Professor Jo-anne Brien
BPharm BS (Pharm), PharmD, FRPharmS
Professor of Clinical Pharmacy (St Vincent's Hospital)
Professor Jo-anne Brien holds the inaugural chair in Clinical Pharmacy (St Vincent’s Hospital) at the University of Sydney since 2000. She is also a Conjoint Professor of Medicine at the St Vincent’s Hospital Clinical School, UNSW. After working in Oncology Pharmacy in Sydney, Professor Brien undertook postgraduate clinical research training in the United States, working in academic research units with a focus on pharmacokinetics in cancer and returned to an academic appointment at Monash University.
Professor Brien is Chair of the St Vincent’s Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee and Deputy Chair of the St Vincent’s Hospital Drug and Therapeutics Committee. She is a member of the Management Committee of the NSW Therapeutic Advisory Group (NSWTAG) and has served as a member of the Drug Utilisation Sub-Committee (DUSC) of PBAC, Chairman of the NSW Branch of Society of Hospital Pharmacists Australia. Jo-anne has been Associate Editor for the Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, and was Editor in Chief of the Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research from 2006 to 2013.
In 2006 Jo-anne was awarded the ‘Best Consultant Tutor’ in the St Vincent’s Clinical School, and in 2008 was awarded the SHPA GSK Medal of Merit. Professor Brien has supervised 35 postgraduate research students in the areas of Quality Use of Medicines and Health Services research.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Teaching Academic; Brien J; St Vincents Hospital (Sydney)/Contract.
What Determines Patients Adherence to Treatment in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention A Process Evaluation of The Kanyini-GAP Trial; Jan S, Rose J, Usherwood T, Brien J, Peiris D, Rose J, Hayman N, Howard K; National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)/Project Grants.
Varian 400 Mhz Spectrometer + Autosampler, installtion costs incl Liquid Helium, Compressor System and Air Dryer; Brien J; Clive & Vera Ramaciotti Foundation/Equipment Grant.
Exploring The Influence Of Cultural And Social Factors In Two Teaching Hospitals On The Prescribing Process And How Doctors Learn To Prescribe; Brien J, Bajorek B, Page M; Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia/Research and Development Grants Program.
Professional ethics in Pharmacy.; Brien J, Chaar B, Krass I; Pharmacy Board of NSW/Education and Research Grant.
Medication management and education of osteoarthritis patients: evaluation of a role for community pharmacists; Chen T, Day R, Gelgor L, Bajorek B, Day R, Brien J; Pharmacy Guild of Australia/Research Grant.
Access to equity to high cost medications (HCMs): decision-makers perspectives; Brien J; Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia/Research Grant.
Putting evidence into practice : implementing Drug Therapy Committee (DTC) policy; Brien J; Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia/Research Grant.
From hospital to community: a multidisciplinary continuity of care model for cardiovascular patients involving community pharmacists; Whitehead P, Chen T, Brien J; Pharmacy Guild of Australia/Research Grant.
Professional pharmacy service to private hospitals; Benrimoj S, Moles R, Brien J; Pharmacy Guild of Australia/Research Grant.
Research Interests
- Clinical Pharmacy
- Health Services Research
- Drug Access and Policy
- Quality Use of Medicines
Australian Pharmacy Council, Examining Committee (member)
NSW Therapeutics Advisory Group (NSWTAG) Management Committee (member)
Justice Health, Ethics and Human Research Committee (Chair)
St Vincent's Hospital
St Vincent's Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee (Chair)
St Vincent's Hospital Drug and Therapeutics Committee (Deputy Chair)
St Vincent's and Mater Health, Bioethics Committee (member)
Conjoint Professor, St Vincent's Clinical School, St Vincent's Hospital (UNSW)
Professional and Academic Services
Editor in Chief, Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research (2006-2013)
Editorial Advisory Boards: International Journal of Pharmacy Practice
Clinical Case reports Strategic Advisory Board
My Research Supervision
Higher Degree Research Candidates
Garrett, Timothy S
Doctor of Philosophy, part time
Start: February 2008
Submit: February 2016
Laba (nee Hargaves), Tracey-Lea
Doctor of Philosophy
Start: February 2008
Submit: February 2014
Sinha, Yashwant, K
Doctor of Philosophy, part time
Start: February 2006
Submit:July 2013