Professor Craig Anderson

Professor Craig Anderson

Conjoint Professor

1976-1982: University of Tasmania

1979: Bachelor of Medical Science

1982: Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery

1989-1996: University of Western Australia

1989-91: Biostatistics IA, Epidemiology I, Epidemiology II, and Clinical Epidemiology Units for Masters in Public Health

1996: Doctor of Philosophy Departments of Public Health and Psychiatry: "The epidemiology of stroke-related disability: frequency, patterns and determinants of care"

Medicine & Health
School of Biomedical Sciences

Professor Craig Anderson is Professor of Neurology and Epidemiology in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of New South Wales, and is a clinical academic neurologist at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia. He is Executive Director of The George Institute China at Peking University Health Science Center in Beijing, China.

Craig holds specialist qualifications in clinical neurology and geriatrics, a PhD in medicine and epidemiology from The University of Western Australia, and is a Senior Principal Research Fellow of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia. He is a past President of the Asia Pacific Stroke Organisation and the Stroke Society of Australasia, and is a member of several specialist societies and an editor for the Cochrane Stroke Group. He has published widely on the clinical and epidemiological aspects of stroke, cardiovascular disease and aged care, and has led several large-scale investigator-initiated epidemiological and clinical trials that have had a major influence on clinical practice guidelines for stroke treatment and prevention.

+61 02 8052 4300
  • Books | 2015
    Toyoda K; Anderson CS; Mayer SA, 2015, Preface
  • Book Chapters | 2021
    Anderson CS, 2021, 'Intracerebral Hemorrhage', in Stroke: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management,
    Book Chapters | 2020
    Moullaali T; Salman RAS; Anderson C, 2020, 'Acute Treatment of Intracerebral Haemorrhage', in Stroke Prevention and Treatment: An Evidence-based Approach, pp. 239 - 259,
    Book Chapters | 2019
    Sato S; Anderson CS, 2019, 'Specific treatment of intracerebral hemorrhage', in Warlow’s Stroke: Practical Management, pp. 657 - 678,
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Sato S; Anderson CS, 2018, 'Central Nervous System Disorders: Transient Ischemic Attack and Stroke (Ischemic/Hemorrhagic)', in Updates in Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection, Springer International Publishing, pp. 307 - 321,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Chapman N; Arima H; Chalmers J; Anderson C, 2013, 'Cerebrovascular Disease in Hypertension', in Hypertension: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease: Second Edition, pp. 303 - 312,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    Chapman N; Arima H; Chalmers J; Anderson C, 2013, 'Chapter 34 Cerebrovascular Disease in Hypertension', in Hypertension: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease, Elsevier, pp. 303 - 312,
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Hata J; Arima H; Anderson CS; Chalmers J, 2012, 'Cognitive function and dementia in hypertension: Epidemiologic and therapeutic aspects', in Special Issues in Hypertension, pp. 399 - 412,
    Book Chapters | 2010
    Buck BH; Shuaib A; Anderson C, 2010, 'Stroke', in Evidence-Based Cardiology: Third Edition, pp. 969 - 992,
    Book Chapters | 2010
    Hackett ML; Anderson CS, 2010, 'Neurovascular Disease and Mood Disorders', in Festa JR; Lazar RM (ed.), NEUROVASCULAR NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, SPRINGER, pp. 221 - 243,
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Chapman N; Anderson C; Chalmers J, 2007, 'Cerebrovascular Disease in Hypertension', in Hypertension: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease, pp. 392 - 405,
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Chapman N; Anderson C; Chalmers J, 2007, 'Chapter 33 Cerebrovascular Disease in Hypertension', in Hypertension, Elsevier, pp. 392 - 405,
    Book Chapters | 2006
    Ratnasabapathy Y; Lee A; Feigin V; Anderson C, 2006, 'Blood pressure lowering interventions for preventing dementia in patients with cerebrovascular disease', in Ratnasabapathy Y (ed.), , John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,
    Book Chapters | 2003
    Ratnasabapathy Y; Lee A; Feigin V; Anderson C, 2003, 'Blood pressure lowering interventions for preventing dementia in patients with cerebrovascular disease', in Ratnasabapathy Y (ed.), , John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,
  • Journal articles | 2025
    Harris K; Gong J; MacMahon S; Xu Y; Shajahan S; Harrap S; Poulter N; Marre M; Hamet P; Mancia G; Anderson C; Woodward M; Chalmers J, 2025, 'Effect of randomised blood pressure lowering treatment and intensive glucose control on dementia and cognitive decline according to baseline cognitive function and other subpopulations of individuals with type 2 diabetes: Results from the ADVANCE trial', Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior, 8,
    Journal articles | 2025
    Kruyt ND; Nederkoorn PJ; Sandset EC; Lyden P; Song L; Anderson CS, 2025, 'A cautionary view on blood pressure lowering in patients with acute ischaemic stroke receiving reperfusion therapy', The Lancet Neurology, 24, pp. 28 - 29,
    Journal articles | 2025
    Lorenzi E; Crawford AM; Anderson CS; Menon B; Chen X; Mistry E; Khatri P; Elm JJ; Beall J; Saville BR; Berry SM; Lewis RJ, 2025, 'Adaptive Platform Trials in Stroke', Stroke, 56, pp. 198 - 208,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Allende MI; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Gonzalez F; Bascur F; Anderson CS; Ouyang M; Cabieses B; Obach A; Cano-Nigenda V; Arauz A, 2024, 'Recommendations for Implementing the INTERACT3 Care Bundle for Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Latin America: Results of a Delphi Method', Cerebrovascular Diseases, pp. 1 - 8,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Anderson CS; Song L, 2024, 'Promising Efforts to Define a Novel Approach to Neuroprotection for Acute Ischemic Stroke', JAMA Neurology, 81, pp. 317 - 318,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Anderson CS, 2024, 'Stroke advances in 2023: a new horizon for the management of intracerebral haemorrhage', The Lancet Neurology, 23, pp. 12 - 13,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Appleton JP; Dixon M; Woodhouse LJ; Anderson CS; Ankolekar S; Cala L; England TJ; Godolphin PJ; Krishnan K; Mair G; Muir KW; Potter J; Price CI; Randall M; Robinson TG; Roffe C; Rothwell PM; Sandset EC; Saver JL; Siriwardena AN; Wardlaw JM; Sprigg N; Bath PM, 2024, 'Pre-hospital transdermal glyceryl trinitrate for transient ischaemic attack: Data from the RIGHT-2 trial', European Journal of Neurology, 31,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Billot L; Chen C; Song L; Lin Y; Liu F; Chen X; Arima H; Bath PM; Ford GA; Robinson TG; Sandset EC; Saver JL; Sprigg N; Van Der Worp HB; Yang J; Li G; Anderson CS, 2024, 'Statistical Analysis Plan for the INTEnsive Ambulance-Delivered Blood Pressure Reduction in Hyper-ACute Stroke Trial', Cerebrovascular Diseases,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Carcel C; Clancy L; Harris K; Peters R; Byrne A; Bassett K; Freed R; Hoyos CM; Rodgers A; Lindley R; Chalmers J; Xu Y; Woodward M; Ouyang M; Naismith SL; Anderson C, 2024, 'Randomised controlled decentralised feasibility trial of a fixed low-dose combination antihypertensive drug strategy to attenuate cognitive decline in high-risk adults', BMJ Open, 14, pp. e080862,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Chen C; Ren X; Zhao Y; Ouyang M; Li Mbiostat Q; Wang X; Li Y; You S; Wang Y; Robinson TG; Lindley R; Arima H; Chalmers J; Li G; Chen X; Anderson CS; Song L, 2024, 'Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering and Renal Function in Ischemic Stroke Patients: Secondary Analysis of the ENCHANTED Trial', Cerebrovascular Diseases,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Crawford AM; Lorenzi EC; Saville BR; Lewis RJ; Anderson CS, 2024, 'Adaptive Clinical Trials in Stroke', Stroke, 55, pp. 2731 - 2741,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Fu L; Zhang Y; Du X; Han R; Hu R; Anderson CS; Ji L; Ma C, 2024, 'A 24-Week, Multi-Center, Randomized, Open-Label Clinical Trial Comparing the Effects of Xuezhikang and Atorvastatin on Glucose Metabolism in Patients with Dyslipidemia and Prediabetes (XTREME Study): Design of the Study Protocol', Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications, 9,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Griffiths J; Adshead F; Al-Shahi Salman R; Anderson C; Bedson E; Bliss J; Boshoff A; Chen X; Cranley D; Doran P; Dunne F; Gamble C; Gillies K; Hood K; Kavanagh C; Malone J; Mcgregor N; Mcnamara C; Midha E; Moore K; Murphy L; Newman C; O'reilly S; Perkins AM; Pett S; Sydes MR; Whitty L; You F; Fox L; Williamson PR, 2024, 'What is the carbon footprint of academic clinical trials? A study of hotspots in 10 trials', BMJ Open, 14, pp. e088600,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Guo J; Chen X; Wu M; Wang D; Zhao Y; Li Q; Tang G; Che F; Xia Z; Liang Z; Shi L; Jiang Q; Chen Y; Liu X; Ren X; Ouyang M; Wang B; You S; Billot L; Wang X; Liu Z; Jing H; Meng W; Tian S; Liu E; Xiang Y; Tang X; Xie T; Cui W; Zheng Y; Cao J; Zhang J; Wen Z; Huang T; Wang L; You C; Pan S; Cai Y; Lu Y; Hankey GJ; Al-Shahi Salman R; Anderson CS; Song L; Wang J; Campbell B; Chen C; Hu R; Li X; Wan Y; Zhang C; Gui Z; Chen M; Ouyang S; Zhao X; Huo C; Ban R; Wang J; Zhang L; Yu W; Dong L; Ning Y; Li P; Huang F; Ren Z; Zheng Z; Li K; Wang X; Li Y; Zhu H; Tan X; Qiu X; Yang Z; Lou Z; Zhao H; Tang Y; Hu D; Xie M; Wang D; Wu X; Zheng Y; Mao R; Chen H; Luo M; Xue S; Li C; Chen J; Jiang H; Zhang X; Xu Y; Yan H; Yang G; Wang F; Lu X; Yan L; Xie Z; He F; Liu W; Zhuang R; Su Q, 2024, 'Traditional Chinese medicine FYTF-919 (Zhongfeng Xingnao oral prescription) for the treatment of acute intracerebral haemorrhage: a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, clinical trial', The Lancet, 404, pp. 2187 - 2196,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Han Q; You S; Maeda T; Wang Y; Ouyang M; Li Q; Song L; Zhao Y; Ren X; Chen C; Delcourt C; Zhou Z; Cao Y; Liu CF; Zheng D; Arima H; Robinson TG; Chen X; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Wang X, 2024, 'Predictors of Early versus Delayed Neurological Deterioration after Thrombolysis for Ischemic Stroke', Cerebrovascular Diseases,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Heffernan M; Woodward M; De Silva DA; Chen C; Anderson CS; Kremer C; Harris K; Sandset EC; Ferretti MT; Caso V; Carcel C, 2024, 'Sex and Gender Publications in Brain Health: A Mapping Review of the Asia-Pacific Region', Cerebrovascular Diseases,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Hu YB; Lu J; Li HX; Anderson CS; Liu ZM; Zhang B; Hao JJ, 2024, 'Spatiotemporal alterations in the brain oscillations of Arctic explorers', Brain Research Bulletin, 215,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Huque MH; Kootar S; Kiely KM; Anderson CS; van Boxtel M; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Carlson M; Fitzpatrick AL; Whitmer RA; Kivipelto M; Jorm L; Köhler S; Lautenschlager NT; Lopez OL; Shaw JE; Matthews FE; Peters R; Anstey KJ, 2024, 'A single risk assessment for the most common diseases of ageing, developed and validated on 10 cohort studies', BMC Medicine, 22,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Hurden A; Cotter I; Mowszowski L; Naismith S; Anderson CS, 2024, 'Perspectives of general practitioners and memory clinic patients on ageing and cognitive decline to inform the design of a decentralised antihypertensive dementia prevention trial', Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior, 6, pp. 100215,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Jiang C; Wang Z; Du X; Wang Y; Gao M; Jia Z; Chai Z; Yang Z; Wang C; He L; Hu R; Lv Q; Wu J; Li X; Jia C; Han R; Arima H; Wang X; Neal B; Rodgers A; Hillis GS; Patel A; Li Q; Dong J; Anderson CS; Ma C, 2024, 'Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of intensive blood pressure control on cardiovascular risk reduction in patients with atrial fibrillation: Rationale and design of the CRAFT trial', American Heart Journal, 278, pp. 33 - 40,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Jiang C; Zhao M; Li M; Wang Z; Bai Y; Guo H; Li S; Lai Y; Wang Y; Gao M; He L; Guo X; Li S; Liu N; Jiang C; Tang R; Long D; Sang C; Du X; Dong J; Anderson CS; Ma C, 2024, 'Orthostatic blood pressure changes do not influence cognitive outcomes following intensive blood pressure control', Journal of Internal Medicine, 295, pp. 557 - 568,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Jung SL; Seta A; Price JM; McClure-Griffiths NM; Livingston JD; Gaensler BM; Ma YK; Tahani M; Anderson CS; Federrath C; Van Eck CL; Leahy D; O’Sullivan SP; West J; Heald G; Akahori T, 2024, 'Magnetized H I superbubbles in the Small Magellanic Cloud revealed by the POSSUM pilot survey', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 534, pp. 2938 - 2952,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Lepore M; Di Mascolo L; Tozzi P; Churazov E; Mroczkowski T; Borgani S; Carilli C; Gaspari M; Ginolfi M; Liu A; Pentericci L; Rasia E; Rosati P; Röttgering HJA; Anderson CS; Dannerbauer H; Miley G; Norman C, 2024, 'Feeding and feedback processes in the Spiderweb proto-intracluster medium', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 682,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Li J; Chen Y; Wang Y; Liu X; Li P; He Y; Hao Y; Huang L; Jin J; Wang J; Anderson C, 2024, 'Impact of guideline-directed medical therapy on systolic blood pressure and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with heart failure and low blood pressure: A systematic review and meta-analysis', European Journal of Heart Failure, 26, pp. 1435 - 1442,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Li Q; Yakhkind A; Alexandrov AW; Alexandrov AV; Anderson CS; Dowlatshahi D; Frontera JA; Hemphill JC; Ganti L; Kellner C; May C; Morotti A; Parry-Jones A; Sheth KN; Steiner T; Ziai W; Goldstein JN; Mayer SA, 2024, 'Code ICH: A Call to Action', Stroke, 55, pp. 494 - 505,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Li Y; Zhao Y; Zhang X; Sun L; Wan Y; Zhang Y; Yang P; Song L; Liu J; Anderson CS, 2024, 'Opinions over Targets for Blood Pressure Control after Mechanical Thrombectomy in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke: Baseline Survey for the ENCHANTED2/MT Trial in China', Cerebrovascular Diseases,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Liu R; Chen C; Liu F; Lin Y; Chu H; Liu H; Anderson CS; Yang J; Li G; Song L; Ouyang M, 2024, 'Process Evaluation of an Ambulance-Delivered Early Intensive Blood Pressure-Lowering Stroke Trial: Design, Rationale, and Reflection', Cerebrovascular Diseases,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Maeda T; Woodward M; Jun M; Sakamoto Y; Chen X; Matsushita K; Mancia G; Arima H; Anderson CS; Chalmers J; Harris K, 2024, 'Risk of recurrent stroke and dementia following acute stroke by changes in kidney function: results from the Perindopril Protection Against Recurrent Stroke Study', Journal of Hypertension, 42, pp. 1313 - 1321,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Merluzzi P; Venturi T; Busarello G; Di Gennaro G; Giacintucci S; Casasola V; Krajnović D; Vernstrom T; Carretti E; Smirnov O; Trehaeven K; Anderson CS; Chesters J; Heald G; Hopkins AM; Koribalski B, 2024, 'Ram-pressure stripped radio tails detected in the dynamically active environment of the Shapley Supercluster', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533, pp. 1394 - 1411,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Nguyen MTH; Sakamoto Y; Maeda T; Woodward M; Anderson CS; Catiwa J; Yazidjoglou A; Carcel C; Yang M; Wang X, 2024, 'Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Functional Outcomes After Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis', Journal of the American Heart Association, 13, pp. e033078,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Nuñez M; Allende MI; González F; Cavada G; Anderson CS; Venturelli PM; Allende Echanez M, 2024, 'Sex Differences in Profile and In-Hospital Death for Acute Stroke in Chile: Data From a Nationwide Hospital Registry', Journal of the American Heart Association, 13, pp. e035152,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Ouyang M; Anjum A; McCawley FG; Wasay M; Ma L; Hu X; Chen X; Malavera A; Li X; Venturelli PM; de Silva HA; Thang NH; Wahab KW; Pandian JD; Pontes-Neto OM; Abanto C; Cano-Nigenda V; Arauz A; You C; Jan S; Song L; Anderson CS; Liu H, 2024, 'Implementation of a goal-directed Care Bundle for intracerebral hemorrhage: Results of embedded process evaluation in the INTERACT3 trial', PLOS Global Public Health, 4,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Ouyang M; Faigle R; Wang X; Johnson B; Summers D; Khatri P; Billot L; Liu H; Malavera A; Muñoz-Venturelli P; González F; Urrutia F; Day D; Song L; Sui Y; Delcourt C; Robinson T; Durham AC; Ebraimo A; Wan Zaidi WA; Jan S; Lindley RI; Urrutia VC; Anderson CS, 2024, 'The main Optimal Post rTpa-Iv Monitoring in Ischemic Stroke Trial (OPTIMISTmain): Protocol for a Pragmatic, Stepped Wedge, Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 53, pp. 635 - 642,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Ouyang M; González F; Montalbano M; Pruski A; Jan S; Wang X; Johnson B; Summers DV; Khatri P; Malavera A; Iacobelli M; Faigle R; Munoz-Venturelli P; Urrutia Goldsack F; Day D; Robinson TG; Durham AC; Ebraimo A; Song L; Sui Y; Wan Zaidi WA; Lindley RI; Delcourt C; Urrutia VC; Anderson CS; Liu H, 2024, 'Implementation of Low-Intensity Thrombolysis Monitoring Care in Routine Practice: Process Evaluation of the Optimal Post rtPA-IV Monitoring in Acute Ischemic Stroke Study in the USA', Cerebrovascular Diseases,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Ouyang M; Ma L; Chen X; Wang X; Billot L; Li Q; Malavera A; Li X; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Silva AD; Nguyen TH; Wahab KW; Pandian JD; Wasay M; Pontes-Neto OM; Abanto C; Arauz A; You C; Hu X; Song L; Anderson CS, 2024, 'Predictive Accuracy of Clinicians Estimates of Death and Recovery after Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Pre-Specified Analysis in INTERACT3 Study', Cerebrovascular Diseases, pp. 1 - 8,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Rautalin I; Krishnamurthi RV; Anderson CS; Barber PA; Barker-Collo S; Bennett D; Boet R; Correia JA; Douwes J; Law A; Nair B; Thrift AG; Ao BT; Tunnage B; Ranta A; Feigin V, 2024, 'Demographic disparities in the incidence and case fatality of subarachnoid haemorrhage: an 18-year nationwide study from New Zealand', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 52, pp. 101199,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Ren X; Chen C; Wang X; Li Q; Zhao Y; You S; Ouyang M; Robinson T; Lindley RI; Arima H; Chen X; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Song L, 2024, 'Influence of renal function on blood pressure control and outcome in thrombolyzed patients after acute ischemic stroke: post-hoc analysis of the ENCHANTED trial', Frontiers in Endocrinology, 15,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Rudnick L; Anderson C; Cotton WD; Pasetto A; Alexander EL; Tahani M, 2024, 'Pseudo-3D visualization of Faraday structure in polarized radio sources: methods, science use cases, and development priorities', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 535, pp. 2115 - 2128,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Sakamoto Y; Bosookhuu O; Ouyang M; Banzrai C; Dambasuren B; Wang X; Turbat S; Myadagsuren M; Boldbayar P; Baatar K; Erdenedalai T; Munkhtur U; Yadamsuren E; Chen X; Anderson CS, 2024, 'Associated Factors of Long-Term Functional Outcome and Recovery Pattern after Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Prospective Population-Based Study in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia', Stroke,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Seiffge DJ; Anderson CS, 2024, 'Treatment for intracerebral hemorrhage: Dawn of a new era', International Journal of Stroke, 19, pp. 482 - 489,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Shajahan S; Peters R; Carcel C; Woodward M; Harris K; Anderson CS, 2024, 'Hypertension and Mild Cognitive Impairment: State-of-the-Art Review', American Journal of Hypertension, 37, pp. 385 - 393,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wang X; Yang J; Moullaali TJ; Sandset EC; Woodhouse LJ; Law ZK; Arima H; Butcher KS; Delcourt C; Edwards L; Gupta S; Jiang W; Koch S; Potter J; Qureshi AI; Robinson TG; Al-Shahi Salman R; Saver JL; Sprigg N; Wardlaw J; Anderson CS; Sakamoto Y; Bath PM; Chalmers J, 2024, 'Influence of Time to Achieve Target Systolic Blood Pressure on Outcome after Intracerebral Hemorrhage: The Blood Pressure in Acute Stroke Collaboration', Stroke, 55, pp. 849 - 855,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wang Y; Maeda T; You S; Chen C; Liu L; Zhou Z; Robinson TG; Lindley RI; Delcourt C; Mair G; Wardlaw JM; Chalmers JP; Arima H; Huang Y; Kim JS; Lavados PM; Lee TH; Levi C; Parsons MW; Martins SC; Pandian JD; Pontes-Neto OM; Sharma VK; Nguyen TH; Wang J; Wu S; Liu M; Anderson CS; Chen X, 2024, 'Patterns and Clinical Implications of Hemorrhagic Transformation After Thrombolysis in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Results From the ENCHANTED Study', Neurology, 103, pp. e210020,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Xu Y; Aung HL; Hesam-Shariati N; Keay L; Sun X; Phu J; Honson V; Tully PJ; Booth A; Lewis E; Anderson CS; Anstey KJ; Peters R, 2024, 'Contrast Sensitivity, Visual Field, Color Vision, Motion Perception, and Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review', Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 25, pp. 105098,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Yan YY; Chan LML; Wang MP; Kwok JYY; Anderson CS; Lee JJ, 2024, 'Technology-supported behavior change interventions for reducing sodium intake in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis', npj Digital Medicine, 7, pp. 72,
    Journal articles | 2024
    You S; Wang Y; Wang X; Maeda T; Ouyang M; Han Q; Li Q; Song L; Zhao Y; Chen C; Delcourt C; Ren X; Carcel C; Zhou Z; Cao Y; Liu CF; Zheng D; Arima H; Robinson TG; Chen X; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2024, 'Twenty-Four-Hour Post-Thrombolysis NIHSS Score As the Strongest Prognostic Predictor After Acute Ischemic Stroke: ENCHANTED Study', Journal of the American Heart Association, 13,
    Journal articles | 2024
    You S; Zheng D; Yoshimura S; Ouyang M; Han Q; Wang X; Cao Y; Delcourt C; Song L; Arima H; Chen X; Liu CF; Lindley RI; Robinson T; Anderson CS; Chalmers J, 2024, 'Optimum Baseline Clinical Severity Scale Cut Points for Prognosticating Intracerebral Hemorrhage: INTERACT Studies', Stroke, 55, pp. 139 - 145,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Zhang Y; Liu R; Zhao Y; Wang Z; Wang C; Li Q; Han D; Anderson CS; Du X; Dong J, 2024, 'Correction to: Influenza vaccination in patients with acute heart failure (PANDA II): study protocol for a hospital-based, parallel-group, cluster randomized controlled trial in China (Trials, (2024), 25, 1, (792), 10.1186/s13063-024-08452-8)', Trials, 25,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Zhang Y; Liu R; Zhao Y; Wang Z; Wang C; Li Q; Han D; Anderson CS; Du X; Dong J, 2024, 'Influenza vaccination in patients with acute heart failure (PANDA II): study protocol for a hospital-based, parallel-group, cluster randomized controlled trial in China', Trials, 25,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Zhao Y; Cui W; Xie T; Zhao K; Li Y; Wan Y; Wang X; Li Q; Xiaoying C; Liu Z; Zhao H; Gong B; Wang R; Wu M; Wang D; Zheng Y; Chen Y; Chen Y; Guo Q; Gan C; Che F; Song L; Anderson CS; Guo J, 2024, 'Efficacy and Safety of Chinese Herbal Medicine in Patients with Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Protocol for a Randomized Placebo-Controlled Double-Blinded Multicenter Trial', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 53, pp. 501 - 508,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Zhou Z; You S; Sakamoto Y; Xu Y; Ding S; Xu W; Li W; Yu J; Wang Y; Harris K; Delcourt C; Reeves MJ; Lindley RI; Parsons MW; Woodward M; Anderson C; Du X; Pu J; Wardlaw JM; Carcel C, 2024, 'Covert Cerebrovascular Changes in People With Heart Disease', Neurology, 102,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Al-Shahi Salman R; Stephen J; Tierney JF; Lewis SC; Newby DE; Parry-Jones AR; White PM; Connolly SJ; Benavente OR; Dowlatshahi D; Cordonnier C; Viscoli CM; Sheth KN; Kamel H; Veltkamp R; Larsen KT; Hofmeijer J; Kerkhoff H; Schreuder FHBM; Shoamanesh A; Klijn CJM; van der Worp HB; Klug D; Casolla B; Puy L; Coffee M; Kuchcinski G; Labreuche J; van Nieuwenhuizen KM; Algra A; van Gelder IC; Kappelle LJ; Rinkel GJE; Schutgens REG; Khatri P; Conwit R; Falcone G; Elm J; Anderson CS; Song L; Pandian J; Hart RG; Sharma M; Aref H; Tarhuni W; Fabregas JM; Diener HC; Endres M; Lemmens R; Kwon SU; Lee BC; Ameriso S; Milling TJ; Kasner SE; Mikulik R; Xavier D; Beer R; Toni D; Eckstein J; Seiffge D; Ferro JM; Tsivgoulis G; Sharma SK; Wei-Liou C; Hohnloser SH; Katsanos A; Bosch J; Healey J; Eikelboom J; Khaw A; Gladstone D; Pikula A; Coutts S; Smith EE; Butcher K; Field T; Gioia L; Stapf C; Halse O; Ringleb P; Enzinger C; Sibon I; Montaner J; Caso V; Heuschmann P; Lip GYH; Haefeli W; Debette S; Dennis MS; Wyller TB; Rønning OM; Eilertsen H; Ihle-Hansen H; Sandset EC; Pennlert J; Glader EL; Kruuse C; Wester P; Carlsson M; Forfang E, 2023, 'Effects of oral anticoagulation in people with atrial fibrillation after spontaneous intracranial haemorrhage (COCROACH): prospective, individual participant data meta-analysis of randomised trials', The Lancet Neurology, 22, pp. 1140 - 1149,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Anumarlapudi A; Ehlke A; Jones ML; Kaplan DL; Dobie D; Lenc E; Leung JK; Murphy T; Pritchard J; Stewart AJ; Sengar R; Anderson C; Banfield J; Heald G; Hotan AW; McConnell D; Moss VA; Raja W; Whiting MT, 2023, 'Characterizing Pulsars Detected in the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey', Astrophysical Journal, 956,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Appleton JP; Woodhouse LJ; Anderson CS; Ankolekar S; Cala L; Dixon M; England TJ; Krishnan K; Mair G; Muir KW; Potter J; Price CI; Randall M; Robinson TG; Roffe C; Sandset EC; Saver JL; Shone A; Siriwardena AN; Wardlaw JM; Sprigg N; Bath PM, 2023, 'Prehospital transdermal glyceryl trinitrate for ultra-Acute ischaemic stroke: Data from the RIGHT-2 randomised sham-controlled ambulance trial', Stroke and Vascular Neurology, 9, pp. 38 - 49,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Banzrai C; Bosookhuu O; Yadamsuren E; Dambasuren B; Turbat S; Erdenedalai T; Myadagsuren M; Munkhtur U; Baatar K; Boldbayar P; Avirmed T; Badrakh B; Ouyang M; Chen X; Wang X; Anderson CS, 2023, 'Incidence and outcomes for stroke in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, during 2019–21: a prospective population-based study', The Lancet Global Health, 11, pp. e942 - e952,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Billot L; Song L; Hu X; Ma L; Ouyang M; Chen X; You C; Anderson CS, 2023, 'Statistical Analysis Plan for the INTEnsive Care Bundle with Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage Trial: A Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 52, pp. 251 - 254,
    Journal articles | 2023
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    Chen X; Li J; Anderson CS; Lindley RI; Hackett ML; Robinson T; Lavados PM; Wang X; Arima H; Chalmers J; Delcourt C, 2021, 'Validation of the simplified modified Rankin scale for stroke trials: Experience from the ENCHANTED alteplase-dose arm', International Journal of Stroke, 16, pp. 222 - 228,
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    Dalli LL; Kim J; Cadilhac DA; Greenland M; Sanfilippo FM; Andrew NE; Thrift AG; Grimley R; Lindley RI; Sundararajan V; Crompton DE; Lannin NA; Anderson CS; Whiley L; Kilkenny MF, 2021, 'Greater Adherence to Secondary Prevention Medications Improves Survival After Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack: A Linked Registry Study.', Stroke, 52, pp. STROKEAHA120033133 - STROKEAHA120033133,
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    Dalli LL; Kim J; Thrift AG; Andrew NE; Sanfilippo FM; Lopez D; Grimley R; Lannin NA; Wong L; Lindley RI; Campbell BCV; Anderson CS; Cadilhac DA; Kilkenny MF, 2021, 'Patterns of Use and Discontinuation of Secondary Prevention Medications After Stroke', Neurology, 96, pp. e30 - e41,
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    Eliakundu AL; Cadilhac DA; Kim J; Andrew NE; Bladin CF; Grimley R; Dewey HM; Donnan GA; Hill K; Levi CR; Middleton S; Anderson CS; Lannin NA; Kilkenny MF, 2021, 'Factors associated with arrival by ambulance for patients with stroke: a multicentre, national data linkage study', Australasian Emergency Care, 24, pp. 167 - 173,
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    Hankey GJ; Hackett ML; Almeida OP; Flicker L; Mead GE; Dennis MS; Etherton-Beer C; Ford AH; Billot L; Jan S; Lung T; Lundström E; Sunnerhagen KS; Anderson CS; Thang-Nguyen H; Gommans J; Yi Q; Calic Z; ORourke F; Katrak P; Massey J; Carcel C; Delcourt C; Zagami A, 2021, 'Twelve-Month Outcomes of the affinity trial of fluoxetine for functional recovery after acute stroke: Affinity trial steering committee on behalf of the AFFINITY Trial Collaboration', Stroke, 52, pp. 2502 - 2509,
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    Liu R; Sun YQ; Hou XX; Zheng Y; Huffman MD; Anderson CS; He L; Xia SJ; Jiang C; Du X; Dong JZ; Ma CS; Wang NN, 2021, 'Temporal trends in diagnosis, treatment, and outcome for non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome in three regions of China, 2008-2015', Chinese Medical Journal, 134, pp. 1997 - 1999,
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    Minhas JS; Wang X; Lindley RI; Delcourt C; Song L; Woodward M; Lee TH; Broderick JP; Pontes-Neto OM; Kim JS; Ricci S; Lavados PM; Bath PM; Durham AC; Wang JG; Sharma VK; Demchuk AM; Martins SO; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Robinson TG, 2021, 'Comparative effects of intensive-blood pressure versus standard-blood pressure-lowering treatment in patients with severe ischemic stroke inthe ENCHANTEDtrial', Journal of Hypertension, 39, pp. 280 - 285,
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    Murphy T; Kaplan DL; Stewart AJ; O'Brien A; Lenc E; Pintaldi S; Pritchard J; Dobie D; Fox A; Leung JK; An T; Bell ME; Broderick JW; Chatterjee S; Dai S; D'Antonio D; Doyle G; Gaensler BM; Heald G; Horesh A; Jones ML; McConnell D; Moss VA; Raja W; Ramsay G; Ryder S; Sadler EM; Sivakoff GR; Wang Y; Wang Z; Wheatland MS; Whiting M; Allison JR; Anderson CS; Ball L; Bannister K; Bock DCJ; Bolton R; Bunton JD; Chekkala R; Chippendale AP; Cooray FR; Gupta N; Hayman DB; Jeganathan K; Koribalski B; Lee-Waddell K; Mahony EK; Marvil J; McClure-Griffiths NM; Mirtschin P; Ng A; Pearce S; Phillips C; Voronkov MA, 2021, 'The ASKAP Variables and Slow Transients (VAST) Pilot Survey', Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 38,
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    Olaiya MT; Cadilhac DA; Kim J; Thrift AG; Courten BD; Andrew NE; Grimley R; Anderson CS; Sundararajan V; Lannin NA; Levi C; Dewey HM; Kilkenny MF, 2021, 'Quality of Care and One-Year Outcomes in Patients with Diabetes Hospitalised for Stroke or TIA: A Linked Registry Study', Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 30,
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    Ouyang M; Billot L; Song L; Wang X; Roffe C; Arima H; Lavados PM; Hackett ML; Olavarría VV; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto OM; Lee TH; Watkins CL; Robinson TG; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2021, 'Prognostic significance of early urinary catheterization after acute stroke: Secondary analyses of the international HeadPoST trial', International Journal of Stroke, 16, pp. 200 - 206,
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    Ouyang M; Munoz-Venturelli P; Billot L; Wang X; Song L; Arima H; Lavados PM; Hackett ML; Olavarria VV; Brunser A; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto OM; Lee TH; Watkins CL; Robinson T; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2021, 'Lowblood pressure and adverse outcomes in acute stroke:HeadPoSTstudy explanations', Journal of Hypertension, 39, pp. 273 - 279,
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    Ouyang M; Roffe C; Billot L; Song L; Wang X; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Lavados PM; Robinson T; Middleton S; Olavarría VV; Watkins CL; Lee TH; Brunser AM; Pontes-Neto OM; Hackett ML; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2021, 'Oxygen desaturation and adverse outcomes in acute stroke: Secondary analysis of the HeadPoST study', Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 207, pp. 106796,
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    Peters R; Breitner J; James S; Jicha GA; Meyer PF; Richards M; Smith AD; Yassine HN; Abner E; Hainsworth AH; Kehoe PG; Beckett N; Weber C; Anderson C; Anstey KJ; Dodge HH, 2021, 'Dementia risk reduction: why haven't the pharmacological risk reduction trials worked? An in-depth exploration of seven established risk factors', Alzheimer's and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions, 7, pp. e12202,
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    Phan HT; Gall SL; Blizzard CL; Lannin NA; Thrift AG; Anderson CS; Kim J; Grimley RS; Castley HC; Kilkenny MF; Cadilhac DA, 2021, 'Sex differences in quality of life after stroke were explained by patient factors, not clinical care: evidence from the Australian Stroke Clinical Registry', European Journal of Neurology, 28, pp. 469 - 478,
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    Song L; Hu X; Ma L; Chen X; Ouyang M; Billot L; Li Q; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Abanto C; Pontes-Neto OM; Antonio A; Wasay M; Silva AD; Thang NH; Pandian JD; Wahab KW; You C; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2021, 'INTEnsive care bundle with blood pressure reduction in acute cerebral hemorrhage trial (INTERACT3): study protocol for a pragmatic stepped-wedge cluster-randomized controlled trial', Trials, 22, pp. 1 - 14,
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    Song L; Wang X; Ouyang M; Sun L; Chen X; Arima H; Sandset EC; Delcourt C; Wang J; Chen G; Robinson T; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2021, 'Associations of an Abnormal Physiological Score With Outcomes in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: INTERACT2 Study', Stroke, 52, pp. 722 - 725,
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    Stevens D; Loffler KA; Buman MP; Dunstan DW; Luo Y; Lorenzi-Filho G; Barbe FE; Anderson CS; McEvoy RD; The Save Investigators , 2021, 'CPAP increases physical activity in obstructive sleep apnea with cardiovascular disease', Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 17, pp. 141 - 148,
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    Sun L; Song L; Yang J; Lindley RI; Robinson T; Lavados PM; Delcourt C; Arima H; Ovbiagele B; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Wang X, 2021, 'Smoking influences outcome in patients who had thrombolysed ischaemic stroke: The ENCHANTED study', Stroke and Vascular Neurology, 6, pp. 395 - 401,
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    Wang X; Carcel C; Wang R; Li J; Bae HJ; Wang Y; Wang A; Wang Y; Toyoda K; Sui Y; Lee TH; Navarro JC; Sun MC; Anderson CS; Sharma V; Sandset EC; Woodward M, 2021, 'Worse prognosis in women, compared with men, after thrombolysis: An individual patient data pooling study of Asian acute stroke registries', International Journal of Stroke, 16, pp. 784 - 791,
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    Wang X; Li X; Xu Y; Li R; Yang Q; Zhao Y; Wang F; Sheng B; Wang R; Chen S; Wang L; Shen L; Hou X; Cui Y; Wang D; Peng B; Anderson CS; Chen H, 2021, 'Effectiveness of intravenous r-tPA versus UK for acute ischaemic stroke: A nationwide prospective Chinese registry study', Stroke and Vascular Neurology, 6, pp. 603 - 609,
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    Wang X; Moullaali TJ; Ouyang M; Billot L; Sandset EC; Song L; Delcourt C; Hackett ML; Watkins CL; Robinson TG; Yang J; Lavados PM; Brunser A; Olavarriá VV; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Arima H; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto OM; Pandian JD; Rogers K; Anderson CS, 2021, 'Influence of including Patients with Premorbid Disability in Acute Stroke Trials: The HeadPoST Experience', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 50, pp. 78 - 87,
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    Wang X; Ouyang M; Yang J; Song L; Yang M; Anderson CS, 2021, 'Anticoagulants for acute ischaemic stroke', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2021, pp. cd000024,
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    Wu S; Anderson CS, 2021, 'Healthy eating for secondary stroke prevention', The Lancet Neurology, 20, pp. 87 - 89,
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    Xia C; Wang X; Lindley RI; Delcourt C; Chen X; Zhou Z; Guo R; Carcel C; Malavera A; Calic Z; Mair G; Wardlaw JM; Robinson TG; Anderson CS, 2021, 'Early decompressive hemicraniectomy in thrombolyzed acute ischemic stroke patients from the international ENCHANTED trial', Scientific Reports, 11, pp. 16495,
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    Xu Y; Lavrencic L; Radford K; Booth A; Yoshimura S; Anstey KJ; Anderson CS; Peters R, 2021, 'Systematic review of coexistent epileptic seizures and Alzheimer's disease: Incidence and prevalence', Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 69, pp. 2011 - 2020,
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    Zhang JF; Jing J; Meng X; Pan Y; Wang YL; Zhao XQ; Lin JX; Han XS; Song BB; Jia ZC; Wu SD; Chen XF; Xue WJ; Anderson CS; Wu YC; Wang YJ, 2021, 'Serum Phosphate and 1-Year Outcome in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack', Frontiers in Neurology, 12, pp. 652941,
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    Zhou Z; Delcourt C; Xia C; Yoshimura S; Carcel C; Torii-Yoshimura T; You S; Malavera A; Chen X; Hackett M; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Xu J; Robinson TG; Parsons MW; Demchuk AM; Lindley R; Mair G; Wardlaw JM; Anderson CS, 2021, 'Low Dose versus Standard Dose Alteplase in Acute Lacunar Ischemic Stroke.', STROKE, 52,
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    Zhou Z; Delcourt C; Xia C; Yoshimura S; Carcel C; Torii-Yoshimura T; You S; Malavera A; Chen X; Hackett ML; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Xu J; Robinson TG; Parsons MW; Demchuk AM; Lindley RI; Mair G; Wardlaw JM; Anderson CS, 2021, 'Low-Dose vs Standard-Dose Alteplase in Acute Lacunar Ischemic Stroke: The ENCHANTED Trial', Neurology, 96, pp. E1512 - E1526,
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    Zhou Z; Xia C; Carcel C; Yoshimura S; Wang X; Delcourt C; Malavera A; Chen X; Mair G; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Demchuk AM; Lindley RI; Robinson TG; Parsons MW; Wardlaw JM; Anderson CS, 2021, 'Intensive versus guideline-recommended blood pressure reduction in acute lacunar stroke with intravenous thrombolysis therapy: The ENCHANTED trial', European Journal of Neurology, 28, pp. 783 - 793,
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    Andrew NE; Kilkenny MF; Sundararajan V; Kim J; Faux SG; Thrift AG; Johnston T; Grimley R; Gattellari M; Katzenellenbogen JM; Dewey HM; Lannin NA; Anderson CS; Cadilhac DA, 2020, 'Hospital Presentations in Long-Term Survivors of Stroke: Causes and Associated Factors in a Linked Data Study', Stroke, 51, pp. 3673 - 3680,
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    Brown DL; Durkalski V; Durmer JS; Broderick JP; Zahuranec DB; Levine DA; Anderson CS; Bravata DM; Yaggi HK; Morgenstern LB; Moy CS; Chervin RD, 2020, 'Sleep for Stroke Management and Recovery Trial (Sleep SMART): Rationale and methods', International Journal of Stroke, 15, pp. 923 - 929,
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    Brunser AM; Ouyang M; Arima H; Lavados PM; Robinson T; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Olavarría VV; Billot L; Hackett ML; Song L; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto O; Lee TH; Watkins C; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2020, 'No benefit of flat head positioning in early moderate-severe acute ischaemic stroke: A HeadPoST study subgroup analysis', Stroke and Vascular Neurology, 5, pp. 406 - 409,
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    Calic Z; Nham B; Bradshaw AP; Young AS; Bhaskar S; D'Souza M; Anderson CS; Cappelen-Smith C; Cordato D; Welgampola MS, 2020, 'Separating posterior-circulation stroke from vestibular neuritis with quantitative vestibular testing', Clinical Neurophysiology, 131, pp. 2047 - 2055,
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    Chen X; Delcourt C; Sun L; Zhou Z; Yoshimura S; You S; Malavera A; Torii-Yoshimura T; Carcel C; Arima H; Hackett ML; Robinson T; Song L; Wang X; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2020, 'Brain Imaging Signs and Health-Related Quality of Life after Acute Ischemic Stroke: Analysis of ENCHANTED Alteplase Dose Arm', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 49, pp. 427 - 436,
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    Chen X; Wang X; Delcourt C; Li J; Arima H; Hackett ML; Robinson T; Lavados PM; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2020, 'Ethnicity and Other Determinants of Quality of Functional Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke: The ENCHANTED Trial', Stroke, 51, pp. 588 - 593,
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    Delcourt C; Wang X; Zhou Z; Wardlaw JM; Mair G; Robinson TG; Chen X; Yoshimura S; Torii-Yoshimura T; Carcel C; Calic Z; Tan WY; Malavera A; Anderson CS; Lindley RI, 2020, 'Brain imaging abnormalities and outcome after acute ischaemic stroke: The ENCHANTED trial', Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 91, pp. 1290 - 1296,
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    Divani AA; Liu X; Petersen A; Lattanzi S; Anderson CS; Ziai W; Torbey MT; Moullaali TJ; James ML; Jafarli A; Mayer SA; Suarez JI; Hemphill JC; Di Napoli M, 2020, 'The Magnitude of Blood Pressure Reduction Predicts Poor In-Hospital Outcome in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage', Neurocritical Care, 33, pp. 389 - 398,
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    Faigle R; Johnson B; Summers D; Khatri P; Anderson CS; Urrutia VC; Robinson T; Day D; Lindley R; Wang X; Venturelli PM, 2020, 'Low-Intensity Monitoring After Stroke Thrombolysis During the COVID-19 Pandemic', Neurocritical Care, 33, pp. 333 - 337,
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    Feigin VL; Krishnamurthi R; Barker-Collo S; Barber PA; Rathnasabapathy Y; Te Ao B; Parmar P; Mahon S; Tunnage B; Swain A; Arroll B; Elder H; Tautolo ES; Parag V; Anderson C; Bennett D; Thrift AG; Cadilhac DA; Brown P; Ranta A; Douwes J, 2020, 'Measuring stroke and transient ischemic attack burden in New Zealand: Protocol for the fifth Auckland Regional Community Stroke Study (ARCOS V)', International Journal of Stroke, 15, pp. 573 - 583,
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    Franke K; Loffler KA; Nicholls SJ; Anderson CS; Cowan BR; McEvoy RD; Young AA; Verjans JW, 2020, 'Effects of CPAP treatment on cardiac structure and function in individuals with obstructive sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease: a prospective 6-month randomised control trial', European Heart Journal, 41,
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    Levi CR; Attia JA; D'Este C; Ryan AE; Henskens F; Kerr E; Parsons MW; Sanson-Fisher RW; Bladin CF; Lindley RI; Middleton S; Paul CL; Anderson C; Ang T; Bivard A; Cadigan G; Celestino S; Coles T; Corbett A; Dark L; Day S; Dennett J; Donnan G; Evans M; Fernando K; Geraghty R; Gerraty R; Grady A; Grimley R; Gu J; Hankey GJ; Hoffman K; Hughes J; Ip J; Jenkins B; Jones M; Jude M; Kaauwai L; Kanard M; Kinchington M; Krause M; Kuhle S; Levy S; Longworth M; Macdonald B; Mackey E; Mandaleson K; Miteff F; Mohr K; Moore S; Morris K; O'Brien E; Oldmeadow C; Paddock B; Parrey K; Peake R; Russell M; Stevenson M; Taneja S; Teasdale N; Terpening Z; Van Berkel A; Watson JDG; Weiner Y; Wijeratne T; Wilson A; Wolfe N, 2020, 'Cluster-Randomized Trial of Thrombolysis Implementation Support in Metropolitan and Regional Australian Stroke Centers: Lessons for Individual and Systems Behavior Change', Journal of the American Heart Association, 9, pp. e012732,
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    Li J; McEvoy RD; Zheng D; Loffler KA; Wang X; Redline S; Woodman RJ; Anderson CS, 2020, 'Self-reported Snoring Patterns Predict Stroke Events in High-Risk Patients With OSA: Post Hoc Analyses of the SAVE Study', Chest, 158, pp. 2146 - 2154,
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    Li J; Zheng D; Loffler KA; Wang X; McEvoy RD; Woodman RJ; Luo Y; Lorenzi-Filho G; Barbe F; Tripathi M; Anderson CS, 2020, 'Sleep duration and risk of cardiovascular events: The SAVE study', International Journal of Stroke, 15, pp. 858 - 865,
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    Li JW; Han TW; Woodward M; Anderson CS; Zhou H; Chen YD; Neal B, 2020, 'The impact of 2019 novel coronavirus on heart injury: A Systematic review and Meta-analysis', Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 63, pp. 518 - 524,
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    Li L; Liu R; Jiang C; Du X; Huffman MD; Lam CSP; Patel A; Hillis GS; Anderson CS; Ma C; Zhao X; Wang X; Li L; Dong J, 2020, 'Assessing the evidence–practice gap for heart failure in China: the Heart Failure Registry of Patient Outcomes (HERO) study design and baseline characteristics', European Journal of Heart Failure, 22, pp. 646 - 660,
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    Li S; Cui LY; Anderson C; Gao C; Yu C; Shan G; Wang L; Peng B, 2020, 'Increased recurrent risk did not improve cerebrovascular disease survivors' response to stroke in China: A cross-sectional, community-based study', BMC Neurology, 20, pp. 147,
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    Linz D; Loffler KA; Sanders P; Catcheside P; Anderson CS; Zheng D; Quan WW; Barnes M; Redline S; McEvoy RD; Baumert M, 2020, 'Low Prognostic Value of Novel Nocturnal Metrics in Patients With OSA and High Cardiovascular Event Risk: Post Hoc Analyses of the SAVE Study', Chest, 158, pp. 2621 - 2631,
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    Liu R; Liu X; Yang P; Du X; He L; Chen T; Li X; Xie G; Wu S; Su J; Xia S; Jiang C; Huffman MD; MacIntyre CR; Wei Z; Wang Q; Dong J; Anderson C, 2020, 'Influenza-associated cardiovascular mortality in older adults in Beijing, China: A population-based time-series study', BMJ Open, 10, pp. e042487,
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    Loffler KA; Heeley E; Freed R; Meng R; Bittencourt LR; Gonzaga Carvalho CC; Chen R; Hlavac M; Liu Z; Lorenzi-Filho G; Luo Y; McArdle N; Mukherjee S; Yap HS; Zhang X; Palmer LJ; Anderson CS; Doug Mcevoy R; Drager LF; Carcel C; Delcourt C, 2020, 'Continuous positive airway pressure treatment, glycemia, and diabetes risk in obstructive sleep apnea and comorbid cardiovascular disease', Diabetes Care, 43, pp. 1859 - 1867,
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    Malavera A; Cadilhac DA; Thijs V; Lim JY; Grabsch B; Breen S; Jan S; Anderson CS, 2020, 'Screening for Fabry Disease in Young Strokes in the Australian Stroke Clinical Registry (AuSCR)', Frontiers in Neurology, 11, pp. 596420,
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    Ouyang M; Boaden E; Arima H; Lavados PM; Billot L; Hackett ML; Olavarría VV; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Song L; Rogers K; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto OM; Lee TH; Watkins C; Robinson T; Anderson CS, 2020, 'Dysphagia screening and risks of pneumonia and adverse outcomes after acute stroke: An international multicenter study', International Journal of Stroke, 15, pp. 206 - 215,
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    Ouyang M; Zhang Y; Wang X; Song L; Billot L; Robinson T; Lavados PM; Arima H; Hackett ML; Olavarría VV; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Middleton S; Watkins CL; Pontes-Neto OM; Lee TH; Brunser AM; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2020, 'Quantifying regional variations in components of acute stroke unit (ASU) care in the international HeadPoST study', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 419, pp. 117187,
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    Peters R; Anderson CS, 2020, 'Advancing dementia prevention through effective blood pressure control', The Lancet Neurology, 19, pp. 25 - 27,
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    Peters R; Yasar S; Anderson CS; Andrews S; Antikainen R; Arima H; Beckett N; Beer JC; Bertens AS; Booth A; van Boxtel M; Brayne C; Brodaty H; Carlson MC; Chalmers J; Corrada M; DeKosky S; Derby C; Dixon RA; Forette F; Ganguli M; van Gool WA; Guaita A; Hever AM; Hogan DB; Jagger C; Katz M; Kawas C; Kehoe PG; Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi S; Kenny RA; Köhler S; Kunutsor SK; Laukkanen J; Maxwell C; McFall GP; van Middelaar T; Moll van Charante EP; Ng T-P; Peters J; Rawtaer I; Richard E; Rockwood K; Rydén L; Sachdev PS; Skoog I; Skoog J; Staessen JA; Stephan BCM; Sebert S; Thijs L; Trompet S; Tully PJ; Tzourio C; Vaccaro R; Vaaramo E; Walsh E; Warwick J; Anstey KJ, 2020, 'An investigation of antihypertensive class, dementia, and cognitive decline', Neurology, 94, pp. 1 - 15,
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    Sandset EC; Wang X; Carcel C; Sato S; Delcourt C; Arima H; Stapf C; Robinson T; Lavados P; Chalmers J; Woodward M; Anderson CS, 2020, 'Sex differences in treatment, radiological features and outcome after intracerebral haemorrhage: Pooled analysis of Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Haemorrhage trials 1 and 2', European Stroke Journal, 5, pp. 345 - 350,
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    Selim M; Hanley D; Steiner T; Christensen HK; Lafuente J; Rodriguez D; Keep R; Anderson C; Hanley D; Parry-Jones A; Nilsson M; Sunnerhagen KS; Novick E; Aronowski J; Lawson B; Chaudhary N; Zhou-Ping T; Zuccarello M; Woo D; Shoamanesh A; Qureshi AI; Cordonnier C; Klijn K; Al-Shahi Salman R; Sprigg N; Gregson B; Mendelow D; Gaudin C; Pandey A; Ziai W; Alcázar-Romero PP; Montaner J; Marti-Fabregas J; Nilsson S; Schenk B; Riess H; You C; Gaist D; Broderick J, 2020, 'Recommendations for Clinical Trials in ICH The Second Hemorrhagic Stroke Academia Industry Roundtable', Stroke, 51, pp. 1333 - 1338,
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    Song L; Chen C; Wang X; Chen X; Ouyang M; Sun L; Hisatomi A; Robinson T; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Li G; Anderson CS, 2020, 'Abstract TMP15: Asian versus Non-Asian, Differences in Characteristics, Management & Outcomes in the Enchanted Trial', Stroke, 51,
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    Wang X; Moullaali TJ; Li Q; Berge E; Robinson TG; Lindley R; Zheng D; Delcourt C; Arima H; Song L; Chen X; Yang J; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Sandset EC, 2020, 'Utility-Weighted Modified Rankin Scale Scores for the Assessment of Stroke Outcome: Pooled Analysis of 20 000+ Patients', Stroke, 51, pp. 2411 - 2417,
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    Wang X; Phan HT; Li J; Reeves MJ; Thrift AG; Cadilhac DA; Sturm J; Konstantinos V; Parmar P; Krishnamurthi R; Barker-Collo S; Feigin V; Cabral NL; Carolei A; Marini C; Sacco S; Correia M; Appelros P; Kõrv J; Vibo R; Yang SC; Carcel C; Woodward M; Sandset EC; Anderson C; Gall S, 2020, 'Sex Differences in Disease Profiles, Management, and Outcomes Among People with Atrial Fibrillation After Ischemic Stroke: Aggregated and Individual Participant Data Meta-Analyses', Women's Health Reports, 1, pp. 190 - 202,
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    Wu S; Anderson CS, 2020, 'A need to re-focus efforts to improve long-term prognosis after stroke in China', The Lancet Global Health, 8, pp. e468 - e469,
