Associate Professor Ewan Millar

Associate Professor Ewan Millar

Conjoint Associate Professor
Medicine & Health
School of Clinical Medicine

Research Interests:
The development of new predictive and prognostic biomarkers for clinical breast cancer; artificial intelligence applications to digital pathology and tissue imaging

Broad Research Areas:
Breast Cancer, Pathology, Biomarkers, Artificial Intelligence, Image analysis


Society Memberships & Professional Activities:
International Academy of Pathology, Australasian Society of Breast Diseases, ANZ Breast Cancer Trials Group

Specific Research Keywords:
Breast Cancer, Breast Pathology

  • Journal articles | 2024
    Farshid G; Armes J; Dessauvagie B; Gilhotra A; Kumar B; Mahajan H; Millar E; Pathmanathan N; Snell C, 2024, 'Development and Validation of a HER2-Low Focused Immunohistochemical Scoring System With High-Interobserver Concordance: The Australian HER2-Low Breast Cancer Concordance Study', Modern Pathology, 37,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Mondol RK; Millar EKA; Sowmya A; Meijering E, 2024, 'BioFusionNet: Deep Learning-Based Survival Risk Stratification in ER+ Breast Cancer Through Multifeature and Multimodal Data Fusion', IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 28, pp. 5290 - 5302,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Rahaman MM; Millar EKA; Meijering E, 2024, 'Generalized deep learning for histopathology image classification using supervised contrastive learning', Journal of Advanced Research,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Retamero JA; Gulturk E; Bozkurt A; Liu S; Gorgan M; Moral L; Horton M; Parke A; Malfroid K; Sue J; Rothrock B; Oakley G; Demuth G; Millar E; Fuchs TJ; Klimstra DS, 2024, 'Artificial Intelligence Helps Pathologists Increase Diagnostic Accuracy and Efficiency in the Detection of Breast Cancer Lymph Node Metastases', American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 48, pp. 846 - 854,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Vorontsov E; Bozkurt A; Casson A; Shaikovski G; Zelechowski M; Severson K; Zimmermann E; Hall J; Tenenholtz N; Fusi N; Yang E; Mathieu P; van Eck A; Lee D; Viret J; Robert E; Wang YK; Kunz JD; Lee MCH; Bernhard JH; Godrich RA; Oakley G; Millar E; Hanna M; Wen H; Retamero JA; Moye WA; Yousfi R; Kanan C; Klimstra DS; Rothrock B; Liu S; Fuchs TJ, 2024, 'A foundation model for clinical-grade computational pathology and rare cancers detection', Nature Medicine, 30, pp. 2924 - 2935,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Chen J; Wu S; Ruan T; Slapetova I; Millar E; Lim E; Swarbrick A, 2023, 'Stromal mediators of lymphocyte exclusion and dysfunction in triple negative breast cancer', CANCER RESEARCH, 83,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Mondol RK; Millar EKA; Graham PH; Browne L; Sowmya A; Meijering E, 2023, 'hist2RNA: An Efficient Deep Learning Architecture to Predict Gene Expression from Breast Cancer Histopathology Images', Cancers, 15, pp. 2569,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Mulholland BS; Hofstee P; Millar EKA; Bliuc D; O'Toole S; Forwood MR; McDonald MM, 2023, 'MCP-1 expression in breast cancer and its association with distant relapse', Cancer Medicine, 12, pp. 16221 - 16230,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Rahaman MM; Millar EKA; Meijering E, 2023, 'Breast cancer histopathology image-based gene expression prediction using spatial transcriptomics data and deep learning', Scientific Reports, 13, pp. 13604,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Fox SB; Webster F; Chen CJ; Chua B; Collins L; Foschini MP; Bruce Mann G; Millar E; Pinder SE; Rakha E; Shaaban A; Tan BY; Tse G; Watson P; Tan PH, 2022, 'Dataset for pathology reporting of ductal carcinoma in situ, variants of lobular carcinoma in situ and low-grade lesions: recommendations from the International Collaboration on Cancer Reporting (ICCR)', Histopathology, 81, pp. 467 - 476,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Law AMK; Chen J; Colino-Sanguino Y; Fuente LRDL; Fang G; Grimes SM; Lu H; Huang RJ; Boyle ST; Venhuizen J; Castillo L; Tavakoli J; Skhinas JN; Millar EKA; Beretov J; Rossello FJ; Tipper JL; Ormandy CJ; Samuel MS; Cox TR; Martelotto L; Jin D; Valdes-Mora F; Ji HP; Gallego-Ortega D, 2022, 'ALTEN: A High-Fidelity Primary Tissue-Engineering Platform to Assess Cellular Responses Ex Vivo', Advanced Science, 9,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Li Y; Zhang F; Zheng H; Kalasabail S; Hicks C; Fung KY; Preaudet A; Putoczki T; Beretov J; Millar EKA; El-Omar E; Jiang XT; Yim HCH, 2022, 'Fecal DNA Virome Is Associated with the Development of Colorectal Neoplasia in a Murine Model of Colorectal Cancer', Pathogens, 11,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Marra A; Goldfinger M; Millar E; Hanna M; Rothrock B; Lee M; Wang Y; van Eck A; Trlifaj Tydlitatova L; Sue J; Wen H; Stefanelli J; Retamero J; Hamilton P; Fuchs T; Klimstra D; Chandarlapaty S; Reis-Filho JS, 2022, '93P An AI-driven computational biomarker from H&E slides recovers cases with low levels of HER2 from immunohistochemically HER2-negative breast cancers', Annals of Oncology, 33, pp. S581 - S581,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Sandarenu P; Millar EKA; Song Y; Browne L; Beretov J; Lynch J; Graham PH; Jonnagaddala J; Hawkins N; Huang J; Meijering E, 2022, 'Survival prediction in triple negative breast cancer using multiple instance learning of histopathological images', Scientific Reports, 12,
    Journal articles | 2021
