Professor Laurent Billot

Professor Laurent Billot

Conjoint Professor
  • Master of Science (MSc) in Statistics and Computer Science
  • Master of Research (MRes) in Public Health (Biostatistics)
  • Accredited statistician by the Statistical Society of Australia (AStat)
Medicine & Health
School of Biomedical Sciences

I am Director of the Biostatistics and Data Science Division at the George Institute for Global Health and Professor within the Faculty of Medicine at UNSW Sydney. I have over 20 years of experience in clinical research and am recognised internationally for my leading role in the design and analysis of large-scale randomised clinical trials in critical care, cardiovascular, neurological and musculoskeletal diseases. My research focuses on biostatistics and its application to the design and analysis of clinical trials.

The George Institute for Global Health Level 18, International Towers 3 300 Barangaroo Ave Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Adigbli D; Li Y; Hammond N; Chatoor R; Devaux AG; Li Q; Billot L; Annane D; Arabi Y; Bilotta F; Bohé J; Brunkhorst FM; Cavalcanti AB; Cook D; Engel C; Green-LaRoche D; He W; Henderson W; Hoedemaekers C; Iapichino G; Kalfon P; de La Rosa G; Lahooti A; Mackenzie I; Mahendran S; Mélot C; Mitchell I; Oksanen T; Polli F; Preiser J-C; Garcia Soriano F; Vlok R; Wang L; Xu Y; Delaney AP; Di Tanna GL; Finfer S, 2024, 'A Patient-Level Meta-Analysis of Intensive Glucose Control in Critically Ill Adults.', NEJM Evid, 3, pp. EVIDoa2400082,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Belsti Y; Moran LJ; Goldstein R; Mousa A; Cooray SD; Baker S; Gupta Y; Patel A; Tandon N; Ajanthan S; John R; Naheed A; Chakma N; Lakshmi JK; Zoungas S; Billot L; Desai A; Bhatla N; Prabhakaran D; Gupta I; de Silva HA; Kapoor D; Praveen D; Farzana N; Enticott J; Teede H, 2024, 'Development of a risk prediction model for postpartum onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus, following gestational diabetes; the lifestyle InterVention in gestational diabetes (LIVING) study', Clinical Nutrition, 43, pp. 1728 - 1735,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Billot L; Chen C; Song L; Lin Y; Liu F; Chen X; Arima H; Bath PM; Ford GA; Robinson TG; Sandset EC; Saver JL; Sprigg N; Van Der Worp HB; Yang J; Li G; Anderson CS, 2024, 'Statistical Analysis Plan for the INTEnsive Ambulance-Delivered Blood Pressure Reduction in Hyper-ACute Stroke Trial', Cerebrovascular Diseases,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Cook D; Deane A; Lauzier F; Zytaruk N; Guyatt G; Saunders L; Hardie M; Heels-Ansdell D; Alhazzani W; Marshall J; Muscedere J; Myburgh J; English S; Arabi YM; Ostermann M; Knowles S; Hammond N; Byrne KM; Chapman M; Venkatesh B; Young P; Rajbhandari D; Poole A; Al-Fares A; Reis G; Johnson D; Iqbal M; Hall R; Meade M; Hand L; Duan E; Clarke F; Dionne JC; Tsang JLY; Rochwerg B; Karachi T; Lamontagne F; D'Aragon F; St Arnaud C; Reeve B; Geagea A; Niven D; Vazquez-Grande G; Zarychanski R; Ovakim D; Wood G; Burns KEA; Goffi A; Wilcox ME; Henderson W; Forrest D; Fowler R; Adhikari NKJ; Ball I; Mele T; Binnie A; Trop S; Mehta S; Morgan I; Loubani O; Vanstone M; Fiest K; Charbonney E; Cavayas YA; Archambault P; Rewa OG; Lau V; Kristof AS; Khwaja K; Williamson D; Kanji S; Sy E; Dennis B; Reynolds S; Marquis F; Lellouche F; Rahman A; Hosek P; Barletta JF; Cirrone R; Tutschka M; Xie F; Billot L; Thabane L; Finfer S, 2024, 'Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis during Invasive Mechanical Ventilation', New England Journal of Medicine, 391, pp. 9 - 20,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Dulhunty JM; Brett SJ; De Waele JJ; Rajbhandari D; Billot L; Cotta MO; Davis JS; Finfer S; Hammond NE; Knowles S; Liu X; McGuinness S; Mysore J; Paterson DL; Peake S; Rhodes A; Roberts JA; Roger C; Shirwadkar C; Starr T; Taylor C; Myburgh JA; Lipman J, 2024, 'Continuous vs Intermittent β-Lactam Antibiotic Infusions in Critically Ill Patients with Sepsis: The BLING III Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Giraudeau B; Caille A; Billot L, 2024, 'Cluster randomized trials: statistical, practical and ethical issues.', J Epidemiol Popul Health, 72, pp. 202384,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Gupta Y; Kapoor D; Lakshmi JK; Praveen D; Santos JA; Billot L; Naheed A; de Silva HA; Gupta I; Farzana N; John R; Ajanthan S; Bhatla N; Desai A; Pathmeswaran A; Prabhakaran D; Teede H; Zoungas S; Patel A; Tandon N, 2024, 'Antenatal oral glucose tolerance test abnormalities in the prediction of future risk of postpartum diabetes in women with gestational diabetes: Results from the LIVING study', Journal of Diabetes, 16,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Jones CMP; Day RO; Koes BW; Latimer J; Maher CG; McLachlan AJ; Billot L; Shan S; Lin CWC, 2024, 'Opioids for back and neck pain: the OPAL trial – Authors' reply', The Lancet, 403, pp. 2379 - 2380,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Kim D; Lv J; Hladunewich M; Jha V; Hooi LS; Monaghan H; Shan S; Reich HN; Barbour S; Billot L; Zhang H; Perkovic V; Wong MG; Levin A; Cattran D; Johnson DW; Wheeler D; Flöge J; Woodward M; Jardine M; Zhao MH; Agarwal R; Glassock R; Chan TM; Wu Y; Liu Z, 2024, 'The Efficacy and Safety of Reduced-Dose Oral Methylprednisolone in High-Risk Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy', Kidney International Reports, 9, pp. 2168 - 2179,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Li Q; Anderson CS; Salman RA-S; Hankey GJ; Billot L; Zhao Y; Tang G; Guo J; Song L; CHAIN Investigators , 2024, 'Statistical analysis plan for the Chinese Herbal medicine in Acute INtracerebral haemorrhage (CHAIN) trial.', Cerebrovasc Dis,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Majert J; Nazarzadeh M; Ramakrishnan R; Bidel Z; Hedgecott D; Perez-Crespillo A; Turpie W; Akhtar N; Allison M; Rao S; Gudgin B; McAuley M; A'Court C; Billot L; Kotecha D; Potter J; Rahimi K, 2024, 'Efficacy of decentralised home-based antihypertensive treatment in older adults with multimorbidity and polypharmacy (ATEMPT): an open-label randomised controlled pilot trial', The Lancet Healthy Longevity, 5, pp. e172 - e181,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Maulik PK; Daniel M; Devarapalli S; Kallakuri S; Kaur A; Ghosh A; Billot L; Mukherjee A; Sagar R; Kant S; Chatterjee S; Essue BM; Raman U; Praveen D; Thornicroft G; Saxena S; Patel A; Peiris D, 2024, 'Mental Health Care Support in Rural India: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA Psychiatry,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Mead G; Graham C; Lundström E; Hankey GJ; Hackett ML; Billot L; Näsman P; Forbes J; Dennis M, 2024, 'Individual patient data meta-analysis of the effects of fluoxetine on functional outcomes after acute stroke', International Journal of Stroke, 19, pp. 798 - 808,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Melman A; Teng MJ; Coombs DM; Li Q; Billot L; Lung T; Rogan E; Marabani M; Hutchings O; Maher CG; Machado GC; Back@Home Investigators , 2024, 'Correction: A Virtual Hospital Model of Care for Low Back Pain, Back@Home: Protocol for a Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Type-I Study.', JMIR Res Protoc, 13, pp. e60298,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Melman A; Teng MJ; Coombs DM; Li Q; Billot L; Lung T; Rogan E; Marabani M; Hutchings O; Maher CG; Machado GC, 2024, 'A Virtual Hospital Model of Care for Low Back Pain, Back@Home: Protocol for a Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Type-I Study', JMIR Research Protocols, 13,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Melman A; Teng MJ; Coombs DM; Li Q; Billot L; Lung T; Rogan E; Marabani M; Hutchings O; Zadro JR; Maher CG; Machado GC, 2024, 'Process and implementation evaluation of a virtual hospital model of care for low back pain (Back@Home)', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Peiris D; Feyer AM; Barnard J; Billot L; Bouckley T; Campain A; Cordery D; de Souza A; Downey