Emeritus Professor Graham Morrison

Emeritus Professor Graham Morrison

Emeritus Professor
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering


1967 BE: Mechanical Engineering, University of Melbourne
1971 PhD: Fluid Mechanics, University of Melbourne


1967–1970 Tutor, University of Melbourne
1971–1972 Research Scientist, Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Melbourne
1973–1976 Lecturer, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, The University of New South Wales
1977–1985 Senior Lecturer
1986–1992 Associate Professor
1993–2005 Professor
2006 - present Emeritus Professor

Visiting appointments

Aug-Dec 1976 Appropriate Technology Unit, University of Technology, Lae, PNG, Visiting Professor
Mar 1983–Feb 1984 Solar Energy Laboratory, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, Visiting  Professor
July 1990–Jan 1991 Commission of the European Communities, Joint Research Centre, Ispra,  Italy, Visiting Scientist
1997–2004 School of Applied Physics, University of Sydney, Research Fellow
Jul-Dec 1998 Mechanical Engineering, Penn State University, State College, USA, Visiting Professor

Professional SOCIETIES

  • International Solar Energy Society, Member
  • The Institution of Engineers, Australia, Fellow

Research Interests

Solar thermal energy applications, simulations methods, heat  transfer, fluid mechanics, heat pump simulation.
Primary research interest is the study of fluid flow and heat transfer processes with particular interest in solar thermal energy systems.  Morrison has a 40 year track record in solar thermal energy research and commercialisation.  At the University of NSW he established solar thermal energy research in Mechanical Engineering in the 1970’s and was director of the solar thermal energy group until 2005.  The UNSW solar thermal energy group researched and developed solar thermal products ranging from domestic solar water heaters to high temperature solar steam generation systems.  The measurement techniques developed in the laboratory have been adopted as Australian and International Standards.  In addition to a laboratory based approach to the study of solar thermal energy processes Morrison has developed and commercialised computer simulation models ranging from thermosyphon solar water heaters to large scale solar thermal power systems.  Developed a range of routines for modelling solar thermal energy systems, and commercially available simulation packages for designing solar and heat pump water heating systems (POOLHEAT) and air-conditioning systems (HPRATE).  Extensive publication record spanning 45 years on heat and mass transfer and solar thermal energy processes in International Journals and conference proceedings.
Morrison has contributed to development projects in China, Indonesia and India including the design and development of solar thermal energy laboratories in Beijing, Wuhan and Kunming China.
After retiring as Director of the Solar Thermal Energy Group at UNSW in 2005 Morrison co-founded Solar Heat & Power Pty Ltd (later Ausra Inc now Areva Solar) and developed the steam generation compact linear Fresnel solar concentrator installed at Liddell power station in the Hunter Valley NSW.  The same concept is now being used by Areva Solar for solar power station developments in Australia, USA, Europe and the Middle East.

Primary research interest is the study of fluid flow and heat transfer processes, with particular interest in solar thermal energy processes.  A significant part of my research effort was directed towards the establishment and operation of the Solar Thermal Energy Research Laboratory at the University of New South Wales.  The measurement techniques developed in the laboratory have been adopted as Australian and International Standards.  The laboratory has been involved in a very active collaborative program with Industry and The University of Sydney Applied Physics School on the development of evacuated tubular solar collectors and high temperature solar steam generating systems.  The laboratory has also been involved in United Nations Development Program for projects in India and China and for training Engineers from Indonesia, India, Thailand and Eritrea, in the field of solar thermal systems. 

In addition to the laboratory based approach to the study of solar thermal energy processes Morrison has contributed to the development of internationally accepted computer simulation models for a wide range of solar and heat pump thermal systems.  The solar water heater code developed in the laboratory has been included in the TRNSYS modelling package, which is the most widely used simulation program for modelling solar thermal energy processes.  The code contributed to TRNSYS is the core model used of all solar thermosyphon water heater models. 

The Solar Thermal Energy group at UNSW have also developed simulation models of heat pump systems for the Australian Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturers Association.  This software has been adopted as the core element of an industry rating scheme for commercial air conditioning systems and is the basis of the Minimum Energy Performance standard for air conditioners in Australia. 


Fellow of The Institution of Engineers Australia.

Standards Association of Australia Technical Committee Member
Member of the Standards Association Committee on Solar Equipment since 1977.  The test methods that my laboratory developed for assessing the thermal performance of solar water heaters have been adopted as Australian standards AS2984 and AS4234. 

International Standards Organisation- Australian Representative
Australian technical representative to the International Standards Organisation solar energy committee TC180 since 1987.  As part of this work the measurement techniques developed in my laboratory have been adopted as an international standard (ISO9459-3).

International Energy Agency
Australian representative to International Energy Agency committees on solar energy, organised workshops for the IEA and contributed to IEA publications on solar energy.

Australian Design Council Assessment Panel Member
Member of Australian Design Council assessment panels for judging design innovation awards.

Solar Energy Society Committee Member
From 1979-1996 I was a committee member of the NSW branch of the Australian &New Zealand Solar Energy Society.  From 1988 to 1991 I was a member of the national committee of ANZ Solar Energy Society and since 1995 I have been Vice-President.  During these appointments I assisted with the organisation of the annual Solar Energy Society conferences and was convenor of a Solar Energy Society Conference on the interaction between solar water heating systems and the electricity grid.

Conference Organising committees
Member of organising committees for ANZSES annual conferences in 1982, 1984, 1994 and 2001.  In 1987 I was convenor of a major workshop held during the International Solar Energy Society Biannual conference in Montreal Canada.  In 1994 and 2001 I was a member of the ANZSES national conference committee and technical editor of the 1994 and 2001(ISES)  conferences.

Australian Solar Institute
     Member of research advisory committee 2010-2012.

Australian Renewable Energy Agency
     Member of the advisory panel 2013 - 2017

Reviewer for Journals and Professional Organisation Proceedings

      Acted as a reviewer for the following journals and professional proceedings:

       Solar Energy Journal,                                           International Solar Energy Society
      Journal of Solar Engineering,                                 American Society of Mechanical Engineers
      Transactions, IE Aust                                           The Institution of Engineers, Australia
      Advances in Solar Energy                                     American Solar Energy Society
      Applied Energy Journal                                         UK Solar and Wind Energy Society
      Energy, The International Journal  
     Journal of Power and Energy                                  Institution of Mechanical Engineers       

Reviewer of research proposals for the following bodies

  •  Australian Research Council.
  • Department of Energy,USA.
  • Department of Agriculture,USA
  • USDA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program
  • Canadian Science Council.
  • Commission of the European Community, committee DG17.
  • Energy Research & Development Corporation
  • AIDAB.
  • United Nations Development Program; projects in China and India.
  • Australian Solar Institute;
  • Australian Renewable Energy Agency; advisory panel

 United Nations   UNDP consultant China (1997, 1999, 2001, 2004)
Acted as a technical consultant on UN funded solar thermal energy test laboratory development project in China.  This project involved advising on the development of three solar thermal energy test laboratories in Beijing, Kumeng and Wuhan.  A series of reports were presented to the UNDP on laboratory design and management and the development of test standards. 

 United Nations   UNDP consultant India (1986, 1987, 1988)
Acted as a technical consultant on a UN funded solar thermal energy project in New Delhi India.  This project involved advising on the development of a new solar thermal energy laboratory for the Indian Department of Non-Conventional Energy and providing technical training for Indian staff during UN funded visits to Australia.  A series of reports were presented to the UNDP on the development and operation of the Indian facilities.  Documentation of laboratory development and operational procedures was developed in association with Indian professional staff.

Australian Development Assistant Bureau - Technical Expert – Indonesia  (1984)
Consultant to the Australian Development Assistance Bureau on the evaluation of a proposed aid project in Indonesia.  As part of this project I visited Indonesian energy research projects and assessed the impact of the Australian project.  A report was presented on the levels of technology exchange that were appropriate and the institutions most suited to act as project coordinators.

Engaged in extensive consulting and joint projects with Industry and Government Authorities.  I have been actively engaged in major industry sponsored development projects and consultancies through Unisearch and MechLab for more than 40 years.  This work has included experimental investigations of the performance of solar thermal energy systems and industrial fluid flow and heat transfer problems.  A significant part of my consulting activity has been the development of numerical simulation models for solar thermal energy systems, and the application of these models for new product development.  Some of the major projects I have been involved in include

  • Development of minimum energy performance standards for large air conditioning systems.
  • Design of thermal enclosures for communications buildings on gas pipelines in Australia.
  • Optimisation of thermal cycle in rotational moulding systems.
  •  Heat load analysis for LED highway signs.
  •  Software for heat load analysis of indoor and outdoor swimming pool heating systems (POOLHEAT).
  •  Design of chimney exhaust systems for gas turbines.
  •  Solar water heater rating software for Australia and USA.
  •  Air conditioner rating software for the AREMA industry rating scheme (HPRATE).                                           
  •  Modelling and redesign of the Yulara solar heating system.      
  •  Design software for evacuated tubular solar collectors.             
  •  Energy rating of domestic water heaters.                                       
  •  Outdoor testing of solar water heaters for Australian climatic conditions.
  •  Standards and Operational procedure for the development of solar energy test facility in New Delhi.            
  •  Outdoor solar water heater performance evaluation.                 
  •  Condensed solar radiation data base for Australia.                    
  •  Evaluation of solar water heater performance from outdoor test data.
  •  Computer software for the analysis of solar thermal energy systems.
  •  Flat plate solar collector optimisation.                                           
  •  Development of heat pipe solar collector.                                     
  •  Solar domestic hot water heater system correlation study.        
  •  Design of evacuated tubular solar collectors.                                               
  •  Evaluation of gas boosted solar water heaters.                            


