Professor George Murrell
MB BS (Adel), DPhil (Oxon), MD (UNSW), FASMF, FRCSI, FRCPI, MKSES (Hon)
Professor George Murrell is an orthopaedic surgeon and Director of the Orthopaedic Research Institute at St George Hospital and Conjoint Professor at the UNSW. He graduated from Adelaide University and was the 1984 South Australian Rhodes Scholar. At Oxford he gained blues in athletics, completed a DPhil (PhD) and was awarded the Royal College of Surgeons Arris and Gale medal. He spent a year in Cambridge teaching and rowing before completing his orthopaedic training at Duke University, USA. During a two year fellowship in sports medicine, shoulder surgery and research at the Hospital for Special Surgery, New York he gained a National Institutes of Health First Award, and an American Orthopaedic Association North American Travelling Fellowship. He serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Shoulder and Elbow andTechniques in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. His team has won over 30 awards for their work. For further information see: www.ori.org.au and www.georgemurrellshoulders.com.au
Broad Research Areas:
The understanding, diagnosis and management of disorders of the shoulder.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
1979 Le Messurer Bursary
1979 St Mark's Collegians Prize
1980 Lendon Scholarship
1981 Bickersteth Scholarship
1983 W.A. Dibden Prize
1984 South Australian Rhodes Scholarship
1986 Blackwell Scholarship Bursary
1986 Wellcome Travel Grant
1990 Royal College of Surgeons of England Arris and Gale Medal
1991 AmericanCollegeof Sports Medicine New Investigator Award
1992 American Orthopaedic Association - Zimmer Award for Orthopaedic Residents
1992 International Society for Free Radical Research Young Investigator Award
1993 Eastern Orthopaedic Association Resident/Fellow Award
1994 American Orthopaedic Association - Zimmer Award for Orthopaedic Fellows
1994 American Orthopaedic Association North American Travelling Fellow
1996 American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine 3M Basic Science Award
1998 By Ashish Diwan under my supervision
Finalist St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award
1998 By Zoltan Szomor under my supervision
Finalist St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award
1999 By Laura Manfield under my supervision
Fulbright Scholarship
1999 By Julianna Namkung-Matthai under my co-supervision
Finalist St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award
2000 By Wei Zhu under my supervision
Finalist St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award
2000 By Jun Yuan under my supervision
Finalist St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award
2000 By Kimberley Hayes under my supervision
Finalist St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award
2001 By Laura Manfield under my supervision
Finalist Orthopaedic Research Society New Investigator Recognition Awards Competition.
2001 By Wei Xia under my co-supervision
University of New South Wales, Postgraduate Research Scholarship.
2001 By Jun Yuan under my co-supervision
University of New South Wales, Doctoral Fellowship.
2001 By Charles De Bock under my co-supervision
Bright Future Top Achiever Doctoral Scholarship, Foundation for Research Science and Technology, New Zealand.
2001 By Ashish Diwan under my supervision
Distinguished Proposal Award 2000 Merrill Lynch Global Innovation Grants Competition
2001 By Divya Bhargav under my supervision
Finalist St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award
2001 By Zoltan Szomor under my supervision
Runner-up Basic Science St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award
2001 By Jun Yuan under my co-supervision
Finalist St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award
2001 By Zoltan Szomor under my supervision
Runner-up Best Poster St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award
2001 By Divya Bhargav under my supervision
Finalist St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award
2001 By Richard Appleyard under my supervision
Best Poster St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award
2001 By Kimberley Hayes under my supervision
Runner-up Clinical Science St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award
2001 By Ashish Diwan under my supervision
Roger Melick Award for the Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society
2001 Federation Internationale de Medicine du Sport (FIMS) AFSM Intercontinental Travelling Fellow
2002 By Todd Guyette under my supervision
Hospital for Special Surgery, Lewis Clark Wagner Award for Outstanding Resident Research.
2002 By Jun Yuan under my co-supervision
Finalist St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award
2002 By Matthew Kemp (co-author)
Best Poster Cutaneous Biology and Endocrinology Workshop, Melbourne
2002 By Matthew Kemp (co-author)
Best Poster St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award
2003 By Niken Trisnowati (co-author)
American Academy of Dermatology Travel Award
2003 By Matthew Kemp (co-author)
Japanese Society of Investigative Dermatology Travel Award
2003 COMMS Award, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Best Paper 2003 Annual Meeting
2003 By Aruna Seneviratne under my supervision
Hospital for Special Surgery, Lewis Clark Wagner Award for Outstanding Resident Research.