L; Elshaug AG; Ford B; Hanfy H; Hales L; Khalaj BH; Huckel Schneider C; Inglis J; Jan S; Jorm L; Landon B; Lujic S; Mulley J; Pearson SA; Schierhout G; Sivaprakash P; Stanton C; Stephens A; Willcox D, 2024, 'Overcoming silos in health care systems through meso-level organisations – a case study of health reforms in New South Wales, Australia', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 44,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Walsham J; Hammond N; Blumenthal A; Cohen J; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Evans D; Peake S; Kruger P; McCullough J; Johnk L; Ghelani D; Billot L; Shan S; Meyer J; Rajbhandari D; Koch C; Bellomo R; Burrell LM; Young M; Roberts M; Mackenzie L; Medley G; Dalton J; Venkatesh B, 2024, 'Fludrocortisone dose–response relationship in septic shock: a randomised phase II trial', Intensive Care Medicine,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wang N; Von Huben A; Marschner S; Nelson MR; Nolde JM; Schlaich MP; Figtree G; Hillis GS; Usherwood T; Reid CM; Chalmers J; Jansen S; Atkins ER; Billot L; Chow C; Rodgers A, 2024, 'Therapeutic Inertia with Initial Low-Dose Quadruple Combination Therapy for Hypertension: Results from the QUARTET Trial', Hypertension, 81, pp. 1087 - 1094,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Atkins ER; Chye A; Lung T; Nolde JM; Billot L; Burke M; Chalmers J; Figtree GA; Hay P; Hillis GS; Jansen S; Marschner S; Neal B; Nelson MR; Reid CM; Usherwood T; Schlaich M; Chow CK; Rodgers A, 2023, 'Cost-effectiveness of ultra-low-dose quadruple combination therapy for high blood pressure', Heart, 109, pp. 1698 - 1705,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Billot L; Lipman J; Brett SJ; De Waele JJ; Cotta MO; Davis JS; Finfer S; Hammond N; Knowles S; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Paterson DL; Peake S; Rajbhandari D; Rhodes A; Roberts JA; Roger C; Shirwadkar C; Starr T; Taylor C; Dulhunty JM, 2023, 'Corrigendum to “Statistical analysis plan for the BLING III study: a phase 3 multicentre randomised controlled trial of continuous versus intermittent β-lactam antibiotic infusion in critically ill patients with sepsis” [Crit Care Resusc 23(3) (2021) 273–284](10.51893/2021.3.oa4))', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 25, pp. 60,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Billot L; Song L; Hu X; Ma L; Ouyang M; Chen X; You C; Anderson CS, 2023, 'Statistical Analysis Plan for the INTEnsive Care Bundle with Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage Trial: A Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 52, pp. 251 - 254,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Chen C; Lin Y; Liu F; Chen X; Billot L; Li Q; Guo Y; Liu H; Si L; Ouyang M; Zhang C; Arima H; Bath PM; Ford GA; Robinson T; Sandset EC; Saver JL; Sprigg N; van der Worp HB; Liu G; Song L; Yang J; Li G; Anderson CS, 2023, 'Update on the INTEnsive ambulance-delivered blood pressure Reduction in hyper-ACute stroke Trial (INTERACT4): progress and baseline features in 2053 participants', Trials, 24,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Chen C; Ouyang M; Ong S; Zhang L; Zhang G; Delcourt C; Mair G; Liu L; Billot L; Li Q; Chen X; Parsons M; Broderick JP; Demchuk AM; Bath PM; Donnan GA; Levi C; Chalmers J; Lindley RI; Martins SO; Pontes-Neto OM; Venturelli PM; Olavarría V; Lavados P; Robinson TG; Wardlaw JM; Li G; Wang X; Song L; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2023, 'Effects of intensive blood pressure lowering on cerebral ischaemia in thrombolysed patients: insights from the ENCHANTED trial', eClinicalMedicine, 57, pp. 101849,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Deane AM; Alhazzani W; Guyatt G; Finfer S; Marshall JC; Myburgh J; Zytaruk N; Hardie M; Saunders L; Knowles S; Lauzier F; Chapman MJ; English S; Muscedere J; Arabi Y; Ostermann M; Venkatesh B; Young P; Thabane L; Billot L; Heels-Ansdell D; Al-Fares AA; Hammond NE; Hall R; Rajbhandari D; Poole A; Johnson D; Iqbal M; Reis G; Xie F; Cook DJ, 2023, 'REVISE: R e-Ev aluating the i nhibition of S tress e rosions in the ICU: A randomised trial protocol', BMJ Open, 13,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Gupta Y; Kapoor D; Lakshmi JK; Praveen D; Santos JA; Billot L; Naheed A; de Silva HA; Gupta I; Farzana N; John R; Ajanthan S; Bhatla N; Desai A; Pathmeswaran A; Prabhakaran D; Teede H; Zoungas S; Patel A; Tandon N, 2023, 'The incidence and risk factors of postpartum diabetes in women from Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka (South Asia) with prior gestational diabetes mellitus: Results from the LIVING study', Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 204,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Harvey LA; Glinsky JV; Chu J; Herbert RD; Liu H; Jan S; Billot L; Scivoletto G; Spooren AI; Seelen HA; Ben M; Tranter K; Chen LW; Rainey D; Rimmer C; Jorgensen V; Di Natal F; Denis S; Gollan EJ; Tamburella F; Agostinello J; van Laake-Geelen CM; Bell C; Lincoln C; Stolwijk JM; van der Lede J; Paddison S; Oostra K; Cameron ID; Weber G; Sherrington C; Nunn AK; Synnott EL; McCaughey E; Kaur J; Shetty S, 2023, 'Early and intensive motor training to enhance neurological recovery in people with spinal cord injury: trial protocol', Spinal Cord, 61, pp. 521 - 527,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Hirst JE; Votruba N; Billot L; Arora V; Rajan E; Thout SR; Peiris D; Patel A; Norton R; Mullins E; Sharma A; Kennedy S; Jha V; Praveen D, 2023, 'A community-based intervention to improve screening, referral and follow-up of non-communicable diseases and anaemia amongst pregnant and postpartum women in rural India: study protocol for a cluster randomised trial', Trials, 24,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Jones CMP; Day RO; Koes BW; Latimer J; Maher CG; McLachlan AJ; Billot L; Shan S; Lin CWC; McLachlan H; Webb M; Hamilton M; Ahedi H; Barber A; Mak W; Mathieson S; Petrova V; Bompoint S; Murnion B; Buckley N; Demirkol A; Wrigley P; Needs C; Brooks L; Cantori S; Preisz P; Aitken J; Allan S; Burke M; Cameron G; Cepeda FJV; Davis C; Dullur J; Emmanuel J; Errey C; Fieuw-Makaroff S; Gaudry A; Genua L; Longhurst I; McCroary K; Merhi D; Nguyen T; Obayd ZR; Penm M; Pobbathi S; Poh WS; Schnitzler P; Shahnaz S; Tan V; Tang D; Tan B; Thu WK; Triantopolous T; Venkatesan R; Wong WCF; Yang SC, 2023, 'Opioid analgesia for acute low back pain and neck pain (the OPAL trial): a randomised placebo-controlled trial', The Lancet, 402, pp. 304 - 312,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Jones CMP; Lin CWC; Day RO; Koes BW; Latimer J; Maher CG; McLachlan A; Billot L, 2023, 'Correction: OPAL: a randomised, placebo-controlled trial of opioid analgesia for the reduction of pain severity in people with acute spinal pain—a statistical analysis plan (Trials, (2022), 23, 1, (212), 10.1186/s13063-022-06028-y)', Trials, 24,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Jørgensen CK; Olsen MH; Nielsen N; Lange T; Mbuagbaw L; Thabane L; Billot L; Binder N; Garattini S; Banzi R; Demotes J; Biagioli E; Rulli E; Bertolini G; Nattino G; Mathiesen O; Torri V; Gluud C; Jakobsen JC, 2023, 'Centre for Statistical and Methodological Excellence (CESAME): A Consortium Initiative for Improving Methodology in Randomised Clinical Trials', Health Services Insights, 16, pp. 117863292311665 - 117863292311665,
    Journal articles | 2023