    El Bairi K; Haynes HR; Blackley E; Fineberg S; Shear J; Turner S; de Freitas JR; Sur D; Amendola LC; Gharib M; Kallala A; Arun I; Azmoudeh-Ardalan F; Fujimoto L; Sua LF; Liu SW; Lien HC; Kirtani P; Balancin M; El Attar H; Guleria P; Yang W; Shash E; Chen IC; Bautista V; Do Prado Moura JF; Rapoport BL; Castaneda C; Spengler E; Acosta-Haab G; Frahm I; Sanchez J; Castillo M; Bouchmaa N; Md Zin RR; Shui R; Onyuma T; Yang W; Husain Z; Willard-Gallo K; Coosemans A; Perez EA; Provenzano E; Ericsson PG; Richardet E; Mehrotra R; Sarancone S; Ehinger A; Rimm DL; Bartlett JMS; Viale G; Denkert C; Hida AI; Sotiriou C; Loibl S; Hewitt SM; Badve S; Symmans WF; Kim RS; Pruneri G; Goel S; Francis PA; Inurrigarro G; Yamaguchi R; Garcia-Rivello H; Horlings H; Afqir S; Salgado R; Adams S; Kok M; Dieci MV; Michiels S; Demaria S; Loi S; de Freitas JR; Lien HC, 2021, 'The tale of TILs in breast cancer: A report from The International Immuno-Oncology Biomarker Working Group', npj Breast Cancer, 7,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Pang JMB; Castles B; Byrne DJ; Button P; Hendry S; Lakhani SR; Sivasubramaniam V; Cooper WA; Armes J; Millar EKA; Raymond W; Roberts-Thomson S; Kumar B; Burr M; Selinger C; Harvey K; Chan C; Beith J; Clouston D; O'Toole SA; Fox SB, 2021, 'SP142 PD-L1 Scoring Shows High Interobserver and Intraobserver Agreement in Triple-negative Breast Carcinoma but Overall Low Percentage Agreement with Other PD-L1 Clones SP263 and 22C3', American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 45, pp. 1108 - 1117,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Wang J; Browne L; Slapetova I; Shang F; Lee K; Lynch J; Beretov J; Whan R; Graham PH; Millar EKA, 2021, 'Multiplexed immunofluorescence identifies high stromal CD68+PD-L1+ macrophages as a predictor of improved survival in triple negative breast cancer', Scientific Reports, 11,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Wu SZ; Al-Eryani G; Roden DL; Junankar S; Harvey K; Andersson A; Thennavan A; Wang C; Torpy JR; Bartonicek N; Wang T; Larsson L; Kaczorowski D; Weisenfeld NI; Uytingco CR; Chew JG; Bent ZW; Chan CL; Gnanasambandapillai V; Dutertre CA; Gluch L; Hui MN; Beith J; Parker A; Robbins E; Segara D; Cooper C; Mak C; Chan B; Warrier S; Ginhoux F; Millar E; Powell JE; Williams SR; Liu XS; O’Toole S; Lim E; Lundeberg J; Perou CM; Swarbrick A, 2021, 'A single-cell and spatially resolved atlas of human breast cancers', Nature Genetics, 53, pp. 1334 - 1347,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Wu SZ; Roden DL; Al-Eryani G; Bartonicek N; Harvey K; Cazet AS; Chan CL; Junankar S; Hui MN; Millar EA; Beretov J; Horvath L; Joshua AM; Stricker P; Wilmott JS; Quek C; Long GV; Scolyer RA; Yeung BZ; Segara D; Mak C; Warrier S; Powell JE; O’Toole S; Lim E; Swarbrick A, 2021, 'Cryopreservation of human cancers conserves tumour heterogeneity for single-cell multi-omics analysis', Genome Medicine, 13,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Jankovic-Karasoulos T; Bianco-Miotto T; Butler MS; Butler LM; McNeil CM; O’Toole SA; Millar EKA; Sakko AJ; Ruiz AI; Birrell SN; Sutherland RL; Hickey TE; Tilley WD; Ricciardelli C, 2020, 'Elevated levels of tumour apolipoprotein D independently predict poor outcome in breast cancer patients', Histopathology, 76, pp. 976 - 987,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Millar E; Browne L; Slapetova I; Shang F; Ren Y; Bradshaw R; Brauer HA; O’toole S; Beretov J; Whan R; Graham PH, 2020, 'Tils immunophenotype in breast cancer predicts local failure and overall survival: Analysis in a large radiotherapy trial with long-term follow-up', Cancers, 12, pp. 1 - 15,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Millar EKA; Browne LH; Beretov J; Lee K; Lynch J; Swarbrick A; Graham PH, 2020, 'Tumour stroma ratio assessment using digital image analysis predicts survival in triple negative and luminal breast cancer', Cancers, 12, pp. 1 - 14,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Teo WS; Holliday H; Karthikeyan N; Cazet AS; Roden DL; Harvey K; Konrad CV; Murali R; Varghese BA; Thankamony AP; Chan CL; McFarland A; Junankar S; Ye S; Yang J; Nikolic I; Shah JS; Baker LA; Millar EKA; Naylor MJ; Ormandy CJ; Lakhani SR; Kaplan W; Mellick AS; O'Toole SA; Swarbrick A; Nair R, 2020, 'Id Proteins Promote a Cancer Stem Cell Phenotype in Mouse Models of Triple Negative Breast Cancer via Negative Regulation of Robo1', Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 8,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Wu S; Roden D; Al-Eryani G; Bartonicek N; Harvey K; Cazet A; Chan C-L; Junankar S; Hui M; Millar E; Beretov J; Horvath L; Joshua A; Stricker P; Wilmott J; Quek C; Long G; Scolyer R; Yeung B; Segara D; Mak C; Warrier S; Powell J; O'Toole S; Lim E; Swarbrick A, 2020, 'Cryopreservation of human cancers conserves tumour heterogeneity for single-cell multi-omics analysis', bioRxiv,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Parikh R; Millar E; Phan-Thien KC, 2019, 'A case of amoebic colitis following remote historical exposure', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 89, pp. E222 - E223,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Smith HW; Hirukawa A; Sanguin-Gendreau V; Nandi I; Dufour CR; Zuo D; Tandoc K; Leibovitch M; Singh S; Rennhack JP; Swiatnicki M; Lavoie C; Papavasiliou V; Temps C; Carragher NO; Unciti-Broceta A; Savage P; Basik M; van Hoef V; Larsson O; Cooper CL; Vargas Calderon AC; Beith J; Millar E; Selinger C; Giguère V; Park M; Harris LN; Varadan V; Andrechek ER; O’Toole SA; Topisirovic I; Muller WJ, 2019, 'An ErbB2/c-Src axis links bioenergetics