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    Xia C; Wang X; Lindley RI; Delcourt C; Zhou Z; Chen X; Carcel C; Malavera A; Calic Z; Anderson CS, 2020, 'Combined utility of blood glucose and white blood cell in predicting outcome after acute ischemic stroke: The ENCHANTED trial', Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 198,
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    Zhang W; Anderson CS; Kilkenny MF; Kim J; Dewey HM; Andrew NE; Lannin NA; Thrift AG; Grimley R; Sundararajan V; Cadilhac DA, 2020, 'Hospital admissions prior to primary intracerebral haemorrhage and relevant factors associated with survival', Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 29,
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    Zhang YL; Zhang JF; Wang XX; Wang Y; Anderson CS; Wu YC, 2020, 'Wake-up stroke: imaging-based diagnosis and recanalization therapy', Journal of Neurology, 268, pp. 4002 - 4012,
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    Zhou Z; Malavera A; Yoshimura S; Delcourt C; Mair G; Al-Shahi Salman R; Demchuk AM; Wardlaw JM; Lindley RI; Anderson CS, 2020, 'Clinical prognosis of FLAIR hyperintense arteries in ischaemic stroke patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 91, pp. 475 - 482,
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    Zhou Z; Zhou Z; Yoshimura S; Delcourt C; Delcourt C; Delcourt C; Lindley RI; You S; You S; Malavera A; Torii-Yoshimura T; Carcel C; Carcel C; Wang X; Chen X; Parsons MW; Demchuk AM; Wardlaw JM; Mair G; Robinson TG; Chalmers J; Xu J; Anderson CS; Anderson CS; Anderson CS, 2020, 'Thrombolysis Outcomes in Acute Ischemic Stroke by Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery Hyperintense Arteries', Stroke, 51, pp. 2240 - 2243,
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    Anderson CS; Bath PM, 2019, 'Blood pressure reduction and intravenous thrombolysis – Authors' reply', The Lancet, 394, pp. e25,
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    Anderson CS; Olavarría VV, 2019, 'Head Positioning in Acute Stroke: Down but Not out', Stroke, 50, pp. 224 - 228,
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    Andrew NE; Middleton S; Grimley R; Anderson CS; Donnan GA; Lannin NA; Striol-Salama E; Grabsch B; Kilkenny MF; Squires JE; Cadilhac DA, 2019, 'Hospital organizational context and delivery of evidence-based stroke care: A cross-sectional study', Implementation Science, 14, pp. 6,
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    Andrew NE; Middleton S; Grimley R; Anderson CS; Donnan GA; Lannin NA; Stroil-Salama E; Grabsch B; Kilkenny MF; Squires JE; Cadilhac DA, 2019, 'Correction: Hospital organizational context and delivery of evidence-based stroke care: A cross-sectional study (Implementation Science (2019) 14 (6) DOI: 10.1186/s13012-018-0849-z)', Implementation Science, 14, pp. 13,
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    Badve MS; Zhou Z; van de Beek D; Anderson CS; Hackett ML; Anderson C, 2019, 'Frequency of post-stroke pneumonia: Systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies', International Journal of Stroke, 14, pp. 125 - 136,
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    Bath PM; Scutt P; Anderson CS; Appleton JP; Berge E; Cala L; Dixon M; England TM; Godolphin PJ; Havard D; Haywood L; Hepburn T; Krishnan K; Mair G; Montgomery AA; Muir K; Phillips SJ; Pocock S; Potter J; Price C; Randall M; Robinson TG; Roffe C; Rothwell PM; Sandset EC; Sanossian N; Saver JL; Shone A; Siriwardena AN; Wardlaw JM; Woodhouse LJ; Venables G; Sprigg N; Amarenco P; Amoils S; Jarvis M; Sandercock P; Asplund K; Baigent C; Ankolekar S; Howard H; Lysons C; Walker G; Gregory H; Kirby J; Smithson J; Keeling J; Frowd N; Gray R; Dooley R; Clarke W; Robinson P; Law ZK; Hodgson S; Millington A; Sakka E; Buchanan D; Palmer J; Shaw D; Cobb H; Johnson R; Payne T; Spaight R; Spaight A; Sajid MA; Whileman A; Hall E; Cripps H; Toms J; Gascoyne R; Wright S; Cooper M; Palfreman A; Rajapakse A; Wynter I; Musarrat K; Mistri A; Patel C; Stephens C; Khan S; Patras S; Soliman M; Elmarimi A; Hewitt C; Watson E; Wahishi I; Hindle J; Perkin L; Wills M; Arif S; Leach S; Butler S; O'Kane D; Smith C; O'Callaghan J; Sunman W; Buck A; Jackson B; Richardson C; Wilkes G, 2019, 'Prehospital transdermal glyceryl trinitrate in patients with ultra-acute presumed stroke (RIGHT-2): an ambulance-based, randomised, sham-controlled, blinded, phase 3 trial', The Lancet, 393, pp. 1009 - 1020,
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    Bath PM; Woodhouse LJ; Krishnan K; Appleton JP; Anderson CS; Berge E; Cala L; Dixon M; England TJ; Godolphin PJ; Hepburn T; Mair G; Montgomery AA; Phillips SJ; Potter J; Price CI; Randall M; Robinson TG; Roffe C; Rothwell PM; Sandset EC; Sanossian N; Saver JL; Siriwardena AN; Venables G; Wardlaw JM; Sprigg N, 2019, 'Prehospital Transdermal Glyceryl Trinitrate for Ultra-Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Data From the RIGHT-2 Trial', Stroke, 50, pp. 3064 - 3071,
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    Beyer-Westendorf J; Camm AJ; Fox KAA; Le Heuzey JY; Haas S; Turpie AGG; Virdone S; Kakkar AK; Pieper KS; Kayani G; Gersh BJ; Hildebrandt P; Dominguez H; Comuth W; Frost L; Moller DS; Christensen H; Bruun LM; Milhem A; Gauthier J; Mielot C; Chanseaume S; Chopra S; Amlaiky A; Tricot O; Sierra V; Dompnier A; Zannad N; Pinzani A; Quatre A; Mansourati J; Fauchier L; Badenco N; Gandjbakhch E; Chachoua KF; Malquarti V; Pierron F; Sacher F; Taieb J; Davy JM; Marijon E; Lellouche N; Leenhardt A; Salem A; Lesto I; Muller JJ; Garcia R; Neau JP; Berneau JB; Schön N; Gulba D; Appel KF; Merke J; Dshabrailov J; Bauknecht C; Scheuermann O; Schröder T; Jung W; Kopf A; Brachmann J; Leschke M; Taggeselle J; Seige M; Läßig T; Appel S; Schmiedl M; Müller K; Heinz GU; Axthelm C; Eberhard K; Hügl B; Schwarz T; Sechtem U; Falanga A; Rubino V; Calo L; Ageno W; Massari F; Imberti D; Di Gennaro L; Gaita F; Margonato A; Cannava G; Capasso F; Diemberger I; Pelliccia F; Cafolla A; Bardari S; Mattei L; Ruocco L; Boriani G; Poli D; Testa S; Indolfi C; Quintavalla R; Mos L; Ladyjanskaia G; Aksoy I; Van De Wetering M; Theunissen L, 2019, 'International longitudinal registry of patients with atrial fibrillation and treated with rivaroxaban: RIVaroxaban Evaluation in Real life setting (RIVER)', Thrombosis Journal, 17,
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    Cadilhac DA; Grimley R; Bladin CF; Donnan GA; Hill K; Levi CR; Middleton S; Anderson CS; Lannin NA; Kilkenny MF, 2019, 'Abstract TP283: Ambulance Service Use and Associations With Hospital Care and 90-day Outcomes for Acute Stroke: The Australian Stroke Clinical Registry (AuSCR)', Stroke, 50,
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    Cadilhac DA; Grimley R; Kilkenny MF; Andrew NE; Lannin NA; Hill K; Grabsch B; Levi CR; Thrift AG; Faux SG; Wakefield J; Cadigan G; Donnan GA; Middleton S; Anderson CS, 2019, 'Multicenter, Prospective, Controlled, Before-and-After, Quality Improvement Study (Stroke123) of Acute Stroke Care', Stroke, 50, pp. 1525 - 1530,
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    Cadilhac DA; Kilkenny MF; Lannin NA; Dewey HM; Levi CR; Hill K; Grabsch B; Grimley R; Blacker D; Thrift AG; Middleton S; Anderson CS; Donnan GA, 2019, 'Outcomes for Patients With In-Hospital Stroke: A Multicenter Study From the Australian Stroke Clinical Registry (AuSCR)', Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 28, pp. 1302 - 1310,
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    Carcel C; Wang X; Sandset EC; Delcourt C; Arima H; Lindley R; Hackett ML; Lavados P; Robinson TG; Muñoz Venturelli P; Olavarría VV; Brunser A; Berge E; Chalmers J; Woodward M; Anderson CS, 2019, 'Sex differences in treatment and outcome after stroke: Pooled analysis including 19,000 participants', Neurology, 93, pp. E2170 - E2180,
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    Carcel C; Woodward M; Balicki G; Koroneos GL; de Sousa DA; Cordonnier C; Lukaszyk C; Thompson K; Wang X; Davies L; Bassi M; Anderson CS; Peters SAE; Sandset EC, 2019, 'Trends in recruitment of women and reporting of sex differences in large-scale published randomized controlled trials in stroke', International Journal of Stroke, 14, pp. 931 - 938,
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    Chen X; Anderson CS; Wang X; Robinson T; Lavados PM; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Delcourt C, 2019, 'Abstract TP362: Comparison of the Simplified Modified Rankin Scale Questionnaire With Conventional Neurological Scales in the Dose Arm of the Enchanted Study', Stroke, 50,
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    Dalli LL; Kim J; Thrift AG; Andrew NE; Lannin NA; Anderson CS; Grimley R; Katzenellenbogen JM; Boyd J; Lindley RI; Pollack M; Jude M; Durairaj R; Shah D; Cadilhac DA; Kilkenny MF, 2019, 'Disparities in antihypertensive prescribing after stroke linked data from the australian stroke clinical registry', Stroke, 50, pp. 3592 - 3599,
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    Delcourt C; Carcel C; Zheng D; Sato S; Arima H; Bhaskar S; Janin P; Al-Shahi Salman R; Cao Y; Zhang S; Heeley E; Davies L; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2019, 'Comparison of ABC Methods with Computerized Estimates of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Volume: The INTERACT2 Study', Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra, 9, pp. 148 - 154,
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    Hanley DF; Thompson RE; Rosenblum M; Yenokyan G; Lane K; McBee N; Mayo SW; Bistran-Hall AJ; Gandhi D; Mould WA; Ullman N; Ali H; Carhuapoma JR; Kase CS; Lees KR; Dawson J; Wilson A; Betz JF; Sugar EA; Hao Y; Avadhani R; Caron JL; Harrigan MR; Carlson AP; Bulters D; LeDoux D; Huang J; Cobb C; Gupta G; Kitagawa R; Chicoine MR; Patel H; Dodd R; Camarata PJ; Wolfe S; Stadnik A; Money PL; Mitchell P; Sarabia R; Harnof S; Barzo P; Unterberg A; Teitelbaum JS; Wang W; Anderson CS; Mendelow AD; Gregson B; Janis S; Vespa P; Ziai W; Zuccarello M; Awad IA, 2019, 'Efficacy and safety of minimally invasive surgery with thrombolysis in intracerebral haemorrhage evacuation (MISTIE III): a randomised, controlled, open-label, blinded endpoint phase 3 trial', The Lancet, 393, pp. 1021 - 1032,
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    Kilkenny MF; Kim J; Andrew NE; Sundararajan V; Thrift AG; Katzenellenbogen JM; Flack F; Gattellari M; Boyd JH; Anderson P; Lannin N; Sipthorp M; Chen Y; Johnston T; Anderson CS; Middleton S; Donnan GA; Cadilhac DA, 2019, 'Maximising data value and avoiding data waste: A validation study in stroke research', Medical Journal of Australia, 210, pp. 27 - 31,
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    Kilkenny MF; Lannin NA; Levi C; Faux SG; Dewey HM; Grimley R; Hill K; Grabsch B; Kim J; Hand P; Crosby V; Gardner M; Rois-Gnecco J; Thijs V; Anderson CS; Donnan G; Middleton S; Cadilhac DA, 2019, 'Weekend hospital discharge is associated with suboptimal care and outcomes: An observational Australian Stroke Clinical Registry study', International Journal of Stroke, 14, pp. 430 - 438,
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    Li J; Yang SC; Moullaali TJ; Chen R; Woodward M; Carcel C; Delcourt C; Sandset EC; Anderson C; Chen G; Wang X, 2019, 'Sex differences in blood pressure after stroke: A systematic review and meta-Analysis', Journal of Hypertension, 37, pp. 1991 - 1999,
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    Liu H; Lindley R; Alim M; Felix C; Gandhi DBC; Verma SJ; Tugnawat DK; Syrigapu A; Ramamurthy RK; Pandian JD; Walker M; Forster A; Hackett ML; Anderson CS; Langhorne P; Murthy GVS; Maulik PK; Harvey LA; Jan S, 2019, 'Family-led rehabilitation in India (ATTEND)—Findings from the process evaluation of a randomized controlled trial', International Journal of Stroke, 14, pp. 53 - 60,
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    Minhas JS; Wang X; Lavados PM; Moullaali TJ; Arima H; Billot L; Hackett ML; Olavarria VV; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto O; De Silva HA; Lee TH; Pandian JD; Mead GE; Watkins C; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Robinson TG, 2019, 'Blood pressure variability and outcome in acute ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke: a post hoc analysis of the HeadPoST study', Journal of Human Hypertension, 33, pp. 411 - 418,
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    Moullaali TJ; Wang X; Martin RH; Shipes VB; Robinson TG; Chalmers J; Suarez JI; Qureshi AI; Palesch YY; Anderson CS, 2019, 'Blood pressure control and clinical outcomes in acute intracerebral haemorrhage: a preplanned pooled analysis of individual participant data', The Lancet Neurology, 18, pp. 857 - 864,
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    Moullaali TJ; Wang X; Woodhouse LJ; Law ZK; Delcourt C; Sprigg N; Krishnan K; Robinson TG; Wardlaw JM; Al-Shahi Salman R; Berge E; Sandset EC; Anderson CS; Bath PM; Butcher K, 2019, 'Lowering blood pressure after acute intracerebral haemorrhage: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis using individual patient data from randomised controlled trials participating in the Blood Pressure in Acute Stroke Collaboration (BASC)', BMJ Open, 9, pp. e030121,
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    Robinson TG; Bray BD; Paley L; Sprigg N; Wang X; Arima H; Bath PM; Broderick JP; Durham AC; Kim JS; Lavados PM; Lee TH; Martins S; Nguyen TH; Pandian JD; Parsons MW; Pontes-Neto OM; Ricci S; Sharma VK; Wang J; Woodward M; Rudd AG; Chalmers J; S Anderson C; Anderson C, 2019, 'Applicability of ENCHANTED trial results to current acute ischemic stroke patients eligible for intravenous thrombolysis in England and Wales: Comparison with the Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme registry', International Journal of Stroke, 14, pp. 678 - 685,
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    Robinson TG; Wang X; Durham AC; Ford GA; Liao J; Littlewood S; Roffe C; White P; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2019, 'The National Institute for Health Research Hyperacute Stroke Research Centres and the ENCHANTED trial: The impact of enhanced research infrastructure on trial metrics and patient outcomes', Health Research Policy and Systems, 17, pp. 19,
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    Sharma VK; Tan BQ; Ngiam NJ; Ng BS; Low Y; Wong LY; Du Z; Chen J; Paliwal PR; Teoh H-L; Chan BP; Butcher K; Anderson CS, 2019, 'Abstract WP243: Randomized Clinical Trial Evaluating the Safety and Feasibility of Intensive Lowering of Blood Pressure in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Treated with Intravenous Thrombolysis and Assessed using CT Perfusion Imaging', Stroke, 50,
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    Van Ryswyk E; Anderson CS; Antic NA; Barbe F; Bittencourt L; Freed R; Heeley E; Liu Z; Loffler KA; Lorenzi-Filho G; Luo Y; Margalef MJM; McEvoy RD; Mediano O; Mukherjee S; Ou Q; Woodman R; Zhang X; Chai-Coetzer CL, 2019, 'Predictors of long-term adherence to continuous positive airway pressure in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease', Sleep, 42,
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    Venturelli PM; Li X; Middleton S; Watkins C; Lavados PM; Olavarría VV; Brunser A; Pontes-Neto O; Santos TEG; Arima H; Billot L; Hackett ML; Song L; Robinson T; Anderson CS; Hackett M; Jan S; Woodward M; Scaria A; Herbert R; Monaghan H, 2019, 'Impact of evidence-based stroke care on patient outcomes: A multilevel analysis of an international study', Journal of the American Heart Association, 8, pp. e012640,
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    Wei Y; Xu Q; Yang H; Yang Y; Wang L; Chen H; Anderson C; Liu X; Song G; Li Q; Wang Q; Shen H; Zhang Y; Yan D; Peng Z; He Y; Wang Y; Zhang Y; Zhang H; Ma X, 2019, 'Preconception diabetes mellitus and adverse pregnancy outcomes in over 6.4 million women: A population-based cohort study in China', PLoS Medicine, 16, pp. e1002926,
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    Xu Y; Neuen DR; Glozier N; Nikpour A; Somerville E; Bleasel A; Ireland C; Anderson CS; Hackett ML, 2019, 'Disability patterns over the first year after a diagnosis of epilepsy', Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 179, pp. 60 - 65,
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    Xu Y; Shanthosh J; Zhou Z; Somerville E; Anderson CS; Glozier N; Hackett ML, 2019, 'Prevalence of Driving and Traffic Accidents among People with Seizures: A Systematic Review', Neuroepidemiology, 53, pp. 1 - 12,
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    Xu Y; Zhou Z; Shanthosh J; Hackett ML; Anderson CS; Glozier N; Somerville E, 2019, 'Who is driving and who is prone to have traffic accidents? A systematic review and meta-analysis among people with seizures', Epilepsy and Behavior, 94, pp. 252 - 257,
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    Yoshimura S; Carcel C; Delcourt C; Wang X; Torii-Yoshimura T; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2019, 'Abstract WP107: Early Recurrence of Ischemic Stroke in Alteplase-treated Patients: The ENCHANTED Study', Stroke, 50,
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    You S; Zheng D; Delcourt C; Sato S; Cao Y; Zhang S; Yang J; Wang X; Lindley RI; Robinson T; Anderson CS; Chalmers J, 2019, 'Determinants of Early Versus Delayed Neurological Deterioration in Intracerebral Hemorrhage: The INTERACT-2 Study', Stroke, 50, pp. 1409 - 1414,
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    Zheng D; Xu Y; You S; Hackett ML; Woodman RJ; Li Q; Woodward M; Loffler KA; Rodgers A; Drager LF; Lorenzi-Filho G; Wang X; Quan WW; Tripathi M; Mediano O; Ou Q; Chen R; Liu Z; Zhang X; Luo Y; McArdle N; Mukherjee S; McEvoy RD; Anderson CS, 2019, 'Effects of continuous positive airway pressure on depression and anxiety symptoms in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea: results from the sleep apnoea cardiovascular Endpoint randomised trial and meta-analysis', EClinicalMedicine, 11, pp. 89 - 96,
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    Ziai WC; McBee N; Lane K; Lees KR; Dawson J; Vespa P; Thompson RE; Mendelow AD; Kase CS; Carhuapoma JR; Thompson CB; Mayo SW; Reilly P; Janis S; Anderson CS; Harrigan MR; Camarata PJ; Caron JL; Zuccarello M; Awad IA; Hanley DF, 2019, 'A randomized 500-subject open-label phase 3 clinical trial of minimally invasive surgery plus alteplase in intracerebral hemorrhage evacuation (MISTIE III)', International Journal of Stroke, 14, pp. 548 - 554,
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    Anderson CS; Woodward M; Arima H; Chen X; Lindley RI; Wang X; Chalmers J; Robinson TG, 2018, 'Statistical analysis plan for evaluating different intensities of blood pressure control in the ENhanced Control of Hypertension And Thrombolysis strokE stuDy.', International Journal of Stroke, pp. 1 - 4,
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    Andrew NE; Kim J; Thrift AG; Kilkenny MF; Lannin NA; Anderson CS; Donnan GA; Hill K; Middleton S; Levi C; Faux S; Grimley R; Gange N; Geraghty R; Ermel S; Cadilhac DA, 2018, 'Prescription of antihypertensive medication at discharge influences survival following stroke', Neurology, 90, pp. e745 - e753,
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    Balabanski AH; Newbury J; Leyden JM; Arima H; Anderson CS; Castle S; Cranefield J; Paterson T; Thrift AG; Katzenellenbogen J; Brown A; Kleinig TJ, 2018, 'Excess stroke incidence in young Aboriginal people in South Australia: Pooled results from two population-based studies', International Journal of Stroke, 13, pp. 811 - 814,
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    Cadilhac DA; Andrew NE; Kilkenny MF; Hill K; Grabsch B; Lannin NA; Thrift AG; Anderson CS; Donnan GA; Middleton S; Grimley R, 2018, 'Improving quality and outcomes of stroke care in hospitals: Protocol and statistical analysis plan for the Stroke123 implementation study', International Journal of Stroke, 13, pp. 96 - 106,
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    Chen G; Wang X; Robinson TG; Lindley RI; Zhou S; Ping L; Liu W; Liu L; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2018, 'Comparative effects of low-dose versus standard-dose alteplase in ischemic patients with prior stroke and/or diabetes mellitus: The ENCHANTED trial', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 387, pp. 1 - 5,
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    Kasner SE; Swaminathan B; Lavados P; Sharma M; Muir K; Veltkamp R; Ameriso SF; Endres M; Lutsep H; Messé SR; Spence JD; Nedeltechev K; Perera K; Santo G; Olavarria V; Lindgren A; Bangdiwala S; Shoamanesh A; Berkowitz SD; Mundl H; Connolly SJ; Hart RG, 2018, 'Rivaroxaban or aspirin for patent foramen ovale and embolic stroke of undetermined source: a prespecified subgroup analysis from the NAVIGATE ESUS trial', The Lancet Neurology, 17, pp. 1053 - 1060,
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    Kilkenny MF; Lannin NA; Anderson CS; Dewey HM; Kim J; Barclay-Moss K; Levi C; Faux S; Hill K; Grabsch B; Middleton S; Thrift AG; Grimley R; Donnan G; Cadilhac DA, 2018, 'Quality of life is poorer for patients with stroke who require an interpreter an observational australian registry study', Stroke, 49, pp. 761 - 764,
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    Kim DW; Anderson C; Burke D; Fabbiano G; Fruscione A; Lauer J; McCollough M; Morgan D; Mossman A; O'Sullivan E; Paggi A; Vrtilek S; Trinchieri G, 2018, 'Disturbed Fossil Group Galaxy NGC 1132', Astrophysical Journal, 853,
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    Kim JS; Kim YJ; Lee KB; Cha JK; Park JM; Hwang Y; Kim EG; Rha JH; Koo J; Kim J; Kim YJ; Seo WK; Kim DE; Robinson TG; Lindley RI; Wang X; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2018, 'Low- versus standard-dose intravenous alteplase in the context of bridging therapy for acute ischemic stroke: A Korean ENCHANTED study', Journal of Stroke, 20, pp. 131 - 139,
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    Krishnamurthi RV; Barker-Collo S; Parag V; Parmar P; Witt E; Jones A; Mahon S; Anderson CS; Barber PA; Feigin VL, 2018, 'Stroke incidence by major pathological type and ischemic subtypes in the Auckland regional community stroke studies: Changes between 2002 and 2011', Stroke, 49, pp. 3 - 10,
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    Minhas JS; Wang X; Arima H; Bath PM; Billot L; Broderick JP; Donnan GA; Kim JS; Lavados PM; Lee TH; Martins SCO; Olavarría VV; Pandian JD; Pontes-Neto OM; Ricci S; Sato S; Sharma VK; Thang NH; Wang JG; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Robinson TG, 2018, 'Lipid-lowering pretreatment and outcome following intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke: a post hoc analysis of the enhanced control of hypertension and thrombolysis stroke study trial', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 45, pp. 213 - 220,
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    Nagel S; Wang X; Carcel C; Robinson T; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2018, 'Clinical utility of electronic Alberta stroke program early computed tomography score software in the ENCHANTED trial database', Stroke, 49, pp. 1407 - 1411,
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    Olavarría VV; Lavados PM; Muñoz-Venturelli P; González F; Gaete J; Martins S; Arima H; Anderson CS; Brunser AM, 2018, 'Flat-head positioning increases cerebral blood flow in anterior circulation acute ischemic stroke. A cluster randomized phase IIb trial', International Journal of Stroke, 13, pp. 600 - 611,
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    Phan HT; Blizzard CL; Reeves MJ; Thrift AG; Cadilhac DA; Sturm J; Heeley E; Otahal P; Vemmos K; Anderson C; Parmar P; Krishnamurthi R; Barker-Collo S; Feigin V; Bejot Y; Cabral NL; Carolei A; Sacco S; Chausson N; Olindo S; Rothwell P; Silva C; Correia M; Magalhães R; Appelros P; Kõrv J; Vibo R; Minelli C; Gall SL, 2018, 'Factors contributing to sex differences in functional outcomes and participation after stroke', Neurology, 90, pp. e1945 - e1953,
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    Phan HT; Gall SL; Blizzard L; Lannin NA; Thrift AG; Anderson C; Kim J; Cadilhac DA, 2018, 'Abstract TP175: Lower Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) At 3-6 Months After Stroke in Both Women and Men Compared to Those Without Stroke: An Observational Study From The Australian Stroke Clinical Registry (AuSCR)', Stroke, 49,
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    Quan W; Zheng D; Douglas McEvoy R; Barbe F; Chen R; Liu Z; Loffler K; Lorenzi-Filho G; Luo Y; Mukherjee S; Tripathi M; Woodman R; Li Q; Wang X; Arima H; Xiao Y; Zhang X; Anderson CS, 2018, 'High Risk Characteristics for Recurrent Cardiovascular Events among Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in the SAVE Study', EClinicalMedicine, 2-3, pp. 59 - 65,
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    Sandset EC; Sanossian N; Woodhouse LJ; Anderson C; Berge E; Lees KR; Potter JF; Robinson TG; Sprigg N; Wardlaw JM; Bath PM, 2018, 'Protocol for a prospective collaborative systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data from randomized controlled trials of vasoactive drugs in acute stroke: The Blood pressure in Acute Stroke Collaboration, stage-3', International Journal of Stroke, 13, pp. 759 - 765,
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    Sharma VK; Tan BYQ; Sim MY; Kulkarni A; Seow PA; Hong CS; Du Z; Wong LYH; Chen J; Chee EYH; Ng BSM; Low Y; Ngiam NJH; Yeo LLL; Teoh HL; Paliwal PR; Rathakrishnan R; Sinha AK; Chan BPL; Butcher K; Anderson CS, 2018, 'Rationale and design of a randomized trial of early intensive blood pressure lowering on cerebral perfusion parameters in thrombolysed acute ischemic stroke patients', Medicine (United States), 97, pp. e12721,
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    Wang X; You S; Sato S; Yang J; Carcel C; Zheng D; Yoshimura S; Anderson CS; Sandset EC; Robinson T; Chalmers J; Sharma VK, 2018, 'Current status of intravenous tissue plasminogen activator dosage for acute ischaemic stroke: An updated systematic review', Stroke and Vascular Neurology, 3, pp. 28 - 33,