  • National Energy Innovation Award for outstanding achievement in "Innovative Research and Development Relating to the Efficient Use of Energy". 1991
  • Inaugural Australian Solar Hall of Fame. The Australian Solar Council,  2013
  • Member of the Order of Australia  2014


Extensive range of publications on solar thermal energy processes and heat and  mass transfer in international journals and conference proceedings. See full list of  publications.

Solar Water Heating in Australia – 50 years of Progress                    Australian Solar Council, Solar 2013.
Solar Thermal Energy – Electricity                                                   Australian Academy of Technology Sciences & Engineering  2012                                                                                                             PresentationVideo – Solar Heat & Power
Deployment Challenges for Renewable Energy Water Heating in Australia       International Energy Agency; Solar Heating and Cooling Roadmap 2011
Solar Water Heating & rebate programs                                            Australian & New Zealand Solar Energy Society 2007
Domestic Solar Water Heating seminar                                             Australian & New Zealand Solar Energy Socity 2006
Solar Water Heating Industry in Australia                                          International Energy Agency, Solar Heating and Cooling 2005
Solar Water Heater Performance Rating – ISO standards                   International Solar Water Heater Workshop, Wellington New Zealand, 2005
Solar Water Heater Innovations                                                        Enviro – 04 Sydney Australia  2004
Solar Hot Water Systems – Design and Performance                        Renewable Energy World 2002
Packaged Solar Water Heating Technology -Twenty Years Of Progress Plenary paper International Solar Energy Society conference Israel 1999.
Solar Water Heater Contribution to Greenhouse Gas Abatement      Submission to Australian Greenhouse office 1998.
Developments in Solar Water Heating                                               ASME (Singapore) Yearbook 1997
Solar water heaters - Markets and New Developments                      Australian & New Zealand Solar Energy Society 1996. 

CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF PUBLICATIONS and links to presentations and papers.


0425 212 218
Ainsworth Building (J17) Level 4, Room 420 Kensington Campus
  • Book Chapters | 2018
    Odeh SD; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2018, 'Modelling of Parabolic Trough Direct Steam Generation Solar Collectors', in Renewable Energy, Routledge, pp. 487 - 506, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781315793245-79
    Book Chapters | 2003
    Koldehoff W; Meads R; Morrison GL, 2003, 'Australia - A state of the market', in Brechlin U; Pilgaard O; Piria R (ed.), Sun in Action II - A Solar Thermal Strategy for Europe, edn. 2, ESTIF a.i.s.b.l, Belgium, pp. 241 - 250
    Book Chapters | 2001
    Morrison GL, 2001, 'Solar Collectors', in Gordon J (ed.), Solar Energy: The State of the Art, James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd, United Kingdom, pp. 145 - 221
    Book Chapters | 2001
    Morrison GL, 2001, 'Solar Water Heating', in Gordon J (ed.), Solar Energy: The State of the Art, James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd, United Kingdom, pp. 223 - 289
    Book Chapters | 2001
    Morrison GL, 2001, 'Solar power - How can you use the sun`s energy?', in Jon Stevenson (ed.), Solar Power - Resources for the Secondary Science Teacher, edn. Original, Faculty of Engineering - The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, AUstralia, pp. 22 - 22
    Book Chapters | 2001
    Morrison GL, 2001, 'Solar thermal electricity generation', in Jon Stevenson (ed.), Solar Power - Resources for the Secondary Science Teacher, edn. Original, Faculty of Engineering - The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, AUstralia, pp. 23 - 23
    Book Chapters | 2001
    Morrison GL, 2001, 'Solar water heaters', in Jon Stevenson (ed.), Solar Power - Resources for the Secondary Science Teacher, edn. Original, Faculty of Engineering - The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, AUstralia, pp. 24 - 24
    Book Chapters | 2000
    Morrison GL; Rosengarten G; Behnia M, 2000, 'Modelling Thermosyphon Solar Water Heaters with Mantle Collector-Loop Heat Exchangers', in 1999 ISES Solar World Congress, Elsevier, pp. 236 - 244, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-008043895-5/50209-5
  • Journal articles | 2020
    Arinc F; Bayazitoglu Y; Bontoux P; Doctors L; Dombrovsky L; Egorov I; Ford R; Goldstein R; Hanjalic K; Jaluria Y; Kowalewski T; Launder B; Leontiev A; Mallinson G; Milton B; Morrison G; Padet J; Pepper D; Reizes J; Roux B; Simon T; Stella F; Timchenko V; Yeoh G; Yuen R; Zhao T, 2020, 'In Memoriam - Graham de Vahl Davis', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 152, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2020.119486
    Journal articles | 2018
    Shirazi A; Taylor R; Morrison G; White S, 2018, 'Solar-powered absorption chillers: A comprehensive and critical review', Energy Conversion and Management, 171, pp. 59 - 81, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2018.05.091
    Journal articles | 2017
    Nasif MS; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2017, 'Membrane Based Enthalpy Heat Exchanger Performance in HVAC System', Journal of Applied Membrane Science & Technology, 2, http://dx.doi.org/10.11113/amst.v2i1.3
    Journal articles | 2017
    Shirazi A; Taylor RA; Morrison GL; White SD; Shirazi A, 2017, 'A comprehensive, multi-objective optimization of solar-powered absorption chiller systems for air-conditioning applications', Energy Conversion and Management, 132, pp. 281 - 306, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.11.039
    Journal articles | 2016
    Shirazi A; Pintaldi S; White SD; Morrison GL; Rosengarten G; Taylor RA, 2016, 'Solar-assisted absorption air-conditioning systems in buildings: control strategies and operational modes', Applied Thermal Engineering, 92, pp. 246 - 260, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2015.09.081
    Journal articles | 2016
    Shirazi A; Taylor R; White S; Morrison G, 2016, 'A systematic parametric study and feasibility assessment of solar-assisted single-effect, double-effect, and triple-effect absorption chillers for heating and cooling applications', Energy Conversion and Management, 114, pp. 258 - 277, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.01.070
    Journal articles | 2016
    Shirazi A; Taylor RA; White SD; Morrison GL, 2016, 'Transient simulation and parametric study of solar-assisted heating and cooling absorption systems: An energetic, economic and environmental (3E) assessment', Renewable Energy, 86, pp. 955 - 971, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2015.09.014
    Journal articles | 2015
    Al-Waked R; Nasif MS; Morrison G; Behnia M, 2015, 'CFD simulation of air to air enthalpy heat exchanger: Variable membrane moisture resistance', Applied Thermal Engineering, 84, pp. 301 - 309, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2015.03.067
    Journal articles | 2015
    Boerema N; Taylor RA; Morrison G; Rosengarten G, 2015, 'Solid-liquid phase change modelling of metallic sodium for application in solar thermal power plants', Solar Energy, 119, pp. 151 - 158, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2015.06.024
    Journal articles | 2015
    Sultana T; Morrison GL; Taylor R; Rosengarten G, 2015, 'TRNSYS modeling of a linear Fresnel concentrating collector for solar cooling and hot water applications', Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 137, http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.4028868
    Journal articles | 2015
    Sultana T; Morrison GL; Taylor RA; Rosengarten G, 2015, 'Numerical and experimental study of a solar micro concentrating collector', Solar Energy, 112, pp. 20 - 29, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2014.11.015
    Journal articles | 2014
    Gu X; Taylor RA; Morrison G; Rosengarten G, 2014, 'Theoretical analysis of a novel, portable, CPC-based solar thermal collector for methanol reforming', Applied Energy, 119, pp. 467 - 475, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.01.033
    Journal articles | 2013
    Boerema N; Morrison G; Taylor R; Rosengarten G, 2013, 'High temperature solar thermal central-receiver billboard design', Solar Energy, 97, pp. 356 - 368, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2013.09.008
    Journal articles | 2013
    Nasif MS; Al-Waked R; Behnia M; Morrison G, 2013, 'Air to air fixed plate enthalpy heat exchanger, performance variation and energy analysis', Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 27, pp. 3541 - 3551, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12206-013-0872-6
    Journal articles | 2012
    Nasif MS; Al-Waked R; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2012, 'Modeling of air to air enthalpy heat exchanger', Heat Transfer Engineering, 33, pp. 1010 - 1023, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01457632.2012.659616
    Journal articles | 2012
    Sultana T; Morrison GL; Rosengarten G, 2012, 'Thermal performance of a novel rooftop solar micro-concentrating collector', Solar Energy, 86, pp. 1992 - 2000, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2012.04.002
    Journal articles | 2011
    Sultana T; Morrison GL; Bhardwaj S; Rosengarten G, 2011, 'Heat loss characteristics of a roof integrated solar micro-concentrating collector', ASME 2011 5th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES 2011, pp. 103 - 111, http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/ES2011-54254
    Journal articles | 2011
    Sultana T; Morrison GL; Rosengarten G, 2011, 'Thermal performance of a roof integrated solar microconcentrating collector', 30th ISES Biennial Solar World Congress 2011, SWC 2011, 5, pp. 3494 - 3505
    Journal articles | 2010
    Nasif MS; Al-waked R; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2010, 'Membrane heat exchanger in HVAC energy recovery systems, systems energy analysis.', Energy and Buildings, 42, pp. 1833 - 1840, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2010.05.020
    Journal articles | 2010
    Zimmerman R; Morrison G; Rosengarten G, 2010, 'A microsolar collector for hydrogen production by methanol reforming', Journal of Solar Energy Engineering - Transactions of the ASME, 132, pp. 110051 - 110055, http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.4000354
    Journal articles | 2009
    Anderson TN; Duke M; Morrison GL; Carson J, 2009, 'Performance of a building integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPVT) solar collector', Solar Energy, 83, pp. 445 - 455, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2008.08.013
    Journal articles | 2009
    Budihardjo I; Morrison GL, 2009, 'Performance of water-in-glass evacuated tube solar water heaters.', Solar Energy, 83, pp. 49 - 56, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2008.06.010
    Journal articles | 2009
    Soo Too YC; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2009, 'Performance of solar water heaters with narrow mantle heat exchangers.', Solar Energy, 83, pp. 350 - 362, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2008.08.011
    Journal articles | 2007
    Anderson TN; Morrison GL, 2007, 'Effect of load pattern on solar-boosted heat pump water heater performance', Solar Energy, 81, pp. 1386 - 1395, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2007.01.018
    Journal articles | 2007
    Budihardjo I; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2007, 'Natural circulation flow through water-in-glass evacuated tube solar collectors', Solar Energy, 81, pp. 1460 - 1472, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2007.03.002
    Journal articles | 2007
    Budihardjo I; Morrison GL, 2007, 'Performance model for water-in-glass evacuated tube solar water heaters', ISES Solar World Congress 2007, ISES 2007, 3, pp. 2018 - 2022
    Journal articles | 2007
    Guthrie K; Morrison GL, 2007, 'Expanding solar water heating market needs ISO standards', ISO Focus - the Magazine of the International Organization for Standardization, 4, pp. 32 - 33
    Journal articles | 2007
    Morrison GL, 2007, 'Heat pump water heaters', IRHACE Journal, 18, pp. 12 - 16
    Journal articles | 2007
    SooToo YC; Morrison G; Behnia M, 2007, 'Performance of falling film heat exchangers for solar water heaters', ISES Solar World Congress 2007, ISES 2007, 3, pp. 2013 - 2017
    Journal articles | 2006
    Mills DR; Morrison GL; Pye JD; Le Lievre P, 2006, 'Multi-tower line focus Fresnel array project', Journal of Solar Energy Engineering - Transactions of the ASME, 128, pp. 118 - 120
    Journal articles | 2006
    Morrison GL, 2006, 'Heat Pump - water heaters', IRHACE Journal, Nov/Dec, pp. 12 - 16
    Journal articles | 2006
    Odeh SD; Morrison GL, 2006, 'Optimization of parabolic trough solar collector system', International Journal of Energy Research, 30, pp. 259 - 271
    Journal articles | 2005
    Guthrie K; Morrison GL, 2005, 'Expanding solar water heating market needs ISO standards', ISO Focus - the Magazine of the International Organization for Standardization, 2, pp. 27 - 29
    Journal articles | 2005
    Knudsen S; Morrison GL; Behnia M; Furbo S, 2005, 'Analysis of the flow structure and heat transfer in a vertical mantle heat exchanger', Solar Energy, 78, pp. 281 - 289