    KIM D; Lv J; Hladunewich M; Jha V; Hooi LS; Monaghan H; Billot L; Zhang H; Perkovic V; Wong MG, 2023, 'WCN23-0069 EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF REDUCED-DOSE ORAL METHYLPREDNISOLONE IN IGA NEPHROPATHY: THE TESTING TRIAL', Kidney International Reports, 8, pp. S51 - S52,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Lartey ST; Lung T; Serhal S; Bereznicki L; Bereznicki B; Emmerton L; Bosnic-Anticevich S; Saini B; Billot L; Krass I; Armour C; Jan S, 2023, 'Healthcare expenditure and its socio-demographic and clinical predictors in Australians with poorly controlled asthma', PLoS ONE, 18,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Li W; Cornelius V; Finfer S; Venkatesh B; Billot L, 2023, 'Adaptive designs in critical care trials: a simulation study', BMC Medical Research Methodology, 23,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Ma L; Hu X; Song L; Chen X; Ouyang M; Billot L; Li Q; Malavera A; Li X; Muñoz-Venturelli P; de Silva A; Thang NH; Wahab KW; Pandian JD; Wasay M; Pontes-Neto OM; Abanto C; Arauz A; Shi H; Tang G; Zhu S; She X; Liu L; Sakamoto Y; You S; Han Q; Crutzen B; Cheung E; Li Y; Wang X; Chen C; Liu F; Zhao Y; Li H; Liu Y; Jiang Y; Chen L; Wu B; Liu M; Xu J; You C; Anderson CS; Robinson T; Miranda JJ; Parry-Jones A; Sprigg N; Durrans S; Harris C; Bamford A; Smith O; Herbert R; Chen C; Whiteley W; Hu R; Mysore J; Zhang Y; Jan S; Liu H; Sun L; Chu H; Anjum A; Gonzalez Mc Cawley F; Del Rio A; Rimoli B; Cerantola R; Jeevarajah T; Kannangara M; Joseph A; Nanayakkara C; Zhang C; Yang Z; Li B; Meng Z; Ning Y; Dong L; Armenis M; Lim J; Monaghan H; Luo R; Cheng G; Dong Y; Liu Z; Wang S; Zhang Y; Cheng J; Shi H; Li W; Mou L; Yi P; Chen X; Weerawardena S; Ellawala P; Ranasinghe E; Rodrigo C; Adeniyi S; Khanna M; González F; Urrutia Goldsack F, 2023, 'The third Intensive Care Bundle with Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Haemorrhage Trial (INTERACT3): an international, stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial', The Lancet, 402, pp. 27 - 40,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Nagraj S; Kennedy S; Jha V; Norton R; Hinton L; Billot L; Rajan E; Abdul AM; Phalswal A; Arora V; Praveen D; Hirst J, 2023, 'A Mobile Clinical Decision Support System for High-Risk Pregnant Women in Rural India (SMARThealth Pregnancy): Pilot Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial', JMIR Formative Research, 7,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Nolde JM; Atkins E; Marschner S; Hillis GS; Chalmers J; Billot L; Nelson MR; Reid CM; Hay P; Burke M; Jansen S; Usherwood T; Rodgers A; Chow CK; Schlaich MP, 2023, 'Effect of Initial Treatment With a Single Pill Containing Quadruple Combination of Quarter Doses of Blood Pressure Medicines Versus Standard Dose Monotherapy in Patients With Hypertension on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Indices: Results From the QUARTET Study', Circulation, 148, pp. 375 - 377,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Ouyang M; Faigle R; Wang X; Johnson B; Summers D; Khatri P; Billot L; Liu H; Malavera A; Muñoz-Venturelli P; González F; Urrutia F; Day D; Song L; Sui Y; Delcourt C; Robinson T; Durham AC; Ebraimo A; Zaidi WAW; Jan S; Lindley RI; Urrutia VC; Anderson CS, 2023, 'The main Optimal Post rTpa-Iv Monitoring in Ischemic Stroke Trial (OPTIMISTmain): Protocol for a Pragmatic, Stepped Wedge, Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial', Cerebrovascular Diseases,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Pirracchio R; Annane D; Waschka AK; Lamontagne F; Arabi YM; Bollaert P-E; Billot L; Du B; Briegel J; Cohen J; Finfer S; Gordon A; Hammond N; Hyvernat H; Keh D; Li Y; Liu L; Meduri GU; Mirea L; Myburgh JA; Sprung CL; Tilouche N; Tongyoo S; Venkatesh B; Zheng R; Delaney A, 2023, 'Patient-Level Meta-Analysis of Low-Dose Hydrocortisone in Adults with Septic Shock.', NEJM Evid, 2, pp. EVIDoa2300034,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Rahimi K; Majert J; Nazarzadeh M; Ramakrishnan R; Bidel Z; Hedgecott D; Perez-Crespillo A; Turpie W; Akhtar N; Allison M; Court CA; Billot L; Kotecha D; Potter J, 2023, 'ANTIHYPERTENSIVE TREATMENT EVALUATION IN A MULTIMORBIDITY AND POLYPHARMACY TRIAL (ATEMPT): A RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIAL', Journal of Hypertension, 41, pp. e13 - e13,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Taylor WJ; Willink R; O Connor DA; Patel V; Bourne A; Harris IA; Whittle SL; Richards B; Clavisi O; Green S; Hinman RS; Maher CG; Cahill A; McPherson A; Hewson C; May SE; Walker B; Robinson PC; Ghersi D; Fitzpatrick J; Winzenberg T; Fallon K; Glasziou P; Billot L; Buchbinder R, 2023, 'Which clinical research questions are the most important? Development and preliminary validation of the Australia & New Zealand Musculoskeletal (ANZMUSC) Clinical Trials Network Research Question Importance Tool (ANZMUSC-RQIT)', PLoS ONE, 18,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Anderson CS; Rodgers A; de Silva HA; Martins SO; Klijn CJM; Senanayake B; Freed R; Billot L; Arima H; Thang NH; Zaidi WAW; Kherkheulidze T; Wahab K; Fisher U; Lee TH; Chen C; Pontes-Neto O; Robinson T; Wang J; Naismith S; Song L; Schreuder FH; Lindley RI; Woodward M; MacMahon S; Salman RAS; Chow CK; Chalmers J; TRIDENT Research Group , 2022, 'Triple Therapy Prevention of Recurrent Intracerebral Disease Events Trial: Rationale, design and progress', International Journal of Stroke, 17, pp. 1156 - 1162,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Chye A; Hackett ML; Hankey GJ; Lundström E; Almeida OP; Gommans J; Dennis M; Jan S; Mead GE; Ford AH; Beer CE; Flicker L; Delcourt C; Billot L; Anderson CS; Sunnerhagen KS; Yi Q; Bompoint S; Nguyen TH; Lung T, 2022, 'Repeated Measures of Modified Rankin Scale Scores to Assess Functional Recovery From Stroke: AFFINITY Study Findings', Journal of the American Heart Association, 11,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Finfer S; Micallef S; Hammond N; Navarra L; Bellomo R; Billot L; Delaney A; Gallagher M; Gattas D; Li Q; Biostat M; MacKle D; Mysore J; Saxena M; Taylor C; Young P; Myburgh J, 2022, 'Balanced Multielectrolyte Solution versus Saline in Critically Ill Adults', New England Journal of Medicine, 386, pp. 815 - 826,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Jones CMP; Lin CWC; Day RO; Koes BW; Latimer J; Maher CG; McLachlan A; Billot L, 2022, 'OPAL: a randomised, placebo-controlled trial of opioid analgesia for the reduction of pain severity in people with acute spinal pain—a statistical analysis plan', Trials, 23,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Lv J; Wong MG; Hladunewich MA; Jha V; Hooi LS; Monaghan H; Zhao M; Barbour S; Jardine MJ; Reich HN; Cattran D; Glassock R; Levin A; Wheeler DC; Woodward M; Billot L; Stepien S; Rogers K; Chan TM; Liu ZH; Johnson DW; Cass A; Feehally J; Floege J; Remuzzi G; Wu Y; Agarwal R; Zhang H; Perkovic V, 2022, 'Effect of Oral Methylprednisolone on Decline in Kidney Function or Kidney Failure in Patients With IgA Nephropathy: The TESTING Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 327, pp. 1888 - 1898,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Myburgh JA; Seppelt IM; Goodman F; Billot L; Correa M; Davis JS; Gordon AC; Hammond NE; Iredell J; Li Q; Micallef S; Miller J; Mysore J; Taylor C; Young PJ; Cuthbertson BH; Finfer SR, 2022, 'Effect of Selective Decontamination of the Digestive Tract on Hospital Mortality in Critically Ill Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation: A Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA, 328, pp. 1911 - 1921,
    Journal articles | 2022