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    Xu Y; Li Q; Anderson CS, 2018, 'Response to letter to editor regarding: EB_2017_222_R1 frequency and predictors of psychological distress after a diagnosis of epilepsy: A community-based study: Methodological issues', Epilepsy and Behavior, 83, pp. 245 - 246,
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    Yoshimura S; Lindley RI; Carcel C; Sato S; Delcourt C; Wang X; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Billot L; Woodward M, 2018, 'NIHSS cut point for predicting outcome in supra- vs infratentorial acute ischemic stroke', Neurology, 91, pp. E1695 - E1701,
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    Zhou Z; Yu J; Carcel C; Delcourt C; Shan J; Lindley RI; Neal B; Anderson CS; Hackett ML, 2018, 'Resuming anticoagulants after anticoagulation-associated intracranial haemorrhage: Systematic review and meta-analysis', BMJ Open, 8, pp. e019672,
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    Anderson CS; Arima H; Lavados P; Billot L; Hackett ML; Olavarria VV; Munoz Venturelli P; Brunser A; Peng B; Cui L; Song L; Rogers K; Middleton S; Lim JY; Forshaw D; Lightbody CE; Woodward M; Pontes-Neto O; De Silva HA; Lin RT; Lee TH; Pandian JD; Mead GE; Robinson T; Watkins C; Jan S, 2017, 'Cluster-randomized, crossover trial of head positioning in acute stroke', New England Journal of Medicine, 376, pp. 2437 - 2447,
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    Billot L; Lindley RI; Harvey LA; Maulik PK; Hackett ML; Murthy GVS; Anderson CS; Shamanna BR; Jan S; Walker M; Forster A; Langhorne P; Verma SJ; Felix C; Alim M; Gandhi DBC; Pandian JD, 2017, 'Statistical analysis plan for the family-led rehabilitation after stroke in India (ATTEND) trial: A multicenter randomized controlled trial of a new model of stroke rehabilitation compared to usual care', International Journal of Stroke, 12, pp. 208 - 210,
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    Billot L; Woodward M; Arima H; Hackett ML; Muñoz Venturelli P; Lavados PM; Brunser A; Peng B; Cui L; Song L; Heritier S; Jan S; Middleton S; Olavarría VV; Lim J; Robinson T; Pontes-Neto O; Watkins C; Anderson CS, 2017, 'Statistical analysis plan for the Head Position in Stroke Trial (HeadPoST): An international cluster cross-over randomized trial', International Journal of Stroke, 12, pp. 667 - 670,
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    Bulpitt CJ; Webb R; Beckett N; Peters R; Cheek E; Anderson C; Antikainen R; Staessen JA; Rajkumar C, 2017, 'Antihypertensive treatment decreases arterial stiffness at night but not during the day. Results from the Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial', Blood Pressure, 26, pp. 109 - 114,
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    CARR S; Wang X; Lavados P; Olavarria V; Rodriguez J; Kim J; Lee T-H; Lindley R; Pontes-Neto O; Ricci S; Sato S; Sharma V; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Anderson C; Robinson T, 2017, 'SP311INFLUENCE OF RENAL IMPAIRMENT ON OUTCOME FOR THROMBOLYSIS-TREATED ACUTE ISCHEMIC STROKE: THE ENCHANTED TRIAL', Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 32, pp. iii212 - iii212,
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    Cadilhac DA; Andrew NE; Lannin NA; Middleton S; Levi CR; Dewey HM; Grabsch B; Faux S; Hill K; Grimley R; Wong A; Sabet A; Butler E; Bladin CF; Bates TR; Groot P; Castley H; Donnan GA; Anderson CS, 2017, 'Quality of Acute Care and Long-Term Quality of Life and Survival: The Australian Stroke Clinical Registry', Stroke, 48, pp. 1026 - 1032,
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    Cadilhac DA; Kilkenny MF; Levi CR; Lannin NA; Thrift AG; Kim J; Grabsch B; Churilov L; Dewey HM; Hill K; Faux SG; Grimley R; Castley H; Hand PJ; Wong A; Herkes GK; Gill M; Crompton D; Middleton S; Donnan GA; Anderson CS, 2017, 'Risk-Adjusted hospital mortality rates for stroke: Evidence from the Australian Stroke Clinical Registry (AuSCR)', Medical Journal of Australia, 206, pp. 345 - 350,
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    Calic Z; Cappelen-Smith C; Cuganesan R; Anderson CS; Welgampola M; Cordato DJ, 2017, 'Frequency, Aetiology, and Outcome of Small Cerebellar Infarction', Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra, 7, pp. 173 - 180,
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    Carr SJ; Wang X; Olavarria VV; Lavados PM; Rodriguez JA; Kim JS; Lee TH; Lindley RI; Pontes-Neto OM; Ricci S; Sato S; Sharma VK; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Robinson TG, 2017, 'Influence of Renal Impairment on Outcome for Thrombolysis-Treated Acute Ischemic Stroke: ENCHANTED (Enhanced Control of Hypertension and Thrombolysis Stroke Study) Post Hoc Analysis', Stroke, 48, pp. 2605 - 2609,
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    Delcourt C; Sato S; Zhang S; Sandset EC; Zheng D; Chen X; Hackett ML; Arima H; Hata J; Heeley E; Salman RAS; Robinson T; Davies L; Lavados PM; Lindley RI; Stapf C; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Li Q; Billot L; Neal B; Woodward M, 2017, 'Intracerebral hemorrhage location and outcome among INTERACT2 participants', Neurology, 88, pp. 1408 - 1414,
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    Delcourt C; Zheng D; Chen X; Hackett M; Arima H; Hata J; Heeley E; Al-Shahi Salman R; Woodward M; Huang Y; Robinson T; Lavados PM; Lindley RI; Stapf C; Davies L; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Sato S, 2017, 'Associations with health-related quality of life after intracerebral haemorrhage: Pooled analysis of INTERACT studies', Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 88, pp. 70 - 75,
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    Freedman B; Camm J; Calkins H; Healey JS; Rosenqvist M; Wang J; Albert CM; Anderson CS; Antoniou S; Benjamin EJ; Boriani G; Brachmann H; Brachmann J; Brandes A; Chao T-F; Conen D; Engdahl J; Fauchier L; Fitzmaurice DA; Friberg L; Gersh BJ; Gladstone DJ; Glotzer TV; Gwynne K; Hankey GJ; Harbison J; Hillis GS; Hills MT; Kamel H; Kirchhof P; Kowey PR; Krieger D; Lee VWY; Levin L-A; Lip GYH; Lobban T; Lowres N; Mairesse GH; Martinez C; Neubeck L; Orchard J; Piccini JP; Poppe K; Potpara TS; Puererfellner H; Rienstra M; Sandhu RK; Schnabel RB; Siu C-W; Steinhubl S; Svendsen JH; Svennberg E; Themistoclakis S; Tieleman RG; Turakhia MP; Tveit A; Uittenbogaart SB; Van Gelder IC; Verma A; Wachter R; Yan BP, 2017, 'Screening for Atrial Fibrillation A Report of the AF-SCREEN International Collaboration', CIRCULATION, 135, pp. 1851 - +,
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    Guo R; Blacker DJ; Wang X; Arima H; Lavados PM; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Robinson T, 2017, 'Practice patterns for neurosurgical utilization and outcome in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: Intensive blood pressure reduction in acute cerebral hemorrhage trials 1 and 2 studies', Clinical Neurosurgery, 81, pp. 980 - 985,
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    Koffman L; Hanley D; Anderson C; Mendelow D; Gregson B; Wang X; Lane K; McBee N; Dlugash R; Awad I; Ziai W, 2017, 'Abstract 148: Evaluation of Sex, Racial and Geographic Demographics and Outcomes in Clinical Trials of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage', Stroke, 48,
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    Lannin NA; Anderson CS; Kim J; Kilkenny M; Bernhardt J; Levi C; Dewey HM; Bladin C; Hand P; Castley H; Hill K; Faux S; Grimley R; Grabsch B; Middleton S; Donnan G; Cadilhac DA, 2017, 'Treatment and Outcomes of Working Aged Adults with Stroke: Results from a National Prospective Registry', Neuroepidemiology, 49, pp. 113 - 120,
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    Lim JY; Hackett M; Munoz-Venturelli P; Arima H; Middleton S; Olavarria VV; Lavados PM; Brunser AM; Peng B; Cui L; Lee T-H; Lin R-T; Pontes-Neto OM; Watkins CL; Robinson T; Mead G; Pandian JD; de Silva HA; Anderson CS, 2017, 'Abstract TP371: Monitoring a Large-scale International Cluster Stroke Trial: Lessons From Head Position in Stroke Trial', Stroke, 48,
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    Lindley RI; Anderson CS; Billot L; Forster A; Hackett ML; Harvey LA; Jan S; Li Q; Liu H; Langhorne P; Maulik PK; Murthy GVS; Walker MF; Pandian JD; Alim M; Felix C; Syrigapu A; Tugnawat DK; Verma SJ; Shamanna BR; Hankey G; Thrift A; Bernhardt J; Mehndiratta MM; Jeyaseelan L; Donnelly P; Byrne D; Steley S; Santhosh V; Chilappagari S; Mysore J; Roy J; Padma MV; John L; Aaron S; Borah NC; Vijaya P; Kaul S; Khurana D; Sylaja PN; Halprashanth DS; Madhusudhan BK; Nambiar V; Sureshbabu S; Khanna MC; Narang GS; Chakraborty D; Chakraborty SS; Biswas B; Kaura S; Koundal H; Singh P; Andrias A; Thambu DS; Ramya I; George J; Prabhakar AT; Kirubakaran P; Anbalagan P; Ghose M; Bordoloi K; Gohain P; Reddy NM; Reddy KV; Rao TNM; Alladi S; Jalapu VRR; Manchireddy K; Rajan A; Mehta S; Katoch C; Das B; Jangir A; Kaur T; Sreedharan S; Sivasambath S; Dinesh S; Shibi BS; Thangaraj A; Karunanithi A; Sulaiman SMS; Dehingia K; Das K; Nandini C; Thomas NJ; Dhanya TS; Thomas N; Krishna R; Aneesh V; Krishna R; Khullar S; Thouman S; Sebastian I, 2017, 'Family-led rehabilitation after stroke in India (ATTEND): a randomised controlled trial', The Lancet, 390, pp. 588 - 599,
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    Liu Y; Yang Y; Jin H; Fan C; Lv P; Sun W; Peng Q; Zhao M; Jin DK; Wang J; Wong LKS; Anderson CS; Zheng L; Huang Y, 2017, 'Discrepant relationships between admission blood pressure and mortality in different stroke subtypes', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 383, pp. 47 - 51,
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    Loffler KA; Heeley E; Freed R; Anderson CS; Brockway B; Corbett A; Chang CL; Douglas JA; Ferrier K; Graham N; Hamilton GS; Hlavac M; McArdle N; McLachlan J; Mukherjee S; Naughton MT; Thien F; Young A; Grunstein RR; Palmer LJ; Woodman RJ; Hanly PJ; McEvoy RD, 2017, 'Effect of obstructive sleep apnea treatment on renal function in patients with cardiovascular disease', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 196, pp. 1456 - 1462,
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    Moullaali TJ; Sato S; Wang X; Rabinstein AA; Arima H; Carcel C; Chen G; Robinson T; Heeley E; Chan E; Delcourt C; Stapf C; Cordonnier C; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2017, 'Prognostic significance of delayed intraventricular haemorrhage in the INTERACT studies', Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 88, pp. 19 - 24,
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    Robinson TG; Wang X; Arima H; Bath PM; Billot L; Broderick JP; Demchuk AM; Donnan GA; Kim JS; Lavados PM; Lee TH; Lindley RI; Martins SCO; Olavarria VV; Pandian JD; Parsons MW; Pontes-Neto OM; Ricci S; Sato S; Sharma VK; Nguyen TH; Wang JG; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2017, 'Low-Versus Standard-Dose Alteplase in Patients on Prior Antiplatelet Therapy the ENCHANTED Trial (Enhanced Control of Hypertension and Thrombolysis Stroke Study)', Stroke, 48, pp. 1877 - 1883,
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    Song L; Wang X; Robinson T; Lindley RI; Arima H; Lavados PM; Chen X; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2017, 'Characteristics, management and response to alteplase in China versus non-China participants of the ENCHANTED trial', Stroke and Vascular Neurology, 2, pp. 53 - 58,
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    Venturelli PM; Wang X; Zahuranec DB; Lavados PM; Stapf C; Lindley R; Delcourt C; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Robinson TG, 2017, 'Withdrawal of active treatment after intracerebral haemorrhage in the INTERACT2 study', Age and Ageing, 46, pp. 329 - 332,
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    Wang X; Robinson T; Arima H; Broderick J; Demchuk A; Donnan G; Kim J; Lavados P; Lee TH; Lindley R; Martins S; Pandian J; Chalmers J; Anderson C, 2017, 'Abstract TMP25: Effects of Age and Ethnicity on the Benefits and Risks of Low- versus Standard-dose Alteplase in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients: The Enchanted Trial', Stroke, 48,
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    Wang X; Robinson TG; Lee TH; Li Q; Arima H; Bath PM; Billot L; Broderick J; Demchuk AM; Donnan G; Kim JS; Lavados P; Lindley RI; Martins SO; Olavarria VV; Pandian JD; Parsons MW; Pontes-Neto OM; Ricci S; Sharma VK; Thang NH; Wang JG; Woodward M; Anderson CS; Chalmers J, 2017, 'Low-dose vs standard-dose alteplase for patients with acute ischemic stroke: Secondary analysis of the ENCHANTED randomized clinical trial', JAMA Neurology, 74, pp. 1328 - 1335,
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    Wartenberg KE; Wang X; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Rabinstein AA; Lavados PM; Anderson CS; Robinson T; For the INTERACT Investigators , 2017, 'Intensive Care Unit Admission for Patients in the INTERACT2 ICH Blood Pressure Treatment Trial: Characteristics, Predictors, and Outcomes', Neurocritical Care, 26, pp. 371 - 378,
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    Xu Y; Hackett ML; Chalmers J; Lindley RI; Wang X; Li Q; Robinson T; Arima H; Lavados PM; Anderson CS; Li Q, 2017, 'Frequency, determinants, and effects of early seizures after thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke: The ENCHANTED trial', Neurology: Clinical Practice, 7, pp. 324 - 332,
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    Broderick JP; Berkhemer OA; Palesch YY; Dippel DWJ; Foster LD; Roos YBWEM; Van der Lugt A; Tomsick TA; Majoie CBLM; Van Zwam WH; Demchuk AM; Van Oostenbrugge RJ; Khatri P; Lingsma HF; Hill MD; Roozenbeek B; Jauch EC; Jovin TG; Yan B; Von Kummer R; Molina CA; Goyal M; Schonewille WJ; Mazighi M; Engelter ST; Anderson CS; Spilker J; Carrozzella J; Ryckborst KJ; Janis LS; Simpson KN, 2016, 'Erratum : Endovascular therapy is effective and safe for patients with severe ischemic stroke: Pooled analysis of Interventional Management of Stroke III and Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial of Endovascular Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Netherlands Data (Stroke (2015) 46 (3416-3422) DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.115.011397)', Stroke, 47, pp. e21,
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    Carcel C; Sato S; Zheng D; Heeley E; Arima H; Yang J; Wu G; Chen G; Zhang S; Delcourt C; Lavados P; Robinson T; Lindley RI; Wang X; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2016, 'Prognostic significance of hyponatremia in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: Pooled analysis of the intensive blood pressure reduction in acute cerebral hemorrhage trial studies', Critical Care Medicine, 44, pp. 1388 - 1394,
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    Carcel C; Sato S; Zheng D; Heeley E; Arima H; Yang J; Wu G; Zhang S; Delcourt C; Lavados P; Robinson T; Lindley R; Wang X; Chalmers J; Anderson C, 2016, 'Abstract WMP91: Hyponatremia is Associated with Higher Mortality in Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Interact 1 and 2 Pooled Analysis', Stroke, 47,
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    Carcel C; Wang X; Sato S; Stapf C; Sandset EC; Delcourt C; Arima H; Robinson T; Lavados P; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2016, 'Degree and Timing of Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering on Hematoma Growth in Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage Trial-2 Results', Stroke, 47, pp. 1651 - 1653,
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    Chan E; Anderson CS; Wang X; Arima H; Saxena A; Moullaali TJ; Delcourt C; Wu G; Wang J; Chen G; Lavados PM; Stapf C; Robinson T; Chalmers J, 2016, 'Early Blood Pressure Lowering Does Not Reduce Growth of Intraventricular Hemorrhage following Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Results of the INTERACT Studies', Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra, 6, pp. 71 - 75,
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    Delcourt C; Zhang S; Arima H; Sato S; Salman RAS; Wang X; Davies L; Stapf C; Robinson T; Lavados PM; Chalmers J; Heeley E; Liu M; Lindley RI; Anderson CS, 2016, 'Significance of Hematoma Shape and Density in Intracerebral Hemorrhage: The Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage Trial Study', Stroke, 47, pp. 1227 - 1232,
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    Gabb GM; Mangoni A; Anderson CS; Cowley D; Dowden JS; Golledge J; Hankey GJ; Howes FS; Leckie L; Perkovic V; Schlaich M; Zwar NA; Medley TL; Arnolda L, 2016, 'Guideline for the diagnosis and management of hypertension in adults — 2016', Medical Journal of Australia, 205, pp. 85 - 89,
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    Heeley E; Billot L; Anderson CS; Antic NA; Neal B; McEvoy RD, 2016, 'Statistical analysis plan for the Sleep Apnea cardioVascular Endpoints study: An international randomised controlled trial to determine whether continuous positive airways pressure treatment for obstructive sleep apnea in patients with CV disease prevents secondary cardiovascular events', International Journal of Stroke, 11, pp. 148 - 150,
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    Liu H; Lindley R; Alim M; Felix C; Gandhi DBC; Verma SJ; Tugnawat DK; Syrigapu A; Ramamurthy RK; Pandian JD; Walker M; Forster A; Anderson CS; Langhorne P; Murthy GVS; Shamanna BR; Hackett ML; Maulik PK; Harvey LA; Jan S, 2016, 'Protocol for process evaluation of a randomised controlled trial of family-led rehabilitation post stroke (ATTEND) in India', BMJ Open, 6, pp. e012027,
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    McEvoy RD; Antic NA; Heeley E; Luo Y; Ou Q; Zhang X; Mediano O; Chen R; Drager LF; Liu Z; Chen G; Du B; McArdle N; Mukherjee S; Tripathi M; Billot L; Li Q; Lorenzi-Filho G; Barbe F; Redline S; Wang J; Arima H; Neal B; White DP; Grunstein RR; Zhong N; Anderson CS, 2016, 'CPAP for prevention of cardiovascular events in obstructive sleep apnea', New England Journal of Medicine, 375, pp. 919 - 931,
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    Muñoz Venturelli P; Robinson T; Lavados PM; Olavarría VV; Arima H; Billot L; Hackett ML; Lim JY; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto O; Peng B; Cui L; Song L; Mead G; Watkins C; Lin RT; Lee TH; Pandian J; de Silva HA; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2016, 'Regional variation in acute stroke care organisation', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 371, pp. 126 - 130,
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    Muñoz-Venturelli P; Wang X; Lavados PM; Stapf C; Robinson T; Lindley R; Heeley E; Delcourt C; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2016, 'Prophylactic heparin in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: A propensity score-matched analysis of the INTERACT2 study', International Journal of Stroke, 11, pp. 549 - 556,
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    Rannikmäe K; Woodfield R; Anderson CS; Charidimou A; Chiewvit P; Greenberg SM; Jeng JS; Meretoja A; Palm F; Putaala J; Rinkel GJE; Rosand J; Rost NS; Strbian D; Tatlisumak T; Tsai CF; Wermer MJH; Werring D; Yeh SJ; Al-Shahi Salman R; Sudlow CLM, 2016, 'Reliability of intracerebral hemorrhage classification systems: A systematic review', International Journal of Stroke, 11, pp. 626 - 636,
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    Sato S; Delcourt C; Heeley E; Arima H; Zhang S; Al-Shahi Salman R; Stapf C; Woo D; Flaherty ML; Vagal A; Levi C; Davies L; Wang J; Robinson T; Lavados PM; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2016, 'Abstract WMP85: Significance of Cerebral Small Vessel Disease in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: The INTERACT2 Study', Stroke, 47,
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    Sato S; Delcourt C; Heeley E; Arima H; Zhang S; Al-Shahi Salman R; Stapf C; Woo D; Flaherty ML; Vagal A; Levi C; Davies L; Wang J; Robinson T; Lavados PM; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2016, 'Significance of Cerebral Small-Vessel Disease in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage', Stroke, 47, pp. 701 - 707,
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    Sato S; Delcourt C; Zhang S; Arima H; Heeley E; Zheng D; Al-Shahi Salman R; Stapf C; Tzourio C; Robinson T; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2016, 'Determinants and prognostic significance of hematoma sedimentation levels in acute intracerebral hemorrhage', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 41, pp. 80 - 86,
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    Saxena A; Anderson CS; Wang X; Sato S; Arima H; Chan E; Munoz-Venturelli P; Delcourt C; Robinson T; Stapf C; Lavados PM; Wang J; Neal B; Chalmers J; Heeley E, 2016, 'Prognostic Significance of Hyperglycemia in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: The INTERACT2 Study', Stroke, 47, pp. 682 - 688,
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    Song L; Sandset EC; Arima H; Heeley E; Delcourt C; Chen G; Yang J; Wu G; Wang X; Lavados PM; Huang Y; Stapf C; Wang J; Robinson TG; Chalmers J; Lindley RI; Anderson CS, 2016, 'Early blood pressure lowering in patients with intracerebral haemorrhage and prior use of antithrombotic agents: Pooled analysis of the INTERACT studies', Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 87, pp. 1330 - 1335,
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    Sun W; Xian Y; Huang Y; Sun W; Liu R; Li F; Wei JW; Wang JG; Liu M; Wu Y; Wong LKS; Anderson CS, 2016, 'Obesity is associated with better survival and functional outcome after acute intracerebral hemorrhage', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 370, pp. 140 - 144,
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    Wang X; Cao Y; Hong D; Zheng D; Richtering S; Sandset EC; Leong TH; Arima H; Islam S; Salam A; Anderson C; Robinson T; Hackett ML; Mohammad M, 2016, 'Ambient temperature and stroke occurrence: A systematic review and meta-analysis', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13, pp. 698,
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    Yu S; Arima H; Heeley E; Delcourt C; Krause M; Peng B; Yang J; Wu G; Chen X; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2016, 'White blood cell count and clinical outcomes after intracerebral hemorrhage: The INTERACT2 trial', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 361, pp. 112 - 116,
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    Yu S; Muhunthan J; Lindley R; Glozier N; Jan S; Anderson C; Li Q; Hackett ML, 2016, 'Driving in stroke survivors aged 18–65 years: The Psychosocial Outcomes In StrokE (POISE) Cohort Study', International Journal of Stroke, 11, pp. 799 - 806,
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    Zheng D; Arima H; Sato S; Gasparrini A; Heeley E; Delcourt C; Lo S; Huang Y; Wang J; Stapf C; Robinson T; Lavados P; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Li Q; Neal B; Billot L; Woodward M, 2016, 'Low ambient temperature and intracerebral hemorrhage: The INTERACT2 study', PLoS ONE, 11, pp. e0149040,
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    Zheng D; Sato S; Arima H; Heeley E; Delcourt C; Cao Y; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Davis S; Huang Y; Lavados P; Neal B; Parsons MW; Lindley R; Morgenstern L; Robinson TG; Stapf C; Tzourio C; Wang JG; Chen S; Chen XY; Cui L; Liu Z; Lu C; Wang J; Wu S; Xu E; Yang Q; Zhang C; Zhang J; Beer R; Schmutzhard E; Redondo P; Kaste M; Soinne L; Tatlisumak T; Wartenberg K; Ricci S; Klijn K; Azevedo E; Chamorro A; Arnold M; Fischer U; Kaul S; Pandian J; Boyini H; Singh S; Rabinstein AA; Estol C; Silva G; Olavarria VV; Simes RJ; Bousser MG; Hankey G; Jamrozik K; Johnston SC; Li S; Bailey K; Cheung T; Chintapatla S; Ducasse E; Erho T; Hata J; Holder B; Knight E; Leroux M; Sassé T; Odgers E; Walsh R; Wolfowicz Z; Chen G; Fuentes S; Peng B; Schneble HM; Wang MX; Billot L; Heritier S; Li Q; Woodward M; Abimbola S; Anderson S; Chan E; Cheng G; Chmielnik P; Leighton S; Liu JY; Rasmussen B; Saxena A; Tripathy S; Armenis M; Baig MA; Naidu B; Starzec G; Steley S; Moles A; Ruiz A; Zimmermann M; Marinho J; Alves S; Angelim R, 2016, 'Estimated GFR and the Effect of Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering after Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage', American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 68, pp. 94 - 102,
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    Zheng D; Sato S; Cao YJ; Arima H; Carcel C; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2016, 'Circadian variation in clinical features and outcome of intracerebral hemorrhage: The INTERACT studies', Chronobiology International, 33, pp. 1182 - 1187,
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    Anderson C; Chan E; Wang X; Arima H; Heeley E; Stapf C; Robinson T; Huang Y, 2015, 'Abstract 96: What Critical Volume of Intraventricular Hemorrhage is Important in Intracerebral Haemorrhage? Interact2 Results', Stroke, 46,
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    Anderson C; Lavado P; Sharma V; Huang Y; Thang NNH; Robinson T; Lee T; Kim J; Martins S; Pontes-Neto O; Lindley R; Levi C, 2015, 'Randomised evaluation of low-dose rtPA and intensive BP lowering in acute ischemic stroke: the enchanted trial', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 357, pp. e365 - e365,
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    Anderson CS; Qureshi AI, 2015, 'Implications of INTERACT2 and other clinical trials: Blood pressure management in acute intracerebral hemorrhage', Stroke, 46, pp. 291 - 295,
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    Anderson CS; Woodward M; Arima H; Chen X; Lindley RI; Wang X; Chalmers J, 2015, 'Statistical analysis plan for evaluating low- vs. Standard-dose alteplase in the ENhanced Control of Hypertension and Thrombolysis strokE stuDy (ENCHANTED)', International Journal of Stroke, 10, pp. 1313 - 1315,
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    Arima H; Heeley E; Delcourt C; Hirakawa Y; Wang X; Woodward M; Robinson T; Stapf C; Parsons M; Lavados PM; Huang Y; Wang J; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Optimal achieved blood pressure in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: INTERACT2', Neurology, 84, pp. 464 - 471,
