Professor E. James Kehoe

Professor E. James Kehoe

BA, 1971, Lawrence University MA, 1973, University of Iowa PhD, 1976, University of Iowa UNSW, initial appointment, 1977

Research Areas:

  • Behavioural neuroscience: Associative learning, its neural substrates, and neural network models
  • Instructional design: Working memory, schema formation, computer-based learning
  • Military Psychology: Character and values; teamwork and leadership development

(02) 9385 3826


(02) 9385 3641


Mathews, Room 907

  • Linton, R. K., Critch, S., & Kehoe, E. J. (in press). Role-specific versus cross-role preparation for decision-making teams. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice (accepted 22 January 2018).
  • Orme, G. J., & Kehoe, E. J. (2018). Women and men together in recruit training. Military Medicine.
  • Hatfield, J., Williamson, A., Kehoe, E. J., & Prabhakharan, P. (2017). An examination of the relationship between measures of impulsivity and risky simulated driving amongst young drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 103, 37-43.
  • Kehoe, T. J., & Kehoe, E. J. (2017). A Reply to Dykstra’s “Evident Bias in ‘Crimes Committed by U.S. Soldiers in Europe, 1945–1946’”. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 47, 385-396.
  • Orme, G. J., Kehoe, E. J., & Pascoe, S. (2016). Gender integration into the combat arms: more unknowns than knowns for team cohesion. Australian Defence Force Journal, 200, 59-67.
  • Gayton, S. D., & Kehoe, E. J. (2016). The character strengths of special forces personnel: insights for civilian health care practitioners. Military Medicine, 181, 996-1001.
  • Kehoe, T. J., & Kehoe, E. J. (2016). Crimes committed by U.S. Soldiers in Europe 1945-1946. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 47, 53-84.
  • Gayton, S. D., & Kehoe, E. J. (2015). Character strengths and hardiness of Australian Army Special Forces applicants. Military Medicine, 180, 857-862.
  • Gayton, S. D., & Kehoe, E. J. (2015). A prospective study of character strengths as predictors of selection into the Australian Army Special Forces. Military Medicine, 180, 151-157.
  • Kehoe, E. J., Ludvig, E. A., & Sutton, R. S. (2014). Time course of the rabbit’s conditioned nictitating membrane movements during acquisition, extinction, and reacquisition. Learning & Memory, 21, 585-590.
  • Orme, G. J., & Kehoe, E. J. (2014). Hardiness as a predictor of mental health and well being of Australian Army reservists on and after stability operations. Military Medicine, 179, 401-412.
  • Orme, G. J., & Kehoe, E. J. (2014). Reservists in a postconflict zone: Deployment stressors and the deployment experience. Military Medicine, 179, 137-142.
  • Vearing, A., Wheeler, J., & Kehoe, E. J. (2013). Finding the right people: taking the guesswork out of selection. In P. J. Johnston & K. Farley (Eds.), Military Human Resource Issues (pp. 49-70). Kingston, Ontario, Canada: Canadian Defence Academy Press.
  • Kehoe, E. J. (2013). Jump starting the learning curve: instructional design for the military. In C. Best, G. Galanis, J. Kerry, R. Sottilare (Ed.s) Fundamental Issues in Defence Training and Simulation (pp. 69-95). Farnham, England: Ashgate. ISBN 9781409447214
  • Cole, M., Hibbert, D. B., Kehoe, E. J. (2013). Students’ perceptions of using Twitter to interact with the instructor during lectures for a large-enrollment chemistry course. Journal of Chemical Education, 90, 671–672.
  • Kehoe, E. J., Ludvig, E. A., & Sutton, R. S. (2013). Timing and cue competition in conditioning of the nictitating membrane response of the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Learning & Memory, 20, 97-102.
  • Brereton, P. L. Orme, G. J., & Kehoe, E. J. (2013). The reintegration of reservist veterans: an Australian perspective. Australian Defence Force Journal, 191, 87-98.
  • Orme, G. J., & Kehoe, E. J. (2012). The experience of deployment: Australian Army Reservists, their families, and employers. The Australian Reservist, 19, 10-13.
  • Ludvig, E. A., Sutton, R. S., & Kehoe, E. J. (2012). Evaluating the TD model of classical conditioning. Learning & Behavior, 40, 305-319.
  • Orme, G. J., & Kehoe, E. J. (2012). Perceptions of deployment of Australian Army Reservists by their employers. Military Medicine, 177, 894-900.
  • Orme, G. J., & Kehoe E. J. (2011). Left behind but not left out? Perceptions of support for a deployment by reservists’ family members. Australian Defence Force Journal, 185, 26-32.
  • Orme, G. J., & Kehoe, E. J. (2011). Psychological adjustment and retention of Australian Army reservists following a stability operation. Military Medicine, 176, 1223-1231.
  • Frederiksen, C., Kehoe, E. J., & Wood, R. (2011). Effects of instructional aids on the acquisition of dynamic decision-making skill. Learning and Instruction, 21, 601-613.
  • Molesworth, B., Tsang, M. H., & Kehoe, E. J. (2011). Rehearsal and verbal reminders in facilitating compliance with safety rules. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 43, 991-997.
  • Molesworth, B., Bennett, L., & Kehoe, E. J. (2011). Promoting learning, memory, and transfer in a time-constrained, high hazard environment. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 43, 932-938.
  • Bednall, T., & Kehoe, E. J. (2011). Effects of self-regulatory instructional aids on the acquisition of critical thinking skills. Instructional Science, 39, 205-226. doi: 10.1007/s11251-009-9125-6.
  • Zhang, S. Q., Stothard, P., & Kehoe, E. J. (2010). Evaluation of underground virtual environment training: Is a mining simulation or conventional Power Point presentation more effective? In E. Leigh (Ed.) SimTectT 2010 Conference Proceedings (pp. 29-33). B Linfield, NSW: Simulation Industry Association of Australia (Full paper, refereed, ISBN 09775257 83).
  • Bennett, L., Stothard, P., & Kehoe, E. J. (2010). Evaluating the effectiveness of virtual reality learning in a mining context. In E. Leigh (Ed.) SimTectT 2010 Conference Proceedings (pp. 23-27). Linfield, NSW: Simulation Industry Association of Australia (Full paper, refereed, ISBN 09775257 83).
  • Kehoe, E. J., Ludvig, E. A., & Sutton, R. S. (2010). Timing in trace conditioning of the nictitating membrane response of the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus): scalar, nonscalar, and adaptive features. Learning & Memory, 17, 600-604.
  • Langford, P. H., Reynolds, N. J., & Kehoe, E. J. (Editors) (2009). Conference Proceedings of the 8th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference (ISBN 978-0-909881-39-9; Melbourne: Australian Psychological Society.
  • Murphy, P. J., Kehoe, E. J., & Butcher, A. (2009). Keeping the blunt edge at bay: Preventing skill erosion. In P. J. Murphy (Ed.) Focus on Human Performance in Land Operations Vol 1, (pp. 33-39). Canberra: Australian Defence Force Psychology Organisation. (ISBN 978-0-642-29699-3).
  • Kehoe, E. J., Ludvig, E. A., & Sutton, R. S. (2009). Magnitude and timing of CRs in delay and trace classical conditioning of the nictitating membrane response of the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Behavioral Neuroscience, 123, 1095-1101.
  • Kehoe, E. J., Olsen, K. N., Ludvig, E. A., & Sutton, R. S. (2009) Scalar timing varies with response magnitude in classical conditioning of the nictitating membrane response of the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Behavioral Neuroscience, 123, 212-217.
  • Ludvig, E. A., Sutton, R. S., Verbeek, E. L., & Kehoe, E. J. (2009). A computational model of hippocampal function in trace conditioning. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS-08), 21, 993-1000.
  • Kehoe, E. J., Bednall, T. C., Yin, L., Olsen, K. N., Pitts C., Henry, J. D., & Bailey, P. E. (2009). Training adult novices to use computers: Effects of different types of illustrations. Computers in Human Behavior, 25, 275-383.

Visiting Professorships

Northwestern University, Department of Physiology
University of Colorado, Department of Psychology
University of Alberta, Department of Computing Science

Professional Societies

Fellow, Royal Society of New South Wales
Fellow, Association for Psychological Science
Fellow, Psychonomic Society
Member, Australian Psychological Society

Selected Links:

For complete curriculum vitae and pdfs of publications click here.