with PRC2 translation to drive epigenetic reprogramming and mammary tumorigenesis', Nature Communications, 10,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Pajic M; Froio D; Daly S; Doculara L; Millar E; Graham PH; Drury A; Steinmann A; De Bock CE; Boulghourjian A; Zaratzian A; Carroll S; Toohey J; O'Toole SA; Harris AL; Buffa FM; Gee HE; Hollway GE; Molloy TJ, 2018, 'miR-139-5p modulates radiotherapy resistance in breast cancer by repressing multiple gene networks of DNA repair and ROS defense', Cancer Research, 78, pp. 501 - 515,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Ricciardelli C; Bianco-Miotto T; Jindal S; Butler LM; Leung S; McNeil CM; O'Toole SA; Ebrahimie E; Millar EKA; Sakko AJ; Ruiz AI; Vowler SL; Huntsman DG; Birrell SN; Sutherland RL; Palmieri C; Hickey TE; Tilley WD, 2018, 'The magnitude of androgen receptor positivity in breast cancer is critical for reliable prediction of disease outcome', Clinical Cancer Research, 24, pp. 2328 - 2341,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Rogers S; McCloy RA; Parker BL; Gallego-Ortega D; Law AMK; Chin VT; Conway JRW; Fey D; Millar EKA; O’Toole S; Deng N; Swarbrick A; Chastain PD; Cesare AJ; Timpson P; Caldon CE; Croucher DR; James DE; Watkins DN; Burgess A, 2018, 'MASTL overexpression promotes chromosome instability and metastasis in breast cancer', Oncogene, 37, pp. 4518 - 4533,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Law AMK; Yin JXM; Castillo L; Young AIJ; Piggin C; Rogers S; Caldon CE; Burgess A; Millar EKA; O'Toole SA; Gallego-Ortega D; Ormandy CJ; Oakes SR, 2017, 'Andy's Algorithms: New automated digital image analysis pipelines for FIJI', Scientific Reports, 7,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Pang JMB; Molania R; Chand A; Knower K; Takano EA; Byrne DJ; Mikeska T; Millar EKA; Lee CS; O'Toole SA; Clyne C; Gorringe KL; Dobrovic A; Fox SB, 2017, 'LRH-1 expression patterns in breast cancer tissues are associated with tumour aggressiveness', Oncotarget, 8, pp. 83626 - 83636,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Pang JMB; Savas P; Fellowes AP; Mir Arnau G; Kader T; Vedururu R; Hewitt C; Takano EA; Byrne DJ; Choong DYH; Millar EKA; Soon Lee C; O'Toole SA; Lakhani SR; Cummings MC; Bruce Mann G; Campbell IG; Dobrovic A; Loi S; Gorringe KL; Fox SB, 2017, 'Breast ductal carcinoma in situ carry mutational driver events representative of invasive breast cancer', Modern Pathology, 30, pp. 952 - 963,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Young AIJ; Law AMK; Castillo L; Chong S; Cullen HD; Koehler M; Herzog S; Brummer T; Lee EF; Fairlie WD; Lucas MC; Herrmann D; Allam A; Timpson P; Watkins DN; Millar EKA; O'Toole SA; Gallego-Ortega D; Ormandy CJ; Oakes SR, 2016, 'MCL-1 inhibition provides a new way to suppress breast cancer metastasis and increase sensitivity to dasatinib', Breast Cancer Research, 18,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Beretov J; Wasinger VC; Millar EKA; Schwartz P; Graham PH; Li Y, 2015, 'Proteomic analysis of urine to identify breast cancer biomarker candidates using a label-free LC-MS/MS approach', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0141876,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Gallego-Ortega D; Ledger A; Roden DL; Law AMK; Magenau A; Kikhtyak Z; Cho C; Allerdice SL; Lee HJ; Valdes-Mora F; Herrmann D; Salomon R; Young AIJ; Lee BY; Sergio CM; Kaplan W; Piggin C; Conway JRW; Rabinovich B; Millar EKA; Oakes SR; Chtanova T; Swarbrick A; Naylor MJ; O’Toole S; Green AR; Timpson P; Gee JMW; Ellis IO; Clark SJ; Ormandy CJ, 2015, 'ELF5 Drives Lung Metastasis in Luminal Breast Cancer through Recruitment of Gr1+ CD11b+ Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells', PLoS Biology, 13,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Gee HE; Buffa FM; Harris AL; Toohey JM; Carroll SL; Cooper CL; Beith J; McNeil C; Carmalt H; Mak C; Warrier S; Holliday A; Selinger C; Beckers R; Kennedy C; Graham P; Swarbrick A; Millar EKA; O'Toole SA; Molloy T, 2015, 'MicroRNA-related DNA repair/cell-cycle genes independently associated with relapse after radiation therapy for early breast cancer', International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 93, pp. 1104 - 1114,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Huang KT; Mikeska T; Li J; Takano EA; Millar EKA; Graham PH; Boyle SE; Campbell IG; Speed TP; Dobrovic A; Fox SB, 2015, 'Assessment of DNA methylation profiling and copy number variation as indications of clonal relationship in ipsilateral and contralateral breast cancers to distinguish recurrent breast cancer from a second primary tumour', BMC Cancer, 15,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Junankar S; Baker LA; Roden DL; Nair R; Elsworth B; Gallego-Ortega D; Lacaze P; Cazet A; Nikolic I; Teo WS; Yang J; McFarland A; Harvey K; Naylor MJ; Lakhani SR; Simpson PT; Raghavendra A; Saunus J; Madore J; Kaplan W; Ormandy C; Millar EKA; O'Toole S; Yun K; Swarbrick A, 2015, 'ID4 controls mammary stem cells and marks breast cancers with a stem cell-like phenotype', NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 6,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Junankar S; Baker LA; Roden DL; Nair R; Elsworth B; Gallego-Ortega D; Lacaze P; Cazet A; Nikolic I; Teo WS; Yang J; McFarland A; Harvey K; Naylor MJ; Lakhani SR; Simpson PT; Raghavendra A; Saunus J; Madore J; Kaplan W; Ormandy C; Millar EKA; O'Toole S; Yun K; Swarbrick A, 2015, 'ID4 controls mammary stem cells and marks breast cancers with a stem cell-like phenotype', Nature Communications, 