    Journal articles | 2005
    Maguire L; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2005, 'An experimental and computational study of heat transfer in high power amplifiers', Heat Transfer Engineering, 26, pp. 81 - 92
    Journal articles | 2005
    Maguire L; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2005, 'Systematic evaluation of thermal interface materials - a case study in high power amplifier design', Microelectronics Reliability, 45, pp. 711 - 725
    Journal articles | 2005
    Morrison GL; Budihardjo I; Behnia M, 2005, 'Measurement and simulation of flow rate in a water-in-glass evacuated tube solar water heater', Solar Energy, 78, pp. 257 - 267
    Journal articles | 2005
    Nasif MS; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2005, 'Membrane and plastic heat exchangers performance', Songklanakarin - Journal of Science and Technology, 27, pp. 1065 - 1072
    Journal articles | 2004
    Maguire L; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2004, 'Critical cooling issues in high power: radio frequency transmitter amplifiers', Electronics Cooling, 10, pp. 14 - 20
    Journal articles | 2004
    Maguire L; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2004, 'Heat spreading enhancement in high power amplified heat sinks - comparison of measurements with numerical predictions.', Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging, 1, pp. 117 - 126
    Journal articles | 2004
    Morrison GL; Anderson TN; Behnia M, 2004, 'Seasonal performance rating of heat pump water heaters', Solar Energy, 76, pp. 147 - 152
    Journal articles | 2004
    Morrison GL; Budihardjo I; Behnia M, 2004, 'Water-in-glass evacuated tube solar water heaters', Solar Energy, 76, pp. 135 - 140
    Journal articles | 2004
    Reynolds DJ; Jance MJ; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2004, 'An experimental and computational study of the heat loss characteristics of a trapezoidal cavity absorber', Solar Energy, 76, pp. 229 - 234
    Journal articles | 2003
    Hall SD; Behnia M; Fletcher CA; Morrison GL, 2003, 'Investigation of the secondary corner vortex in a benchmark turbulent backward-facing step using cross-correlation particle imaging velocimetry', Experiments in Fluids, 35, pp. 139 - 151
    Journal articles | 2003
    Jing Y; Behnia M; Morrison G, 2003, 'Infrared thermography for true temperature measurement of the main board in personal computer', Journal of Thermal Science, 12, pp. 331 - 336
    Journal articles | 2003
    Mills DR; Morrison G; Le Lievre P, 2003, 'Multi-tower line focus Fresnel array', International Solar Energy Conference, pp. 619 - 624, http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/ISEC2003-44080
    Journal articles | 2003
    Mills DR; Morrison GL, 2003, 'Optimisation of minimum backup solar water heating system', Solar Energy, 74, pp. 505 - 511
    Journal articles | 2003
    Odeh SD; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2003, 'Performance evaluation of solar thermal electric generation systems', Energy Conversion and Management, 44, pp. 2425 - 2443
    Journal articles | 2002
    Groenhout NK; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2002, 'Experimental measurement of heat loss in an advanced solar collector', Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 26(2), pp. 131 - 137
    Journal articles | 2002
    Morrison GL, 2002, 'Solar water systems - design and performance', Renewable Energy World, 5, pp. 111 - 119
    Journal articles | 2002
    Yang J; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2002, 'Infrared thermography for true temperature measurement of the main board in personal computer', Journal of Thermal Science - International Journal of Thermal and Fluid Sciences, 11(4), pp. 331 - 336
    Journal articles | 2001
    Rosengarten G; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2001, 'Mixed convection in a narrow rectangular cavity with bottom inlet and outlet.', International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, pp. 168 - 179
    Journal articles | 2000
    Mills DR; Morrison GL, 2000, 'Compact linear fresnel reflector solar thermal powerplants', Solar Energy, pp. 263 - 283
    Journal articles | 2000
    Odeh SD; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2000, 'Hydrodynamic analysis of direct steam generation solar collectors', Journal of Solar Energy Engineering - Transactions of the ASME, 122, pp. 14 - 22
    Journal articles | 2000
    Rosengarten G; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2000, 'Mantle heat exchangers for horizontal tank thermosyphon solar water heaters', Solar Energy, 67, pp. 53 - 64, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0038-092X(00)00003-7
    Journal articles | 2000
    Shah L; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2000, 'Characteristics of vertical mantle heat exchangers for solar water heaters', Solar Energy, 67, pp. 79 - 91, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0038-092X(00)00044-X
    Journal articles | 1999
    Mills DR; Morrison GL, 1999, 'Modelling study for compact Fresnel reflector power plant', Journal de Physique Iv, pp. 159 - 165
    Journal articles | 1999
    Morrison GL, 1999, 'Waterfall', New Scientist, 161, pp. 2175 - 2175
    Journal articles | 1999
    Rosengarten G; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 1999, 'Some aspects concerning modelling the flow and heat transfer in horizontal mantle heat exchangers in solar water heaters', International Journal of Energy Research, 23, pp. 1007 - 1016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1099-114X(199909)23:11<1007::AID-ER537>3.0.CO;2-1
    Journal articles | 1999
    Rosengarten G; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 1999, 'A second law approach to characterising thermally stratified hot water storage with application to solar water heaters', Journal of Solar Energy Engineering - Transactions of the ASME, 121, pp. 194 - 200
    Journal articles | 1998
    Gaa FO; Behnia M; Leong SS; Morrison GL, 1998, 'Numerical and experimental study of inclined open thermosyphons', International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 8, pp. 748 - 767, http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09615539810232862
    Journal articles | 1998
    Morrison GL; Nasr A; Behnia M; Rosengarten G, 1998, 'Analysis of horizontal mantle heat exchangers in solar water heating systems', Solar Energy, 64, pp. 19 - 31, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0038-092X(98)00033-4
    Journal articles | 1998
    Nasr A; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 1998, 'A parametric study of horizontal concentric heat exchangers for storage tanks', Computer Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, 3, pp. 275 - 280
    Journal articles | 1998
    Odeh SD; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 1998, 'Modelling of parabolic trough direct steam generation solar collectors', Solar Energy, pp. 395 - 406
    Journal articles | 1997
    Morrison GL, 1997, 'Developments in solar water heating', ASME (Singapore) Yearbook MITA (P), pp. 45 - 54
    Journal articles | 1996
    Behnia M; Gaa FO; Leong SS; Morrison GL, 1996, 'Numerical study of inclined open thermosyphons', International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, pp. 319 - 340
    Journal articles | 1996
    Behnia M; Gaa FO; Leong SS; Morrison GL, 1996, 'Numerical study of inclined open thermosyphons', International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, pp. 319 - 340
    Journal articles | 1996
    Dettman CP; Morrison GL, 1996, 'Proof of conjugate pairing for an isokinetic thermostat', Physical Review E, pp. 5545 - 5548
    Journal articles | 1996
    Gaa FO; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 1996, 'Experimental study of flow rates through inclined open thermosyphons', International Journal oof Solar Energy, 57, pp. 401 - 408, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0038-092X(96)00110-7
    Journal articles | 1996
    Gaa FO; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 1996, 'Experimental study of flow rates through inclined open thermosyphons', Solar Energy, pp. 401 - 408
    Journal articles | 1994
    Mills DR; Monger A; Morrison GL, 1994, 'Comparison of fixed asymmetrical and symmetrical reflectors for evacuated tube solar receivers', Solar Energy, 53, pp. 91 - 104, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0038-092X(94)90609-2
    Journal articles | 1994
    Morrison GL, 1994, 'Simulation of packaged solar heat-pump water heaters', Solar Energy, 53, pp. 249 - 257, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0038-092X(94)90631-9
    Journal articles | 1992
    Journal articles | 1992
    Morrison GL; Qilliaert D, 1992, 'Unglazed solar collector performance characteristics', Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 114, pp. 194 - 200, http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.2930005
    Journal articles | 1992
    Morrison GL; Sudjito , 1992, 'Solar radiation data for indonesia', Solar Energy, 49, pp. 65 - 76, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0038-092X(92)90128-W
    Journal articles | 1991
    Behnia M; Morrison GL, 1991, 'An experimental investigation of inclined open thermosyphons', Solar Energy, 47, pp. 313 - 326, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0038-092X(91)90124-F
    Journal articles | 1991
    Hogan PA; Sudjito ; Fane AG; Morrison GL, 1991, 'Desalination by solar heated membrane distillation', Desalination, 81, pp. 81 - 90, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0011-9164(91)85047-X
    Journal articles | 1987
    Morrison GL; Tran NH, 1987, 'Correlation of solar water heater test data', Solar Energy, 39, pp. 135 - 142, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0038-092X(87)80041-5
    Journal articles | 1986
    Journal articles | 1986
    Morrison GL, 1986, 'Reply to comments by T. Muneer', Solar Energy, 36, pp. 574, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0038-092x(86)90025-3
    Journal articles | 1986
    Morrison GL, 1986, 'Reverse circulation in thermosyphon solar water heaters', Solar Energy, 36, pp. 377 - 379, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0038-092X(86)90155-6
    Journal articles | 1984
    Chow SP; Harding GL; Zhiqiang Y; Morrison GL, 1984, 'Optimisation of evacuated tubular solar collector arrays with diffuse reflectors', Solar Energy, 33, pp. 277 - 282, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0038-092X(84)90158-0
    Journal articles | 1984
    Morrison GL; Tran HN, 1984, 'Simulation of the long term performance of thermosyphon solar water heaters', Solar Energy, 33, pp. 515 - 526, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0038-092X(84)90006-9
    Journal articles | 1984
    Morrison GL; Tran NH; McKenzie DR; Onley IC; Harding GL; Collins RE, 1984, 'Long term performance of evacuated tubular solar water heaters in Sydney, Australia', Solar Energy, 32, pp. 785 - 791, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0038-092X(84)90253-6
    Journal articles | 1983
