Dr Khawar Siddiqui
PhD: (Biotechnology) Imperial College, London, UK
MSc: (Zoological Sciences) Peshawar University, Pakistan
BSc: (Biology, Chemistry, English) Sadiq-Egerton College, Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Professional Experience
- Nov 2019 - ongoing: School of Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences (BABS), University of New South Wales, Sydney. Project Officer
- Aug 2014-aug 2019: Life Science Dept. King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Associate Professor
- Jan-2005 to July 2014: School of Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences (BABS), University of New South Wales, Sydney. Senior Research Associate
- 15-8-2004 to 5-1-2005: Biosciences Dept, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan. Visiting Professor
- Feb-2001 to Aug-2004: School of Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences, UNSW, Sydney, Australia. Senior Research Associate
- 26-2-2001 - 4-6-2001: Biochemistry Dept, Sydney University, Sydney.Teaching Demonstration
- 1999-2000: Protein Chemistry Division, Pharmaceuticals Research Centre, King Abdul-Asia City of Science and Technology, (SPIMACO), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in collaboration with Orpegen Therapeutika, Germany Research Specialist
- 1990-1999: National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, (NIBGE), Jhang Road, Faisalabad, Pakistan.Senior Scientific Officer
- 1986-1990: Centre for Biotechnology, Imperial College, London . PhD student
Research Contribution
My field of research involves protein chemistry and biocatalysis using enzymes. The information gained from the bioinformatic, kinetic and thermodynamic characterization of native, chemically and genetically modified enzymes is utilized for the elucidation of protein structure-function-stability relationship. I am currently working on Biochemical analysis in tissues, enzymes that are implicated in the production of glutathione and bioinformatics screening of plant molecules as the inhibitors for the main protease of COVID-19 virus. In addition I employed extremophilic enzymes from Antarctica's cold adapted organisms in order to enhance their stability while keeping their high intrinsic activity. Conversely, I enhanced the activity of industrially important thermophilic protease at low temperatures by chemical modification. I apply native and improved enzymes for treating waste-waters as well as for cleaning fouled membranes.
For purification and characterisation of proteins we employ a variety of biochemical and biophysical techniques such as chromatography, electrophoresis, UV-Vis spectrometry, spectropolarimetry, fluorimetry and calorimetry (differential scanning and isothermal titration calorimetry). In addition we employ methods such as small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), mass spectrometry and X-ray diffraction crystallography in collaboration with other groups.
- Cited among Top Scientists of the Country published by Pakistan Council of Science & Technology - February 2001
- Invited review in many high impact journals
- Co-edit a book entitled "Protein adaption in extremophiles" published by Nova Science Publisher - New York, USA (2008)
- Best Teacher's Certificate (MPhil Biotechnology) awarded by National Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering - Faisalabad, Pakistan (1995-1998)
- Written four text book chapters with other colleagues
- Reviewer for many biochemical and biotechnology journals of international repute
- Cited on the cover of Uniken - UNSW, Sydney, Australia
- PhD Scholarship awarded by Ministry of Science & Technology - Pakistan (1986)
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
My Teaching
Biology for Engineers: Undergraduate level, Life Sciences Dept. KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
Techniques in Life Sciences: Master's level, Life Sciences Dept., KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
Protein Bioinformatics: Undergraduate level, Biology Dept., COMSATS Institute of Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Techniques in Biotechnology: MPhil level, National Institute of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Enzymology: MPhil level, National Institute of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering, Faisalabad, Pakistan