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    Böhm M; Schumacher H; Leong D; Mancia G; Unger T; Schmieder R; Custodis F; Diener HC; Laufs U; Lonn E; Sliwa K; Teo K; Fagard R; Redon J; Sleight P; Anderson C; O'Donnell M; Yusuf S, 2015, 'Systolic blood pressure variation and mean heart rate is associated with cognitive dysfunction in patients with high cardiovascular risk', Hypertension, 65, pp. 651 - 661,
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    Carcel C; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Timing of Blood Pressure Lowering in Acute Ischemic Stroke', Current Atherosclerosis Reports, 17,
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    Cukierman-Yaffe T; Anderson C; Teo K; Gao P; Gerstein HC; Yusuf S, 2015, 'Dysglycemia and cognitive dysfunction and Ill health in people with high CV risk: Results from the ONTARGET/TRANSCEND studies', Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 100, pp. 2682 - 2689,
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    Feigin VL; Krishnamurthi RV; Barker-Collo S; McPherson KM; Barber PA; Parag V; Arroll B; Bennett DA; Tobias M; Jones A; Witt E; Brown P; Abbott M; Bhattacharjee R; Rush E; Suh FM; Theadom A; Rathnasabapathy Y; Ao BT; Parmar PG; Anderson C; Bonita R, 2015, '30-Year trends in stroke rates and outcome in Auckland, New Zealand (1981-2012): A multi-ethnic population-based series of studies', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0134609,
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    Feigin VL; Krishnamurthi RV; Parmar P; Norrving B; Mensah GA; Bennett DA; Barker-Collo S; Moran AE; Sacco RL; Truelsen T; Davis S; Pandian JD; Naghavi M; Forouzanfar MH; Nguyen G; Johnson CO; Vos T; Meretoja A; Murray CJL; Roth GA; Abd-Allah F; Abera SF; Akinyemi RO; Salman RAS; Anderson CS; Bahit MC; Banerjee A; Basu S; Beauchamp NJ; Bornstein NM; Brainin M; Cabral NL; Campos-Nonato I; Caso V; Catalá-López F; Chowdhury R; Christensen HK; Connor MD; DeVeber G; Dharmaratne SD; Dokova K; Donnan G; Endres M; Fernandes JG; Gankpé F; Geleijnse JM; Gillium RF; Giroud M; Hamadeh RR; Hankey GJ; Jeemon P; Jonas JB; Kazi DS; Kengne AP; Kim D; Kissela BM; Kokubo Y; Kosen S; Kravchenko M; Lavados PM; Liu M; Lotufo PA; MacKay MT; Malekzadeh R; Mehndiratta MM; Melaku YA; Misganaw A; Nand D; Piradov M; Pourmalek F; Rojas-Rueda D; Roy N; Sahathevan R; Sampson UKA; Shamalov N; Sheth KN; Shinohara Y; Shiue I; Soljak M; Sposato LA; Stroumpoulis K; Tanne D; Thrift AG; Tirschwell DL; Varakin Y; Venketasubramanian N; Vlassov VV; Wang W; Westerman R; Wolfe C; Yu C; Yunjin K; Stavreski B; Pearse E; Ademi Z; Guliyev T; Harewood H; Springer K; Da Costa Leite I; Lindsay MP, 2015, 'Update on the global burden of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in 1990-2013: The GBD 2013 study', Neuroepidemiology, 45, pp. 161 - 176,
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    Feigin VL; Mensah GA; Norrving B; Murray CJL; Roth GA; Bahit MC; Thrift AG; Meretoja A; Stavreski B; Anderson CS; Pearse E; Donnan G; Hankey GJ; Mackay MT; Davis S; Ademi Z; Brainin M; Guliyev T; Hamadeh RR; Harewood H; Springer K; Da Costa Leite I; Gomes Fernandes J; Cabral NL; Lotufo PA; Dokova K; Pourmalek F; DeVeber G; Sposato LA; Lindsay MP; Riccio PM; Lavados PM; Li B; Yu C; Jiang G; Ma J; Zhou M; Liu M; Zhu S; Wang W; Liang X; Zhang Y; Alcalá-Cerra G; Christensen HK; Truelsen T; Abd-Allah F; Temesgen A; Sahle BW; Abera SF; Melaku YA; Nand D; Giroud M; Jonas JB; Endres M; Westerman R; Stroumpoulis K; Prabhakaran D; Pandian JD; Mehndiratta MM; Roy N; Jeemon P; Gupta R; Rajagopalan V; Kosen S; Warouw TS; Malekzadeh R; O'Donnell MJ; Bornstein NM; Tanne D; Ricci S; Caso V; Kokubo Y; Shinohara Y; Asad MM; Bwire VK; Jee SH; Khang YH; Campos-Nonato I; Yunjin K; Sahathevan R; Gankpé F; Myint CY; Geleijnse JM; Parmar P; Krishnamurthi RV; Barker-Collo S; Akinyemi RO; Norheim O; Khalifa SE; Kravchenko M; Piradov M; Shalamov N; Vlassov VV; Varakin Y; De Dieu Ngirabega J; Nyemazi JP; Muhimpundu MA; Saeedi M; Bedi N; Venketasubramanian N, 2015, 'Atlas of the global burden of stroke (1990-2013): The GBD 2013 study', Neuroepidemiology, 45, pp. 230 - 236,
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    Heeley E; Anderson CS; Woodward M; Arima H; Robinson T; Stapf C; Parsons M; Lavados PM; Huang Y; Wang Y; Crozier S; Parry-Jones A; Wang J; Chalmers J, 2015, 'Poor utility of grading scales in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: Results from the INTERACT2 trial', International Journal of Stroke, 10, pp. 1101 - 1107,
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    Hemphill JC; Greenberg SM; Anderson CS; Becker K; Bendok BR; Cushman M; Fung GL; Goldstein JN; MacDonald RL; Mitchell PH; Scott PA; Selim MH; Woo D, 2015, 'Guidelines for the Management of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Guideline for Healthcare Professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association', Stroke, 46, pp. 2032 - 2060,
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    Huang Y; Sharma VK; Robinson T; Lindley RI; Chen X; Kim JS; Lavados P; Olavarría V; Arima H; Fuentes S; Nguyen HT; Lee TH; Parsons MW; Levi C; Demchuk AM; Bath PMW; Broderick JP; Donnan GA; Martins S; Pontes-Neto OM; Silva F; Pandian J; Ricci S; Stapf C; Woodward M; Wang J; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Rationale, design, and progress of the ENhanced Control of Hypertension ANd Thrombolysis strokE stuDy (ENCHANTED) trial: An international multicenter 2×2 quasi-factorial randomized controlled trial of low- vs. standard-dose rt-PA and early intensive vs. guideline-recommended blood pressure lowering in patients with acute ischaemic stroke eligible for thrombolysis treatment', International Journal of Stroke, 10, pp. 778 - 788,
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    Jankelowitz SK; Anderson C, 2015, 'Implementation of clinical guidelines for secondary prevention of stroke', International Journal of Stroke, 10, pp. E37 - E37,
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    Muñoz Venturelli P; Olavarría V; González F; Brunser A; Lavados P; Arima H; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Head position in the early phase of acute ischemic stroke: An international survey of current practice', Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 24, pp. 1564 - 1569,
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    Muñoz-Venturelli P; Arima H; Lavados P; Brunser A; Peng B; Cui L; Song L; Billot L; Boaden E; Hackett ML; Heritier S; Jan S; Middleton S; Olavarría VV; Lim JY; Lindley RI; Heeley E; Robinson T; Pontes-Neto O; Natsagdorj L; Lin RT; Watkins C; Anderson CS; Woodward M, 2015, 'Head Position in Stroke Trial (HeadPoST) - sitting-up vs lying-flat positioning of patients with acute stroke: Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial', Trials, 16, pp. 256,
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    Olavarria V; Brunser A; González F; Muñoz P; Martins S; Gaete J; Arima H; Anderson CS; Lavados PM, 2015, 'Head position in stroke trial (Headpost) pilot phase', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 357, pp. e401 - e401,
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    Palesch YY; Yeatts SD; Tomsick TA; Foster LD; Demchuk AM; Khatri P; Hill MD; Jauch EC; Jovin TG; Yan B; Von Kummer R; Molina CA; Goyal M; Schonewille WJ; Mazighi M; Engelter ST; Anderson C; Spilker J; Carrozzella J; Ryckborst KJ; Janis LS; Simpson A; Simpson KN; Broderick JP, 2015, 'Twelve-Month Clinical and Quality-of-Life Outcomes in the Interventional Management of Stroke III Trial', Stroke, 46, pp. 1321 - 1327,
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    Pandian JD; Felix C; Kaur P; Sharma D; Julia L; Toor G; Arora R; Gandhi DBC; Verma SJ; Anderson CS; Langhorne P; Murthy GVS; Hackett ML; Maulik PK; Alim M; Harvey LA; Jan S; Walker M; Forster A; Lindley R, 2015, 'FAmily-Led RehabiliTaTion aftEr Stroke in INDia: The ATTEND pilot study', International Journal of Stroke, 10, pp. 609 - 614,
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    Parry-Jones AR; Wang X; Sato S; Mould WA; Vail A; Anderson CS; Hanley DF, 2015, 'Edema Extension Distance: Outcome Measure for Phase II Clinical Trials Targeting Edema after Intracerebral Hemorrhage', Stroke, 46, pp. e137 - e140,
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    Priglinger M; Arima H; Anderson C; Krause M; Chalmers J; Huang Y; Wang JG; Bath P; Davis S; Kim J; Lindley R; Neal B; Morgenstern LB; MacMahon S; Woodward M; Butcher K; Chambers B; Donnan G; Levi C; Parsons MW; Dorsch N; Huang Y; Wang JG; Lu C; Chen S; Jiang JD; Liu Z; Zhang J; Kong L; Song Y; Wang Z; Wang W; Wu F; Yuan Y; Kim JS; Kim J; Simes J; Hankey G; Jamrozik K; Johnston S; Shunwei L; Skulina C; Peng B; Billot L; Li Q; Su S; Heritier S; Heeley E; Capper H; Chisholm J; Currie R; Fathers J; Hackett M; Homewood S; Jane K; Jones K; Leksuwat S; Mullane B; Pandey S; Patel A; Quilkey A; Scott J; Starzec G; Wadham A; Zeckendorf S; Han D; Ying S; Xu W; Zhang LJ; Huang Q; Li Y; Yan L; Kyung S, 2015, 'No relationship of lipid-lowering agents to hematoma growth: Pooled analysis of the intensive blood pressure reduction in acute cerebral hemorrhage trials studies', Stroke, 46, pp. 857 - 859,
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    Priglinger ML; Arima H; Anderson C; Krause M, 2015, 'Abstract W MP117: Intracarebral Hemorrhage Volume Growth and Lipid Lowering Agent use: Pooled Analysis of Interact Studies', Stroke, 46,
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    Rådholm K; Arima H; Lindley RI; Wang J; Tzourio C; Robinson T; Heeley E; Anderson CS; Chalmers J, 2015, 'Older age is a strong predictor for poor outcome in intracerebral haemorrhage: The INTERACT2 study', Age and Ageing, 44, pp. 422 - 427,
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    Sato S; Arima H; Heeley E; Hirakawa Y; Delcourt C; Lindley RI; Robinson T; Huang Y; Morgenstern L; Stapf C; Wang J; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Off-Hour admission and outcomes in patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage in the INTERACT2 trial', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 40, pp. 114 - 120,
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    Sato S; Carcel C; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Blood Pressure Management After Intracerebral Hemorrhage', Current Treatment Options in Neurology, 17,
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    Sato S; Heeley E; Arima H; Delcourt C; Hirakawa Y; Pamidimukkala V; Li Z; Tao Q; Xu Y; Hennerici MG; Robinson T; Tzourio C; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Higher mortality in patients with right hemispheric intracerebral haemorrhage: INTERACT1 and 2', Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 86, pp. 1319 - 1323,
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    Smyth A; Dehghan M; O'Donnell M; Anderson C; Teo K; Gao P; Sleight P; Dagenais G; Probstfield JL; Mente A; Yusuf S, 2015, 'Healthy eating and reduced risk of cognitive decline: A cohort from 40 countries', Neurology, 84, pp. 2258 - 2265,
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    Wang X; Arima H; Al-Shahi Salman R; Woodward M; Heeley E; Stapf C; Lavados PM; Robinson T; Huang Y; Wang J; Delcourt C; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Clinical prediction algorithm (BRAIN) to determine risk of hematoma growth in acute intracerebral hemorrhage', Stroke, 46, pp. 376 - 381,
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    Wang X; Arima H; Al-Shahi Salman R; Woodward M; Heeley E; Stapf C; Lavados PM; Robinson T; Huang Y; Wang J; Delcourt C; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Rapid blood pressure lowering according to recovery at different time intervals after acute intracerebral hemorrhage: Pooled analysis of the INTERACT studies', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 39, pp. 242 - 248,
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    Wang X; Arima H; Heeley E; Delcourt C; Huang Y; Wang J; Stapf C; Robinson T; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Magnitude of blood pressure reduction and clinical outcomes in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: Intensive blood pressure reduction in acute cerebral hemorrhage trial study', Hypertension, 65, pp. 1026 - 1032,
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    Wang X; Arima H; Yang J; Zhang S; Wu G; Woodward M; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Lavados PM; Stapf C; Robinson T; Heeley E; Delcourt C; Lindley RI; Parsons M; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Mannitol and outcome in intracerebral hemorrhage: Propensity score and multivariable intensive blood pressure reduction in acute cerebral hemorrhage trial 2 results', Stroke, 46, pp. 2762 - 2767,
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    Yang J; Arima H; Wu G; Heeley E; Delcourt C; Zhou J; Chen G; Wang X; Zhang S; Yu S; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Prognostic Significance of Perihematomal Edema in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Pooled Analysis from the Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage Trial Studies', Stroke, 46, pp. 1009 - 1013,
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    Zheng D; Arima H; Heeley E; Karpin A; Yang J; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Ambient temperature and volume of perihematomal edema in acute intracerebral haemorrhage: The INTERACT1 study', International Journal of Stroke, 10, pp. 25 - 27,
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    Arima H; Anderson C; Omae T; Woodward M; MacMahon S; Mancia G; Bousser MG; Tzourio C; Harrap S; Liu L; Neal B; Chalmers J, 2014, 'Degree of blood pressure reduction and recurrent stroke: The PROGRESS trial', Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 85, pp. 1284 - 1285,
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    Broderick JP; Palesch YY; Demchuk AM; Yeatts SD; Khatri P; Hill MD; Jauch EC; Jovin TG; Yan B; Von Kummer R; Molina CA; Goyal M; Mazighi M; Schonewille WJ; Engelter ST; Anderson C; Spilker J; Carrozzella J; Janis LS; Foster LD; Tomsick TA, 2014, 'Evolution of practice during the interventional management of stroke III trial and implications for ongoing trials', Stroke, 45, pp. 3606 - 3611,
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    Chalmers J; Stapf C; Delcourt C; Wang X; Arima H; Heeley E; Hirakawa Y; Lindley R; Anderson C, 2014, 'O079 Rapid blood pressure lowering in acute intracerebral haemorrhage: relationship of time and intensity of treatment on haematoma growth in the INTERACT2 trial', Global Heart, 9, pp. e21 - e22,
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    Chen G; Arima H; Wu G; Heeley E; Delcourt C; Zhang P; Rabinstein AA; Robinson T; Stapf C; Huang Y; Song L; Yang J; Wang X; Li Q; Chen X; Chalmers J; Anderson C, 2014, 'Subarachnoid extension of intracerebral hemorrhage and 90-day outcomes in INTERACT2', Stroke, 45, pp. 258 - 260,
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    Manning L; Hirakawa Y; Arima H; Wang X; Chalmers J; Wang J; Lindley R; Heeley E; Delcourt C; Neal B; Lavados P; Davis SM; Tzourio C; Huang Y; Stapf C; Woodward M; Rothwell PM; Robinson TG; Anderson CS, 2014, 'Blood pressure variability and outcome after acute intracerebral haemorrhage: A post-hoc analysis of INTERACT2, a randomised controlled trial', The Lancet Neurology, 13, pp. 364 - 373,
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    Anderson C; Heeley E; Heritier S; Arima H; Woodward M; Lindley R; Neal B; Huang Y; Wang JG; Parsons M; Stapf C; Robinson T; Lavados P; Delcourt C; Davis S; Chalmers J, 2013, 'Statistical analysis plan for the second INTEnsive blood pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral hemorrhage Trial (INTERACT2): A large-scale investigation to solve longstanding controversy over the most appropriate management of elevated blood pressure in the hyperacute phase of intracerebral hemorrhage', International Journal of Stroke, 8, pp. 327 - 328,
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    Arima H; Anderson C; Omae T; Woodward M; MacMahon S; Mancia G; Bousser M-G; Tzourio C; Harrap S; Neal B; Chalmers J, 2013, 'Abstract 204: Blood Pressure Reduction And Stroke Recurrence: The Progress Trial', Stroke, 44,
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    Broderick JP; Palesch YY; Demchuk AM; Yeatts SD; Khatri P; Hill MD; Jauch EC; Jovin TG; Yan B; Silver FL; Von Kummer R; Molina CA; Demaerschalk BM; Budzik R; Clark WM; Zaidat OO; Malisch TW; Goyal M; Schonewille WJ; Mazighi M; Engelter ST; Anderson C; Spilker J; Carrozzella J; Ryckborst KJ; Janis LS; Martin RH; Foster LD; Tomsick TA, 2013, 'Endovascular therapy after intravenous t-PA versus t-PA alone for stroke', New England Journal of Medicine, 368, pp. 893 - 903,
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    Mann JFE; Anderson C; Gao P; Gerstein HC; Boehm M; Rydén L; Sleight P; Teo KK; Yusuf S, 2013, 'Dual inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system in high-risk diabetes and risk for stroke and other outcomes: Results of the ONTARGET trial', Journal of Hypertension, 31, pp. 414 - 421,
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    Arima H; Huang Y; Wang JG; Heeley E; Delcourt C; Parsons M; Li Q; Neal B; Chalmers J; Anderson C, 2012, 'Earlier blood pressure-lowering and greater attenuation of hematoma growth in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: INTERACT pilot phase', Stroke, 43, pp. 2236 - 2238,
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    Delcourt C; Huang Y; Arima H; Chalmers J; Davis SM; Heeley EL; Wang J; Parsons MW; Liu G; Anderson CS; INTERACT1 Investigators , 2012, 'Hematoma growth and outcomes in intracerebral hemorrhage: the INTERACT1 study.', Neurology, 79, pp. 314 - 319,
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    Delcourt C; Stapf C; Tzourio C; Héritier S; Anderson C, 2012, 'The second (main) phase of an open, randomised, multicentre study to investigate the effectiveness of an INTEnsive blood pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral hemorrhage Trial (INTERACT2): Protocol and baseline characteristics of patients included in France', Revue Neurologique, 168, pp. 321 - 327,
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    Foroud T; Koller DL; Lai D; Sauerbeck L; Anderson C; Ko N; Deka R; Mosley TH; Fornage M; Woo D; Moomaw CJ; Hornung R; Huston J; Meissner I; Baileywilson JE; Langefeld C; Rouleau G; Sander Connolly E; Worrall BB; Kleindorfer D; Flaherty ML; Martini S; Mackey J; De Los Rios La Rosa F; Brown RD; Broderick JP, 2012, 'Genome-wide association study of intracranial aneurysms confirms role of anril and SOX17 in disease risk', Stroke, 43, pp. 2846 - 2852,
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    Hata J; Arima H; Rothwell PM; Woodward M; Zoungas S; Anderson CS; Patel A; Glasziou P; Mancia G; Poulter N; MacMahon S; Chalmers J, 2012, '68 SYSTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE VARIABILITY PREDICTS BOTH MACROVASCULAR AND MICROVASCULAR COMPLICATIONS IN TYPE 2 DIABETES', Journal of Hypertension, 30, pp. e21 - e21,
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    Heeley E; Anderson C; Patel A; Cass A; Peiris D; Weekes A; Chalmers J, 2012, 'Disparities between prescribing of secondary prevention therapies for stroke and coronary artery disease in general practice', International Journal of Stroke, 7, pp. 649 - 654,
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    Heeley E; Anderson CS; Antic N; Wang JG; McEvoy D, 2012, '55 THE SLEEP APNEA CARDIOVASCULAR ENDPOINTS (SAVE) STUDY', Journal of Hypertension, 30, pp. e17 - e18,
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    Mackey J; Brown RD; Moomaw CJ; Sauerbeck L; Hornung R; Gandhi D; Woo D; Kleindorfer D; Flaherty ML; Meissner I; Anderson C; Connolly ES; Rouleau G; Kallmes DF; Torner J; Huston J; Broderick JP, 2012, 'Erratum: Unruptured intracranial aneurysms in the Familial Intracranial Aneurysm and International Study of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms cohorts: Differences in multiplicity and location. Clinical article (Journal of Neurosurgery (2012) DOI: 10.3171/2012.4.JNS111822)', Journal of Neurosurgery, 117, pp. 192,
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    Mackey J; Brown RD; Moomaw CJ; Sauerbeck L; Hornung R; Gandhi D; Woo D; Kleindorfer D; Flaherty ML; Meissner I; Anderson C; Connolly ES; Rouleau G; Kallmes DF; Torner J; Huston J; Broderick JP, 2012, 'Unruptured intracranial aneurysms in the Familial Intracranial Aneurysm and International Study of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms cohorts: Differences in multiplicity and location - Clinical article', Journal of Neurosurgery, 117, pp. 60 - 64,
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    Shiue I; Arima H; Hankey GJ; Anderson CS, 2012, 'Modifiable lifestyle behaviours account for most cases of subarachnoid haemorrhage: A population-based case-control study in Australasia', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 313, pp. 92 - 94,
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    Stewart S; Carrington MJ; Swemmer CH; Anderson C; Kurstjens NP; Amerena J; Brown A; Burrell LM; De Looze FJ; Harris MF; Hung J; Krum H; Nelson M; Schlaich M; Stocks NP; Jennings GL, 2012, 'Effect of intensive structured care on individual blood pressure targets in primary care: Multicentre randomised controlled trial', BMJ, 345, pp. Art. No. e7156,
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    Anderson C; Teo K; Gao P; Arima H; Dans A; Unger T; Commerford P; Dyal L; Schumacher H; Pogue J; Paolasso E; Holwerda N; Chazova I; Binbrek A; Young J; Yusuf S, 2011, 'Renin-angiotensin system blockade and cognitive function in patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease: Analysis of data from the ONTARGET and TRANSCEND studies', The Lancet Neurology, 10, pp. 43 - 53,
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    Arima H; Anderson C; Omae T; Woodward M; Hata J; Murakami Y; MacMahon S; Neal B; Chalmers J, 2011, 'Effects of blood pressure lowering on major vascular events among patients with isolated diastolic hypertension: The perindopril protection against recurrent stroke study (PROGRESS) trial', Stroke, 42, pp. 2339 - 2341,
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    Barzilay JI; Gao P; O'Donnell M; Mann JFE; Anderson C; Fagard R; Probstfield J; Dagenais GR; Teo K; Yusuf S, 2011, 'Albuminuria and decline in cognitive function: The ONTARGET/TRANSCEND studies', Archives of Internal Medicine, 171, pp. 142 - 150,
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    Delcourt C; Hackett M; Wu Y; Huang Y; Wang J; Heeley E; Wong L; Sun J; Li Q; Wei JW; Liu M; Li Z; Wu L; Cheng Y; Huang Q; Xu E; Yang Q; Lu C; Anderson CS, 2011, 'Determinants of quality of life after stroke in China: The ChinaQUEST (QUality Evaluation of Stroke care and Treatment) study', Stroke, 42, pp. 433 - 438,
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    Fisher RJ; Gaynor C; Kerr M; Langhorne P; Anderson C; Bautz-Holter E; Indredavik B; Mayo NE; Power M; Rodgers H; Morten Rønning O; Widén Holmqvist L; Wolfe CDA; Walker MF, 2011, 'A consensus on stroke: Early supported discharge', Stroke, 42, pp. 1392 - 1397,
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    Heeley EL; Wei JW; Carter K; Islam MS; Thrift AG; Hankey GJ; Cass A; Anderson CS, 2011, 'Socioeconomic disparities in stroke rates and outcome: Pooled analysis of stroke incidence studies in Australia and New Zealand', Medical Journal of Australia, 195, pp. 10 - 14,
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    Primini FA; Houck JC; Davis JE; Nowak MA; Evans IN; Glotfelty KJ; Anderson CS; Bonaventura NR; Chen JC; Doe SM; Evans JD; Fabbiano G; Galle EC; Gibbs DG; Grier JD; Hain RM; Hall DM; Harbo PN; He X; Karovska M; Kashyap VL; Lauer J; McCollough ML; McDowell JC; Miller JB; Mitschang AW; Morgan DL; Mossman AE; Nichols JS; Plummer DA; Refsdal BL; Rots AH; Siemiginowska A; Sundheim BA; Tibbetts MS; Van Stone DW; Winkelman SL; Zografou P, 2011, 'Statistical characterization of the Chandra Source Catalog', Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, 194,
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    Shiue I; Arima H; Hankey GJ; Anderson CS, 2011, 'Location and size of ruptured intracranial aneurysm and serious clinical outcomes early after subarachnoid hemorrhage: A population-based study in Australasia', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 31, pp. 573 - 579,
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    Turnbull F; Arima H; Heeley E; Cass A; Chalmers J; Morgan C; Patel A; Peiris D; Weekes A; Anderson C, 2011, 'Gender disparities in the assessment and management of cardiovascular risk in primary care: The AusHEART study', European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, 18, pp. 498 - 503,
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    Wei JW; Huang Y; Wang JG; Liu M; Wong LKS; Huang Q; Wu L; Heeley EL; Arima H; Anderson CS, 2011, 'Current management of intracerebral haemorrhage in China: A national, multi-centre, hospital register study', BMC Neurology, 11, pp. 16,
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    Anderson CS; Huang Y; Arima H; Heeley E; Skulina C; Parsons MW; Peng B; Li Q; Su S; Tao QL; Li YC; Jiang JD; Tai LW; Zhang JL; Xu E; Cheng Y; Morgenstern LB; Chalmers J; Wang JG, 2010, 'Effects of early intensive blood pressure-lowering treatment on the growth of hematoma and perihematomal edema in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: The intensive blood pressure reduction in acute cérébral haemorrhage trial (INTERACT)', Stroke, 41, pp. 307 - 312,
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    Arima H; Anderson C; Omae T; Liu L; Tzourio C; Woodward M; MacMahon S; Neal B; Rodgers A; Chalmers J, 2010, 'Perindopril-based blood pressure lowering reduces major vascular events in Asian and Western participants with cerebrovascular disease: The PROGRESS trial', Journal of Hypertension, 28, pp. 395 - 400,