2003 By Richard Appleyard under my supervision
Finalist St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award – Basic Science
2003 By Charles DeBock under my co-supervision
Finalist St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award – Basic Science
2003 By Justin Paoloni under my supervision
St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award – Clinical
2003 By Justin Paoloni under my supervision
St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award – Clinical (runner-up)
2003 By Niken Trisnowati (co-author)
Best Poster Basic Science St George Medical Medical Symposium
2004 By Justin Paoloni under my supervision
American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Herodicus Award
2004 By Fang Wang under my co-supervision
John Sutton Award for Best Young Investigator Basic Science Paper 2004 Australian Conference of Science & Medicine in Sport.
2004 Best Clinical Poster Award 2004 Australian Conference of Science & Medicine in Sport.
2004 By Justin Paoloni under my supervision
David Garlick Memorial Scholarship, The NSW Sporting Injuries Committee, 2004 Sports Safety Award - Category A (Best new NSW talent in applied sports medicine research).
2004 By Mya Lai Sein under my supervision
Finalist - St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award – Clinical
2004 By Charles DeBock under my co-supervision
St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award – Basic Science
2005 FE Johnson Memorial Fellowship for Outstanding Achievement by an Established Researcher in the Field of Science and Medicine in Sport, The NSW Sporting Injuries Committee, 2005 Sports Safety Awards.
2007 Best Poster Award, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting 2007.
2008 By Xiao Wu under my supervision
Finalist - St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award – Clincal
2008 Frog glue enhances rotator cuff repair ex vivo. Finalist Charles S. Neer Award, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons.
2009 By Ying Hua Xu under my supervision
Highly Commended - Clinically Relevant Conditions 2009 Australian Sports Medicine Federation Fellows Awards.
2009 By Patrick Lam under my supervision
Finalist - St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award – Basic Science
2009 By Sebastian McCallum under my supervision
Finalist - St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award – Independent Learning Project
2010 By Neal Millar (co-author)
Finalist - Orthopaedic Research Society New Investigator Recognition Awards (NIRA)
2010 The Petronas Chair, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2010 The Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) International Alumni Ambassador
2012 Excellent long-term outcomes of arthroscopic capsular release for frozen shoulder. Finalist Charles S. Neer Award, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons.
2013 By Jacqueline Hawthorne under my supervsion. Effect of glenohumeral abduction on supraspinatus repair tension. Best Poster Presentation - The St George and Sutherland Hospital Medical Research Symposium.
2014 Abduction pillows post rotator cuff repair – a biomechanical and clinical analysis. Most Popular Presentation Biennial Shoulder & Elbow Society of Australia Closed Conference.
2015 Primary versus revision arthroscopic rotator cuff repair - an analysis in 350 consecutive patients. Finalist Charles S. Neer Award, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons.
2015 The effect of concomitant glenohumeral joint capsule release during rotator cuff repair – a comparative study of 195 patients. Finalist Charles S. Neer Award, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons.
2015 Does stiffness impair or enhance healing post rotator cuff repair? A study in 1500 consecutive arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs. Finalist Caspari Award, 10th Biennial ISAKOS Congress.
2015 Pier Giorgio Marchetti, MD, Award, Distinguished International Alumnus, The Hospital for Special Surgery, New York
2015 Honorary Member Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society
2015 Ashley Elkins under my supervision. Finalist St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award.
2015 Daniel Yeo under my co-supervision. Finalist St George Medical Symposium Young Investigator Award
2017 Gentchos Lecturer in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, University of Pennsylvania, USA.
2017 Stiffness/capsulitis and rotator cuff repair – friend or foe? Finalist Charles S. Neer Award, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons.
I direct the Orthopaedic Research Institute at St George Hospital. We have expertise in cell biology, molecular biology, biomechanics and clinical research of the musculoskeletal system. My clinical and research interests focus on the shoulder, sports injuries including tendon injuries and tendinopathy, and nitric oxide. We have state-of-the-art facilites and welcome all students, from elective, ILP through to PhD students. For further information see: www.ori.org.au and www.georgemurrellshoulders.com.au
My Research Supervision
Independent Learning Project (ILP) students, Honours students, Master's students, PhD students