6,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Stone A; Zotenko E; Locke WJ; Korbie D; Millar EKA; Pidsley R; Stirzaker C; Graham P; Trau M; Musgrove EA; Nicholson RI; Gee JMW; Clark SJ, 2015, 'DNA methylation of oestrogen-regulated enhancers defines endocrine sensitivity in breast cancer', Nature Communications, 6,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Beretov J; Wasinger VC; Graham PH; Millar EK; Kearsley JH; Li Y, 2014, 'Proteomics for breast cancer urine biomarkers', , 63, pp. 123 - 167,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Gee HE; Froio DA; Doculara LS; Graham PH; Millar EKA; O'Toole SA; Molloy TJ, 2014, 'MicroRNA regulation of radiotherapy sensitivity and resistance in breast cancer', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 34, pp. S12 - S12,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Giannakopoulos B; Mirarabshahi P; Qi M; Weatherall C; Qi JC; Tanaka K; Millar E; Vonthethoff L; Gatto D; Spielman D; Krilis SA, 2014, 'Deletion of the antiphospholipid syndrome autoantigen β2- glycoprotein i potentiates the lupus autoimmune phenotype in a toll-like receptor 7-mediated murine model', Arthritis and Rheumatology, 66, pp. 2270 - 2280,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Pang J-M; Takano E; Byrne D; Deb S; Jene N; Boulghourjian A; Holliday A; Millar E; Lee S; O’Toole S; Dobrovic A; Fox SB, 2014, 'Candidate methylation profiling of ductal carcinoma in situ and its relationship to phenotype', Pathology, 46, pp. S76 - S76,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Pang JMB; Deb S; Takano EA; Byrne DJ; Jene N; Boulghourjian A; Holliday A; Millar E; Lee CS; O'Toole SA; Dobrovic A; Fox SB, 2014, 'Methylation profiling of ductal carcinoma in situ and its relationship to histopathological features', Breast cancer research : BCR, 16, pp. 423,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Browne BC; Hochgräfe F; Wu J; Millar EKA; Barraclough J; Stone A; McCloy RA; Lee CS; Roberts C; Ali NA; Boulghourjian A; Schmich F; Linding R; Farrow L; Gee JMW; Nicholson RI; O'Toole SA; Sutherland RL; Musgrove EA; Butt AJ; Daly RJ, 2013, 'Global characterization of signalling networks associated with tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer', FEBS Journal, 280, pp. 5237 - 5257,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Hau EK; Browne L; Capp AL; Delaney GP; Fox CH; Kearsley J; Millar E; Nasser E; Papadatos G; Graham PH, 2013, 'The impact of breast cosmetic and functional outcomes on quality of life: long-term results from the St. George and Wollongong randomized breast boost trial', Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 139, pp. 115 - 123,
    Journal articles | 2013
    O'Toole S; Beith JM; Millar EKA; West R; McLean A; Cazet A; Swarbrick A; Oakes , 2013, 'Therapeutic targets in triple negative breast cancer', Journal of Clinical Pathology, 66, pp. 530 - 542,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Schade B; Lesurf R; Sanguin-Gendreau V; Bui T; Deblois G; O'Toole SA; Millar EKA; Zardawi SJ; Lopez-Knowles E; Sutherland RL; Giguère V; Kahn M; Hallett M; Muller WJ, 2013, 'β-catenin signaling is a critical event in ErbB2-mediated mammary tumor progression', Cancer Research, 73, pp. 4474 - 4487,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Chow HT; Tran K; Millar EKA; Lynch J; Murrell DF, 2012, 'Diverse presentations of carcinoma erysipelatoides from a teaching hospital in australia.', Case Rep Dermatol Med, 2012, pp. 134938,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Millar EKA; Coates AS; O'Toole S; Selinger C; Musgrove EA; Yan M; Viale G; Regan MM; Price KN; Sun Z; Castiglione MM; Colleoni M; Gelber RD; Goldhirsch A; Sutherland RL, 2012, 'Intrinsic subtype and its clinical significance in early node-negative breast cancer: Results from two randomized trials of adjuvant chemoendocrine therapy.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 30, pp. 504 - 504,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Millar EKA; Graham PH; O’Toole SA; Browne L; Boulghourjian A; McNeil CM; Kearsley JH; Papadatos G; Delaney G; Fox C; Nasser E; Capp A; Sutherland RL, 2012, '34. Prediction of outcome of early luminal breast cancer is improved using a biomarker panel which includes KI-67 and P53', Pathology, 44, pp. S114 - S114,
    Journal articles | 2012
    O’Toole S; Machakel D; Millar E; Nair R; Cooper C; Qiu MR; McLeod D; Sutherland R; Watkins N; Swarbrick A, 2012, '35. Hedgehog overexpression is regulated by stromal interactions and predicts for poor outcome in invasive ductal carcinoma', Pathology, 44, pp. S114 - S114,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Reynolds R; Marjoniemi V; Millar E, 2012, 'Unusual renal tumours: a report of two interesting cases', Pathology, 44, pp. S91 - S92,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Journal articles | 2011
    Chan P; Moller A; Liu MCP; Sceneay J; Wong CSF; Waddell N; Huang KT; Dobrovic A; Millar E; O'Toole S; Mcneil CM; Sutherland RL; Bowtell DD; Fox S, 2011, 'The expression of the ubiquitin ligase SIAH2 (seven in absentia homolog 2) is mediated through genecopy number in breast cancer and is associated with a basal-like phenotype and p53 expression', Breast Cancer Research, 13, pp. 1 - 10,
    Journal articles | 2011
    López-Knowles E; O’Toole SA; McNeil CM; Millar EKA; Ru Qiu M; Crea P; Musgrove EA; Sutherland RL, 2011, '42. PI3K pathway activation in breast cancer is associated with the basal-like phenotype and cancer-specific mortality', Pathology, 43, pp. S102 - S102,
    Journal articles | 2011
    López-Knowles E; Zardawi SJ; McNeil CM; Millar EKA; Crea P; Musgrove EA; Sutherland RL; O’Toole SA, 2011, '40. Cytoplasmic localisation of β catenin is a marker of poor outcome in breast cancer patients', Pathology, 43, pp. S101 - S101,
    Journal articles | 2011
    McNeil CM; O’Toole SA; Millar EKA; Kench JG; Segara D; Morey AL; Lopez-Knowles E; Crea P; Henshall SM; Musgrove EA; Sutherland RL, 2011, '41. Differences in cell cycle and apoptotic biomarker expression between molecular subtypes of invasive ductal breast carcinoma', Pathology, 43, pp. S101 - S102,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Millar E; Graham PH; Mcneil C; Browne L; O''Toole SA; Boulghourjian A; Kearsley J; Papadatos G; Delaney GP; Fox CH; Nasser E; Capp AL; Sutherland R, 2011, 'Prediction of outcome of early ER+ breast cancer is improved using a biomarker panel, which includes Ki-67 and p53panel, which includes Ki-67 and p53', British Journal of Cancer, 105, pp. 272 - 280,
    Journal articles | 2011
    O'Toole S; Machalek DA; Shearer R; Millar E; Nair R; Schofield PR; McLeod D; Cooper CE; Mcneil CM; Mcfarland A; Nguyen A; Ormandy CJ; Qiu M; Rabinovich B; Martelotto L; Vu D; Hannigan GE; Musgrove EA; Christ DU; Sutherland RL; Watkins DJ; Swarbrick A, 2011, 'Hedgehog overexpression is associated with stromal interactions and predicts for poor outcome in breast cancer', Cancer research, 71, pp. 4002 - 4014,
    Journal articles | 2011
    O'Toole S; Millar E; Selinger CI; LUM T; Beith J, 2011, 'Molecular assays in breast cancer pathology', Pathology, 43, pp. 116 - 127,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Xu H; Yan M; Patra J; Natrajan R; Yan Y; Swagemakers S; Tomaszewski J; Millar E; Spek PVD; Reis-filho J; Ramsay RG; O'Toole S; Mcneil CM; Sutherland RL; McKay MJ; Fox SB, 2011, 'Enhanced RAD21 cohesin expression confers poor prognosis and resistance to chemotherapy in high grade luminal, basal and HER2 breast cancers', Breast Cancer Research, 13, pp. 1 - 10,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Yan M; Jene N; Byrne D; Millar E; O'Toole S; Mcneill CM; Bates GJ; Harris AL; Banham AH; Sutherland RL; Fox SB, 2011, 'Recruitment of regulatory T cells is correlated with hypoxia-induced CXCR4 expression, and is associated with poor prognosis in basal-like breast cancers', Breast Cancer Research, 13, pp. 1 - 10,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Blagosklonny M; Gudkov A, 2010, 'Introducing, OncoTarget', Oncotarget, 1, pp. 2 - 2,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Blagosklonny M; Gudkov A, 2010, 'Introducing, OncoTarget', Oncotarget, 1, pp. 2 - 2,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Blagosklonny M; Gudkov A, 2010, 'Introducing, OncoTarget', Oncotarget, 1, pp. 2 - 2,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Blagosklonny M; Gudkov A, 2010, 'Introducing, OncoTarget', Oncotarget, 1, pp. 2 - 2,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Blagosklonny M; Gudkov A, 2010, 'Introducing, OncoTarget', Oncotarget, 1, pp. 2 - 2,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Blagosklonny M; Gudkov A, 2010, 'Introducing, OncoTarget', Oncotarget, 1, pp. 2 - 2,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Blagosklonny M; Gudkov A, 2010, 'Introducing, OncoTarget', Oncotarget, 1, pp. 2 - 2,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Blagosklonny M; Gudkov A, 2010, 'Introducing, OncoTarget', Oncotarget, 1, pp. 2 - 2,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Blagosklonny M; Gudkov A, 2010, 'Introducing, OncoTarget', Oncotarget, 1, pp. 2 - 2,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Fedele CG; Ooms LM; Ho M; Vieusseux J; O'Toole S; Millar EK; Lopez-Knowles E; Sriratana A; Gurung R; Bagliettoe L; Giles GG; Bailey CG; Rasko JEJ; Shields BJ; Price JT; Majerus PW; Sutherland RL; Tiganis T; Mclean ; Mitchell CA, 2010, 'Inositol polyphosphate 4-phosphatase II regulates PI3K/Akt signaling and is lost in human basal-like breast cancers', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107, pp. 22231 - 22236,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Katz I; Gill A; Brein L; Harvey M; Millar E; Brown M, 2010, 'ATHROMBOCYTOPENIC MICROANGIOPATHY AND RENAL FAILURE', NEPHROLOGY, 15, pp. 53 - 53,
    Journal articles | 2010
    O'Toole SA; Machalek D; Shearer R; Millar EKA; Nair R; Martelotto L; McLeod D; Cooper C; Qiu MR; Sutherland RL; Watkins DN; Swarbrick A, 2010, 'Hedgehog Ligand Overexpression Predicts Poor Outcome in Breast Cancer and Is a Potential Therapeutic Target for Metastatic Disease', CANCER RESEARCH, 70,
    Journal articles | 2010
    O’Toole SA; McNeil CM; Morey AL; Millar EK; Lopez-Knowles E; Musgrove EA; Sutherland RL, 2010, '29. c-MYC gene amplification is associated with a poor prognosis in invasive ductal carcinoma', Pathology, 42, pp. S89 - S90,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Millar E; Anderson LR; Mcneil CM; O Toole S; Pinese M; Crea P; Morey AL; Biankin AV; Henshall SM; Musgrove EA; Sutherland RL; Butt A, 2009, 'BAG-1 predicts patient outcome and tamoxifen responsiveness in ER-positive invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast', British Journal of Cancer, 100, pp. 123 - 133
    Journal articles | 2009
    Millar E; Dean J; Mcneil CM; O Toole S; Henshall SM; Tran T; Lin J; Quong A; Comstock C; Witkiewicz A; Musgrove EA; Rui H; Lemarchand L; Setiawan V; Haiman C; Knudsen K; Sutherland RL; Knudsen E, 2009, 'Cyclin D1b protein expression in breast cancer is independent of cyclin D1a and associated with poor disease outcome', Oncogene, 28, pp. 1812 - 1820
    Journal articles | 2009
    Millar E; Graham PH; O Toole S; Mcneil CM; Browne L; Morey AL; Eggleton SA; Beretov J; Theocharous C; Capp A; Nasser EH; Kearsley J; Delaney GP; Papadatos G; Fox CH; Sutherland RL, 2009, 'Prediction of Local Recurrence, Distant Metastases, and Death After Breast-Conserving Therapy in Early-Stage Invasive Breast Cancer Using a Five-Biomarker Panel', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 27, pp. 4701 - 4708
    Journal articles | 2009
    Millar E; Inder SJ; Lynch JP, 2009, 'Extramedullary haematopoiesis in axillary lymph nodes following neoadjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced breast cancer - A potential diagnostic pitfall', Histopathology, 54, pp. 622 - 623
    Journal articles | 2009
    Tan E; Yan M; Campo L; Han CG; Takano E; Turley H; Candiloro I; Pezzella F; Gatter K; Millar E; O Toole S; Mcneil CM; Crea P; Segara D; Sutherland RL; Harris AL; Fox S, 2009, 'The key hypoxia regulated gene CAIX is upregulated in basal-like breast tumours and is associated with resistance to chemotherapy', British Journal of Cancer, 100, pp. 405 - 411
    Journal articles | 2009
    Yilmaz M; Millar E; Theocharous C; Graham PH, 2009, 'Metachronous bilateral primary low-grade mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue non-hodgkins lymphoma of the breast', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 5, pp. 154 - 158,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Yilmaz MH; Millar EK; Theocharous C; Graham PH, 2009, 'Metachronous bilateral primary low-grade mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue non-hodgkins lymphoma of the breast', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 5, pp. 154 - 158,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Wang Y; Dean J; Millar E; Tran T; Mcneil CM; Burd C; Henshall SM; Utama F; Witkiewicz A; Rui H; Sutherland RL; Knudsen K; Knudsen E, 2008, 'Cyclin D1b is aberrantly regulated in response to therapeutic challenge and promotes resistance to estrogen antagonists', Cancer research, 68, pp. 5628 - 5638
    Journal articles | 2007
    Millar E; Tran K; Marr P; Graham PH, 2007, 'p27KIP-1 cyclin A and cyclin D1 protein expression in ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast: p27KIP-1 correlates with hormone receptor status but not with local recurrence', Pathology International, 57, pp. 183 - 189
    Journal articles | 2007
    Millar EKA; Tran K; Marr P; Graham PH, 2007, 'p27KIP-1 cyclin A and cyclin D1 protein expression in ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast: p27KIP-1 correlates with hormone receptor status but not with local recurrence', Pathology International, 57, pp. 183 - 189,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Whittaker J; Millar E; Blundell N, 2007, 'Trials in melanoma: Feeling the burn?', Good Clinical Practice Journal, 14, pp. 17 - 20
    Journal articles | 2006
    Dray M; McCarthy S; Palmer A; Bonar S; Stalley P; Marjoniemi V; Millar E; Scolyer R, 2006, 'Myopericytoma: a unifying term for a spectrum of tumours that show overlapping features with myofibroma. A review of 14 cases', Journal of Clinical Pathology, 59, pp. 67 - 73
    Journal articles | 2006
    Graham PH; Jagavkar R; Browne L; Millar E, 2006, 'Supraclavicular radiotherapy must be limited laterally by the coracoid to avoid significant adjuvant breast nodal radiotherapy lymphoedema risk', Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology, 50, pp. 578 - 582
    Journal articles | 2006
    McNeil CM; Sergio CM; Anderson LR; Inman CK; Eggleton SA; Murphy NC; Millar EKA; Crea P; Kench JG; Alles MC; Gardiner-Garden M; Ormandy CJ; Butt AJ; Henshall SM; Musgrove EA; Sutherland RL, 2006, 'c-Myc overexpression and endocrine resistance in breast cancer', Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 102, pp. 147 - 155,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Mcneil CM; Anderson LR; Inman CK; Eggleton SA; Murphy NC; Millar E; Crea P; Kench JG; Alles MC; Gardiner-Garden M; Ormandy CJ; Butt A; Henshall SM; Musgrove EA; Sutherland RL; Sergio CM, 2006, 'c-Myc overexpression and endocrine resistance in breast cancer', Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 18, pp. 284 - 289
    Journal articles | 2005
    Murphy N; Millar E; Lee CS, 2005, 'Gene expression profiling in breast cancer: towards individualising patient management', Pathology, 37, pp. 271 - 277
    Journal articles | 2004
    Trevillian P; Paul H; Millar E; Hibberd A; Agrez MV, 2004, 'αvβ6 integrin expression in diseased and transplanted kidneys', Kidney International, 66, pp. 1423 - 1433,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Trevillian P; Paul H; Millar E; Hibberd AD; Agrez M, 2004, 'A(v)beta(6) integrin expression in diseased and transplanted kidneys', Kidney International, 66, pp. 1423 - 1433
    Journal articles | 2003
    Murugasu A; Miller J; Proietto A; Millar E, 2003, 'Extragenital mullerian adenosarcoma with sarcomatous overgrowth arising in an endometriotic cyst in the pouch of Douglas', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER, 13, pp. 371 - 375,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Millar EKA; Beretov J; Sarris M; Lee CS, 2001, 'Mucinous differentiation in colonic adenocarcinoma is associated with a reduction in tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes', European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 27, pp. 273 - 277,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Millar EKA; Leong ASY, 2001, 'Significance and assessment of margin status in ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast', Advances in Anatomic Pathology, 8, pp. 338 - 344,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Millar EKA; Pepperall D; Lee CS; Forbes JF, 2001, 'Re: p53 protein detection in breast epithelium by immunohistochemistry [5]', Breast, 10, pp. 263 - 265,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Millar EK; Beretov J; Sarris M; Clarke RA; Kearsley J; Lee CC, 2000, 'Malignant phyllodes tumours of the breast display increased stromal p53 protein expression.', Histopathology, pp. 491 - 496