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    Arima H; Anderson CS; Wang JG; Huang Y; Heeley E; Neal B; Woodward M; Skulina C; Parsons MW; Peng B; Tao QL; Li YC; Jiang JD; Tai LW; Zhang JL; Xu E; Cheng Y; Morgenstern LB; Chalmers J, 2010, 'Lower treatment blood pressure is associated with greatest reduction in hematoma growth after acute intracerebral hemorrhage', Hypertension, 56, pp. 852 - 858,
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    Arima H; Tzourio C; Anderson C; Woodward M; Bousser MG; MacMahon S; Neal B; Chalmers J, 2010, 'Effects of perindopril-based lowering of blood pressure on intracerebral hemorrhage related to amyloid angiopathy: The progress trial', Stroke, 41, pp. 394 - 396,
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    Cadilhac DA; Lannin NA; Anderson C; Levi CR; Faux S; Price C; Middleton S; Lim J; Thrift A; Donnan GA, 2010, 'Protocol and pilot data for establishing the Australian Stroke Clinical Registry', International Journal of Stroke, 5, pp. 217 - 226
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    Deka R; Koller DL; Lai D; Indugula SR; Sun G; Woo D; Sauerbeck L; Moomaw CJ; Hornung R; Connolly ES; Anderson C; Rouleau G; Meissner I; Bailey-Wilson JE; Huston J; Brown RD; Kleindorfer DO; Flaherty ML; Langefeld CD; Foroud T; Broderick JP, 2010, 'The relationship between smoking and replicated sequence variants on chromosomes 8 and 9 with familial intracranial aneurysm', Stroke, 41, pp. 1132 - 1137,
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    Delcourt C; Huang Y; Wang J; Heeley E; Lindley R; Stapf C; Tzourio C; Arima H; Parsons M; Sun J; Neal B; Chalmers J; Anderson C, 2010, 'The second (main) phase of an open, randomised, multicentre study to investigate the effectiveness of an intensive blood pressure reduction in acute cerebral haemorrhage trial (INTERACT2)', International Journal of Stroke, 5, pp. 110 - 116,
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    Evans IN; Primini FA; Glotfelty KJ; Anderson CS; Bonaventura NR; Chen JC; Davis JE; Doe SM; Evans JD; Fabbiano G; Galle EC; Gibbs DG; Grier JD; Hain RM; Hall DM; Harbo PN; He X; Houck JC; Karovska M; Kashyap VL; Lauer J; McCollough ML; McDowell JC; Miller JB; Mitschang AW; Morgan DL; Mossman AE; Nichols JS; Nowak MA; Plummer DA; Refsdal BL; Rots AH; Siemiginowska A; Sundheim BA; Tibbetts MS; Van Stone DW; Winkelman SL; Zografou P, 2010, 'The Chandra source catalog', Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, 189, pp. 37 - 82,
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    Gantner D; Ge JY; Li LH; Antic N; Windler S; Wong K; Heeley E; Huang SG; Cui P; Anderson C; Wang JG; McEvoy D, 2010, 'Diagnostic accuracy of a questionnaire and simple home monitoring device in detecting obstructive sleep apnoea in a Chinese population at high cardiovascular risk', Respirology, 15, pp. 952 - 960,
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    Hackett ML; Yang M; Anderson CS; Horrocks JA; House A, 2010, 'Pharmaceutical interventions for emotionalism after stroke', Stroke, 41,
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    Heeley EL; Anderson CS; Patel AA; Cass A; Peiris DP; Chalmers JP, 2010, 'Cardiovascular risk perception and evidence-practice gaps in Australian general practice REPLY', MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 193, pp. 127 - 128,
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    Heeley EL; Anderson CS; Patel AA; Cass A; Peiris DP; Chalmers JP, 2010, 'In reply', Medical Journal of Australia, 193, pp. 127 - 128,
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    Heeley EL; Peiris DP; Patel AA; Cass A; Weekes A; Morgan C; Anderson CS; Chalmers JP, 2010, 'Cardiovascular risk perception and evidence-practice gaps in Australian general practice (the AusHEART study)', Medical Journal of Australia, 192, pp. 254 - 259,
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    Huang Y; Wang JG; Wei JW; Headley AP; Wong LKS; Heeley EL; Arima H; Sun J; Li Q; Liu M; Li Z; Wu L; Cheng Y; Huang Q; Zhang S; Xu E; Yang Q; Lu C; Anderson CS, 2010, 'Age and gender variations in the management of ischaemic stroke in China', International Journal of Stroke, 5, pp. 351 - 359,
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    McEvoy RD; Anderson CS; Antic NA; Chen B; He Q; Heeley E; Huang S; Huang Y; Wang J; Zhong N, 2010, 'The sleep apnea cardiovascular endpoints (SAVE) trial: Rationale and start-up phase', Journal of Thoracic Disease, 2, pp. 138 - 143
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    Morgenstern LB; Hemphill JC; Anderson C; Becker K; Broderick JP; Connolly ES; Greenberg SM; Huang JN; MacDonald RL; Messé SR; Mitchell PH; Selim M; Tamargo RJ, 2010, 'Guidelines for the management of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: A guideline for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association', Stroke, 41, pp. 2108 - 2129,
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    Shiue I; Zhang JF; Arima H; Wang JG; Liu GR; Li YC; Wang M; Cheng GJ; Anderson CS, 2010, 'Design of the CHina Epidemiology Research in Subarachnoid Haemorrhage (CHERISH) study', International Journal of Stroke, 5, pp. 493 - 498,
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    Wei JW; Heeley EL; Wang JG; Huang Y; Wong LKS; Li Z; Heritier S; Arima H; Anderson CS, 2010, 'Comparison of recovery patterns and prognostic indicators for ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in China: The ChinaQUEST (QUality Evaluation of Stroke Care and Treatment) registry study', Stroke, 41, pp. 1877 - 1883,
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    Broderick JP; Brown RD; Sauerbeck L; Hornung R; Huston J; Woo D; Anderson C; Rouleau G; Kleindorfer D; Flaherty ML; Meissner I; Foroud T; Moomaw ECJ; Connolly ES, 2009, 'Greater rupture risk for familial as compared to sporadic unruptured intracranial aneurysms', Stroke, 40, pp. 1952 - 1957,
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    Cowan BR; Young AA; Anderson C; Doughty RN; Krittayaphong R; Lonn E; Marwick TH; Reid CM; Sanderson JE; Schmieder RE; Teo K; Wadham AK; Worthley SG; Yu CM; Yusuf S; Jennings GL, 2009, 'Left Ventricular Mass and Volume With Telmisartan, Ramipril, or Combination in Patients With Previous Atherosclerotic Events or With Diabetes Mellitus (from the ONgoing Telmisartan Alone and in Combination With Ramipril Global Endpoint Trial [ONTARGET])', American Journal of Cardiology, 104, pp. 1484 - 1489,
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    Cowan BR; Young AA; Anderson C; Doughty RN; Krittayaphong R; Lonn E; Marwick TH; Reid CM; Sanderson JE; Schmieder RE; Teo K; Wadham AK; Worthley SG; Yu CM; Yusuf S; Jennings GL, 2009, 'The cardiac MRI substudy to ongoing telmisartan alone and in combination with ramipril global endpoint trial/telmisartan randomized assessment study in ACE-intolerant subjects with cardiovascular disease: Analysis protocol and baseline characteristics', Clinical Research in Cardiology, 98, pp. 421 - 433,
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    Cukierman-Yaffe T; Gerstein HC; Anderson C; Zhao F; Sleight P; Hilbrich L; Jackson SHD; Yusuf S; Teo K, 2009, 'Glucose intolerance and diabetes as risk factors for cognitive impairment in people at high cardiovascular risk: Results from the ONTARGET/TRANSCEND Research Programme', Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 83, pp. 387 - 393,
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    De Galan BE; Zoungas S; Chalmers J; Anderson C; Dufouil C; Pillai A; Cooper M; Grobbee DE; Hackett M; Hamet P; Heller SR; Lisheng L; MacMahon S; Mancia G; Neal B; Pan CY; Patel A; Poulter N; Travert F; Woodward M, 2009, 'Cognitive function and risks of cardiovascular disease and hypoglycaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes: The action in diabetes and vascular disease: Preterax and diamicron modified release controlled evaluation (ADVANCE) trial', Diabetologia, 52, pp. 2328 - 2336,
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    Dufouil C; Godin O; Chalmers J; Coskun O; Macmahon S; Tzourio-Mazoyer N; Bousser MG; Anderson C; Mazoyer B; Tzourio C, 2009, 'Severe cerebral white matter hyperintensities predict severe cognitive decline in patients with cerebrovascular disease history', Stroke, 40, pp. 2219 - 2221,
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    Foroud T; Sauerbeck L; Brown R; Anderson C; Woo D; Kleindorfer D; Flaherty ML; Deka R; Hornung R; Meissner I; Bailey-Wilson JE; Langefeld C; Rouleau G; Connolly ES; Lai D; Koller DL; Huston J; Broderick JP; Fisher W; Forson H; Mee E; Howe C; Vos S; Hankey G; Knuckey N; Laidlaw J; Reilly P; Dorsch N; Morgan M; Besser M; Rosenfeld J; Athanasiadis K; Claxton A; Dunne V; Griffith J; Davidson J; Pope S; Froelich A; Day A; Brach R; Zuccarello M; Ringer A; Yeh H; Franklin K; Ramussen P; Andrews-Hinders D; Wheeler T; Sacco R; Lamonica D; Lewis SB; Royster A; Payner T; Miracle N; Murphy K; Kohler B; Ogilvy C; Buckley D; Manansala J; Ferguson G; Mayer C; Peacock J; Desjarlais A; Aldrich EF; Aldrich C; Byard C; Brown RD; Jaeger L; Morgenstern L; Concannon M; Qureshi AI; Harris-Lane P; Batjer H; Joven G; Thompson S; Richard MT; Hopper A; Kassam AB; Lee K; Johnston C; Katsura K; Giannotta S; Fishback D; Steinberg G; Luu D; Coburn M; Malkoff M; Wojner A; Kassel N; Worrall B; Radakovic G; Tirschwell D; Tanzi P; Derdeyn C; Catanzaro M; Kaufmann A; Gladish D, 2009, 'Genome screen in familial intracranial aneurysm', BMC Medical Genetics, 10, pp. 3,
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    Hackett ML; Anderson CS; House AO; Halteh C, 2009, 'Interventions for preventing depression after stroke', Stroke, 40,
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    Hackett ML; Anderson CS; House AO; Xia J, 2009, 'Interventions for treating depression after stroke', Stroke, 40,
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    Heeley E; Anderson CS; Huang Y; Jan S; Li Y; Liu M; Sun J; Xu E; Wu Y; Yang Q; Zhang J; Zhang S; Wang J, 2009, 'Role of health insurance in averting economic hardship in families after acute stroke in China', Stroke, 40, pp. 2149 - 2156,
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    Heeley E; Peiris D; Weekes A; Cass A; Anderson C; Patel A; Chalmers J, 2009, 'Prescribing of secondary prevention measures in Australian General Practice is lower in patients following an ischaemic stroke compared to those with a previous myocardial infarction', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 18, pp. S280 - S281
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    Heeley E; Peiris D; Weekes A; Morgan C; Cass A; Anderson C; Patel A; Chalmers J, 2009, 'Current prescribing of Blood Pressure lowering and statin therapies in Australian general practice according to risk level using new guidelines for cardiovascular risk assessment', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 18, pp. S280
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    Ninomiya T; Perkovic V; Verdon C; Barzi F; Cass A; Gallagher M; Jardine M; Anderson C; Chalmers J; Craig JC; Huxley R, 2009, 'Proteinuria and Stroke: A Meta-analysis of Cohort Studies', American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 53, pp. 417 - 425,
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    Peters R; Poulter R; Beckett N; Forette F; Fagard R; Potter J; Swift C; Anderson C; Fletcher A; Bulpitt CJ, 2009, 'Cardiovascular and biochemical risk factors for incident dementia in the hypertension in the very elderly trial', Journal of Hypertension, 27, pp. 2055 - 2062,
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    Poppitt SD; Howe CA; Lithander FE; Silvers KM; Lin RB; Croft J; Ratnasabapathy Y; Gibson RA; Anderson CS, 2009, 'Effects of moderate-dose Omega-3 fish oil on cardiovascular risk factors and mood after ischemic stroke: A randomized, controlled trial', Stroke, 40, pp. 3485 - 3492,
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    Turnbull F; Arima H; Heeley E; Peiris D; Weekes A; Morgan C; Cass A; Anderson C; Patel A; Chalmers J, 2009, 'Cardiovascular risk management among female and male patients in Australian General Practice: The AusHEART study', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 18, pp. S272
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    Yusuf S; Pogue J; Teo K; Anderson C; Sleight P, 2009, 'Telmisartan in high-risk patients intolerant of ACE inhibitors - Authors' reply', The Lancet, 373, pp. 459,
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    Anderson C; Pogue J; Dyal L; Copland I; Schumacher H; Dagenais G; Sleight P; Ramos B; Richardson L; Murphy J; Haehl M; Hilbrich L; Svaerd R; Martin K; Murwin D; Meinicke T; Schlosser A; Schmidt G; Creek R; Distel M; Aubert B; Schmieder R; Unger T; Asmar R; Mancia G; Diaz R; Paolasso E; Piegas L; Avezum A; Cardona Munoz E; Probstfield J; Weber M; Young J; Fagard R; Jansky P; Mallion J; Mann J; Böhm M; Eber B; Karatzas NB; Keltai M; Trimarco B; Verdecchia P; Maggioni A; Verheugt FWA; Holwerda NJ; Ceremuzynski L; Budaj A; Ferreira R; Chazova I; Rydén L; Svendsen TL; Metsärinne K; Dickstein K; Fodor G; Commerford P; Redon J; Luescher TR; Oto A; Binbrek A; Parkhomenko A; Jennings G; Liu LS; Yu CM; Dans AL; Shah R; Kim JH; Chen JH; Chaithiraphan S; Cairns J; Wilhelmsen L; Chalmers J; Wittes J; Gent M; Hennekens CH; Anderson N; Yusoff K; Auger P; Bernstein V; Panju A; Anand I; Bigger JT; Linz P; Healey J; Held C; McGorrian C; Rokoss M; Villar J; Dans A; Teo K; McDonald A; Schweitzer D; Cunningham J; Wagan E; Boland T; Westfall L; Gulliver N; Oliveira R; McLean-Price C; Kotlan S, 2008, 'Effects of the angiotensin-receptor blocker telmisartan on cardiovascular events in high-risk patients intolerant to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors: a randomised controlled trial', The Lancet, 372, pp. 1174 - 1183,
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    Anderson C, 2008, 'Neuroprotection by angiotensin receptor blockers?', Journal of Hypertension, 26, pp. 853,
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    Anderson CS; Huang Y; Wang JG; Arima H; Neal B; Peng B; Heeley E; Skulina C; Parsons MW; Kim JS; Tao QL; Li YC; Jiang JD; Tai LW; Zhang JL; Xu E; Cheng Y; Heritier S; Morgenstern LB; Chalmers J, 2008, 'Intensive blood pressure reduction in acute cerebral haemorrhage trial (INTERACT): a randomised pilot trial', The Lancet Neurology, 7, pp. 391 - 399,
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    Anderson CS, 2008, 'Clinical stroke guidelines: Where to now?', Medical Journal of Australia, 189, pp. 4 - 5,
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    Beckett NS; Peters R; Fletcher AE; Staessen JA; Liu L; Dumitrascu D; Stoyanovsky V; Antikainen RL; Nikitin Y; Anderson C; Belhani A; Forette F; Rajkumar C; Thijs L; Banya W; Bulpitt CJ, 2008, 'Treatment of hypertension in patients 80 years of age or older', New England Journal of Medicine, 358, pp. 1887 - 1898,
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    Donnan GA; Adams R; Bacellar A; Baron JC; Bath P; Benavente O; Bladin C; Bornstein N; Brainin M; Chambers B; Chen C; Csiba L; Culebras A; Davalos A; Davis S; Dewey H; Dirnagl U; Tejedor ED; Dobkin B; Falcao A; Furlan A; Grotta J; Hacke W; Howells D; Srikanth V; Wong L; Bonita R; Koblar S; Medina M; Mendis S; Tatlisumak T; Thrift A; Anderson C; Kennedy J; Anu E; Shinohara Y; Bladin C; van der Worp HB; Gillard J; Grunfeld JP; Read S; Yamaguchi T; Cadilhac D; Massaro A; Spence D; Hankey G; Batchelor P; Mattle H; Moskowitz M; Heiss WD; Liu M; Ramirez N; Lyden P; Zivin J; Moncayo-Gaete J; Langhorne P; Dalal P; Minematsu K; Sandercock P; Warlow C; Brainin M; Skvortsova V; Kim JS; Poungvarin N; Cher L; Toole J; Hart R; Lees K; Norrving B; Cloughesy T; Mohr JP; Diener HC; Mayer S; Liu XF; Liebeskind D; Majid A; Shah ZA; Warach S; Hacke W; Higashida R; Kaste M; Sturm J; Muir K; Tarrant A, 2008, 'Editorial', International Journal of Stroke, 3, pp. 1 - 2,
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    Foroud T; Sauerbeck L; Brown R; Anderson C; Woo D; Kleindorfer D; Flaherty ML; Deka R; Hornung R; Meissner I; Bailey-Wilson JE; Rouleau G; Connolly ES; Lai D; Koller DL; Huston J; Broderick JP; Fisher W; Forson H; Mee E; Howe C; Vos S; Hankey G; Knuckey N; Laidlaw J; Reilly P; Dorsch N; Morgan M; Besser M; Rosenfeld J; Athanasiadis K; Claxton A; Dunne V; Griffith J; Davidson J; Pope S; Froelich A; Day A; Brach R; Zuccarello M; Ringer A; Yeh H; Franklin K; Ramussen P; Andrews-Hinders D; Wheeler T; Sacco R; Lamonica D; Lewis SB; Royster A; Payner T; Miracle N; Murphy K; Kohler B; Ogilvy C; Buckley D; Manansala J; Ferguson G; Mayer C; Peacock J; Desjarlais A; Aldrich EF; Aldrich C; Byard C; Brown RD; Jaeger L; Morgenstern L; Concannon M; Qureshi AI; Harris-Ln P; Batjer H; Joven G; Thompson S; Richard MT; Hopper A; Kassam AB; Lee K; Johnston C; Katsura K; Giannotta S; Fishback D; Steinberg G; Luu D; Coburn M; Malkoff M; Wojner A; Kassel N; Worrall B; Radakovic G; Tirschwell D; Tanzi P; Derdeyn C; Catanzaro M; Kaufmann A; Gladish D, 2008, 'Genome screen to detect linkage to intracranial aneurysm susceptibility genes: The familial intracranial aneurysm (FIA) study', Stroke, 39, pp. 1434 - 1440,
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    Gerstein HC; Yusuf S; Riddle M; Ryden L; Bosch J; Richardson L; Dagenais G; Diaz R; Johnston P; Maggioni A; Probstfield J; Ramachandran A; Birkeland K; Budaj A; Cardona E; Chazova I; Commerford P; Danilova L; Davies M; Fernando R; Fodor G; Gamiz J; Gilbert R; Gomis R; Hancu N; Hanefeld M; Hildebrandt P; Kacerovsky-Bielesz G; Keltai M; Kim J; Krum H; Kultursay H; Lanas F; Lewis B; Lonn E; Lopez-Jaramillo P; Marin-Neto J; Marre M; McKelvie R; McQueen M; Mendoza I; Morillo C; Pan C; Pirags V; Profozic V; Ratner R; Rosenstock J; Rouleau J; Spinas G; Sreenan S; Stoel I; Syvanne M; Vige R; Yale JF; Accatoli A; Ahuad Guerrero RA; Alvarez C; Alvarisqueta A; Amuchastegui M; Angos M; Ankudowikz V; Arias P; Baglivo H; Bagur R; Baigorria A; Baselga P; Bello F; Bertrand B; Bono J; Brito S; Bustamante Labarta M; Bustos B; Buzeki R; Cabut AM; Caccavo A; Cantalupi H; Canteros MC; Capozzi MN; Cardone M; Cartasegna L; Cassetari A; Castano P; Castellanos R; Cerdan MA; Cismondi MT; Contreras A; Coria G; Corinaldesi F; Costa G; Costa Vitali A; Crespo C; Cruz M; Cuneo CA; Cuello JL; De Loredo L; De Maria M; Denaro R; Devoto C; Faingold C; Falu R, 2008, 'Rationale, design, and baseline characteristics for a large international trial of cardiovascular disease prevention in people with dysglycemia: The ORIGIN Trial (Outcome Reduction with an Initial Glargine Intervention)', American Heart Journal, 155, pp. 26.e1 - 26.e13,
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    Glozier N; Hackett ML; Parag V; Anderson CS, 2008, 'The influence of psychiatric morbidity on return to paid work after stroke in younger adults: The auckland regional community stroke (ARCOS) study, 2002 to 2003', Stroke, 39, pp. 1526 - 1532,
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    Hackett ML; Anderson CS; House A; Xia J, 2008, 'Interventions for treating depression after stroke', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,
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    Hackett ML; Anderson CS; House A; Xia J, 2008, 'Interventions for treating depression after stroke.', Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online)
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    Islam MS; Anderson CS; Hankey GJ; Hardie K; Carter K; Broadhurst R; Jamrozik K, 2008, 'Trends in incidence and outcome of stroke in Perth, Western Australia during 1989 to 2001: The Perth Community Stroke Study', Stroke, 39, pp. 776 - 782,
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    Kerse N; Parag V; Feigin VL; Mcnaughton H; Hackett ML; Bennett DA; Anderson CS, 2008, 'Falls after stroke: results from the auckland regional community stroke (ARCOS) study, 2002 to 2003', Stroke, 39, pp. 1890 - 1893,
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    Meade T; Sleight P; Collins R; Armitage J; Parish S; Barton J; Bray C; Wincott E; Bowman L; Clarke R; Graham I; Simpson D; Warlow C; Wilcken D; Tobert J; Musliner T; Wilhelmsen L; Doll R; Fox KM; Hill C; Sandercock P; Peto R; Webster J; Jamieson J; Nixon A; Lackie S; Thompson J; Brown M; Blackwood S; Morgan M; Rhoden W; Saeed B; Houghton M; Nicholson A; Simpson C; Hoburn B; Cooper I; Gallivan A; Pickerell E; Hancock J; Watkinson J; Ryder B; Jones S; Burbridge W; Kitchen M; O'Leary H; Verow C; Meynell L; Rollinson L; Bain S; Jones A; Jewkes C; Russon C; Bateson M; Gill P; Nicol J; Stansbie D; Bayly G; Andrews G; Halestrap M; Meredith J; Best R; Appleyard D; Briggs R; Wareing H; Holmes K; Holt J; Kenyon M; White C; Khalifa M; Newton D; Wass A; Watkinson R; Creamer J; Anderson S; Bethell A; Butler C; Washington M; Weston E; Machin J; Cleaver K; Wray R; Sinclair J; Van Aalst A; Been M; Mattu R; Bates D; Burke A; Gill L; Walton E; Cowley M; Robson H; Graham A; Rose G; Kerr M; Mallinson J; Peascod B; Kalk J; Scott A; Donnelly R, 2008, 'SLCO1B1 variants and statin-induced myopathy - A genomewide study', New England Journal of Medicine, 359, pp. 789 - 799,
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    Ninomiya T; Perkovic V; Gallagher M; Jardine M; Cass A; Arima H; Anderson C; Neal B; Woodward M; Omae T; MacMahon S; Chalmers J, 2008, 'Lower blood pressure and risk of recurrent stroke in patients with chronic kidney disease: PROGRESS trial', Kidney International, 73, pp. 963 - 970,
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    Parag V; Hackett ML; Yapa CM; Kerse N; McNaughton H; Feigin VL; Anderson CS, 2008, 'The impact of stroke on unpaid caregivers: Results from the Auckland Regional Community Stroke study, 2002-2003', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 25, pp. 548 - 554,
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    Turnbull F; Woodward M; Neal B; Barzi F; Ninomiya T; Chalmers J; Perkovic V; Li N; MacMahon S; Agodoa L; Anderson C; Asselbergs FW; Baigent C; Black H; Brenner B; Brown M; Bulpitt C; Byington R; Collins R; Cutler J; Dahlof B; Davis B; De Zeeuw D; Dens J; Estacio R; Fagard R; Fox K; Fukui T; Hansson L; Holman R; Hunsicker L; Imai Y; Ishii M; Kanno Y; Kostis J; Kuramoto K; Lewis E; Lièvre M; Lindholm LH; Liu L; Lubsen J; Lueders S; Malacco E; Mancia G; Matsuzaki M; Ohkubo T; Ogihara T; Palmer C; Pepine C; Pfeffer M; Pitt B; Poole-Wilson P; Poulter N; Rahman M; Remme W; Remuzzi G; Rodgers A; Ruggenenti P; Saruta T; Schrader J; Schrier R; Sever P; Sleight P; Staessen J; Suzuki H; Teo K; Van Gilst WH; Viberti G; Wang J; Whelton P; Wing L; Yui Y; Yusuf S; Zanchetti A, 2008, 'Do men and women respond differently to blood pressure-lowering treatment? Results of prospectively designed overviews of randomized trials', European Heart Journal, 29, pp. 2669 - 2680,
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    Tzourio C; Arima H; Harrap S; Anderson C; Godin O; Woodward M; Neal B; Bousser MG; Chalmers J; Cambien F; MacMahon S, 2008, 'APOE genotype, ethnicity, and the risk of cerebral hemorrhage', Neurology, 70, pp. 1322 - 1328,
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    Yusuf S; Teo KK; Pogue J; Dyal L; Copland I; Schumacher H; Dagenais G; Sleight P; Anderson C; Ramos B; Richardson L; Murphy J; Haehl M; Hilbrich L; Svaerd R; Martin K; Murwin D; Meinicke T; Schlosser A; Schmidt G; Creek R; Schumacher H; Distel M; Aubert B; Pogue J; Schmieder R; Unger T; Asmar R; Mancia G; Diaz R; Paolasso E; Piegas L; Avezum A; Cardona Munoz E; Probstfield J; Weber M; Young J; Fagard R; Jansky P; Mallion J; Mann J; Böhm M; Eber B; Karatzas NB; Keltai M; Trimarco B; Verdecchia P; Maggioni A; Verheugt FWA; Holwerda NJ; Ceremuzynski L; Budaj A; Ferreira R; Chazova I; Rydén L; Svendsen TL; Metsärinne K; Dickstein K; Fodor G; Commerford P; Redon J; Luescher TR; Oto A; Binbrek A; Parkhomenko A; Jennings G; Liu LS; Yu CM; Dans AL; Shah R; Kim JH; Chen JH; Chaithiraphan S; Cairns J; Wilhelmsen L; Chalmers J; Wittes J; Gent M; Hennekens CH; Anderson N; Yusoff K; Auger P; Bernstein V; Panju A; Anand I; Bigger JT; Linz P; Healey J; Held C; McGorrian C; Rokoss M; Villar J; Anderson C; Dans A; Yusuf S; McDonald A; Pogue J; Afzal R, 2008, 'Telmisartan, ramipril, or both in patients at high risk for vascular events', New England Journal of Medicine, 358, pp. 1547 - 1559,
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    Agodoa L; Anderson C; Asseibergs F; Baigent C; Black H; Brenner B; Brown M; Bulpitt C; Byington R; Chalmers J; Collins R; Cutler J; Dahlof B; Davis B; De Zeeuw D; Dens J; Estacio R; Fagard R; Fox K; Fukui T; Hansson L; Holman R; Hunsicker L; Imai Y; Ishii M; Kanno Y; Kostis J; Kuramoto K; Lewis E; Lièvre M; Lindholm LH; Liu L; Lubsen J; Lueders S; MacMahon S; Malacco E; Mancia G; Matsuzaki M; Neal B; Nissen S; Ohkubo T; Ogihara T; Pepine C; Pfeffer M; Pitt B; Poole-Wilson P; Rahman M; Remme W; Remuzzi G; Rodgers A; Ruggenenti P; Saruta T; Schrader J; Schrier R; Sever P; Sleight P; Staessen J; Teo K; Viberti G; Wang J; Whelton P; Wing L; Yui Y; Yusuf S; Zanchetti A; Turnbull F; Kostis J; Algert C; Woodward M; Zanchetti A, 2007, 'Blood pressure-dependent and independent effects of agents that inhibit the renin-angiotensin system', Journal of Hypertension, 25, pp. 951 - 958,
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    Carter KN; Anderson CS; Hackett ML; Barber PA; Bonita R, 2007, 'Improved survival after stroke: Is admission to hospital the major explanation? Trend analyses of the Auckland Regional Community Stroke studies', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 23, pp. 162 - 168,
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    Held C; Gerstein HC; Yusuf S; Zhao F; Hilbrich L; Anderson C; Sleight P; Teo K, 2007, 'Glucose levels predict hospitalization for congestive heart failure in patients at high cardiovascular risk', Circulation, 115, pp. 1371 - 1375,
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    Islam S; Carter K; Mhurchu CN; Anderson CS, 2007, 'Selenium and zinc in hair and toenails in relation to the physical and mental health status of older adults: The Freemasons Health study in New Zealand', Australasian Journal on Ageing, 26, pp. 180 - 186,
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    Kellogg E; Anderson C; Korreck K; DePasquale J; Nichols J; Sokoloski JL; Krauss M; Pedelty J, 2007, 'Outer jet X-ray and radio emission in R Aquarii: 1999.8 to 2004.0', Astrophysical Journal, 664, pp. 1079 - 1087,
