Dr Jialing Lin
Research Associate
- PhD (Primary care, Health Policy, Epidemiology), 2022
- MMed (Epidemiology and Biostatistics), 2018
- BMed (Preventive Medicine), 2015
Medicine & Health
Intl Ctr for Future Health Sys
Jialing is a postdoc researcher based at the International Centre for Future Health Systems (ICFHS). Prior to joining ICFHS, Jialing spent 5+ years working and studying at the School of Population Health at UNSW as a Postdoc and PhD student. During this time, Jialing conducted a number of research projects related to healthcare delivery and healthcare service use in primary care and hospital settings using population data.
Jialing was trained as a public health practitioner. Previously, Jialing worked for multiple public health sectors and government organisations in both Australia and China.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision