Mrs Joanne Gladding

Adjunct Associate Lecturer

BSc (Pyschological Science) | UWA 2014

BPsyc (Hons I) | UNSW 2015

PhD (Behavioural Neuroscience) | UNSW 2022

School of Psychology

I am a PhD candidate interested in the how cognitive processes are impaired as a result of obesity. Using rodent models, my research investigates the role of the insulin receptor, and insulin resistance, in appetitive learning, hippocampal-dependent memory, and decision-making. It aims to outline how dietary induced obesity and subsequent central insulin resistance 1) impacts transport of insulin across the blood-brain barrier and 2) disrupts goal-directed appetitive behaviours. I use Pavlovian-instrumental transfer paradigms, viral techniques, and transgenics to carry out these investigations. More broadly, I am interested in the translation between neuroscientific advances and public health prevention for obesity related/induced dementias and cognitive decline.


  • Journal articles | 2023
    Gladding JM; Lingawi NW; Leung BK; Kendig MD; Chieng BC; Laurent V, 2023, 'High fat diet allows food-predictive stimuli to energize action performance in the absence of hunger, without distorting insulin signaling on accumbal cholinergic interneurons', Appetite, 188,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Chew AW; Oo CZ; Wong ALH; Gladding J, 2022, 'An initial evaluation of research data management online training at the University of New South Wales', IFLA Journal, 48, pp. 510 - 522,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Goodman EK; Mitchell CS; Teo JD; Gladding JM; Abbott KN; Rafiei N; Zhang L; Herzog H; Begg DP, 2022, 'The effect of insulin receptor deletion in neuropeptide Y neurons on hippocampal dependent cognitive function in aging mice', Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 21,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Oo CZ; Chew AW; Wong ALH; Gladding J; Stenstrom C, 2022, 'Delineating the successful features of research data management training: a systematic review', International Journal for Academic Development, 27, pp. 249 - 264,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Gladding JM; Abbott KN; Antoniadis CP; Stuart A; Begg DP, 2018, 'The Effect of Intrahippocampal Insulin Infusion on Spatial Cognitive Function and Markers of Neuroinflammation in Diet-induced Obesity', Frontiers in Endocrinology, 9, pp. 752,

1 Minute Thesis Psychology Runner Up | 2019, 2020

Obesity has been associated with brain insulin resistance and my research is interested in examining whether this resistance distorts activity in the neural circuitry supporting pavlovian-instrumental transfer (PIT). PIT looks at whether a pavlovian stimulus that predicts food energises instrumental performance on an action also delivering food. My current research focuses on the role played by insulin receptors expressed on cholinergic interneurons in the nucleus accumbens, which is known to regulate the expression of PIT.

My Teaching

PSYC1111 | Measuring Mind & Behaviour

PSYC2081 | Learning & Physiological Psychology