    O'Connor DA; Glasziou P; Maher CG; McCaffery KJ; Schram D; Maguire B; Ma R; Billot L; Gorelik A; Traeger AC; Albarqouni L; Checketts J; Vyas P; Clark B; Buchbinder R, 2022, 'Effect of an Individualized Audit and Feedback Intervention on Rates of Musculoskeletal Diagnostic Imaging Requests by Australian General Practitioners: A Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA, 328, pp. 850 - 860,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Ramanan M; Kumar A; Billot L; Myburgh J; Venkatesh B, 2022, 'Recruitment characteristics of randomised trials in critical care: A systematic review', Clinical Trials, 19, pp. 673 - 680,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Serhal S; Armour C; Billot L; Krass I; Emmerton L; Saini B; Bosnic-Anticevich S; Bereznicki B; Bereznicki L; Shan S; Campain A, 2022, 'Integrating Pharmacy and Registry Data Strengthens Clinical Assessments of Patient Adherence', Frontiers in Pharmacology, 13, pp. 869162,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Serhal S; Krass I; Emmerton L; Bereznicki B; Bereznicki L; Bosnic-Anticevich S; Saini B; Billot L; Armour C, 2022, 'Patient uptake and outcomes following pharmacist-initiated referrals to general practitioners for asthma review', npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 32,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Serhal S; Mitchell B; Krass I; Emmerton L; Bereznicki B; Bereznicki L; Shan S; Billot L; Bosnic-Anticevich S; Saini B; Armour C, 2022, 'Rethinking the gold standard – The feasibility of randomized controlled trials within health services effectiveness research', Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 18, pp. 3656 - 3668,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Serhal S; Saini B; Bosnic-Anticevich S; Emmerton L; Bereznicki B; Bereznicki L; Mitchell B; Wright B; Wilson K; Krass I; Jan S; Billot L; Armour C, 2022, 'Pharmacist-delivered asthma management services—what do patients think?', Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 62, pp. 1260 - 1269.e2,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Song L; Yang P; Zhang Y; Zhang X; Chen X; Li Y; Shen H; Zhang L; Li Z; Zhang Y; Xing P; Zhang P; Zhou Y; Ren X; Billot L; Wang X; Parsons MW; Butcher K; Campbell B; Robinson T; Goyal M; Dippel D; Roos Y; Majoie C; Liu J; Anderson CS, 2022, 'The second randomized controlled ENhanced Control of Hypertension ANd Thrombectomy strokE stuDy (ENCHANTED2): Protocol and progress', International Journal of Stroke, 18,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Tandon N; Gupta Y; Kapoor D; Lakshmi JK; Praveen D; Bhattacharya A; Billot L; Naheed A; De Silva A; Gupta I; Farzana N; John R; Ajanthan S; Divakar H; Bhatla N; Desai A; Pathmeswaran A; Prabhakaran D; Joshi R; Jan S; Teede H; Zoungas S; Patel A, 2022, 'Effects of a Lifestyle Intervention to Prevent Deterioration in Glycemic Status among South Asian Women with Recent Gestational Diabetes: A Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA Network Open, 5,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Tu Q; Hyun K; Hafiz N; Knight A; Hespe C; Chow CK; Briffa T; Gallagher R; Reid CM; Hare DL; Zwar N; Woodward M; Jan S; Atkins ER; Laba TL; Halcomb E; Usherwood T; Billot L; Redfern J, 2022, 'Age-Related Variation in the Provision of Primary Care Services and Medication Prescriptions for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, pp. 10761,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Yang P; Song L; Zhang Y; Zhang X; Chen X; Li Y; Sun L; Wan Y; Billot L; Li Q; Ren X; Shen H; Zhang L; Li Z; Xing P; Zhang Y; Zhang P; Hua W; Shen F; Zhou Y; Tian B; Chen W; Han H; Zhang L; Xu C; Li T; Peng Y; Yue X; Chen S; Wen C; Wan S; Yin C; Wei M; Shu H; Nan G; Liu S; Liu W; Cai Y; Sui Y; Chen M; Zhou Y; Zuo Q; Dai D; Zhao R; Huang Q; Xu Y; Deng B; Wu T; Lu J; Wang X; Parsons MW; Butcher K; Campbell B; Robinson TG; Goyal M; Dippel D; Roos Y; Majoie C; Wang L; Wang Y; Liu J; Anderson CS, 2022, 'Intensive blood pressure control after endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischaemic stroke (ENCHANTED2/MT): a multicentre, open-label, blinded-endpoint, randomised controlled trial', The Lancet, 400, pp. 1585 - 1596,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Yatirajula SK; Kallakuri S; Paslawar S; Mukherjee A; Bhattacharya A; Chatterjee S; Sagar R; Kumar A; Lempp H; Raman U; Singh R; Essue B; Billot L; Peiris D; Norton R; Thornicroft G; Maulik PK, 2022, 'An intervention to reduce stigma and improve management of depression, risk of suicide/self-harm and other significant emotional or medically unexplained complaints among adolescents living in urban slums: protocol for the ARTEMIS project', Trials, 23,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Bhattacharya A; Billot L; Patel A; Tandon N, 2021, 'Statistical Analysis Plan for the Lifestyle InterVention IN Gestational Diabetes (LIVING) trial', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Billot L; Bellomo R; Gallagher M; Gattas D; Hammond NE; Mackle D; Micallef S; Myburgh J; Navarra L; Saxena M; Taylor C; Young PJ; Finfer S, 2021, 'The plasma-lyte 148 versus saline (PLUS) statistical analysis plan: A multicentre, randomised controlled trial of the effect of intensive care fluid therapy on mortality', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 23, pp. 24 - 31,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Billot L; Cuthbertson B; Finfer S; Goodman F; Gordon A; Myburgh J; Seppelt I, 2021, 'SuDDICU Protocol', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Billot L; Cuthbertson B; Gordon A; Al-Beidh F; Correa M; Davis J; Finfer S; Glass P; Goodman F; Hammond N; Iredell J; Miller J; Murthy S; Rose L; Seppelt I; Taylor C; Young P; Myburgh J, 2021, 'Protocol summary and statistical analysis plan for the Selective Decontamination of the Digestive Tract in Intensive Care Unit Patients (SuDDICU) crossover, cluster randomized controlled trial', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 23, pp. 183 - 193,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Billot L; Lipman J; Brett SJ; De Waele JJ; Cotta MO; Davis JS; Finfer S; Hammond NE; Knowles S; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Paterson DL; Peake S; Rajbhandari D; Rhodes A; Roberts JA; Roger C; Shirwadkar C; Starr T; Taylor C; Dulhunty JM, 2021, 'Statistical analysis plan for the BLING III study: A phase 3 multicentre randomised controlled trial of continuous versus intermittent β-lactam antibiotic infusion in critically ill patients with sepsis', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 23, pp. 273 - 284,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Bubb KJ; Harmer JA; Finemore M; Aitken SJ; Ali ZS; Billot L; Chow C; Golledge J; Mister R; Gray MP; Grieve SM; Hamburg N; Keech AC; Patel S; Puttaswamy V; Figtree GA, 2021, 'Protocol for the Stimulating β 3 -Adrenergic Receptors for Peripheral Artery Disease (STAR-PAD) trial: A double-blinded, randomised, placebo-controlled study evaluating the effects of mirabegron on functional performance in patients with peripheral arterial disease', BMJ Open, 11,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Chow CK; Atkins ER; Billot L; Chalmers J; Hillis GS; Hay P; Neal B; Nelson M; Patel A; Reid CM; Schlaich M; Usherwood T; Webster R; Rodgers A, 2021, 'Ultra-low-dose quadruple combination blood pressure–lowering therapy in patients with hypertension: The QUARTET randomized controlled trial protocol', American Heart Journal, 231, pp. 56 - 67,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Chow CK; Atkins ER; Hillis GS; Nelson MR; Reid CM; Schlaich MP; Hay P; Rogers K; Billot L; Burke M; Chalmers J; Neal B; Patel A; Usherwood T; Webster R; Rodgers A; Hung A; Edison A; Abraham AE; Xu D; Bloch MT; Figtree G; Nolde JM; Black A; Jansen S; Biswas S; Ajani AE; Carnagarin R; Wynne D; Altman M; Thakkar J; Thiagalingam A; Klimis H, 2021, 'Initial treatment with a single pill containing quadruple combination of quarter doses of blood pressure medicines versus standard dose monotherapy in patients with hypertension (QUARTET): a phase 3, randomised, double-blind, active-controlled trial', The Lancet, 398, pp. 1043 - 1052,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Chye A; Lin CWC; Hancock MJ; Harris I; Latimer J; Maher CG; McLachlan AJ; Mathieson S; Koes B; Day RO; Billot L; Jan S; Angell B, 2021, 'Healthcare expenditure and its predictors in a cohort of Australians living with sciatica', European Spine Journal, 30, pp. 878 - 885,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Coombs DM; MacHado GC; Richards B; Needs C; Buchbinder R; Harris IA; Howard K; McCaffery K; Billot L; Edwards J; Rogan E; Facer R; Li Q; Maher CG, 2021, 'Effectiveness of a multifaceted intervention to improve emergency department care of low back pain: A stepped-wedge, cluster-randomised trial', BMJ Quality and Safety, 30, pp. 825 - 835,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Daniel M; Maulik PK; Kallakuri S; Kaur