Dr Jasper Hsieh
PhD (Education), Master of Arts (Applied Linguistics), BA (Applied Linguistics)
I am a Lecturer specialising in TESOL, educational design and educational technology. I have engaged with different research methods and tools, such as online surveys and SPSS for quantitative analysis, and semi-structured interviews and Nvivo for qualitative research. Some important theories that I have worked with are Bourdieuian habitus, field and capital, Communities of Practice, and theories around internationalising curriculum and quality assurance for learning. Currently, I am leading research projects on Taiwan's Bilingual 2030 Initiative and theorising educational technology as a field of inquiry. I welcome collaborations in the aforementioned areas.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- 2024 School Research Grant ($AUD 4,970)
- 2024 Early Career Academic grant ($AUD 5,000)
- 2024 Education-Focussed Conference Travel Grant (AUD$ 3,000)
- 2020 A. Norm Chomsky Global Connection Award
- TESOL Quarterly Most Cited Article 2021-2022
- TESOL Quarterly Most Cited Article 2022-2023
Project Chief Investigator
- 2022-present: Understanding teachers’ professional identity transformations under the Taiwanese Government's Bilingual 2030 (Areas: Teacher education, TESOL)
Project co-investigator
- 2020-present with BABS, UNSW: "Evaluation of the impact of the use of the electronic laboratory notebook on the student's learning experience and their career skills development" (Areas: Pedagogy, online learning)
Fellow of the Society of Transnational Academic Researchers (2018 - 2023)
Associate Editor of Journal of International Students (2017 - 2023)
Member of TESOL International Association (since 2023)
My Research Supervision
(Oct 2022-present) (Secondary supervisor)
- Miss Yi Sun, School of Education, UNSW Sydney
- PhD research: The Professional Experience of Return TESOL Graduate Teachers in China
(Jan 2023-present) (Secondary supervisor)
- Mr. Hengxi Wang, School of Education, UNSW Sydney
- PhD research: Teacher Identity Construction in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) programs of Chinese University.
(Sep 2023-present) (Secondary supervisor)
- Miss Rosalin Gusdian, School of Education, UNSW Sydney
- PhD research: Investigating Indonesian pre-service teachers’ needs of incorporating World Englishes in TESOL education programs: Between expectations and challenges.
My Teaching
EDST5454 Developing Literacies: From Kindergarten to University
EDST2003 Learning & Teaching: Language, Literacy and Numeracy