    Journal articles | 1999
    Millar EKA; Waldron S; Spencer A; Braye S, 1999, 'CD10 positive thyroid marginal zone non-Hodgkin lymphoma', Journal of Clinical Pathology, 52, pp. 849 - 850,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Millar EK; Cappelen-Smith C; Sarris M; Clarke RA; Kearsley J; Lee CC, 1998, 'Prognostic factors in cutaneous malignant melanoma', Cancer Forum, 22, pp. 178 - 180
    Journal articles | 1996
    Millar EKA; Sharma NK; Lessells AM, 1996, 'Ductal (endometrioid) adenocarcinoma of the prostate: A clinicopathological study of 16 cases', Histopathology, 29, pp. 11 - 19,
    Journal articles | 1994
    Journal articles | 1994
    Millar EKA, 1994, 'Prostatic Adenocarcinoma Metastatic To The Palatine Tonsil: A Case Report', The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 108, pp. 178 - 180,
  • Conference Papers | 2024
    Mondol RK; Millar EKA; Sowmya A; Meijering E, 2024, 'MM-Survnet: Deep Learning-Based Survival Risk Stratification in Breast Cancer Through Multimodal Data Fusion', in Proceedings - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging,
    Preprints | 2024
    Mondol RK; Millar EKA; Sowmya A; Meijering E, 2024, BioFusionNet: Deep Learning-Based Survival Risk Stratification in ER+ Breast Cancer Through Multifeature and Multimodal Data Fusion,
    Preprints | 2024
    Mondol RK; Millar EKA; Sowmya A; Meijering E, 2024, MM-SurvNet: Deep Learning-Based Survival Risk Stratification in Breast Cancer Through Multimodal Data Fusion,
    Conference Papers | 2024
    Rahaman MM; Millar EKA; Meijering E, 2024, 'Histopathology Image Classification Using Supervised Contrastive Deep Learning', in Proceedings - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging,
    Conference Papers | 2024
    Sandarenu P; Chen J; Slapetova I; Browne L; Graham PH; Swarbrick A; Millar EKA; Song Y; Meijering E, 2024, 'Semi-Supervised Variational Autoencoder for Cell Feature Extraction In Multiplexed Immunofluorescence Images', in Proceedings - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging,
    Preprints | 2024
    Sandarenu P; Chen J; Slapetova I; Browne L; Graham PH; Swarbrick A; Millar EKA; Song Y; Meijering E, 2024, Semi-supervised variational autoencoder for cell feature extraction in multiplexed immunofluorescence images,
    Preprints | 2023
    Mondol RK; Millar EKA; Graham PH; Browne L; Sowmya A; Meijering E, 2023, hist2RNA: An efficient deep learning architecture to predict gene expression from breast cancer histopathology images,
    Preprints | 2023
    Rahaman MM; Millar EKA; Meijering E, 2023, Breast Cancer Histopathology Image based Gene Expression Prediction using Spatial Transcriptomics data and Deep Learning,
    Preprints | 2023
    Rahaman MM; Millar EKA; Meijering E, 2023, Breast cancer histopathology image-based gene expression prediction using spatial transcriptomics data and deep learning,
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Wang J; Browne L; Slapetova I; Shang F; Lee K; Lynch J; Beretov J; Whan R; Graham P; Millar EKA, 2021, 'Multiplexed immunofluorescence identifies stromal CD68+PD-L1+ macrophages as a predictor of outcome in triple negative breast cancer', in Pathology, Elsevier BV, pp. S38 - S38,
    Conference Papers | 2020
    Pang J-M; Castles B; Byrne DJ; Button P; Lakhani S; Sivasubramaniam V; Cooper W; Armes J; Millar E; Raymond W; Roberts-Thomson S; Kumar B; Burr ML; Selinger C; Harvey K; Chan C; Beith J; O'Toole SA; Fox SB, 2020, 'SP142 immunohistochemistry (IHC) PD-L1 inter- and intra-pathologist agreement in triple negative breast carcinoma (TNBC)', in ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY, ELSEVIER, ELECTR NETWORK, pp. S361 - S361, presented at ESMO Virtual Congress, ELECTR NETWORK, 19 September 2020 - 18 October 2020,
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Paththinige N; Blake S; Murrell D; Millar E, 2019, 'Secondary cutaneous plasmacytoma: A bad prognostic marker of multiple myeloma', in AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY, WILEY, pp. 71 - 71,
    Conference Abstracts | 2018
    Hepburn K; Millar E; Kelly J; Katz I, 2018, 'ANTIBODY NEGATIVE ANTI-GLOMERULAR BASEMENT MEMBRANE DISEASE', in NEPHROLOGY, WILEY, Vol. 23, pp. 79 - 79,
    Preprints | 2018
    Teo WS; Holliday H; Karthikeyan N; Cazet AS; Roden DL; Harvey K; Konrad CV; Murali R; Varghese BA; P. T. A; Chan C-L; McFarland A; Junankar S; Ye S; Yang J; Nikolic I; Shah JS; Baker LA; Millar EKA; Naylor MJ; Ormandy CJ; Lakhani SR; Kaplan W; Mellick AS; O’Toole SA; Swarbrick A; Nair R, 2018, Id proteins promote a cancer stem cell phenotype in triple negative breast cancer via negative regulation of Robo1,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Foy K; Walker P; Millar E; Palastre B, 2017, 'Improving analgesia prescribing confidence in foundation doctors: simple steps work!', in ANAESTHESIA, WILEY, ENGLAND, London, pp. 20 - 20, presented at Winter Scientific Meeting (WSM) London of the Association-of-Anaesthetists-of-Great-Britain-and-Ireland (AAGBI), ENGLAND, London, 11 January 2017 - 13 January 2017,
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    Gallego-Ortega D; Ledger A; Roden D; Cho C; Allerdice SL; Lee HJ; Valdes-Mora F; Lee B; Kaplan W; Salomon R; Piggin C; Rabinovich B; Millar E; Chtanova T; Swarbrick A; Clark S; Ormandy C, 2015, 'The ETS transcription factor ELF5 drives metastasis via angiogenesis and recruitment of Gr-1+ CD11b+ myeloid derived suppressor cells in luminal breast cancer', in Clinical and Experimental Metastasis, Springer Verlag (Germany), Vol. 32, pp. 203 - 203, presented at MRS 15th International biennial congress of the metastasis research society,
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    Nair R; Teo WS; Ye S; McFarland A; Harvey K; Roden D; Junankar S; Baker L; Yang J; Fluke N; Millar E; Mellick A; Naylor M; Ormandy C; Lakhani S; O'Toole S; Swarbrick A, 2015, 'The Inhibitor of Differentiation proteins mediate tumour-initiating properties and metastasis in breast cancer', in CLINICAL & EXPERIMENTAL METASTASIS, SPRINGER, Vol. 32, pp. 224 - 224,
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    Pang J-M; Chand A; Knower K; Takano E; Byrne D; Sprenkeler E; Molania R; Millar E; Lee S; O'Toole S; Clyne C; Dobrovic A; Fox S, 2015, 'LRH-1 expression in breast cancer tissue and its association with phenotype and DNA methylation', in CANCER RESEARCH, AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH, PA, Philadelphia, Vol. 75, presented at 106th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-Cancer-Research (AACR), PA, Philadelphia, 18 April 2015 - 22 April 2015,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Rahbari RM; Xu H; Yan M; Patra J; Natrajan R; Yan Y; Swagemakers S; Tomaszewski J; Verschoor S; Miller EKA; Van der Spek P; Reis-Filho J; Ramsay R; O'Toole S; McNeil C; Sutherland R; McKay M; Fox S, 2014, 'Enhanced RAD21 Cohesin Expression Confers Poor Prognosis and Resistance to Chemotherapy in High Grade Luminal, Basal, and HER 2 Breast Cancers', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CA, San Francisco, pp. S812 - S813, presented at 56th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Radiation-Oncology, CA, San Francisco, 14 September 2014 - 17 September 2014,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Pajic M; Graham PH; Millar EKA; O'Toole SA; Molloy TJ, 2013, 'MicroRNA-regulated pathways of radiotherapy sensitivity and resistance in breast cancer', in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, pp. S232 - S232, presented at European Cancer Congress 2013 - 17th ECCO / 38th ESMO / 32nd ESTRO, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, 27 September 2013 - 01 October 2013,
    Conference Abstracts | 2012
    Millar EKA; Coates AS; O'Toole S; Selinger C; Musgrove EA; Yan M; Viale G; Regan MM; Price KN; Sun Z; Castiglione MM; Colleoni M; Gelber RD; Goldhirsch A; Sutherland RL, 2012, 'Intrinsic subtype and its clinical significance in early node-negative breast cancer: Results from two randomized trials of adjuvant chemoendocrine therapy.', in JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, IL, Chicago, Vol. 30, presented at 48th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology (ASCO), IL, Chicago, 01 June 2012 - 06 June 2012,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Molloy T; Pajic M; Holzhauser S; Graham P; Millar EKA; Sutherland RL, 2012, 'Identifying Putative MiRNAs Mediators of Radiotherapy Resistance in Breast Cancer', in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER, ELSEVIER SCI LTD, SPAIN, Barcelona, pp. S270 - S270, presented at 22nd Biennial Congress of the European-Association-for-Cancer-Research, SPAIN, Barcelona, 07 July 2012 - 10 July 2012,
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Canney M; Liu E; Vonthethoff L; Millar E; Weatherall C; Ong S, 2010, 'NEPHROTIC SYNDROME SECONDARY TO TREPONEMA PALLIDUM', in NEPHROLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 53 - 53,
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Conference Abstracts | 2010
    O'Toole SA; Machalek D; Shearer R; Millar EKA; Nair R; Martelotto L; McLeod D; Cooper C; Qiu MR; Sutherland RL; Watkins DN; Swarbrick A, 2010, 'Hedgehog Ligand Overexpression Predicts Poor Outcome in Breast Cancer and Is a Potential Therapeutic Target for Metastatic Disease', in CANCER RESEARCH, AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH, Vol. 70,
    Conference Papers | 2009
    Lopez-Knowles E; O'Toole SA; McNeil CM; Millar EKA; Qiu MR; Crea P; Daly RJ; Musgrove EA; Sutherland RL, 2009, 'PI3K Pathway Activation in Breast Cancer Is Associated with the Basal-Like Phenotype and Cancer-Specific Mortality', in CANCER RESEARCH, AMER ASSOC CANCER RESEARCH, TX, San Antonio, pp. 632S - 632S, presented at 32nd Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, TX, San Antonio, 09 December 2009 - 13 December 2009,
    Conference Papers | 2009
    O Toole SJ; Swarbrick A; Millar E; McLeod D; Mcneil CM; Qiu MR; Lopez-Knowles E; Caldon E; Oakes SR; Ormandy CJ; Morey AL; Musgrove EA; Henshall SM; Sutherland RL, 2009, 'Aberrent hedgehog signaling is an early event in breast cancer development', in Cancer research, American Association Cancer Research, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 70S - 70S
    Conference Papers | 2009
    O'Toole S; Swarbrick A; Millar E; McLeod D; McNeil C; Qiu M; Lopez-Knowles E; Caldon E; Oakes S; Ormandy C; Morey A; Musgrove E; Henshall S; Sutherland R, 2009, 'Aberrent hedgehog signaling is an early event in breast cancer development.', in Cancer Research, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), pp. 24 - 24,