A; Devarapalli S; Mukherjee A; Bhattacharya A; Billot L; Thornicroft G; Praveen D; Raman U; Sagar R; Kant S; Essue B; Chatterjee S; Saxena S; Patel A; Peiris D, 2021, 'An integrated community and primary healthcare worker intervention to reduce stigma and improve management of common mental disorders in rural India: protocol for the SMART Mental Health programme', Trials, 22, pp. 179,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Ghosh A; Bhattacharya A; Jha V; Vijayaraghavan BKT; Bassi A; Rajbhandari D; Donaldson L; Billot L; Kunigari M; Hammond N; John O; Joshi R; Myatra SN; Arfin S; Venkatesh B, 2021, 'Statistical Analysis Plan for the HydrOxychloroquine Prophylaxis Evaluation (HOPE) trial', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hankey GJ; Hackett ML; Almeida OP; Flicker L; Mead GE; Dennis MS; Etherton-Beer C; Ford AH; Billot L; Jan S; Lung T; Lundström E; Sunnerhagen KS; Anderson CS; Thang-Nguyen H; Gommans J; Yi Q; Calic Z; ORourke F; Katrak P; Massey J; Carcel C; Delcourt C; Zagami A, 2021, 'Twelve-Month Outcomes of the affinity trial of fluoxetine for functional recovery after acute stroke: Affinity trial steering committee on behalf of the AFFINITY Trial Collaboration', Stroke, 52, pp. 2502 - 2509,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hossain MS; Harvey LA; Islam MS; Rahman MA; Muldoon S; Biering-Sorensen F; Jan S; Liu H; Li Q; Cameron ID; Taylor V; Lindley RI; Billot L; Herbert RD, 2021, 'A community-based intervention to prevent serious complications and death 2 years after discharge in people with spinal cord injury in Bangladesh (CIVIC): a randomised trial', Spinal Cord, 59, pp. 649 - 658,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Islam MS; Harvey LA; Hossain MS; Rahman MA; Costa PD; Liu H; Muldoon S; Taylor V; Billot L; Lindley RI; Biering-Sorensen F; Cameron ID; Jan S, 2021, 'The cost of providing a community-based model of care to people with spinal cord injury, and the healthcare costs and economic burden to households of spinal cord injury in Bangladesh', Spinal Cord, 59, pp. 833 - 841,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Nagraj S; Kennedy SH; Jha V; Norton R; Hinton L; Billot L; Rajan E; Arora V; Praveen D; Hirst JE, 2021, 'SMARThealth Pregnancy: Feasibility and Acceptability of a Complex Intervention for High-Risk Pregnant Women in Rural India: Protocol for a Pilot Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial', Frontiers in Global Women's Health, 2,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Nørskov AK; Lange T; Nielsen EE; Gluud C; Winkel P; Beyersmann J; De Unã-Álvarez J; Torri V; Billot L; Putter H; Wetterslev J; Thabane L; Jakobsen JC, 2021, 'Assessment of assumptions of statistical analysis methods in randomised clinical trials: The what and how', BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, 26, pp. 121 - 126,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Ouyang M; Billot L; Song L; Wang X; Roffe C; Arima H; Lavados PM; Hackett ML; Olavarría VV; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto OM; Lee TH; Watkins CL; Robinson TG; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2021, 'Prognostic significance of early urinary catheterization after acute stroke: Secondary analyses of the international HeadPoST trial', International Journal of Stroke, 16, pp. 200 - 206,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Ouyang M; Munoz-Venturelli P; Billot L; Wang X; Song L; Arima H; Lavados PM; Hackett ML; Olavarria VV; Brunser A; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto OM; Lee TH; Watkins CL; Robinson T; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2021, 'Lowblood pressure and adverse outcomes in acute stroke:HeadPoSTstudy explanations', Journal of Hypertension, 39, pp. 273 - 279,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Ouyang M; Roffe C; Billot L; Song L; Wang X; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Lavados PM; Robinson T; Middleton S; Olavarría VV; Watkins CL; Lee TH; Brunser AM; Pontes-Neto OM; Hackett ML; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2021, 'Oxygen desaturation and adverse outcomes in acute stroke: Secondary analysis of the HeadPoST study', Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 207, pp. 106796,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Ramanan M; Attokaran A; Murray L; Bhadange N; Stewart D; Rajendran G; Pusapati R; Petty M; Garrett P; Kruger P; Peake S; Billot L; Venkatesh B; Scott M; Watts S; Harding T; Tyler S; Hovinga B; Hess TJ; Sandha RS; Austin D; Khadri SG; Poggenpoel SJ; Miles H; Brailsford J; Maguire T; Roberts K; Thom O; Seneviratne I; Stewart D, 2021, 'Sodium chloride or Plasmalyte-148 evaluation in severe diabetic ketoacidosis (SCOPE-DKA): a cluster, crossover, randomized, controlled trial', Intensive Care Medicine, 47, pp. 1248 - 1257,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Ramanan M; Billot L; Rajbhandari D; Myburgh J; Venkatesh B, 2021, 'An evaluation of factors that may influence clinicians’ decisions not to enroll eligible patients into randomized trials in critical care', PLoS ONE, 16, pp. 1 - 6,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Serhal S; Saini B; Bosnic-Anticevich S; Krass I; Emmerton L; Bereznicki B; Bereznicki L; Mitchell B; Wilson F; Wright B; Wilson K; Weier N; Segrott R; Cleveland R; Jan S; Shan S; Billot L; Armour C, 2021, 'A Targeted Approach to Improve Asthma Control Using Community Pharmacists', Frontiers in Pharmacology, 12,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Song L; Chen C; Chen X; Guo Y; Liu F; Lin Y; Billot L; Li Q; Liu H; Si L; Ouyang M; Arima H; Bath PM; Ford GA; Robinson TG; Sandset EC; Saver JL; Sprigg N; van der Worp HB; Zhang C; Yang J; Li G; Anderson CS; Anderson CS; Li G; Yang J; Song L; Worp B; Liu Z; Dawson J; Wong L; Peng B; Li Q; Ning Y; Song L; Chen X; Yang Z; Yu W; Li G; Chen C; Liu F; Yang J; Guo Y; Lin Y; Hu R; Cheng H; Ma W; Liao K; Zhang C; Jin H; Li G; Yang J; Xu P; Wu X; Wang F; Wu L; Wang C; Peng Y; Zhao X; Xu X; Liu X; Song X; Li Z; Zhang H; Yu D; Wang Y; Tang X; Liu H; Cao X; Liu Y; Duan Y; Liu H; Li C; Huang J; Li H; Fan C; Tang Y; Ji Y; Li G; Huang Y; Chen G; Wang J, 2021, 'INTEnsive ambulance-delivered blood pressure Reduction in hyper-ACute stroke Trial (INTERACT4): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial', Trials, 22, pp. 1 - 14,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Song L; Hu X; Ma L; Chen X; Ouyang M; Billot L; Li Q; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Abanto C; Pontes-Neto OM; Antonio A; Wasay M; Silva AD; Thang NH; Pandian JD; Wahab KW; You C; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2021, 'INTEnsive care bundle with blood pressure reduction in acute cerebral hemorrhage trial (INTERACT3): study protocol for a pragmatic stepped-wedge cluster-randomized controlled trial', Trials, 22, pp. 1 - 14,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Tandon N; Gupta Y; Kapoor D; Lakshmi J; Bhattacharya A; Praveen D; Billot L; Naheed A; Silva AD; Gupta I; Farzana N; John R; Ajanthan S; Divakar H; Bhatla N; Desai A; Pathmeswaran A; Prabhakaran D; Joshi R; Jan S; Teede H; Zoungas S; Patel A, 2021, 'The Effects of a Lifestyle Intervention to Prevent Deterioration in Glycaemic Status Among South Asian Women with Recent Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomised Control Trial', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Taylor C; Yang L; Finfer S; Machado FR; YouZhong A; Billot L; Bloos F; Bozza F; Cavalcanti AB; Correa M; Du B; Hjortrup PB; McIntyre L; Saxena M; Schortgen F; Watts NR; Myburgh J; Thompson K; Hammond NE, 2021, 'An international comparison of the cost of fluid resuscitation therapies', Australian Critical Care, 34, pp. 23 - 32,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Tu Q; Hyun K; Hafiz N; Knight A; Hespe C; Chow C; Briffa T; Gallagher R; Reid C; Hare D; Zwar N; Woodward M; Jan S; Atkins E; Laba T; Halcomb E; Billot L; Usherwood T; Redfern J, 2021, 'Age-related Differences in