    MORRISON GL; SAPSFORD CM, 1983, 'LONG-TERM PERFORMANCE OF THERMOSYPHON SOLAR WATER HEATERS', SOLAR ENERGY, 30, pp. 341 - 350, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0038-092X(83)90188-3
    Journal articles | 1980
    Morrison GL; Ranatunga DBJ, 1980, 'Thermosyphon circulation in solar collectors', Solar Energy, 24, pp. 191 - 198, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0038-092X(80)90392-8
    Journal articles | 1980
    Morrison GL; Ranatunga DBJ, 1980, 'Transient response of thermosyphon solar collectors', Solar Energy, 24, pp. 55 - 61, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0038-092X(80)90020-1
    Journal articles | 1980
    Morrison GL, 1980, 'Passive energy storage in greenhouses', Solar Energy, 25, pp. 365 - 372, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0038-092X(80)90348-5
    Journal articles | 1978
    Journal articles | 1976
    Morrison GL, 1976, 'Errors in heat transfer laws for constant temperature hot wire anemometers', Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, 9, pp. 50 - 52, http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0022-3735/9/1/016
    Journal articles | 1974
    Morrison GL, 1974, 'Effects of fluid property variations on the response of hot-wire anemometers', Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, 7, pp. 434 - 436, http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0022-3735/7/6/012
  • Conference Papers | 2015
    Shirazi A; Pintaldi S; Taylor R; White S; Morrison G; Rosengarten G, 2015, 'Solar-Powered Absorption Chillers for Air-Conditioning Applications: Simulation and Techno-Economic Evaluation', in Qu M (ed.), Proceedings of the ASME 2015 9th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ASME, San Diego, USA, presented at ASME 2015 9th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, San Diego, USA, 28 June 2015 - 02 July 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/ES2015-49637
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Shirazi A; Taylor R; White S; Morrison G; Shirazi A, 2015, 'Multi-Effect absorption chillers powered by the sun: reality or reverie', in Yesilata B (ed.), Energy Procedia, Elsevier, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 844 - 856, presented at SHC 2015, International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry, Istanbul, Turkey, 02 December 2015 - 04 December 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2016.06.251
    Conference Presentations | 2014
    Shirazi A; Taylor R; Morrison G; White S, 2014, 'Solar-assisted LiBr – H2O Absorption Systems for Air-conditioning Applications', presented at AIRAH Solar Cooling Workshop, Brisbane, Australia, 27 March 2014 - 28 March 2014
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Sultana T; Morrison GL; Hoffman ML; Rosengarten G, 2012, 'Computational and Experimental Investigation of Internal Natural Convection in a Rooftop Mounted Linear Fresnel Collector', in Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Centre for Continuing Education The University of Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 1 - 8, presented at International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Auckland, NZ, 19 November 2012 - 22 November 2012, http://www.cce.auckland.ac.nz/uoa/
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Berrill T; Jolly P; Morrison GL, 2010, 'Exposure of Pipe Insulation to High Temperatures from Domestic Pumped Storage (Split) Solar Water Heating Systems in Australia and New Zealand', in Solar 2010, Australian Solar Energy Society, Canberra, pp. 1 - 12, presented at Solar 2010: 48th ANZSES Annual Conference, Canberra, 01 December 2010 - 03 December 2010
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Hall S; Morrison G; Behnia M, 2008, 'An investigation of a turbulent backward facing step flow with the addition of a charged particle phase', in International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Soo Too YC; Morrison GL, 2008, 'Characteristics of mantle heat exchangers with two-pass flow arrangement', in 3rd International Solar Energy Society Conference 2008 (ISES 2008), 46th Australian New Zealand Solar Energy Society Conference, The asia pacific regional international solar energy society conference 2008, Sydney, presented at The asia pacific regional international solar energy society conference 2008, Sydney, 25 November 2008 - 28 November 2008
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Zimmerman RE; Morrison GL; Rosengarten G, 2008, 'A solar powered microreactor for hydrogen production by methanol reforming', in ASME 2008 2nd International Conference on Energy Sustainability (ES2008), Jacksonville, FLorida, USA, presented at Energy Sustainability, Jacksonville, FLorida, USA, 10 August 2008 - 14 August 2008
    Conference Papers | 2007
    Anderson TN; Morrison GL, 2007, 'Condenser-tank interaction in a heat pump water heater with a wrap-around condenser', in IRHACE (ed.), IRHACE conference, IRHACE conference, Napier, New Zealand, pp. 1 - 8, presented at IRHACE conference, Napier, New Zealand, 24 May 2007 - 27 May 2007
    Conference Papers | 2007
    Budihardjo I; Morrison GL, 2007, 'Performance model for water-in-glass evacuated tube solar water heaters', in Goswami DY; Yuwen Z (ed.), Solar Energy and Human Settlement, ISES World Solar Congress" Solar Energy and Human Settlement, Beijing, pp. 1 - 5, presented at ISES World Solar Congress" Solar Energy and Human Settlement, Beijing, 18 September 2007 - 21 September 2007
    Conference Papers | 2007
    Soo Too YC; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2007, 'Performance of falling film heat exchangers for solar water heaters', in Goswami DY; Yuwen Z (ed.), Solar Energy and Human Settlement, ISES World Solar Congress" Solar Energy and Human Settlement, Beijing, pp. 1 - 5, presented at ISES World Solar Congress" Solar Energy and Human Settlement, Beijing, 18 September 2007 - 21 September 2007
    Conference Papers | 2007
    Zimmerman RE; Morrison GL; The O; Rosengarten G, 2007, 'A micro solar heater for portable energy generation', in Microelectronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology 2007, Canberra, presented at SPIE 2007: Microelectronics, MEMS and Nanotecchnology, Canberra, 05 December 2007
    Conference Papers | 2006
    Le Lievre P; Mills DR; Morrison GL; Schramek P, 2006, 'Design of 6.5 MW solar thermal electricity plant with zero fossil fuel backup', in Solar 2006: 44th ANZSES Annual Conference: Clean Energy? Can Do!, Solar 2006: 44th ANZSES Annual Conference: Clean Energy? Can Do!, Canberra, pp. 1 - 6, presented at Solar 2006: 44th ANZSES Annual Conference: Clean Energy? Can Do!, Canberra, 13 September 2006 - 15 September 2006
    Conference Papers | 2006
    Nasif MS; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2006, 'Enthalpy heat exchanger in energy recovery system: experimental and numerical studies and energy analysis for Dubai', in Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications, Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates, presented at Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates, 03 January 2006 - 06 January 2006
    Conference Papers | 2006
    Pye JD; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2006, 'Pressure drops for direct steam generation in line-focus solar thermal systems', in Solar 2006: 44th ANZSES Annual Conference: Clean Energy? Can Do!, Solar 2006: 44th ANZSES Annual Conference: Clean Energy? Can Do!, Canberra, pp. 1 - 6, presented at Solar 2006: 44th ANZSES Annual Conference: Clean Energy? Can Do!, Canberra, 13 September 2006 - 15 September 2006
    Conference Papers | 2006
    Soo Too YC; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2006, 'Falling film heat exchangers for solar water heaters', in Solar 2006: 44th ANZSES Annual Conference: Clean Energy? Can Do!, Solar 2006: 44th ANZSES Annual Conference: Clean Energy? Can Do!, Canberra, presented at Solar 2006: 44th ANZSES Annual Conference: Clean Energy? Can Do!, Canberra, 13 September 2006 - 15 September 2006
    Conference Papers | 2006
    Soo Too YC; Morrison GL, 2006, 'Design of mantle heat exchangers for solar water heaters', in 13th International Heat Transfer Conference, Sydney, presented at 13th International Heat Transfer Conference, Sydney, 13 August 2006 - 18 August 2006
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Budihardjo I; Morrison GL, 2005, 'Performance of water-in-glass evacuated tube solar water heaters', in Prows R; Lloyd B (ed.), ANZSES 2005: Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Future - A challenge for a post carbon world, ANZSES 2005: Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Future - A challenge for a post carbon world, Otago University, Dunedid, New Zealand, pp. 1 - 10, presented at ANZSES 2005: Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Future - A challenge for a post carbon world, Otago University, Dunedid, New Zealand, 28 November 2005 - 30 November 2005
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Mills DR; Le Lievre P; Morrison GL, 2005, 'Cheaper than coal?', in Goswami DY; Vijayaraghavan S; Campbell-Howe R (eds.), Solar Energy - Bringing Water to the World, Solar Energy - Bringing Water to the World, Orlando, Florida, USA, pp. 1 - 8, presented at Solar Energy - Bringing Water to the World, Orlando, Florida, USA, 08 August 2005 - 12 August 2005
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Morrison GL, 2005, 'Solar water heater performance rating - ISO standards', in Solar Water Heater Workshop, Solar Water Heater Workshop, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 1 - 10, presented at Solar Water Heater Workshop, Wellington, New Zealand
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Nasif MS; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2005, 'A study of natural circulation flow rate through single-ended evacuated tube solar collectors', in Solar Energy - Bringing Water to the World, Orlando, Florida, USA, presented at Solar Energy - Bringing Water to the World, Orlando, Florida, USA, 08 August 2005 - 12 August 2005
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Soo Too YC; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2005, 'Experimental and numerical evaluation of solar water heaters with vertical mantle heat exchangers', in Solar Energy - Bringing Water to the World, Orlando, Florida, USA, presented at Solar Energy - Bringing Water to the World, Orlando, Florida, USA, 08 August 2005 - 12 August 2005
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Soo Too YC; Morrison GL, 2005, 'Performance of a solar water heater with a vertical mantle heat exchanger', in Prows R; Lloyd B (ed.), ANZSES 2005: Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Future - A challenge for a post carbon world, ANZSES 2005: Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Future - A challenge for a post carbon world, Otago University, Dunedid, New Zealand, pp. 1 - 10, presented at ANZSES 2005: Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Future - A challenge for a post carbon world, Otago University, Dunedid, New Zealand, 28 November 2005 - 30 November 2005
