Dr Jaco Fourie
PhD Management and Organization Studies
Dr Jaco Fourie (w.fourie@unsw.edu.au) is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the UNSW Business School, School of Management and Governance. He was awarded his Ph.D. in Organization and Management Studies from UNSW Sydney at the beginning of 2021. After completing his PhD he commenced his current role on the ARC funded: Collective Action and Collaborative Governance in Crisis Project. His research explores governance in polycentric and heterogenous organizational fields.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
EGOS colloquium fee waiver for high potential Early Career Researchers (2020)
UNSW Deans Award for Service: Research (2019)
UNSW PhD Completion Scholarship (2020)
UNSW Research Training Program Scholarship (2019-2021)
UNSW Business School Research Grant Scholarship (2017-2018)
Recipient of the best Ph.D. paper award at the AAPAE conference (2017)
My Teaching
Guest lecturer for AGSM GNW (Global Management Network Week): Business for Social Impact and Sustainability (2020 - 2022) Topic: Responses to modern slavery in supply chains: Changes in field level governance arrangements
Tutor for Managing Across Cultures (IBUS6002), Sydney University Business School (2019-2020)
Tutor for Business Ethics and Sustainability (MGMT 2726), UNSW Business School (2018-2020)