Professor Eddie Harmon-Jones
My lab studies the psychology of motivation and emotion, employing social and neuroscience approaches. We are interested in the interplay of cognition, emotion, and motivation. This interest leads us to investigate topics such as approach motivation and emotions (e.g., anger, desire); attitude formation, maintenance, and change; the antecedents and consequences of discrepancies between cognitions (cognitive dissonance); and embodiment. The majority of research conducted in the lab is derived from theory. We use multiple measures in our research.
- PhD in Psychology (University of Arizona, 1995)
- MA in Psychology (University of Kansas, 1992)
- BS with honours (University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1990)
Research Grants
- National Science Foundation (P. I.; Action-Based Model of Cognitive Dissonance), 2000-2003
- National Institute of Mental Health (Co PI; BAS and Bipolar Spectrum: Biopsychosocial Integration), 2002-2007
- National Science Foundation (P.I.; Anger & Approach Motivation), 2003-2006
- National Science Foundation (P.I.; Considering Approach Motivational Intensity within Positive Affect), 2007–2011
- National Institute of Mental Health (Co-I; BAS and Bipolar Disorder: Prospective Biobehavioral High Risk Design), 2007-2012
- National Science Foundation (P.I.; Approach Motivation, Anger, & Positive Affects), 2009 – 2012
- National Science Foundation (co-P.I.; Distinguishing impulse strength from self-control strength as causes of self-control failure), 2009–2012
- Australian Research Council (C.I.; Can Some Positive Emotions Increase Anger?); 2015-2017
- Australian Research Council (C.I.; Effort and Reward Valuation); 2018-2020
- Australian Research Council (C.I.; Toward an understanding of whether and how humility reduces anger); 2021-2023
Courses I teach
First Year Psychology
Social Psychology
Honours Elective
Professional affiliations and service positions
-- Co-editor with P. G. Devine of Special Section on Social Neuroscience at Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition (2003)
-- Associate Editor – Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Personality Processes and Individual Differences (2003 to 2005)
-- Associate Editor – Emotion (2010 to present)
-- Action Editor – International Journal of Psychophysiology (2011)
-- Associate Editor – Psychological Science (2012 to 2022)
-- Co-editor with J. van Honk of Special Issue on the Neuroscience of Motivation and Emotion at Motivation and Emotion (2012)
-- Co-editor with Andreas Eder & Andrew Elliot of Special Issue on Approach and Avoidance Motivation at Emotion Review (2013)
-- Co-editor with Dennis Schutter, Special Issue on Aggressive Motivation at Motivation Science (2022)
-- Graduated Magna Cum Laude, 1990
-- Graduated from University of Alabama at Birmingham with Honors in Psychology, 1990
-- John Ost Award for Most Outstanding Undergraduate Research at UAB, 1990
-- Society for Psychophysiological Research Distinguished Award for an Early Career Contribution to Psychophysiology, 2002
-- Frank J. McGuigan Young Investigator Prize, Honorable Mention, 2002
-- Vilas Associate Professor of Psychology, UW-Madison, 2002-2004
-- Hilgard Visiting Professor of Psychology, Stanford University (2007)
-- Fellow, Association for Psychological Science (2008—present)
-- Fellow, Society for Experimental Social Psychology (2009 -- present)
-- Fellow, Society for Personality and Social Psychology (2010 – present)
-- Fellow, Society for Psychophysiological Research (2023 - present)
-- Top Reviewer, Biological Psychology (2009)
-- Listed in the Institute for Scientific Information’s Essential Science Indicators representing the top 1% of cited scientists in Psychiatry/Psychology
-- 2009 Distinguished Alumni Award, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Psychology
-- 2010, Listed as 35th most impactful social psychologist (career-stage adjusted), by Nosek et al. (2010, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36, 1283–1300)
-- 2012, Career Trajectory Award from Society of Experimental Social Psychology
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision