Professor David Simar
PhD in Physiology, University of Montpellier, France
MSc in Exercise Physiology, University of Montpellier, France
BSc in Exercise Physiology, University of Montpellier, France
Deputy Dean Research Operations - Faculty of Medicine and Health
As a researcher, my mission is to improve the diagnosis and treatment of long-term complications in cancer survivors using a variety of approaches ranging from cellular models to human studies. My research program also focuses on the preventive and protective role of exercise in the context of paediatric chronic conditions.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
2019-24: Fotsing JM,..., Simar D, et al. Family farming, lifestyle and health in the Pacific. Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions H2020-MSCA-RISE 2019, AU$2,065,000.
2019-20: Goldstein D, Park S, McCrary MJ, Simar D, Ward R. The effect of exercise training on neurophysiologic, functional, and quality of life deficits in cancer survivors with chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. World Cancer Research Fund International, AU$99,958.
2018-19: Goldstein D, Park S, McCrary MJ, Menant J, Harris C, Simar D. Exercise rehabilitation for cancer survivors with chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: Impact and mechanisms.Cancer Clinical Academic Group seed grant scheme, AU$200,000.
2014: Zekry A, Simar D, Lloyd A. T-cell metabolic pathways as a predictor of anti-HCV T-cell immune response and outcomes after primary HCV infection.Australian Centre for HIV and Hepatitis Virology Research, AU$ 95,000.
2013-15: Hardeman E, Barres R, Simar D, Cohn R. The role of epigenetic modifications in longterm memory of irradiation in cancer survivors. Cancer Council New South Wales, AU$ 360,000.
2010: Cohn R, Simar D. Metabolic complications in childhood leukaemia survivors. Cancer Institute New South Wales, AU$ 46,000.
2009: Chen H, Morris MJ, Simar D. Activation of brain glucose sensing mTOR pathway to improve glucose tolerance and reduce adiposity in offspring from obese dams.DARTResearchGrant, AU$ 59,400.
2008: Simar D. Impaired metabolism in peripheral blood mononuclear cells condition the antiviral response in hepatitis C virus infection,Faculty of Medicine: UNSW Sydney, AU$ 11,800.
2008: Chen H, Morris MJ, Simar D. Impact of maternal smoking and high fat diet feeding on pathways involved in central and peripheral glucose metabolism. DART Research Grant, AU$ 50,000.
2008-12: Fiatarone Singh M, Blair S, Singh N, O’Sullivan A, Simar D, Baune B. A randomised controlled trial of progressive resistance training in older type 2 diabetics at cardiovascular risk.NHMRC Research Grant, AU$ 806,250.
2008: Fiatarone Singh M, Blair S, Singh N, O’Sullivan A, Simar D, Baune B. Australian Diabetes Society – Servier National Diabetes Strategy Grant, AU$ 19,532.
2008: Simar D, Tzar C, Tejani N, Metabolic alterations in Polycistic Ovary Syndrome: protective effect of resistance training, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney:Early Career Research Grant, AU$ 30,000.
2008: Ruell P, Caillaud C, Thompson M, Simar D. Can plasma HSP70 be used to screen athletes at risk of injury from heatstroke?New South Wales Government, Research and Injury Prevention Scheme, AU$ 19,600.
2007: Caillaud C, Thompson M, Simar D, Kazlauskas R, Trout G, Howe C. Does exercise in hot environmental condition impair detection of EPO doping?Australian Government, Department of Communication, Information, Technology and the Arts, AU$ 125,358.
2007: Simar D, A new model to study insulin-stimulated glucose transport in type 2 diabetes,Faculty of Medicine,UNSW Sydney: Early Career Research Grant, AU$ 36,000.
2022: UNSW Vice Chancellor Award for Excellence in Higher Degree Research Leadership.
2015: Nordea-Fonden’s Residence Program at Heerings Gaard, Denmark.
2015: Quality and Innovation Award in Preventive Health, The Sydney Children’s Hospital Network.
2013: Selected Flagship project by Cancer Council New South Wales
2008: School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney. New Researcher of the year
Nutrient utilisation in children with inborn errors of metabolism.
Through the international program "Family farming, lifestyle and health in the Pacific (FALAH) supported by the European Union, I explore avenues to improve the health trajectory in paediatric populations using lifestyle interventions.
Investigating the feasibility and effectiveness of a targeted exercise intervention for women following gynaecological cancer treatment - ACUMEN Clinical Trial.
My Research Supervision
PhD: Nutrient utilisation in children with inborn errors of metabolism: To investigate how novel or emerging nutrition supplements are processed in the body for children with fatty acid oxidation disorders or glycogen storage disease type V.
PhD: Investigating the feasibility and effectiveness of a targeted exercise intervention for women following gynaecological cancer treatment - ACUMEN Clinical Trial.
PhD: The effect of the gut microbiome on adaptation to exercise.