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Behnia M; Maguire L; Morrison GL, 2004, 'Cooling problems and thermal issues in high power electronics - a multi-faceted design approach.', in Thermal, Mechanical and Thermo-mechanical Simulation and Experiments in Micro-electronics and Micro-systems, Brussels, Belgiium, pp. 519 - 526, presented at Thermal, Mechanical and Thermo-mechanical Simulation and Experiments in Micro-electronics and Micro-systems, Brussels, Belgiium
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Budihardjo I; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2004, 'Development of correlation of natural circulation flow rate through single-ended evacuated tube solar collector.', in International Forum on Heat Transfer, International Forum on Heat Transfer, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 153 - 154, presented at International Forum on Heat Transfer, Kyoto, Japan, 24 November 2004 - 26 November 2004
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Budihardjo I; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2004, 'Performance of single-ended evacuated tube solar water heaters.', in Solar 2004: Life, The Universe and Renewables, Solar 2004: Life, The Universe and Renewables, Murdoch University, Western Australia, presented at Solar 2004: Life, The Universe and Renewables, Murdoch University, Western Australia, 30 November 2004 - 03 December 2004
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Hall SD; Morrison GL; Behniam , 2004, 'An investigation of a turbulent backward facing step fow with the addition of a charged particle phase.', in Advances in Computational Heat Transfer III, Norway, presented at Advances in Computational Heat Transfer III, Norway, 19 April 2004 - 24 April 2004
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Maguire L; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2004, 'An experimental and numerical study on heat spreading enhancement in high power amplifier heat sinks', in Zednicek T (ed.), Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging Symposium, Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging Symposium, Prague, Czechoslovakia, pp. 1 - 6, presented at Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging Symposium, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 16 June 2004 - 18 June 2004
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Mills DR; Le Lievre P; Morrison GL, 2004, 'First results from compact linear Fresnel reflector installation.', in Solar 2004: Life, The Universe and Renewables, Solar 2004: Life, The Universe and Renewables, Murdoch University, Western Australia, presented at Solar 2004: Life, The Universe and Renewables, Murdoch University, Western Australia, 30 November 2004 - 03 December 2004
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Mills DR; Morrison GL; Le Lievre P, 2004, 'Design of a 240 MWe solar thermal power plant.', in Gesellschaft fur Sonnenenergie EV Deutsche ; GmbH PSE (ed.), EuroSun2004, EuroSun2004, Freiburg, Germany, pp. 923 - 933, presented at EuroSun2004, Freiburg, Germany, 20 June 2004 - 23 June 2004
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Mills DR; Morrison GL, 2004, 'Evacuated tube collector using novel non-imaging optics.', in Gesellschaft fur Sonnenenergie EV Deutsche ; GmbH PSE (ed.), EuroSun2004, EuroSun2004, Freiburg, Germany, pp. 494 - 499, presented at EuroSun2004, Freiburg, Germany, 20 June 2004 - 23 June 2004
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Morrison GL, 2004, 'Air conditioner performance rating.', in Air Conditioning and Energy Performance - the Next Five Years, Air Conditioning and Energy Performance - the Next Five Years, Sydney, pp. 1 - 12, presented at Air Conditioning and Energy Performance - the Next Five Years, Sydney, 07 June 2004 - 09 June 2004
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Nasif MS; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2004, 'An evaluation of paper sheet enthalpy heat exchanger performance.', in International Forum on Heat Transfer, International Forum on Heat Transfer, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 55 - 56, presented at International Forum on Heat Transfer, Kyoto, Japan, 24 November 2004 - 26 November 2004
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Nasif MS; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2004, 'Enthalphy heat exchanger in energy recovery system: performance and energy saving', in Kok-Seng O; Kok-Soo T; Yong-Wee O (eds.), Heat Pipes and Heat Recovery Systems, Heat Pipes and Heat Recovery Systems, Kuala Lumpur, Malayasia, pp. 108 - 113, presented at Heat Pipes and Heat Recovery Systems, Kuala Lumpur, Malayasia, 08 December 2004 - 09 December 2004
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Nasif MS; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2004, 'Membrane based heat exchanger performance', in Membrane Technology: Developed to Serve Mankind, Membrane Technology: Developed to Serve Mankind, Johor, Malaysia, pp. 1 - 13, presented at Membrane Technology: Developed to Serve Mankind, Johor, Malaysia, 21 April 2004 - 25 April 2004
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Pye JD; Morrison GL; Mills DR; Le Lievre P; Behnia M, 2004, 'Steam-circuit model for the compact linear Fresnel reflector prototype.', in Solar 2004: Life, The Universe and Renewables, Solar 2004: Life, The Universe and Renewables, Murdoch University, Western Australia, presented at Solar 2004: Life, The Universe and Renewables, Murdoch University, Western Australia, 30 November 2004 - 03 December 2004
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Soo Too YC; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2004, 'Vertical mantle heat exchangers for solar water heaters.', in Solar 2004: Life, The Universe and Renewables, Solar 2004: Life, The Universe and Renewables, Murdoch University, Western Australia, presented at Solar 2004: Life, The Universe and Renewables, Murdoch University, Western Australia, 30 November 2004 - 03 December 2004
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Anderson TN; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2003, 'An experimental evaluation of an air source and a solar boosted heat pump water heater', in 41st Annual Conference of ANZSES: From research to market, 41st Annual Conference of ANZSES: From research to market, University of Melbourne, presented at 41st Annual Conference of ANZSES: From research to market, University of Melbourne, 26 November 2003 - 29 November 2003
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Budihardjo I; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2003, 'Development of TRNSYS models for predicting the performance of water-in-glass evacuated tube solar water heaters in Australia', in 41st Annual Conference of ANZSES: From research to market, 41st Annual Conference of ANZSES: From research to market, University of Melbourne, presented at 41st Annual Conference of ANZSES: From research to market, University of Melbourne, 26 November 2003 - 29 November 2003
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Budihardjo I; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2003, 'Measurement and simulation of flow rate in a water-in-glass evacuated tube solar water heater', in ISES Solar World Congress 2003: Solar Energy for a Sustainable Future, ISES Solar World Congress 2003: Solar Energy for a Sustainable Future, Goteberg, Sweden, pp. 1 - 8, presented at ISES Solar World Congress 2003: Solar Energy for a Sustainable Future, Goteberg, Sweden, 14 June 2003 - 19 June 2003
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Hu EJ; Mills DR; Morrison GL; Le Lievre P, 2003, 'Solar power boosting of fossil fuelled power plants', in ISES Solar World Congress 2003: Solar Energy for a Sustainable Future, ISES Solar World Congress 2003: Solar Energy for a Sustainable Future, Goteberg, Sweden, presented at ISES Solar World Congress 2003: Solar Energy for a Sustainable Future, Goteberg, Sweden, 14 June 2003 - 19 June 2003
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Knudsen S; Furbo S; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2003, 'Analysis of the flow structure and heat transfer in a vertical Imantale heat exchanger', in ISES Solar World Congress 2003: Solar Energy for a Sustainable Future, ISES Solar World Congress 2003: Solar Energy for a Sustainable Future, Goteberg, Sweden, pp. 1 - 8, presented at ISES Solar World Congress 2003: Solar Energy for a Sustainable Future, Goteberg, Sweden, 14 June 2003 - 19 June 2003
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Maguire L; Behnia M; Morrison G, 2003, 'A systematic evaluation of thermal performance of interface materials in high power amplifiers', in ICEPT 2003 - 5th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Proceedings, pp. 455 - 459, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/EPTC.2003.1298780
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Maguire L; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2003, 'A systematic evaluation of thermal performance of interface materials in high power amplifiers', in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (ed.), Electronic packaging technoloogy, Shanghai, China, pp. 355 - 359, presented at Electronic packaging technoloogy, Shanghai, China, 28 October 2003 - 30 October 2003
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Maguire L; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2003, 'Experimental and numerical evaluation of the effects of comnponent packaging on convective heat losses in a high power amplifier', in Heat Transfer, Fluid Dynamics, Reliability and Mechatronics, Heat Transfer, Fluid Dynamics, Reliability and Mechatronics, Japan, presented at Heat Transfer, Fluid Dynamics, Reliability and Mechatronics, Japan, 01 December 2003 - 03 December 2003
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Maguire L; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2003, 'Numerical evaluation of high power amplifier heat sink design options', in 2003 international electronic packaging technical conference and exhibition, Hawaii, presented at international electronic packaging technical conference and exhibition 2003, Hawaii, 06 July 2003 - 11 July 2003
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Mills DR; Le Lievre P; Morrison GL, 2003, 'Solar preheating of the Liddell coal-fired powerplant', in 41st Annual Conference of ANZSES: From research to market, 41st Annual Conference of ANZSES: From research to market, University of Melbourne, presented at 41st Annual Conference of ANZSES: From research to market, University of Melbourne, 26 November 2003 - 29 November 2003
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Pye JD; Morrison GL; Behnia M; Mills DR, 2003, 'Modelling of cavity receiver heat transfer for the compact linear Fresnel reflector', in ISES Solar World Congress 2003: Solar Energy for a Sustainable Future, ISES Solar World Congress 2003: Solar Energy for a Sustainable Future, Goteberg, Sweden, presented at ISES Solar World Congress 2003: Solar Energy for a Sustainable Future, Goteberg, Sweden, 14 June 2003 - 19 June 2003
