel Patrick |
MPhil (Research) |
Secondary Supervisor |
2018-06-26 |
Phung,De Van |
PhD |
Supervisor |
2018-06-08 |
Park,Eun Kyong |
MEd (Research) |
Joint Supervisor |
2018-05-30 |
Jahan,Israt |
PhD |
Joint Supervisor |
2017-03-07 |
Na Chiangmai,Siriwimon |
PhD |
Secondary Supervisor |
2016-09-05 |
Roy,Madhulika |
MEd (Research) |
Supervisor |
2016-03-29 |
Alonzo,Dennis |
PhD |
Joint Supervisor |
2016-03-17 |
Hisaoka,Toshio |
PhD |
Secondary Supervisor |
2015-11-09 |
Khongput,Somruedee |
PhD |
Secondary Supervisor |
2014-07-30 |
My Teaching
EDST 2003 Language, Literacy and Numeracy: Learning and Teaching
EDST 5114 Curriculum and Assessment
EDST5441 Advanced TESOL Curriculum and Assessment