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    Kim M; Kim DW; Wilkes BJ; Green PJ; Kim E; Anderson CS; Barkhouse WA; Evans NR; Ivezić Z; Karovska M; Kashyap VL; Lee MG; Maksym P; Mossman AE; Silverman JD; Tananbaum HD, 2007, 'Chandra multiwavelength project x-ray point source catalog', Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, 169, pp. 401 - 429,
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    Langhorne P; Widen-Holmqvist L; Taylor G; Murray G; Askim T; Dennis M; Anderson C; Bautz-Holter E; Dey P; Indredavik B; Mayo N; Power M; Rodgers H; Ronning OM; Rudd A; Suwanwela N; Wolfe C, 2007, 'Early supported discharge after stroke', Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 39, pp. 103 - 108,
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    Nichols JS; Depasquale J; Kellogg E; Anderson CS; Sokoloski J; Pedelty J, 2007, 'Discovery of rapid hard X-ray variability and new jet activity in the symbiotic binary R aquarii', Astrophysical Journal, 660, pp. 651 - 661,
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    Tobias M; Cheung J; Carter K; Anderson C; Feigin VL, 2007, 'Stroke surveillance: Population-based estimates and projections for New Zealand', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 31, pp. 520 - 525,
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    Anderson C, 2006, 'Differential effects of hypertension in the aetiology of major intracerebral haemorrhage subtypes', Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 77, pp. 1206,
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    Arima H; Chalmers J; Woodward M; Anderson C; Rodgers A; Davis S; MacMahon S; Neal B, 2006, 'Lower target blood pressures are safe and effective for the prevention of recurrent stroke: The PROGRESS trial', Journal of Hypertension, 24, pp. 1201 - 1208,
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    Arima H; Tzourio C; Butcher K; Anderson C; Bousser MG; Lees KR; Reid JL; Omae T; Woodward M; MacMahon S; Chalmers J, 2006, 'Prior events predict cerebrovascular and coronary outcomes in the PROGRESS trial', Stroke, 37, pp. 1497 - 1502,
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    Carter K; Anderson C; Hacket M; Feigin V; Barber PA; Broad JB; Bonita R, 2006, 'Trends in ethnic disparities in stroke incidence in Auckland, New Zealand, during 1981 to 2003', Stroke, 37, pp. 56 - 62,
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    Dyall L; Carter K; Bonita R; Anderson C; Feigin V; Kerse N; Brown P, 2006, 'Incidence of stroke in women in Auckland, New Zealand. Ethnic trends over two decades: 1981-2003', New Zealand Medical Journal, 119
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    Feigin V; Carter K; Hackett M; Barber PA; McNaughton H; Dyall L; Chen MH; Anderson C, 2006, 'Ethnic disparities in incidence of stroke subtypes: Auckland Regional Community Stroke Study, 2002-2003', Lancet Neurology, 5, pp. 130 - 139,
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    Fransen M; Anderson C; Douglas J; MacMahon S; Neal B; Norton R; Woodward M; Cameron ID; Crawford R; Lo SK; Tregonning G; Windolf M, 2006, 'Safety and efficacy of routine postoperative ibuprofen for pain and disability related to ectopic bone formation after hip replacement surgery (HIPAID): Randomised controlled trial', British Medical Journal, 333, pp. 519 - 521,
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    Hackett ML; Anderson CS; House AO, 2006, 'Response to letter by Chen et al [11]', Stroke, 37, pp. 1367,
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    Hackett ML; Anderson CS, 2006, 'Frequency, management, and predictors of abnormal mood after stroke - The Auckland Regional Community Stroke (ARCOS) study, 2002 to 2003', STROKE, 37, pp. 2123 - 2128,
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    Hackett ML; Anderson CS, 2006, 'Frequency, management, and predictors of abnormal mood after stroke: The Auckland Regional Community Stroke (ARCOS) study, 2002 to 2003', Stroke, 37, pp. 2123 - 2128,
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    Kengne AP; Anderson CS, 2006, 'The neglected burden of stroke in Sub-Saharan Africa', International Journal of Stroke, 1, pp. 180 - 190,
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    Kim DW; Barkhouse WA; Romero-Colmenero E; Green PJ; Kim M; Mossman A; Schlegel E; Silverman JD; Aldcroft T; Anderson C; Ivezic Z; Kashyap V; Tananbaum H; Wilkes BJ, 2006, 'Chandra multiwavelength project: Normal galaxies at intermediate redshift', Astrophysical Journal, 644, pp. 829 - 842,
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    Senior H; Anderson CS; Chen MH; Haydon R; Walker D; Fourie D; Lillis S; Gommans J, 2006, 'Management of hypertension in the oldest old: A study in primary care in New Zealand', Age and Ageing, 35, pp. 178 - 182,
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    Stretton CM; Latham NK; Carter KN; Lee AC; Anderson CS, 2006, 'Determinants of physical health in frail older people: The importance of self-efficacy', Clinical Rehabilitation, 20, pp. 357 - 366,
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    Anderson C; Bautz-Holter E; Dennis M; Dey P; Indredavik B; Langhorne P; Mayo N; Murray G; Power M; Rodgers H; Ronning OM; Rudd A; Suwanwela N; Taylor G; Widen-Holmqvist L; Wolfe C, 2005, 'Services for reducing duration of hospital care for acute stroke patients', COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS,
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    Anderson C, 2005, 'Rationale and design of the cardiac magnetic resonance imaging substudy of the ONTARGET trial programme', Journal of International Medical Research, 33,
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    Anderson CS; Carter KN; Hackett ML; Feigin V; Barber PA; Broad JB; Bonita R, 2005, 'Trends in stroke incidence in Auckland, New Zealand, during 1981 to 2003', Stroke, 36, pp. 2087 - 2093,
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    Arima H; Hart RG; Colman S; Chalmers J; Anderson C; Rodgers A; Woodward M; MacMahon S; Neal B, 2005, 'Perindopril-Based Blood Pressure–Lowering Reduces Major Vascular Events in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation and Prior Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack', Stroke, 36, pp. 2164 - 2169,
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    Arima H; Hart RG; Colman S; Chalmers J; Anderson C; Rodgers A; Woodward M; MacMahon S; Neal B, 2005, 'Perindopril-based blood pressure-lowering reduces major vascular events in patients with atrial fibrillation and prior stroke or transient ischemic attack', Stroke, 36, pp. 2164 - 2169,
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    Carter KN; Anderson N; Jamrozik K; Hankey G; Anderson CS, 2005, 'Migraine and risk of subarachnoid haemorrhage: A population-based case-control study', Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 12, pp. 534 - 537,
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    Feigin VL; Rinkel GJE; Lawes CMM; Algra A; Bennett DA; Van Gijn J; Anderson CS, 2005, 'Risk factors for subarachnoid hemorrhage: An updated systematic review of epidemiological studies', Stroke, 36, pp. 2773 - 2780,
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    Hackett ML; Anderson CS; House AO, 2005, 'Management of depression after stroke: A systematic review of pharmacological therapies', Stroke, 36, pp. 1092 - 1097,
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    Hackett ML; Anderson CS, 2005, 'Predictors of depression after stroke: A systematic review of observational studies', Stroke, 36, pp. 2296 - 2301,
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    Hackett ML; Anderson CS, 2005, 'Treatment options for post-stroke depression in the elderly', Aging Health, 1, pp. 95 - 105,
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    Hackett ML; Yapa C; Parag V; Anderson CS, 2005, 'Frequency of depression after stroke: A systematic review of observational studies', Stroke, 36, pp. 1330 - 1340,
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    Hardie K; Jamrozik K; Hankey GJ; Broadhurst RJ; Anderson C, 2005, 'Trends in five-year survival and risk of recurrent stroke after first-ever stroke in the Perth Community Stroke Study', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 19, pp. 179 - 185,
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    Langhorne P; Taylor G; Murray G; Dennis M; Anderson C; Bautz-Holter E; Dey P; Indredavik B; Mayo N; Power M; Rodgers H; Ronning OM; Rudd A; Suwanwela N; Widen-Holmqvist L; Wolfe C, 2005, 'Early supported discharge services for stroke patients: A meta-analysis of individual patients' data', Lancet, 365, pp. 501 - 506,
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    Langhorne P; Taylor G; Murray G; Dennis M; Anderson C; Bautz-Holter E; Dey P; Indredavik B; Mayo N; Power M; Rodgers H; Ronning OM; Rudd A; Suwanwela N; Widen-Holmqvist L; Wolfe C, 2005, 'Early supported discharge services for stroke patients: a meta-analysis of individual patients' data', The Lancet, 365, pp. 501 - 506,
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    Ruddy R; House A, 2005, 'Psychosocial interventions for conversion disorder', COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS,
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    Wermer MJH; Van Der Schaaf IC; Van Nunen P; Bossuyt PMM; Anderson CS; Rinkel GJE, 2005, 'Psychosocial impact of screening for intracranial aneurysms in relatives with familial subarachnoid hemorrhage', Stroke, 36, pp. 836 - 840,
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    Anderson CS; Carter KN; Brownlee WJ; Hackett ML; Broad JB; Bonita R, 2004, 'Very long-term outcome after stroke in Auckland, New Zealand', Stroke, 35, pp. 1920 - 1924,
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    Anderson CS; Feigin V; Bennett D; Lin RB; Hankey G; Jamrozik K, 2004, 'Active and Passive Smoking and the Risk of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: An International Population-Based Case-Control Study', Stroke, 35, pp. 633 - 637,
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    Anderson N; Feigin V; Bennett D; Broad J; Pledger M; Anderson C; Bonita R, 2004, 'Diurnal, weekly, and seasonal variations in stroke occurrence in a population-based study in Auckland, New Zealand', New Zealand Medical Journal, 117
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    Barter P; Best J; Colman P; d'Emden M; Davis T; Drury P; Ehnholm C; Glasziou P; Hunt D; Keech A; Kesaniemi Y; Laakso M; Scott R; Simes R; Sullivan D; Taskinen MR; Whiting M; Ansquer JC; Fraitag B; Anderson N; Hankey G; Lehto S; Mann S; Romo M; Li L; Hennekens C; MacMahon S; Pocock S; Tonkin A; Wilhelmsen L; Forder P; Akauola H; Alford F; Beinart I; Bohra S; Boyages S; Connor H; Darnell D; Davoren P; Lepre F; De Looze F; Duffield A; Fassett R; Flack J; Fulcher G; Grant S; Hamwood S; Harmelin D; Jackson R; Jeffries W; Kamp M; Kritharides L; Mahar L; McCann V; McIntyre D; Moses R; Newnham H; Nicholson G; O'Brien R; Park K; Petrovsky N; Phillips P; Pinn G; Simmons D; Stanton K; Stuckey B; Sullivan DR; Suranyi M; Suthers M; Tan Y; Templer M; Topliss D; Waites JH; Watts G; Welborn T; Wyndham R; Haapamaki H; Kesaniemi A; Lahtela J; Levanen H; Saltevo J; Sodervik H; Vanhala M; Baker J; Burton A; Dixon P; Doran J; Dunn P; Graham N; Hamer A; Hedley J; Lloyd J; Manning P; McPherson I; Morris S; Renner C; Smith R; Wackrow M; Young S; Alard F, 2004, 'The need for a large-scale trial of fibrate therapy in diabetes: The rationale and design of the Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) study. [ISRCTN64783481]', Cardiovascular Diabetology, 3,
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    Bennett DA; Latham NK; Stretton C; Anderson CS, 2004, 'Capture-recapture is a potentially useful method for assessing publication bias', Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 57, pp. 349 - 357,
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    Berthet K; Neal BC; Chalmers JP; MacMahon SW; Bousser MG; Colman SA; Woodward M; Anderson C; Cutler J; Davis S; Donnan G; Hansson L; Harrap S; Lees K; Liu L; Mancia G; Omae T; Reid J; Rodgers A; Sega R; Terent A; Tzourio C; Warlow C; Bladin C; Chambers B; Gordon G; Sharpe N; Collins R; Sandercock P; Simes J; Sleight P, 2004, 'Reductions in the risks of recurrent stroke in patients with and without diabetes: The PROGRESS Trial', Blood Pressure, 13, pp. 7 - 13,
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    Chapman N; Huxley R; Anderson C; Bousser MG; Chalmers J; Colman S; Davis S; Donnan G; MacMahon S; Neal B; Warlow C; Woodward M, 2004, 'Effects of a Perindopril-Based Blood Pressure-Lowering Regimen on the Risk of Recurrent Stroke According to Stroke Subtype and Medical History: The PROGRESS Trial', Stroke, 35, pp. 116 - 121,
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    Di Matteo M; Anderson C; Ratnasabapathy Y; Green G; Tryon K, 2004, 'The Acute Stroke Unit at Middlemore Hospital: An evaluation in its first year of operation', New Zealand Medical Journal, 117
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    Hackett M; Anderson C; House A, 2004, 'Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and the tricyclic antidepressant nortriptyline in the treatment of post stroke depression.', Topics in stroke rehabilitation, 11
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    Hackett ML; Anderson CS; House AO, 2004, 'Interventions for treating depression after stroke.', Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online)
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    Hardie K; Hankey GJ; Jamrozik K; Broadhurst RJ; Anderson C, 2004, 'Ten-Year Risk of First Recurrent Stroke and Disability after First-Ever Stroke in the Perth Community Stroke Study', Stroke, 35, pp. 731 - 735,
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    House AO; Hackett ML; Anderson CS; Horrocks JA, 2004, 'Pharmaceutical interventions for emotionalism after stroke.', Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online)
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    Latham NK; Bennett DA; Stretton CM; Anderson CS, 2004, 'Systematic Review of Progressive Resistance Strength Training in Older Adults', Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 59, pp. 48 - 61,
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    Teo K; Yusuf S; Sleight P; Anderson C; Mookadam F; Ramos B; Hilbrich L; Pogue J; Schumacher H; ONTARGET/TRANSCEND Investigators , 2004, 'Rationale, design, and baseline characteristics of 2 large, simple, randomized trials evaluating telmisartan, ramipril, and their combination in high-risk patients: the Ongoing Telmisartan Alone and in Combination with Ramipril Global Endpoint Trial/Telmisartan Randomized Assessment Study in ACE Intolerant Subjects with Cardiovascular Disease (ONTARGET/TRANSCEND) trials.', Am Heart J, 148, pp. 52 - 61,
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    Worthy T, 2004, 'Letter to the editor', Collected Papers from the Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 34, pp. 105 - 106
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    Anderson C; Mhurchu CN; Scott D; Bennett D; Jamrozik K; Hankey G, 2003, 'Triggers of subarachnoid hemorrhage: Role of physical exertion, smoking, and alcohol in the Australasian Cooperative Research on Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Study (ACROSS)', Stroke, 34, pp. 1771 - 1776,
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    Anderson C, 2003, 'Blood pressure-lowering for secondary prevention of stroke: ACE inhibition is the key', Stroke, 34, pp. 1333 - 1334,
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    Chalmers J, 2003, 'Effects of a perindopril-based blood pressure-lowering regimen on disability and dependency in 6105 patients with cerebrovascular disease: A randomized controlled trial', Stroke, 34, pp. 2333 - 2338,
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    Chaturvedi V; Patel A; Chalmers J; Chapman N; Hansson L; MacMahon S; Mancia G; Neal B; Reid J; Sharpe N; Woodward M, 2003, 'Effects of a perindopril-based blood pressure lowering regimen on cardiac outcomes among patients with cerebrovascular disease', European Heart Journal, 24, pp. 475 - 484,
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    Feigin V; Anderson N; Gunn A; Rodgers A; Anderson C, 2003, 'The emerging role of therapeutic hypothermia in acute stroke', Lancet Neurology, 2, pp. 529,
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    Feigin VL; Lawes CMM; Bennett DA; Anderson CS, 2003, 'Stroke epidemiology: A review of population-based studies of incidence, prevalence, and case-fatality in the late 20th century', Lancet Neurology, 2, pp. 43 - 53,
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    Hardie K; Hankey GJ; Jamrozik K; Broadhurst RJ; Anderson C, 2003, 'Ten-year survival after first-ever stroke in the Perth community stroke study', Stroke, 34, pp. 1842 - 1846,
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    Hilton-Jones D; Anderson C, 2003, 'Long-term management of blood pressure after stroke (multiple letters) [2]', Practical Neurology, 3, pp. 61 - 62,
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    Latham N; Anderson C; Bennett D; Stretton C, 2003, 'Progressive resistance strength training for physical disability in older people.', Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online)
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    Latham NK; Anderson CS; Lee A; Bennett DA; Moseley A; Cameron ID, 2003, 'A randomized, controlled trial of quadriceps resistance exercise and vitamin D in frail older people: The frailty interventions trial in elderly subjects (FITNESS)', Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 51, pp. 291 - 299,
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    Latham NK; Anderson CS; Reid IR, 2003, 'Effects of vitamin D supplementation on strength, physical performance, and falls in older persons: A systematic review', Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 51, pp. 1219 - 1226,
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    Ratnasabapathy Y; Lawes CMM; Anderson CS, 2003, 'The Perindopril Protection Against Recurrent Stroke Study (PROGRESS): Clinical implications for older patients with cerebrovascular disease', Drugs and Aging, 20, pp. 241 - 251,
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    Tzourio C; Anderson C; Chapman N; Woodward M; Neal B; MacMahon S; Chalmers J, 2003, 'Effects of blood pressure lowering with perindopril and indapamide therapy on dementia and cognitive decline in patients with cerebrovascular disease', Archives of Internal Medicine, 163, pp. 1069 - 1075,
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    Anderson C; Ni Mhurchu C; Brown PM; Carter K, 2002, 'Stroke rehabilitation services to accelerate hospital discharge and provide home-based care: An overview and cost analysis', PharmacoEconomics, 20, pp. 537 - 552,
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    Anderson CS, 2002, 'Long-term management of blood pressure after stroke', Practical Neurology, 2, pp. 272 - 279,
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    Feigin V; Anderson C; Mhurchu CN; Mann J; Abas M; Bennett D, 2002, 'Determinants of major non-communicable diseases in the elderly: The pilot Freemasons health study', New Zealand Medical Journal, 115
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    Feigin VL; Anderson CS; Mhurchu CN, 2002, 'Systemic inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, dietary fatty acids and micronutrients as risk factors for stroke: A selective review', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 13, pp. 219 - 224,
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    Feigin VL; Anderson CS; Rodgers A; Anderson NE; Gunn AJ, 2002, 'The emerging role of induced hypothermia in the management of acute stroke', Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 9, pp. 502 - 507,
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    Feigin VL; Anderson CS; Rodgers A; Bennett DA, 2002, 'Subarachnoid haemorrhage occurrence exhibits a temporal pattern - Evidence from meta-analysis', European Journal of Neurology, 9, pp. 511 - 516,
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    Giles LC; Metcalf PA; Anderson CS; Andrews GR, 2002, 'Social networks among older Australians: A validation of Glass's model', Journal of Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention, 7, pp. 195 - 204
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    Hackett ML; Vandal AC; Anderson CS; Rubenach SE, 2002, 'Long-term outcome in stroke patients and caregivers following accelerated hospital discharge and home-based rehabilitation [5]', Stroke, 33, pp. 643 - 645,
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    Hankey GJ; Jamrozik K; Broadhurst RJ; Forbes S; Anderson CS, 2002, 'Long-term disability after first-ever stroke and related prognostic factors in the Perth Community Stroke Study, 1989-1990', Stroke, 33, pp. 1034 - 1040,
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    Anderson C, 2001, 'Commentary', Evidence-based Cardiovascular Medicine, 5, pp. 61 - 62,
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    Feigin VL; Anderson CS; Anderson NE; Broad JB; Pledger MJ; Bonita R, 2001, 'Is there a temporal pattern in the occurrence of subarachnoid hemorrhage in the southern hemisphere? Pooled data from 3 large, population-based incidence studies in Australasia, 1981 to 1997', Stroke, 32,
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    House A; Anderson C; Robinson RG; Kimura M, 2001, 'Authors should be accurate when describing study design', Stroke, 32, pp. 1048,
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    MacMahon S; Neal B; Tzourio C; Rodgers A; Woodward M; Cutler J; Anderson C; Chalmers J; Ohkubo T; Bouser MG; Davis S; Donnan G; Hansson L; Harrap S; Lees KR; Liu L; Mancia G; Omae T; Reid J; Sega R; Terent A; Warlow C; Anderson N; Bladin C; Chambers B; Gordon G; Sharpe N; Collins R; Sandercock P; Simes J; Sleight P; Brnabic A; Colman S; Francis L; Lee A; Gong L; Bousser MG; Yamaguchi T; William F; Deng Q; Hu DX; Wang W; Wu AL; Ma LY; Tao ZY; Biousse V; Berthet K; Ben Slamia L; Le Denmat C; Crespi S; Foglia G; Fujimoto C; Matsumura S; Marttala K; Pettersson M; Safwenberg M; Fenton J; McIlvenna Y; Currie R; Bartram H; Briad J; Clague A; Cleverly Y; Cosson M; Culpan A; Douglas D; Flett S; Gray B; Holloway T; Milne A; Prasad R; Ratnasabapathy Y; Santos A; Wills M; Agnew T; Chapman N; Lewis N; Mullane B, 2001, 'Randomised trial of a perindopril-based blood-pressure-lowering regimen among 6105 individuals with previous stroke or transient ischaemic attack', Lancet, 358, pp. 1033 - 1041,
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    Mhurchu CN; Anderson C; Jamrozik K; Hankey G; Dunbabin D, 2001, 'Hormonal factors and risk of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: An international population-based, case-control study', Stroke, 32,
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    2001, 'Randomised trial of a perindopril-based blood-pressure-lowering regimen among 6105 individuals with previous stroke or transient ischaemic attack (Vol 358, pg 1033, 2001)', LANCET, 358, pp. 1556 - 1556,
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    Anderson C; Hankey G; Jamrozik K; Dunbabin D, 2000, 'Epidemiology of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in Australia and New Zealand: Incidence and case fatality from the Australasian Cooperative Research on Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Study (ACROSS)', Stroke, 31, pp. 1843 - 1850,
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    Anderson C; Mhurchu CN; Rubenach S; Clark M; Spencer C; Winsor A, 2000, 'Home or hospital for stroke rehabilitation? Results of a randomized controlled trial. II: Cost minimization analysis at 6 months', Stroke, 31, pp. 1032 - 1037,
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    Anderson C; Rubenach S; Mhurchu CN; Clark M; Spencer C; Winsor A, 2000, 'Home or hospital for stroke rehabilitation? Results of a randomized controlled trial. I: Health outcomes at 6 months', Stroke, 31, pp. 1024 - 1031,
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    Anderson C, 2000, 'La dépression après accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC)', Encephale, 26, pp. 16 - 21
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    Braunwald E; Neuhaus KL; Antman E; Chew P; Skene A; Wilcox R; Ambrosioni E; Anderson J; Apetrei E; Bata I; Carrageta M; Col J; Dalby A; Davies R; Deckers J; Eichman D; Grande P; Greene R; Gurfinkel E; Heikkilä J; Henry T; Hillis D; Hochman J; Huber K; Kostis J; Klinke P; López-Sendón J; McKendall G; Móller B; Moore P; Morris A; Mueller H; Östör E; Oto A; Ruda M; Sadowski Z; Schweiger M; Sequeira R; Shah P; Shannon R; Smith B; Sobel B; Steingart R; Tebbe U; Toman J; Traboulsi M; Vahanian A; Warnica JW; Willerson J; Deitchman D; Davidson L; Folgia T; Foxley A; Goodman J; Hauck C; Henry D; McCabe C; Pangerl A; Thomson A; Wagner M; Kennedy JW; Cairns J; Demets D; Julian D; Simoons M; Charlesworth A; Easton JD; Ferbert A; Feske S; Kuhn P; Moseley J; Rogg JM; Reichmann H; Sloan M; von Kummer R; Zamani A; Coulter S; Giugliano R; Skene AM; Ardill R; Ince Y; Peters A; Ward K; Wolf L; Curtis N; De Brés J; Stead S; Watson S; Cutler S; Friedman J; Helfrick R; Williams S; Klimovsky J; Kumagai S; Adams E; Anderson C; Bauhuber I; Bennett L; Biro E; Boyce E, 2000, 'Intravenous NPA for the treatment of infarcting myocardium early: InTIME-II, a double-blind comparison on of single-bolus lanoteplase vs accelerated alteplase for the treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarction', European Heart Journal, 21, pp. 2005 - 2013,
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    Hackett ML; Anderson CS, 2000, 'Health outcomes 1 year after subarachnoid hemorrhage an international population-based study', Neurology, 55, pp. 658 - 662,
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    Hackett ML; Duncan JR; Anderson CS; Broad JB; Bonita R, 2000, 'Health-related quality of life among long-term survivors of stroke: Results from the Auckland stroke study, 1991-1992', Stroke, 31, pp. 440 - 447,