the Receipt of Primary Healthcare Services in Managing Contemporary Patients with Cardiovascular Disease in Australia', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 30, pp. S274 - S274,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Wang X; Moullaali TJ; Ouyang M; Billot L; Sandset EC; Song L; Delcourt C; Hackett ML; Watkins CL; Robinson TG; Yang J; Lavados PM; Brunser A; Olavarriá VV; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Arima H; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto OM; Pandian JD; Rogers K; Anderson CS, 2021, 'Influence of including Patients with Premorbid Disability in Acute Stroke Trials: The HeadPoST Experience', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 50, pp. 78 - 87,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Wong MG; Lv J; Hladunewich MA; Jha V; Hooi LS; Monaghan H; Zhao M; Barbour S; Reich HN; Cattran D; Glassock R; Levin A; Jardine MJ; Wheeler DC; Woodward M; Billot L; Chan TM; Liu ZH; Johnson DW; Cass A; Feehally J; Floege J; Remuzzi G; Wu Y; Agarwal R; Zhang H; Perkovic V, 2021, 'The Therapeutic Evaluation of Steroids in IgA Nephropathy Global (TESTING) Study: Trial Design and Baseline Characteristics', American Journal of Nephrology, 52, pp. 827 - 836,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Annane D; Pirracchio R; Billot L; Waschka A; Chevret S; Cohen J; Finfer S; Gordon A; Hammond N; Myburgh J; Venkatesh B; Delaney A, 2020, 'Effects of low-dose hydrocortisone and hydrocortisone plus fludrocortisone in adults with septic shock: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data', BMJ Open, 10, pp. e040931,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Billot L; Serhal S; Armour C, 2020, 'Pharmacy Trial Program – Asthma and Rhinitis Control (PTP-ARC) trial: Statistical Analysis Plan', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Brunser AM; Ouyang M; Arima H; Lavados PM; Robinson T; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Olavarría VV; Billot L; Hackett ML; Song L; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto O; Lee TH; Watkins C; Anderson CS, 2020, 'No benefit of flat head positioning in early moderate-severe acute ischaemic stroke: A HeadPoST study subgroup analysis', Stroke and Vascular Neurology, 5, pp. 406 - 409,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Buchbinder R; Bourne A; Latimer J; Harris I; Whittle SL; Richards B; Taylor WJ; Clavisi O; Green S; Hinman RS; March L; Day R; Ferreira ML; Billot L; Maher CG, 2020, 'Early development of the Australia and New Zealand Musculoskeletal Clinical Trials Network', Internal Medicine Journal, 50, pp. 17 - 23,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Cohen J; Bellomo R; Billot L; Burrell LM; Evans DM; Finfer S; Hammond NE; Li Q; Liu D; McArthur C; McWhinney B; Moore J; Myburgh J; Peake S; Pretorius C; Rajbhandari D; Rhodes A; Saxena M; Ungerer JPJ; Young MJ; Venkatesh B, 2020, 'Plasma Cortisol, Aldosterone, and Ascorbic Acid Concentrations in Patients with Septic Shock Do Not Predict Treatment Effect of Hydrocortisone on Mortality A Nested Cohort Study', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 202, pp. 700 - 707,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Hafiz N; Hyun K; Chow C; Briffa T; Gallagher R; Reid C; Hare D; Zwar N; Woodward M; Jan S; Atkins E; Laba T; Halcomb E; Billot L; Usherwood T; Redfern J, 2020, '732 Gender Comparison in the use of General Practice Management Plans (GPMPs) for Patients With Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 29, pp. S365 - S366,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Hammond NE; Finfer SR; Li Q; Taylor C; Cohen J; Arabi Y; Bellomo R; Billot L; Harward M; Joyce C; McArthur C; Myburgh J; Perner A; Rajbhandari D; Rhodes A; Thompson K; Webb S; Venkatesh B; Cowdrey KA; Gilder E; Long S; McCarthy L; McGuinness S; Parke R; Benefield K; Chen Y; McConnochie R; Newby L; Eastwood G; Jones D; Peck L; Young H; Boschert C; Edington J; Fletcher J; Smith J; Ghelani D; Nand K; Reece G; Sara T; Bewley J; Cole L; Grimmer L; Howie L; James S; Kozlowski M; Phillips V; Shah S; Sweet K; Webster D; Bailey I; Ellem K; McKenna T; Henderson S; Knight D; Mehrtens J; Minto E; Noble S; Ansari Z; Bates S; French C; Gantner D; Koottayi SV; McGain F; Mulder J; Tippett A; Towns M; Boyd C; Calder V; Harris K; Scott C; Wright S; De Keulenaer B; Litton E; Palermo A; Regli A; Bone A; Cattigan C; Elderkin T; Fraser M; Chonghaile MN; Orford N; Salerno T; Gough M; Paxton J; Tallott M; Winearls J; Bastick M; Cameron R; Ellis K; Gaur A; Gregory R; Naumoff J; White M; Bhadange N; Bhende N; Bhutada U; Krishnan A; Nunn R; Ochola J, 2020, 'Health-related quality of life in survivors of septic shock: 6-month follow-up from the ADRENAL trial', Intensive Care Medicine, 46, pp. 1696 - 1706,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Hankey GJ; Hackett ML; Almeida OP; Flicker L; Mead GE; Dennis MS; Etherton-Beer C; Ford AH; Billot L; Jan S; Lung T; Murray V; Lundström E; Anderson CS; Herbert R; Carter G; Donnan GA; Nguyen HT; Gommans J; Yi Q; Li Q; Bompoint S; Barrett S; Claxton A; O'Dea J; Tang M; Williams C; Peterson S; Drummond C; Hong UH; Le LTM; Ngo TTB; Mai YB; Han HT; Truong NQ; Nguyen HT; Ngo HT; Nguyen TB; Ha OTK; Nguyen TLH; Lindley RI; New P; Lee A; Tran TT; Le LTTM; Kieu TLV; Nguyen SV; Nguyen TAD; Dang TN; Phan HTT; Vo LTN; Nguyen MH; Dang HC; Tran HT; Dam LTC; Ngo TTK; Pham TNT; Pham BN; Dao NTT; Le LTC; Do CM; Huynh HQ; Tran GTK; Le OT; Tran LTK; Duong CD; Kieu DV; Le N; Nguyen HN; Le BV; Nguyen LT; Nguyen LV; Dinh TQ; Vo TV; Bui TN; Hoang UTT; Nguyen HTB; Nguyen HTT; Lam NT; Le KK; Trinh PT; Huynh HQ; Nguyen TTT; Lu HN; Pham TH; Nguyen SH; Le NH; Nguyen GT; Doan BT; Pham SP; Luong DH; Mai HV; Tran TV; Do PT; Le HT; Nguyen CV; Nguyen PD; Mai TD; Dao PV; Markus R; Calic Z; Katrak P; Faux S; Delcourt C; Carcel C; McDougall A; ORourke F; Cordato D; Jude M; Zagami A; Massey J, 2020, 'Safety and efficacy of fluoxetine on functional outcome after acute stroke (AFFINITY): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial', The Lancet Neurology, 19, pp. 651 - 660,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Li X; Duolikun N; Cheng F; Billot L; Jia W; Zhang P, 2020, 'Road to Hierarchical Diabetes Management at Primary Care (ROADMAP) Study in China: Protocol for the Statistical Analysis of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial (Preprint)', Journal of Medical Internet Research,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Li X; Duolikun N; Cheng F; Billot L; Jia W; Zhang P, 2020, 'Road to Hierarchical Diabetes Management at Primary Care (ROADMAP) Study in China: Protocol for the Statistical Analysis of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial', JMIR Research Protocols, 9,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Mead GE; Graham C; Billot L; Näsman P; Lundström E; Lewis S; Hankey GJ; Hackett ML; Forbes J; Dennis M, 2020, 'Update to the FOCUS, AFFINITY and EFFECTS trials studying the effect(s) of fluoxetine in patients with a recent stroke: statistical analysis plan for the trials and for the individual patient data meta-analysis', Trials, 21, pp. 971,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ouyang M; Boaden E; Arima H; Lavados PM; Billot L; Hackett ML; Olavarría VV; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Song L; Rogers K; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto OM; Lee TH; Watkins C; Robinson T; Anderson CS, 2020, 'Dysphagia screening and risks of pneumonia and adverse outcomes after acute stroke: An international multicenter study', International Journal of Stroke, 15, pp. 206 - 215,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ouyang M; Zhang Y; Wang X; Song L; Billot L; Robinson T; Lavados PM; Arima H; Hackett ML; Olavarría VV; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Middleton S; Watkins CL; Pontes-Neto OM; Lee TH; Brunser AM; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2020, 'Quantifying regional variations in components of acute