Dr Julio Salcedo-Castro
Adjunct Lecturer
UNSW Canberra
School of Science
I have a PhD in physical oceanography and my area is land-ocean interaction, particularly, estuaries and river-coast processes. I have led a river plume modelling project and now I am focused on coupling a catchment model to a coastal model to study the influence of the Burdekin and Fitzroy Rivers on the Great Barrier Reef coast. I combine modelling with remote sensing and observational data to study coastal processes at different scales.
The main topic I am interested in is how the hydrological regime influences coastal dynamics in terms of circulation and sediment transport.
Room G36, Science South (Bldg 26), School of Science, UNSW Canberra, Australian Defence Force Academy, PO Box 7916, Canberra BC ACT 2610, AUSTRALIA
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