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    Hankey GJ; Jamrozik K; Broadhurst RJ; Forbes S; Burvill PW; Anderson CS; Stewart-Wynne EG, 2000, 'Five-year survival after first-ever stroke and related prognostic factors in the Perth Community Stroke Study', Stroke, 31, pp. 2080 - 2086,
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    Jamrozik K; Broadhurst RJ; Forbes S; Hankey GJ; Anderson CS, 2000, 'Predictors of death and vascular events in the elderly: The Perth community stroke study', Stroke, 31, pp. 863 - 868,
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    Rubenach S; Anderson CS; Laubscher S, 2000, 'The short form-12 by telephone as a measure of health-related quality of life after stroke [5]', Age and Ageing, 29, pp. 553 - 554,
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    Tzourio C; Anderson C, 2000, 'Blood pressure reduction and risk of dementia in patients with stroke: Rationale of the dementia assessment in PROGRESS (Perindopril Protection Against Recurrent Stroke Study)', Journal of Hypertension, Supplement, 18
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    Coates T; Slavotinek JP; Rischmueller M; Schultz D; Anderson C; Dellamelva M; Sage MR; Gordon TP, 1999, 'Cerebral white matter lesions in primary Sjogren's syndrome: A controlled study', Journal of Rheumatology, 26, pp. 1301 - 1305
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    Jamrozik K; Broadhurst RJ; Lai N; Hankey GJ; Burvill PW; Anderson CS, 1999, 'Trends in the incidence, severity, and short-term outcome of stroke in Perth, Western Australia', Stroke, 30, pp. 2105 - 2111,
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    Hankey GJ; Jamrozik K; Broadhurst RJ; Forbes S; Burvill PW; Anderson CS; Stewart-Wynne EG, 1998, 'Long-term risk of first recurrent stroke in the Perth community stroke study', Stroke, 29, pp. 2491 - 2500,
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    Burvill P; Johnson G; Jamrozik K; Anderson C; Stewart-Wynne E, 1997, 'Risk factors for post-stroke depression', International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 12, pp. 219 - 226,<219::AID-GPS581>3.0.CO;2-E
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    Hobson P; Bhowmick B; Meara J; Anderson C; Burns R; Laubscher S, 1997, 'Use of the SF-36 questionnaire in cerebrovascular disease [2]', Stroke, 28, pp. 464 - 465
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    Anderson C; Laubscher S; Burns R, 1996, 'Validation of the Short Form 36 (SF-36) health survey questionnaire among stroke patients', Stroke, 27, pp. 1812 - 1816,
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    Burvill PW; Johnson GA; Chakera TMH; Stewart-Wynne EG; Anderson CS; Jamrozik KD, 1996, 'The place of site of lesion in the aetiology of post-stroke depression', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 6, pp. 208 - 215,
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    Neal B; Anderson C; Chalmers J; MacMahon S; Rodgers A, 1996, 'Blood pressure lowering in patients with cerebrovascular disease: Results of the progress (perindopril protection against recurrent stroke study) pilot phase', Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 23, pp. 444 - 446,
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    Robson S; Anderson C; Bryce R, 1996, 'Puerperal cerebral venous thrombosis', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 36, pp. 87 - 89,
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    Anderson CS; Linto J; Stewart-Wynne EG, 1995, 'A population-based assessment of the impact and burden of caregiving for long-term stroke survivors', Stroke, 26, pp. 843 - 849
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    Anderson CS, 1995, 'Major risk factors for stroke. Smoking', Cardiovascular Risk Factors, 5, pp. 328 - 336
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    Burvill PW; Johnson GA; Jamrozik KD; Anderson CS; Stewart-Wynne EG; Chakera TMH, 1995, 'Anxiety disorders after stroke: Results from the Perth Community Stroke Study', British Journal of Psychiatry, 166, pp. 328 - 332,
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    Burvill PW; Johnson GA; Jamrozik KD; Anderson CS; Stewart-Wynne EG; Chakera TMH, 1995, 'Prevalence of depression after stroke: The Perth Community Stroke Study', British Journal of Psychiatry, 166, pp. 320 - 327,
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    Finucane P; Anderson C, 1995, 'Thyroid Disease in Older Patients: Diagnosis and Treatment', Drugs & Aging, 6, pp. 268 - 277,
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    Johnson G; Burvill PW; Anderson CS; Jamrozik K; Stewart‐Wynne EG; Chakera TMH, 1995, 'Screening instruments for depression and anxiety following stroke: experience in the Perth community stroke study', Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 91, pp. 252 - 257,
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    Anderson C, 1994, 'Baseline measures and outcome predictions', Neuroepidemiology, 13, pp. 283 - 289,
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    Anderson CS; Chakera TMH; Stewart-Wynne EG; Jamrozik KD, 1994, 'Spectrum of primary intracerebral haemorrhage in Perth, Western Australia, 1989-90: Incidence and outcome', Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 57, pp. 936 - 940,
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    Anderson CS; Jamrozik KD; Broadhurst RJ; Stewart-Wynne EG, 1994, 'Predicting survival for 1 year among different subtypes of stroke: Results from the perth community stroke study', Stroke, 25, pp. 1935 - 1944,
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    Anderson CS; Jamrozik KD; Stewart-Wynne EG, 1994, 'Patterns of acute hospital care, rehabilitation, and discharge disposition after acute stroke: The perth community stroke study 1989-1990', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 4, pp. 344 - 353,
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    Anderson CS; Taylor BV; Hankey GJ; Stewart-Wynne EG; Jamrozik KD, 1994, 'Validation of a clinical classification for subtypes of acute cerebral infarction', Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 57, pp. 1173 - 1179,
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    Bonita R; Anderson CS; Broad JB; Jamrozik KD; Stewart-Wynne EG; Anderson NE, 1994, 'Stroke incidence and case fatality in australasia: A comparison of the auckland and perth population-based stroke registers', Stroke, 25, pp. 552 - 557,
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    Jamrozik K; Broadhurst RJ; Anderson CS; Stewart-Wynne EG, 1994, 'The role of lifestyle factors in the etiology of stroke: A population-based case-control study in Perth, Western Australia', Stroke, 25, pp. 51 - 59,
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    Anderson C; Dillon C; Burns R, 1993, 'Life-sustaining treatment and locked-in syndrome', The Lancet, 342, pp. 867 - 868,
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    Anderson CS; Jamrozik KD; Burvill PW; Chakera TMH; Johnson GA; Stewart-Wynne EG, 1993, 'Ascertaining the true incidence of stroke: Experience from the Perth Community Stroke Study, 1989-1990', Medical Journal of Australia, 158, pp. 80 - 84,
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    Anderson CS; Jamrozik KD; Burvill PW; Chakera TMH; Johnson GA; Stewart-Wynne EG, 1993, 'Determining the incidence of different subtypes of stroke: Results from the Perth Community Stroke Study, 1989-1990', Medical Journal of Australia, 158, pp. 85 - 89,
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    Anderson CS; Jamrozik KD; Stewart-Wynne EG, 1992, 'Predicting survival after stroke: experience from the Perth Community Stroke Study.', Clinical and experimental neurology, 29, pp. 117 - 128
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    Anderson C; Stewart-Wynne T, 1991, 'Clinical presentations of stroke: the classic and the less obvious.', Australian family physician, 20, pp. 1565 - 1573
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    Anderson C; Jamrozik K; Stewart-Wynne E, 1990, 'Physical disability after stroke in the Perth Community Stroke Study.', Clinical and experimental neurology, 27, pp. 121 - 124
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    Bartholomeusz RCA; LaBrooy JT; Ey PL; Di Matteo AC; Daniels DA; Anderson CS; Rowley D, 1989, 'Assays for total and antigen-specific polymeric IgA in serum based on binding to secretory component', Journal of Immunological Methods, 117, pp. 247 - 255,
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    Reece PA; Stafford I; Abbott RL; Anderson C; Denham J; Freeman S; Morris RG; Gill PG; Olweny CL, 1989, 'Two- versus 24-hour infusion of cisplatin: Pharmacokinetic considerations', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 7, pp. 270 - 275,
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  • Preprints | 2024
    Allende MI; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Gonzalez F; Bascur F; Anderson C; Ouyang M; Cabieses B; Obach A; Cano-Nigenda V; Arauz A, 2024, Recommendations for implementing the INTERACT3 care bundle for intracerebral hemorrhage in Latin America: a Delphi Study,
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    Billot L; Bompoint S; Ouyang M; Xu L; Wang X; Malavera A; Johnson B; Summers D; Khatri P; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Day D; Sui Y; Song L; Wan Zaidi WA; Huy Thang N; Delcourt C; Robinson T; Jan S; Lindley R; Urrutia V; Anderson C, 2024, Statistical Analysis Plan for the Optimal Post rTpa-Iv Monitoring in Ischemic Stroke Trial (OPTIMIST),
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    Shan S; Billot L; Du X; Dong J; Anderson C, 2024, A hospital-based cluster-randomized controlled trial of free influenza vaccination before hospital discharge compared to routine care in patients with heart failure (PANDA II): Statistical Analysis Plan,
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    Billot L; Chen C; Song L; Lin Y; Liu F; Chen X; Arima H; Bath PM; Ford GA; Robinson T; Sandset EC; Saver JL; Sprigg N; van der Worp B; Yang J; Li G; Anderson CS, 2023, Statistical Analysis Plan for the INTEnsive ambulance-delivered blood pressure Reduction in hyper-Acute stroke Trial (INTERACT4),
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    Nguyen M; Sakamoto Y; Maeda T; Woodward M; Anderson C; Catiwa J; Yazidjoglou A; Carcel C; Yang M; Wang X, 2023, Influence of socioeconomic status on functional outcomes after stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis,
    Preprints | 2023
    Nuñez M; Delfino C; Asenjo-Lobos C; Schilling A; Lavados P; Anderson CS; Muñoz Venturelli P, 2023, Disparities in stroke incidence over time by sex and age in Latin America and the Caribbean region: a systematic review and meta-analysis, ,
    Conference Papers | 2023
    Sanchez De La Torre M; Gracia-Lavedan E; Benítez ID; Sánchez-de-la-Torre A; Moncusí-Moix A; Torres G; Loffler K; Woodman R; Adams R; Labarca GP; Eulenburg C; Thunström E; Glantz H; Peker Y; Anderson C; McEvoy RD; Barbe F, 2023, 'Good Adherence to CPAP Decreases Recurrent Cardiovascular Events: A Systematic Review and Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis', in C98. RISKY BUSINESS: PREDICTING CONSEQUENCES OF OSA, American Thoracic Society, pp. A5964 - A5964, presented at American Thoracic Society 2023 International Conference, May 19-24, 2023 - Washington, DC,
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Anderson C; Carcel C; Hsu B; Shajahan S; Miller M; Peters S; Randall D; Havard A; Redfern J; Anderson C; Jorm L; Woodward M, 2022, 'Disparities in the prehospital management of stroke between women and men in New South Wales', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, Vol. 17, pp. 18 - 18,
    Preprints | 2022
    Billot L; Song L; Hu X; Ma L; Ouyang M; Chen X; You C; Anderson CS, 2022, Statistical Analysis Plan for the INTEnsive care bundle with blood pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral haemorrhage Trial (INTERACT3),
    Preprints | 2022
    Chen C; Ouyang M; Delcourt C; Song L; Billot L; Anderson CS, 2022, Effect of blood pressure control on cerebral infarction in the Enhanced Control of Hypertension and Thrombolysis Stroke (ENCHANTED) study: statistical analysis plan,
    Preprints | 2022
    Dong J; Wang X; Wang H; Du X; Wang Z; Li C; Anderson C; Zhang J; Hou X, 2022, EvaLuation of early CRRT and beta-blocker InTervention in patients with ECMO (ELITE) trial: Study protocol for a 2 × 2 partial factorial randomized controlled trial,
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Kasher P; Parry-Jones A; Wang X; Selley J; Cook J; Tapia V; Anderson C; Allan S; Crilly S, 2022, 'Zebrafish drug screening identifies candidate therapies for neuroprotection after spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage', in JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM, SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC, SCOTLAND, Glasgow, Vol. 42, pp. 3 - 3, presented at 30th International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function (BRAIN) in conjunction with the 15th International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET (BRAIN PET), SCOTLAND, Glasgow, 29 May 2022 - 01 June 2022,
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Ouyang M; Shajahan S; Liu X; Sun L; Carcel C; Harris K; Anderson CS; Woodward M; Wang X, 2022, 'Sex differences in the utilization and outcomes of endovascular treatment after acute ischemic stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis', in Frontiers in Global Women's Health,
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Peters R; Anderson C, 2022, 'BLOOD PRESSURE, ANTIHYPERTENSIVES AND DEMENTIA, AN INDIVIDUAL PATIENT DATA META-ANALYSIS', in JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, JAPAN, Kyoto, pp. E15 - E16, presented at 29th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH), JAPAN, Kyoto, 12 October 2022 - 16 October 2022,
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Peters R; Anderson C, 2022, 'BLOOD PRESSURE, ANTIHYPERTENSIVES AND DEMENTIA, AN INDIVIDUAL PATIENT DATA META-ANALYSIS', in JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, JAPAN, Kyoto, Vol. 41, pp. E15 - E16, presented at 29th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH), JAPAN, Kyoto, 12 October 2022 - 16 October 2022,
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Peters R; Xu Y; Fitzgerald O; Aung HL; Beckett NS; Bulpitt CJ; Chalmers J; Forette F; Gong J; Harris K; Humburg P; Matthews FE; Staessen J; Thijs L; Tzourio C; Warwick J; Woodward M; Anderson CS, 2022, 'Effects of blood pressure lowering for the prevention of dementia: meta‐analysis of individual patient data from five seminal randomised controlled trials involving 28008 participants', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Wiley, Vol. 18,
    Preprints | 2021
    Tunnage B; Woodhouse LJ; Dixon M; Anderson CS; Ankolekar S; Appleton JP; Cala L; England TJ; Krishnan K; Havard D; Mair G; Muir K; Phillips SJ; Potter J; Price CI; Randall M; Robinson TG; Roffe C; Sandset EC; Siriwardena N; Scutt P; Wardlaw JM; Sprigg N; Bath PM, 2021, Pre-hospital Transdermal Glyceryl Trinitrate in Patients With Stroke Mimics: Data From the Right-2 Randomised-controlled Ambulance Trial,
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Wijesinghe R; Anderson C; Welgampola M; Stehmann C; Collins S; Spring P, 2021, '064 False positive RT-QuIC test for creutzfeldt jakob disease in dementia with status epilepticus', in Poster abstracts, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, pp. A23.2 - A23, presented at ANZAN Annual Scientific Meeting 2021 Abstracts,
    Conference Abstracts | 2021
    Xu Y; Bouliotis G; Beckett NS; Warwick J; Antikainen RL; Anderson CS; Bulpitt CJ; Peters R, 2021, 'Left ventricular hypertrophy and incident cognitive impairment in elderly hypertensive patients: Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Wiley, Vol. 17,
    Conference Abstracts | 2021
    Xu Y; McFall GP; Rydén L; Skoog J; Tully PJ; Anderson CS; Anstey KJ; Cherbuin N; Dixon RA; Skoog I; Peters R, 2021, 'Evaluation of blood pressure and cognitive function using individual participant data meta‐analysis: The Life‐Course Blood Pressure Cognition (LCBP‐COG) study', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Wiley, Vol. 17,
    Conference Abstracts | 2021
    Xu Y; Phu J; Aung HL; Hesam‐Shariati N; Auty J; Keay L; Tully PJ; Booth A; Anderson CS; Anstey KJ; Peters R, 2021, 'Incidence and prevalence of coexistent retinal diseases and cognitive impairment or dementia: A systematic review', in Alzheimer's & Dementia, Wiley, Vol. 17,
    Conference Papers | 2020
    Conference Abstracts | 2020
    Conference Abstracts | 2020
    Preprints | 2020
    Jiang RC; Wang D; Zhao SG; Wang RZ; Kang DZ; Zhu XG; Zhao ZM; Wei JJ; Huang Y; Qu Y; Sun XC; Ji HM; Jiang XC; Liu JF; De Zhu X; Wang JJ; Tian Y; Gao C; Wei HJ; Zhang S; Quan W; Yue SY; Lei P; Li X; Song LL; Anderson CS; Zhang J, 2020, Atorvastatin combined with dexamethasone in chronic subdural haematoma (ATOCH II): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial,
    Conference Papers | 2020
    Song L; Chen C; Wang X; Chen X; Ouyang M; Sun L; Hisatomi A; Robinson T; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Li G; Anderson CS, 2020, 'Asian versus NonAsian, Differences in Characteristics, Management & Outcomes in the Enchanted Trial', in STROKE, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, CA, Los Angeles, presented at International Stroke Conference, CA, Los Angeles, 19 February 2020 - 21 February 2020,
    Conference Papers | 2020
    Song L; Sun L; Wang X; Moullaali TJ; Robinson TG; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2020, 'Regional Differences in Blood Pressure Management After Acute Stroke in International Randomized Controlled Trials', in STROKE, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, CA, Los Angeles, presented at International Stroke Conference, CA, Los Angeles, 19 February 2020 - 21 February 2020,
    Conference Papers | 2020
    Conference Papers | 2020
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Calic Z; Nham B; Taylor R; Young A; Anderson C; Cappelen-Smith C; Cordato D; Welgampola M, 2019, 'SEPARATING STROKE FROM VESTIBULAR NEURITIS BY VESTIBULAR FUNCTION TEST PARAMETERS', in JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY, BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP, AUSTRALIA, Sydney, Vol. 90, presented at Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian-and-New Zealand-Association-of-Neurologists (ANZAN), AUSTRALIA, Sydney, 21 May 2019 - 24 May 2019,
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Chalmers J; Wang X; Moullaali T; Minhas J; Anderson C; Robinson T, 2019, 'ASSOCIATIONS OF EARLY BLOOD PRESSURE CONTROL AND OUTCOME IN THROMBOLYSIS-ELIGIBLE ACUTE ISCHAEMIC STROKE IN THE ENHANCED CONTROL OF HYPERTENSION AND THROMBOLYSIS STROKE STUDY', in JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, ITALY, Milan, Vol. 37, pp. E91 - E91, presented at 29th European Meeting of Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection of the European-Society-of-Hypertension (ESH), ITALY, Milan, 21 June 2019 - 24 June 2019,
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Chen X; Anderson CS; Wang X; Robinson T; Lavados PM; Lindley R; Chalmers J; Delcourt C, 2019, 'Comparison of the Simplified Modified Rankin Scale Questionnaire With Conventional Neurological Scales in the Dose Arm of the Enchanted Study.', in STROKE, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, HI, Honolulu, Vol. 50, presented at American-Heart-Association/American-Stroke-Association International Stroke Conference / State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium, HI, Honolulu, 06 February 2019 - 08 February 2019,
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Delcourt C; Zhou Z; Wang X; Wardlaw J; Mair G; Robinson T; Chen X; Yoshimura S; Torii-Yoshimura T; Carcel C; Calic Z; Tan W-Y; Malavera A; Anderson C; Lindley R, 2019, 'Baseline brain imaging signs and outcomes in the ENCHANTED trial', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 7 - 7
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Lannin N; Kim J; Andrew N; Dalli L; Grimley R; Anderson C; Sundararajan V; Thrift A; Cadilhac D; Kilkenny M, 2019, 'Prevalence of risk factors in younger patients with stroke', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 23 - 23,
    Preprints | 2019
    Li S; Cui L-Y; Anderson C; Gao C; Yu C; Shan G; Wang L; Peng B, 2019, Barriers from calling ambulance after recognizing stroke differed in adults younger or older than 75 years old in China,
    Preprints | 2019
    Li S; Cui L-Y; Anderson C; Gao C; Yu C; Shan G; Wang L; Peng B, 2019, Barriers from calling ambulance after recognizing stroke differed in adults younger or older than 75 years old in China,
    Preprints | 2019
    Li S; Cui L-Y; Anderson C; Gao C; Yu C; Shan G; Wang L; Peng B, 2019, Barriers from calling ambulance after recognizing stroke differed in adults younger or older than 75 years old in China,
    Preprints | 2019
    Li S; Cui L-Y; Anderson C; Gao C; Yu C; Shan G; Wang L; Peng B, 2019, Unconventional association between risk factors and knowledge of stroke among cerebrovascular disease survivors in China: A cross-sectional community-based study (FAST-RIGHT),
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Sharma VK; Tan BQ; Ngiam NJ; Ng BS; Low Y; Wong LY; Du Z; Chen J; Paliwal PR; Teoh H-L; Chan BP; Butcher K; Anderson CS, 2019, 'Randomized Clinical Trial Evaluating the Safety and Feasibility of Intensive Lowering of Blood Pressure in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Treated with Intravenous Thrombolysis and Assessed using CT Perfusion Imaging.', in STROKE, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, HI, Honolulu, presented at American-Heart-Association/American-Stroke-Association International Stroke Conference / State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium, HI, Honolulu, 06 February 2019 - 08 February 2019,
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Wang X; Moullaali T; Sandset EC; Berge E; Robinson T; Lindley R; Zheng D; Delcourt C; Arima H; Song L; Chalmers J; Anderson C, 2019, 'Adopting a Patient-centered Approach in Acute Stroke Trials With Utility-weighted Modified Rankin Scale Scores.', in STROKE, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, HI, Honolulu, Vol. 50, presented at American-Heart-Association/American-Stroke-Association International Stroke Conference / State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium, HI, Honolulu, 06 February 2019 - 08 February 2019,
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Wang X; Yu J; Wang X; Yang J; Robinson T; Delcourt C; Arima H; Song L; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2019, 'Comparative Effects of Low-dose versus Standard- dose Alteplase in Thrombolysed Ischemic Patients with Low Platelet Count: The ENCHANTED Trial', in CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES, KARGER, Vol. 48, pp. 107 - 108,
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Yang J; Song L; Li G; Chen X; Chen C; Liu F; Lin Y; Guo Y; Sun L; Arima H; Anderson CS, 2019, 'Intensive Ambulance-delivered Blood Pressure Reduction In Hyper-acute Stroke Trial', in CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES, KARGER, Manila, Philippines, pp. 111 - 111, presented at APSC 2019, Manila, Philippines, 02 October 2019
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Yoshimura S; Carcel C; Delcourt C; Wang X; Torii-Yoshimura T; Lindley R; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2019, 'Early Recurrence of Ischemic Stroke in Alteplase-treated Patients: The ENCHANTED Study.', in STROKE, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, HI, Honolulu, Vol. 50, presented at American-Heart-Association/American-Stroke-Association International Stroke Conference / State-of-the-Science Stroke Nursing Symposium, HI, Honolulu, 06 February 2019 - 08 February 2019,
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Zheng D; Xu Y; Yu S; Hackett M; Woodman R; Li Q; Woodman M; Loffler K; Rodgers A; Drager LF; Lorenzi-Filho G; Wang X; Tripathi M; Mediano O; Ou Q; Chen R; Liu Z; Zhang X; Luo Y; McArdle N; Mukherjee S; McEvoy RD; Anderson CS, 2019, 'CPAP treatment on depression and anxiety symptoms in OSA patients: a SAVE study and meta-analysis', in JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH, WILEY, AUSTRALIA, Sydney, presented at 31st Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) of the Australasian-Sleep-Association and the Australasian-Sleep-Technologists-Association (Sleep DownUnder), AUSTRALIA, Sydney, 16 October 2019 - 19 October 2019,
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Debette S; Strbian D; Wardlaw JM; van der Worp HB; Rinkel GJE; Caso V; Dichgans M; Tournier-Lasserve E; Grefkes C; Kelly PJ; Muir K; Berge E; Trégouët DA; Roffe C; Brainin M; Beck J; Steiner T; de Lau LM; Jouvent E; Veltkamp R; Baron JC; Nedeltchev K; Bath PM; Quinn TJ; Richard E; Ziemann U; Liesz A; Ntaios G; Iadecola C; Lees KR; Christensen HK; van Veluw SJ; Endres M; Anderson CS; Molina CA; Düring M; Dufouil C; Ostergaard L; Samani NJ; Fischer U; de Leeuw FE; Norrving B; Biessels GJ; Cordonnier C; Mas JL; Mattle H, 2018, 'Fourth European stroke science workshop', in European Stroke Journal, pp. 206 - 219,
    Conference Abstracts | 2018
    Minhas JS; Wang X; Lavados PM; Moullaali TJ; Arima H; Billot L; Hackett ML; Olavarria VV; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto O; De Silva HA; Lee T-H; Pandian JD; Mead GE; Watkins CL; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Robinson TG, 2018, 'Head positioning and blood pressure variability in acute ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke: a post-hoc analysis of the HeadPoST study', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, Vol. 13, pp. 48 - 48,
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Koffman L; Hanley D; Anderson C; Mendelow D; Gregson B; Wang X; Lane K; McBee N; Dlugash R; Awad I; Ziai W, 2017, 'Evaluation of Sex, Racial and Geographic Demographics and Outcomes in Clinical Trials of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage', in STROKE,