Professor Fraser Stoddart
B Sc (Edinburgh) in Chemistry (1964)
Ph D (Edinburgh) with Thesis entitled: Some Studies on Plant Gums of the Acacia Genus (1966)
C Chem FRIC (became FRSC in 1980) (1978)
D Sc (Edinburgh) with Thesis entitled: Some Adventures in Stereochemistry (1980)
Sir Fraser Stoddart – jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2016 for the design and synthesis of molecular machines – was appointed to a part-time position at UNSW Sydney in 2017 to establish a team to realise his New Chemistry initiative. He is currently Professor of Chemistry and head of the Stoddart Mechanostereochemistry Group at Northwestern University in Illinois, and has a research laboratory supporting young researchers at Tianjin University in China. Before joining Northwestern in 2008, he spent 10 years at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Sir Fraser will be undertaking part-time teaching activities for the School of Chemistry over the duration of his appointment at UNSW Sydney.
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