Dr Heidi Coupland

Dr Heidi Coupland

Honorary Lecturer

BAppSc, MPH, PhD

Medicine & Health
The Kirby Institute

Since 2000, Heidi has been involved in ethnographic research with injecting drug users in South Western Sydney with a focus on hepatitis C, housing and homelessness, barriers to health care for marginalised and culturally diverse groups of IDUs, and participatory action research. In 2008, she completed a PhD exploring Indo-Chinese IDUs’ experiences of hepatitis C prevention and treatment-seeking.

  • Books | 2004
    Coupland H; Ritchie J; Maher L, 2004, Within Reach: a Participatory Needs Assessment of Young Injecting Drug Users in South Western Sydney, University of New South Wales, UNSW, Sydney
  • Journal articles | 2022
    Coupland H; Day C; Haber P; Pritchard-Jones J; McKee K; George J; McCaughan G, 2022, 'Client resistance to hepatitis C treatment initiation in opioid agonist treatment clinics in Sydney, Australia: A qualitative study', Drug and Alcohol Review, 41, pp. 706 - 714, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/dar.13414
    Journal articles | 2022
    Coupland H; Henderson C; Pritchard-Jones J; Kao S-C; Sheils S; Nagy R; O'Donnell M; Haber PS; Day CA, 2022, 'Setting foot in private spaces: extending the hepatitis C cascade of care to automatic needle/syringe dispensing machines, a mixed methods study.', Harm Reduct J, 19, pp. 56, http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12954-022-00640-6
    Journal articles | 2022
    Day CA; Moensted ML; Coupland H; Braude R; Reid SE; White B, 2022, 'Examining the benefits of an Australian mothers' group specifically for women with substance use disorders: a qualitative analysis', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED CARE, 22, http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/ijic.ICIC22248
    Journal articles | 2021
    Coupland H; Moensted ML; Reid S; White B; Eastwood J; Haber P; Day C, 2021, 'Developing a model of care for substance use in pregnancy and parenting services, Sydney, Australia: Service provider perspectives', Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 131, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsat.2021.108420
    Journal articles | 2020
    Eastwood J; Barmaky S; Hansen S; Millere E; Ratcliff S; Fotheringham P; Coupland H; De Souza D, 2020, 'Refining program theory for a place-based integrated care initiative in Sydney, Australia', International Journal of Integrated Care, 20, pp. 1 - 16, http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/ijic.5422
    Journal articles | 2020
    Tennant E; Miller E; Costantino K; De Souza D; Coupland H; Fotheringham P; Eastwood J, 2020, 'A critical realist evaluation of an integrated care project for vulnerable families in Sydney, Australia', BMC Health Services Research, 20, http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12913-020-05818-x
    Journal articles | 2019
    Coupland H; Maja M; Khanlari S; Reid S; White B; Eastwood J; Haber P; Day C, 2019, 'Developing a model of care for Substance Use in Pregnancy and Parenting Services in Sydney, Australia', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED CARE, 19, http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/ijic.s3141
    Journal articles | 2019
    Coupland H; Page K; Stein E; Carrico A; Evans J; Dixon T; Sokunny M; Phou M; Maher L, 2019, 'Structural interventions and social suffering: Responding to amphetamine-type stimulant use among female entertainment and sex workers in Cambodia', International Journal of Drug Policy, 64, pp. 70 - 78, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.drugpo.2018.12.002
    Journal articles | 2019
    Coupland H; White B; Bates A; Park JN; Iversen J; Maher L, 2019, 'Engaging people who inject drugs in hepatitis C virus testing and prevention through community-based outreach, in Sydney, Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 38, pp. 177 - 184, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/dar.12895
    Journal articles | 2018
    Day CA; Coupland H; Moensted M; Burns L, 2018, 'The need for more research and considered debate regarding women-only treatment services: a comment on Neale et al. (2018)', Addiction, 113, pp. 1752, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/add.14364
    Journal articles | 2009
    Coupland H; Day C; Levy M; Maher L, 2009, 'Promoting equitable access to hepatitis C treatment for Indo-Chinese injecting drug users', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 20, pp. 234 - 240
    Journal articles | 2007
    Maher L; Coupland H; Musson R, 2007, 'Scaling up HIV treatment, care and support for injecting drug users in Vietnam', International Journal of Drug Policy, 18, pp. 296 - 305
    Journal articles | 2005
    Coupland H; Maher L; Le K; Pacheco V; Pham A; Carroll C; Cheguelman G; Freeman D; Robinson D; Smith K; Enriquez J, 2005, 'Clients or colleagues? Reflections on the process of participatory action research with young injecting drug users', International Journal of Drug Policy, 16, pp. 191 - 198
  • Preprints | 2020
    Tennant E; Miller E; Costantino K; De Souza D; Coupland H; Fotheringham P; Eastwood J, 2020, A Critical Realist Evaluation of an Integrated Care Project for Vulnerable Families in Sydney, Australia, http://dx.doi.org/10.21203/rs.2.21191/v1
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Coupland H; Day C; Maher L, 2008, 'Cultural competence in hepatitis C treatment provision: promoting engagement with injecting drug users from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds', in Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Blackwell Publishing Asia, Carlton, Victoria, Australia, pp. A345 - A345
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Coupland H; Maher L, 2008, 'Exploring the influence of culture: Beliefs, meanings, marginalisation and resilience in the context of hepatitis C', in Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Blackwell Publishing Asia, Carlton, Victoria, Australia, pp. A345 - A345