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Pye JD; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2003, 'Transient modelling of cavity receiver heat transfer for the compact linear Fresnel reflector', in 41st Annual Conference of ANZSES: From research to market, 41st Annual Conference of ANZSES: From research to market, University of Melbourne, presented at 41st Annual Conference of ANZSES: From research to market, University of Melbourne, 26 November 2003 - 29 November 2003
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Anderson TN; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2002, 'Experimental analysis of a solar-boosted heat pump water heater with integral condenser', in Solar harvest, Solar harvest, Newcastle, NSW, pp. 1 - 6, presented at Solar harvest, Newcastle, NSW, 26 November 2002 - 29 November 2002
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Budihardjo I; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2002, 'Performance of a water-in-glass evacuated tube solar water heater', in Solar harvest, Solar harvest, Newcastle, NSW, pp. 1 - 6, presented at Solar harvest, Newcastle, NSW, 26 November 2002 - 29 November 2002
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Groenhout NK; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2002, 'Heat transfer characteristics of a bifacial solar collector with complex geometry', in 1st International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 1st International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Kruger National Park, South Africa, presented at 1st International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Kruger National Park, South Africa, 08 April 2002 - 10 April 2002
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Groenhout NK; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2002, 'Annual performance simulation and benchmarking of an advanced solar collector using TRNSYS', in Solar harvest, Solar harvest, Newcastle, NSW, pp. 1 - 6, presented at Solar harvest, Newcastle, NSW, 26 November 2002 - 29 November 2002
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Groenhout NK; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2002, 'Natural convection heat transfer in a solar collector with complex geometry', in 39th National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan 2002, 39th National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan 2002, Sapporo, Japan, pp. 317 - 318, presented at 39th National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan 2002, Sapporo, Japan
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Maguire L; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2002, 'Heat transfer in high power amplifiers', in Kyoto University (ed.), 4th Pacific Rim Thermal Science and Energy Engineering Workshop, 4th Pacific Rim Thermal Science and Energy Engineering Workshop, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 165 - 174, presented at 4th Pacific Rim Thermal Science and Energy Engineering Workshop, Kyoto, Japan, 31 May 2002 - 02 June 2002
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Mills DR; Schramek P; Dey CJ; Bruie D; Imenes A; Haynes BS; Morrison GL, 2002, 'Multi-tower solar array project', in Solar harvest, Solar harvest, Newcastle, NSW, pp. 1 - 6, presented at Solar harvest, Newcastle, NSW, 26 November 2002 - 29 November 2002
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Morrison GL; Budihardjo I; Behnia M, 2002, 'Heat transfer in evacuated tubular solar collectors', in Kyoto University (ed.), 4th Pacific Rim Thermal Science and Energy Engineering Workshop, 4th Pacific Rim Thermal Science and Energy Engineering Workshop, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 160 - 164, presented at 4th Pacific Rim Thermal Science and Energy Engineering Workshop, Kyoto, Japan, 31 May 2002 - 02 June 2002
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Reynolds DJ; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2002, 'A hydrodynamic model for a line-focus direct steam generation solar collectors', in Solar harvest, Solar harvest, Newcastle, NSW, pp. 6, presented at Solar harvest, Newcastle, NSW, 26 November 2002 - 29 November 2002
    Conference Papers | 2001
    Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2001, 'Flow visualization and heat transfer in solar hot water systems.', in The Journal of Immunology, The American Association of Immunologists, Inc, Sendai, Japan, pp. 336 - 341, presented at 1st International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information (AFI-2001), Sendai, Japan, 04 October 2001 - 05 October 2001
    Conference Papers | 2001
    Groenhout NK; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2001, 'Investigation of heat loss from advanced solar water heaters', in 5th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics, 5th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics, Thessaloniki, Greece, presented at 5th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24 September 2001 - 28 September 2001
    Conference Papers | 2001
    Groenhout NK; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2001, 'Numerical modelling of natural convection and radiation heat transfer in advanced solar water heaters', in Valliappan S; Khalili N (ed.), 1st Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Sydney, pp. 1705 - 1710, presented at 1st Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, Sydney, 20 November 2001 - 23 November 2001, http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000177911800247&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a
    Conference Papers | 2001
    Reynolds DJ; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2001, 'A computational study of conjugate heat transfer in a trapezoidal cavity.', in Valliappan S; Khalili N (ed.), 1st Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Sydney, pp. 1717 - 1722, presented at 1st Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, Sydney, 20 November 2001 - 23 November 2001, http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000177911800249&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a
    Conference Papers | 2000
    Burbidge D; Mills DR; Morrison GL, 2000, 'Stanwell solar thermal power project', in Kreetz H; Lovegrove K; Meike W (eds.), 2nd World Solar Electric Buildings Conference - Part of the Renewable Energy of the New Millennium Conference, 2nd World Solar Electric Buildings Conference - Part of the Renewable Energy of the New Millennium Conference, Sydney, pp. 21 - 26, presented at 2nd World Solar Electric Buildings Conference - Part of the Renewable Energy of the New Millennium Conference, Sydney, 08 March 2000 - 10 March 2000
    Conference Papers | 2000
    Dey CJ; Mills DR; Morrison GL, 2000, 'Operation of a CLFR research apparatus', in Mills D; Bell JM; Stoynov LA; Yarlagadda PKDV (eds.), Solar 2000 Conference: From fossels to photons - renewable energy transforming business, Solar 2000 Conference: From fossels to photons - renewable energy transforming business, Brisbane, Qld, pp. 516 - 527, presented at Solar 2000 Conference: From fossels to photons - renewable energy transforming business, Brisbane, Qld, 28 November 2000 - 01 December 2000
    Conference Papers | 2000
    Groenhout NK; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2000, 'Design of advanced solar water heaters', in Solar 2000 Conference: From fossels to photons - renewable energy transforming business, Solar 2000 Conference: From fossels to photons - renewable energy transforming business, Brisbane, Qld, presented at Solar 2000 Conference: From fossels to photons - renewable energy transforming business, Brisbane, Qld, 28 November 2000 - 01 December 2000
    Conference Papers | 2000
    Groenhout NK; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2000, 'Heat transfer analysis of advanced solar water heaters', in 7th Australasian heat and mass transfer conference, 7th Australasian heat and mass transfer conference, Townsville, Qld, presented at 7th Australasian heat and mass transfer conference, Townsville, Qld
    Conference Papers | 2000
    Jance MJ; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2000, 'Combined radiation and natural convection in a trapezoidal cavity absorber: an experimental study', in 7th Australasian heat and mass transfer conference, 7th Australasian heat and mass transfer conference, Townsville, Qld, presented at 7th Australasian heat and mass transfer conference, Townsville, Qld
    Conference Papers | 2000
    Jance MJ; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2000, 'Natural convection and radiation within an enclosed inverted absorber cavity: preliminary experimental results', in Mills D; Bell JM; Stoynov LA; Yarlagadda PKDV (eds.), Solar 2000 Conference: From fossels to photons - renewable energy transforming business, Solar 2000 Conference: From fossels to photons - renewable energy transforming business, Brisbane, Qld, pp. 563 - 569, presented at Solar 2000 Conference: From fossels to photons - renewable energy transforming business, Brisbane, Qld, 28 November 2000 - 01 December 2000
    Conference Papers | 2000
    Mills DR; Dey CJ; Morrison GL, 2000, 'Stanwell solar power station project.', in ISES (ed.), Eurosun 2000 - Visions for the New Millennium, Eurosun 2000 - Visions for the New Millennium, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 1 - 6, presented at Eurosun 2000 - Visions for the New Millennium, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19 June 2000 - 22 June 2000
    Conference Papers | 2000
    Reynolds DJ; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 2000, 'Heat transfer in a trapezoidal cavity absorber for a solar thermal collector', in Solar 2000 Conference: From fossels to photons - renewable energy transforming business, Solar 2000 Conference: From fossels to photons - renewable energy transforming business, Brisbane, Qld, presented at Solar 2000 Conference: From fossels to photons - renewable energy transforming business, Brisbane, Qld, 28 November 2000 - 01 December 2000
    Conference Papers | 2000
    Reynolds DJ; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 2000, 'Combined radiation and natural convection in a trapezoidal cavity absorber', in 7th Australasian heat and mass transfer conference, 7th Australasian heat and mass transfer conference, Townsville, Qld, presented at 7th Australasian heat and mass transfer conference, Townsville, Qld
    Conference Papers | 1999
    Hall SD; Behnia M; Morrison GL; Fletcher CA, 1999, 'Comparison of Measurement Techniques for a Turbulant Two Phase Backward Facing Step Flow', in Sadanari Mochizuki (ed.), 2nd Pacific symposium on flow visualisation and image processing, 2nd Pacific symposium on flow visualisation and image processing, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 204 - 216, presented at 2nd Pacific symposium on flow visualisation and image processing, Honolulu, Hawaii, 16 May 1999 - 19 May 1999
    Conference Papers | 1999
    Hall SD; Fletcher CA; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 1999, 'Gas - Particle Flows Under the Influence of Electrostatic Forces', in APCOM 1999: 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, APCOM 99: 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, Singapore, presented at APCOM 99: 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, Singapore, 15 December 1999 - 17 December 1999