stroke unit (ASU) care in the international HeadPoST study', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 419, pp. 117187,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ramanan M; Billot L; Rajbhandari D; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Bellomo R; Venkatesh B, 2020, 'Does asymmetry in patient recruitment in large critical care trials follow the Pareto principle?', Trials, 21, pp. 378,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ramanan M; Stolz A; Rooplalsingh R; Billot L; Myburgh J; Venkatesh B, 2020, 'An evaluation of the quality and impact of the global research response to the COVID-19 pandemic', Medical Journal of Australia, 213, pp. 380 - 380.e1,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Redfern J; Hafiz N; Hyun K; Knight A; Hespe C; Chow CK; Briffa T; Gallagher R; Reid C; Hare DL; Zwar N; Woodward M; Jan S; Atkins ER; Laba TL; Halcomb E; Billot L; Johnson T; Usherwood T, 2020, 'QUality improvement in primary care to prevent hospitalisations and improve Effectiveness and efficiency of care for people Living with coronary heart disease (QUEL): Protocol for a 24-month cluster randomised controlled trial in primary care', BMC Family Practice, 21, pp. 36,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Wang N; Salam A; Webster R; De Silva A; Guggilla R; Stepien S; Mysore J; Billot L; Jan S; Maulik PK; Naik N; Selak V; Thom S; Prabhakaran D; Patel A; Rodgers A; Abdul Salam M, 2020, 'Association of Low-Dose Triple Combination Therapy with Therapeutic Inertia and Prescribing Patterns in Patients with Hypertension: A Secondary Analysis of the TRIUMPH Trial', JAMA Cardiology, 5, pp. 1219 - 1226,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Anderson CS; Huang Y; Lindley RI; Chen X; Arima H; Chen G; Li Q; Billot L; Delcourt C; Bath PM; Broderick JP; Demchuk AM; Donnan GA; Durham AC; Lavados PM; Martins SO; Olavarria VV; Levi C; Parsons MW; Pontes-Neto OM; Ricci S; Sato S; Sharma VK; Silva F; Song L; Thang NH; Wardlaw JM; Wang JG; Wang X; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Robinson TG; Kim JS; Stapf C; Simes RJ; Hankey GJ; Sandercock P; Bousser MG; Wong KSL; Scaria A; Hirakawa Y; Moullaali TJ; Carcel C; Gordon P; Fuentes-Patarroyo SX; Benito D; Chen R; Cao Y; Kunchok A; Winters S; Coutts S; Yoshimura S; You S; Yang J; Wu G; Zhang S; Manning L; Mistri A; Haunton V; Minhas J; Malavera A; Lim J; Liu L; Kumar NN; Tay N; Jenson K; Richtering S; Tucker S; Knight E; Ivanova E; Thembani E; Odgers E; Sanders E; Small S; Vaghasiya R; Armenis M; Donnelly P; Baig MA; Blacklock N; Naidu B; Monaghan H; Smith P; Glass P; Bai X; Li Q; Zhu P; Kong L; He R; Zhao H; Lv J; Jia H; Xi Z; Cong Y; Cui B; Deng H; Guo Y; He L, 2019, 'Intensive blood pressure reduction with intravenous thrombolysis therapy for acute ischaemic stroke (ENCHANTED): an international, randomised, open-label, blinded-endpoint, phase 3 trial', The Lancet, 393, pp. 877 - 888,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Gupta Y; Kapoor D; Josyula LK; Praveen D; Naheed A; Desai AK; Pathmeswaran A; de Silva HA; Lombard CB; Shamsul Alam D; Prabhakaran D; Teede HJ; Billot L; Bhatla N; Joshi R; Zoungas S; Jan S; Patel A; Tandon N, 2019, 'A lifestyle intervention programme for the prevention of Type 2 diabetes mellitus among South Asian women with gestational diabetes mellitus [LIVING study]: protocol for a randomized trial', Diabetic Medicine, 36, pp. 243 - 251,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Herbert RD; Harvey LA; Hossain MS; Islam MS; Li Q; Billot L; Rahman MA; Muldoon S; Jan S; Taylor V; Cameron ID; Chhabra HS; Lindley RI; Biering-Sørensen F, 2019, 'Community-based interventions to prevent serious complications following spinal cord injury in Bangladesh: The CIVIC trial statistical analysis plan', Trials, 20, pp. 238,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Jun M; Jardine MJ; Perkovic V; Pilard Q; Billot L; Rodgers A; Rogers K; Gallagher M, 2019, 'Hyperkalemia and renin-angiotensin aldosterone system inhibitor therapy in chronic kidney disease: A general practice-based, observational study', PLoS ONE, 14, pp. e0213192,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Lipman J; Brett SJ; De Waele JJ; Cotta MO; Davis JS; Finfer S; Glass P; Knowles S; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Paterson DL; Peake S; Rajbhandari D; Rhodes A; Roberts JA; Shirwadkar C; Starr T; Taylor C; Billot L; Dulhunty JM, 2019, 'A protocol for a phase 3 multicentre randomised controlled trial of continuous versus intermittent β-lactam antibiotic infusion in critically ill patients with sepsis: BLING III', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 21, pp. 63 - 68
    Journal articles | 2019
    Minhas JS; Wang X; Lavados PM; Moullaali TJ; Arima H; Billot L; Hackett ML; Olavarria VV; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto O; De Silva HA; Lee TH; Pandian JD; Mead GE; Watkins C; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Robinson TG, 2019, 'Blood pressure variability and outcome in acute ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke: a post hoc analysis of the HeadPoST study', Journal of Human Hypertension, 33, pp. 411 - 418,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Neuen BL; Young T; Heerspink HJL; Neal B; Perkovic V; Billot L; Mahaffey KW; Charytan DM; Wheeler DC; Arnott C; Bompoint S; Levin A; Jardine MJ, 2019, 'SGLT2 inhibitors for the prevention of kidney failure in patients with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis', The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, 7, pp. 845 - 854,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Nielsen EE; Nørskov AK; Lange T; Thabane L; Wetterslev J; Beyersmann J; De Unã-Álvarez J; Torri V; Billot L; Putter H; Winkel P; Gluud C; Jakobsen JC, 2019, 'Assessing assumptions for statistical analyses in randomised clinical trials', BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, 24, pp. 185 - 189,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Santos JAR; Christoforou A; Trieu K; McKenzie BL; Downs S; Billot L; Webster J; Li M, 2019, 'Iodine fortification of foods and condiments, other than salt, for preventing iodine deficiency disorders', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2019,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Schreijenberg M; Lin CWC; McLachlan AJ; Williams CM; Kamper SJ; Koes BW; Maher CG; Billot L, 2019, 'Paracetamol is ineffective for acute low back pain even for patients who comply with treatment: Complier average causal effect analysis of a randomized controlled trial', Pain, 160, pp. 2848 - 2854,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Venkatesh B; Finfer S; Cohen J; Rajbhandari D; Arabi Y; Bellomo R; Billot L; Glass P; Joyce C; Li Q; McArthur C; Perner A; Rhodes A; Thompson K; Webb S; Myburgh J, 2019, 'Hydrocortisone Compared with Placebo in Patients with Septic Shock Satisfying the Sepsis-3 Diagnostic Criteria and APROCCHSS Study Inclusion Criteria: A Post Hoc Analysis of the ADRENAL Trial', Anesthesiology, 131, pp. 1292 - 1300,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Venturelli PM; Li X; Middleton S; Watkins C; Lavados PM; Olavarría VV; Brunser A; Pontes-Neto O; Santos TEG; Arima H; Billot L; Hackett ML; Song L; Robinson T; Anderson CS; Hackett M; Jan S; Woodward M; Scaria A; Herbert R; Monaghan H, 2019, 'Impact of evidence-based stroke care on patient outcomes: A multilevel analysis of an international study', Journal of the American Heart Association, 8, pp. e012640,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Wu Y; Li S; Patel A; Li X; Du X; Wu T; Zhao Y; Feng L; Billot L; Peterson ED; Woodward M; Kong L; Huo Y; Hu D; Chalkidou K; Gao R, 2019, 'Effect of a Quality of Care Improvement Initiative in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome in Resource-Constrained Hospitals in China: A Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA Cardiology, 4, pp. 418 - 427,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Calao