    Conference Papers | 1999
    Morrison GL; Behnia M; Cook MC; Groenhout NK; Mills DR, 1999, 'Optimal design of advanced solar water heaters', in Farrow DE (ed.), 6th Australian natural convection workshop, 6th Australian natural convection workshop, Murdoch, Western Australia, pp. Nil - Nil, presented at 6th Australian natural convection workshop, Murdoch, Western Australia, 01 December 1999 - 03 December 1999
    Conference Papers | 1999
    Morrison GL; Mills DR; Stanwell C, 1999, 'Solar thermal power systems: Stanwell power station project', in Graham Thorpe (ed.), ANZSES Solar 1999, ANZSES Solar `99, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, pp. CD-ROM - CD-ROM, presented at ANZSES Solar `99, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, 01 December 1999 - 04 December 1999
    Conference Papers | 1999
    Morrison GL; Rosengarten G; Behnia M, 1999, 'Modelling thermosyphon solar water heaters with mantle collector-loop heat exchangers', in Zvirir U (ed.), Solar is renewable, Solar is renewable, Jerusalem, Israel, pp. CD-ROM - CD-ROM, presented at Solar is renewable, Jerusalem, Israel, 04 July 1999 - 09 July 1999
    Conference Papers | 1999
    Morrison GL; Wood B, 1999, 'Packaged solar water heating technology: twenty years of progress', in Zvirir U (ed.), Solar is renewable, Solar is renewable, Jerusalem, Israel, pp. CD-ROM - CD-ROM, presented at Solar is renewable, Jerusalem, Israel, 04 July 1999 - 09 July 1999
    Conference Papers | 1999
    Rosengarten G; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 1999, 'A second law approach to characterising thermally stratified hot water storage in solar water heaters', in Renewable and advanced energy systems for the 21st century, Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, pp. 194 - 200, presented at Renewable and advanced energy systems for the 21st century, Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, 11 April 1999 - 15 April 1999, http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.2888166
    Conference Papers | 1999
    Rosengarten G; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 1999, 'Local heat transfer in a narrow rectangular cavity with bottom inlet and outlet', in Farrow DE (ed.), 6th Australian natural convection workshop, 6th Australian natural convection workshop, Murdoch, Western Australia, pp. Nil - Nil, presented at 6th Australian natural convection workshop, Murdoch, Western Australia, 01 December 1999 - 03 December 1999
    Conference Papers | 1999
    Shah L; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 1999, 'Characteristics of vertical mantle heat exchangers for solar water heaters', in Zvirir U (ed.), Solar is renewable, Solar is renewable, Jerusalem, Israel, pp. CD-ROM - CD-ROM, presented at Solar is renewable, Jerusalem, Israel, 04 July 1999 - 09 July 1999
    Conference Papers | 1998
    Odeh SD; Behnia M; Morrison GL, 1998, 'Hydrodynamic model for horizontal and inclined solar absorber tubes for direct steam generation', in 13th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia, presented at 13th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia, 13 December 1998 - 18 December 1998
    Conference Papers | 1998
    Odeh SD; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 1998, 'Performance of horizontal and inclined direct steam generation trough solar collectors', in ANZSES 1998, ANZSES 1998, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, pp. 588 - 595, presented at ANZSES 1998, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 25 November 1998 - 27 November 1998
    Conference Papers | 1998
    Rosengarten G; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 1998, 'Mixed convection in a narrow rectangular cavity with application to horizontal mantle heat exchangers', in Hwang GJ (ed.), International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, pp. 126 - 131, presented at International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 29 November 1998 - 03 December 1998
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Mills DR; Morrison GL, 1997, 'Advanced fresnel reflector powerplants - performance and generating costs', in Lee T (ed.), ANZSES Solar 1997: Sustainable Energy, ANZSES Solar `97: Sustainable Energy, Canberra, Australian National University, pp. Paper 84, presented at ANZSES Solar `97: Sustainable Energy, Canberra, Australian National University, 01 December 1997 - 03 December 1997
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Mills DR; Morrison GL, 1997, 'Modelling of compact linear fresnel reflector powerplant technology, performance and cost estimates', in Korea Institute of Energy Research (ed.), ISES, ISES, Taejon, Korea, pp. 235 - 244, presented at ISES, Taejon, Korea, 24 August 1997 - 29 August 1997
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Morrison GL; Nasr A; Behnia M; Rosengarten G, 1997, 'Performance of horizontal mantle heat exchangers in solar water heating systems', in Korea Institute of Energy Research (ed.), ISES, ISES, Taejon, Korea, pp. 149 - 158, presented at ISES, Taejon, Korea, 24 August 1997 - 29 August 1997
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Nasr A; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 1997, 'A parametric study of an annular heat exchanger with application to solar thermosyphon systems', in International Symposium Advances in Computational Heat Transfer (CHT 1997), International Symposium Advances in Computational Heat Transfer (CHT 1997), Cesme, Turkey, presented at International Symposium Advances in Computational Heat Transfer (CHT 1997), Cesme, Turkey, 26 May 1997 - 30 May 1997
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Nasr A; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 1997, 'Computational study of flow and heat transfer characteristics of annular and vertical cavities', in Valliappan S; Khalili N (ed.), China-Australia Symposium on Computational Mechanics, China-Australia Symposium on Computational Mechanics, Sydney, pp. 185 - 194, presented at China-Australia Symposium on Computational Mechanics, Sydney
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Nigusse B; Morrison GL, 1997, 'Simulation of shallow solar pond batch water heaters', in Lee T (ed.), ANZSES Solar 1997: Sustainable Energy, ANZSES Solar `97: Sustainable Energy, Canberra, Australian National University, pp. Paper 100, presented at ANZSES Solar `97: Sustainable Energy, Canberra, Australian National University, 01 December 1997 - 03 December 1997
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Odeh SD; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 1997, 'Trough collector field arrangements for solar-boosted power generation systems', in ANZSES Solar 1997: Sustainable Energy, ANZSES Solar `97: Sustainable Energy, Canberra, Australian National University, presented at ANZSES Solar `97: Sustainable Energy, Canberra, Australian National University, 01 December 1997 - 03 December 1997
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Rosengarten G; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 1997, 'Understanding mantle heat exchangers used in solar water heaters', in Lee T (ed.), ANZSES Solar 1997: Sustainable Energy, ANZSES Solar `97: Sustainable Energy, Canberra, Australian National University, pp. Paper 101, presented at ANZSES Solar `97: Sustainable Energy, Canberra, Australian National University, 01 December 1997 - 03 December 1997
    Conference Papers | 1996
    Mills DR; Morrison GL, 1996, 'Progress with compact linear fresnel reflector powerplant development', in ANZSES 1996, ANZSES 1996, Darwin, Northern Territory, presented at ANZSES 1996, Darwin, Northern Territory, 22 October 1996 - 25 October 1996
    Conference Papers | 1996
    Mills DR; Morrison GL, 1996, 'Progress with compact linear fresnel reflector powerplant development', in ANZSES 1996, ANZSES 1996, Darwin, Northern Territory, presented at ANZSES 1996, Darwin, Northern Territory, 22 October 1996 - 25 October 1996
    Conference Papers | 1996
    Mills DR; Morrison GL, 1996, 'Solar energy for the Olympic Games 2000', in Goetybergen A; Luther J (ed.), Eurosun Internationales Sonnenforum, Eurosun Internationales Sonnenforum, Munchen, Germany, pp. 1661 - 1666, presented at Eurosun Internationales Sonnenforum, Munchen, Germany
    Conference Papers | 1996
    Morrison GL, 1996, 'Solar water heaters-markets and new development', in ANZSES 1996, ANZSES 1996, Darwin, Northern Territory, presented at ANZSES 1996, Darwin, Northern Territory, 22 October 1996 - 25 October 1996
    Conference Papers | 1996
    Nasr A; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 1996, 'Annular free convection heat exchanger for solar water heating systems', in Heat and Mass Transfer Australasia, University of New South Wales, pp. 105 - 112, presented at 6th Australasian Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, University of New South Wales, 09 December 1996 - 12 December 1996, http://dx.doi.org/10.1615/978-1-56700-099-3.140
    Conference Papers | 1996
    Nasr A; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 1996, 'Flow development and heat transfer characteristics in a concentric heat exchanger with application to solar thermosyphon systems', in Armfield S (ed.), Australian Natural Convection Workshop, Australian Natural Convection Workshop 1996, Sydney, pp. 31 - 34, presented at Australian Natural Convection Workshop 1996, Sydney
    Conference Papers | 1996
    Odeh SD; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 1996, 'Thermal analysis of parabolic trough solar collectors for electric power generation', in ANZSES 1996, ANZSES 1996, Darwin, Northern Territory, presented at ANZSES 1996, Darwin, Northern Territory, 22 October 1996 - 25 October 1996
    Conference Papers | 1996
    Odeh SD; Morrison GL; Behnia M, 1996, 'Thermal analysis of parabolic trough solar collectors for electric power generation', in ANZSES 1996, ANZSES 1996, Darwin, Northern Territory, presented at ANZSES 1996, Darwin, Northern Territory, 22 October 1996 - 25 October 1996
    Conference Papers | 1992
    GAA FO; BEHNIA M; LEONG SS; MORRISON GL, 1992, 'A NUMERICAL STUDY OF NATURAL CONVECTION IN AN INCLINED THERMOSYPHON WITH AN OPEN TOP', in Davis MR; Walker GJ (ed.), ELEVENTH AUSTRALASIAN FLUID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, VOLS 1 AND 2, UNIVERSITY TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA, UNIV TASMANIA, HOBART, pp. 339 - 342, presented at 11th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AUSTRALIA, UNIV TASMANIA, HOBART, 14 December 1992 - 18 December 1992, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:A1992BB94T00082&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 1991
    Hogan PA; Sudjito ; Fane AG; Morrison GL, 1991, 'Desalination by solar heated membrane distillation', in Institution of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series, pp. 81 - 90
    Conference Papers | 1991
    Mills DR; Monger AG; Morrison GL, 1991, 'Comparison of asymmetrical and symmetrical non-imaging reflectors for east-west circular cylindrical solar receivers', in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, pp. 44 - 55, http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.49129