M; Wilson JL; Spelman L; Billot L; Rubel D; Watts AD; Jemec GBE, 2018, 'Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) prevalence, demographics and management pathways in Australia: A population-based cross-sectional study', PLoS ONE, 13, pp. 1DUMMY,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Chow CK; Thiagalingam A; Santo K; Kok C; Thakkar J; Stepien S; Billot L; Jan S; Joshi R; Hillis GS; Brieger D; Chew DP; Radholm K; Atherton JJ; Bhindi R; Collins N; Coverdale S; Hamilton-Craig C; Kangaharan N; Maiorana A; McGrady M; Shetty P; Thompson P; Rogers A; Redfern J, 2018, 'TEXT messages to improve MEDication adherence and Secondary prevention (TEXTMEDS) after acute coronary syndrome: a randomised clinical trial protocol', BMJ OPEN, 8,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Chow CK; Thiagalingam A; Santo K; Kok C; Thakkar J; Stepien S; Billot L; Jan S; Joshi R; Hillis GS; Brieger D; Chew DP; Rådholm K; Atherton JJ; Bhindi R; Collins N; Coverdale S; Hamilton-Craig C; Kangaharan N; Maiorana A; McGrady M; Shetty P; Thompson P; Rogers A; Redfern J, 2018, 'TEXT messages to improve MEDication adherence and Secondary prevention (TEXTMEDS) after acute coronary syndrome: A randomised clinical trial protocol', BMJ Open, 8,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Herbert RD; Broderick CR; Barnes C; Billot L; Zhou A; Latimer J, 2018, 'Erratum: Correction: Optimization of prophylaxis for hemophilia A (PloS one (2018) 13 2 (e0192783))', PloS one, 13, pp. e0196695,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Herbert RD; Broderick CR; Barnes C; Billot L; Zhou A; Latimer J, 2018, 'Optimization of prophylaxis for hemophilia A', PLoS ONE, 13, pp. e0192783,
    Journal articles | 2018
    MacHado GC; Richards B; Needs C; Buchbinder R; Harris IA; Howard K; McCaffery K; Billot L; Edwards J; Rogan E; Facer R; Lord Cowell D; Maher CG, 2018, 'Implementation of an evidence-based model of care for low back pain in emergency departments: Protocol for the Sydney Health Partners Emergency Department (SHaPED) trial', BMJ Open, 8, pp. e019052,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Minhas JS; Wang X; Arima H; Bath PM; Billot L; Broderick JP; Donnan GA; Kim JS; Lavados PM; Lee TH; Martins SCO; Olavarría VV; Pandian JD; Pontes-Neto OM; Ricci S; Sato S; Sharma VK; Thang NH; Wang JG; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Robinson TG, 2018, 'Lipid-lowering pretreatment and outcome following intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke: a post hoc analysis of the enhanced control of hypertension and thrombolysis stroke study trial', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 45, pp. 213 - 220,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Venkatesh B; Finfer S; Cohen J; Rajbhandari D; Arabi Y; Bellomo R; Billot L; Correa M; Glass P; Harward M; Joyce C; Li Q; McArthur C; Perner A; Rhodes A; Thompson K; Webb S; Myburgh J; Saxena M, 2018, 'Adjunctive glucocorticoid therapy in patients with septic shock', New England Journal of Medicine, 378, pp. 797 - 808,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Venkatesh B; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Cohen J; Billot L, 2018, 'Long-Term outcomes of the ADRENAL trial', New England Journal of Medicine, 378, pp. 1744 - 1745,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Webster R; Salam A; De Silva HA; Selak V; Stepien S; Rajapakse S; Amarasekara S; Amarasena N; Billot L; De Silva AP; Fernando M; Guggilla R; Jan S; Jayawardena J; Maulik PK; Mendis S; Mendis S; Munasinghe J; Naik N; Prabhakaran D; Ranasinghe G; Thom S; Tisserra N; Senaratne V; Wijekoon S; Wijeyasingam S; Rodgers A; Patel A, 2018, 'Fixed low-dose triple combination antihypertensive medication vs usual care for blood pressure control in patients with mild to moderate hypertension in Sri Lanka a randomized clinical trial', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 320, pp. 566 - 579,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Yoshimura S; Lindley RI; Carcel C; Sato S; Delcourt C; Wang X; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Billot L; Woodward M, 2018, 'NIHSS cut point for predicting outcome in supra- vs infratentorial acute ischemic stroke', Neurology, 91, pp. E1695 - E1701,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Anderson CS; Arima H; Lavados P; Billot L; Hackett ML; Olavarria VV; Munoz Venturelli P; Brunser A; Peng B; Cui L; Song L; Rogers K; Middleton S; Lim JY; Forshaw D; Lightbody CE; Woodward M; Pontes-Neto O; De Silva HA; Lin RT; Lee TH; Pandian JD; Mead GE; Robinson T; Watkins C; Jan S, 2017, 'Cluster-randomized, crossover trial of head positioning in acute stroke', New England Journal of Medicine, 376, pp. 2437 - 2447,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Angell B; Laba T; Lung T; Brown A; Eades S; Usherwood T; Peiris D; Billot L; Hillis G; Webster R; Patel A; Jan S, 2017, 'Healthcare expenditure on Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians at high risk of cardiovascular disease', International journal for equity in health, 16, pp. 108,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Billot L; Lindley RI; Harvey LA; Maulik PK; Hackett ML; Murthy GVS; Anderson CS; Shamanna BR; Jan S; Walker M; Forster A; Langhorne P; Verma SJ; Felix C; Alim M; Gandhi DBC; Pandian JD, 2017, 'Statistical analysis plan for the family-led rehabilitation after stroke in India (ATTEND) trial: A multicenter randomized controlled trial of a new model of stroke rehabilitation compared to usual care', International Journal of Stroke, 12, pp. 208 - 210,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Billot L; Venkatesh B; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Cohen J; Webb S; McArthur C; Joyce C; Bellomo R; Rhodes A; Perner A; Arabi Y; Rajbhandari D; Glass P; Thompson K; Correa M; Harward M, 2017, 'Statistical analysis plan for the adjunctive corticosteroid treatment in critically ill patients with septic shock (Adrenal) trial', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 19, pp. 183 - 191
    Journal articles | 2017
    Billot L; Woodward M; Arima H; Hackett ML; Muñoz Venturelli P; Lavados PM; Brunser A; Peng B; Cui L; Song L; Heritier S; Jan S; Middleton S; Olavarría VV; Lim J; Robinson T; Pontes-Neto O; Watkins C; Anderson CS, 2017, 'Statistical analysis plan for the Head Position in Stroke Trial (HeadPoST): An international cluster cross-over randomized trial', International Journal of Stroke, 12, pp. 667 - 670,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Delcourt C; Sato S; Zhang S; Sandset EC; Zheng D; Chen X; Hackett ML; Arima H; Hata J; Heeley E; Salman RAS; Robinson T; Davies L; Lavados PM; Lindley RI; Stapf C; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2017, 'Intracerebral hemorrhage location and outcome among INTERACT2 participants', Neurology, 88, pp. 1408 - 1414,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Hammond NE; Taylor C; Finfer S; Machado FR; An YZ; Billot L; Bloos F; Bozza F; Cavalcanti AB; Correa M; Du B; Hjortrup PB; Li Y; McIntryre L; Saxena M; Schortgen F; Watts NR; Myburgh J, 2017, 'Patterns of intravenous fluid resuscitation use in adult intensive care patients between 2007 and 2014: An international cross-sectional study', PLoS ONE, 12, pp. e0176292,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Kumar V; Yadav AK; Lal A; Kumar V; Singhal M; Billot L; Gupta KL; Banerjee D; Jha V, 2017, 'A randomized trial of Vitamin D supplementation on vascular function in CKD', Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 28, pp. 3100 - 3108,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Lindley RI; Anderson CS; Billot L; Forster A; Hackett ML; Harvey LA; Jan S; Li Q; Liu H; Langhorne P; Maulik PK; Murthy GVS; Walker MF; Pandian JD; Alim M; Felix C; Syrigapu A; Tugnawat DK; Verma SJ; Shamanna BR; Hankey G; Thrift A; Bernhardt J; Mehndiratta MM; Jeyaseelan L; Donnelly P; Byrne D; Steley S; Santhosh V; Chilappagari S; Mysore J; Roy J; Padma MV; John L; Aaron S; Borah NC; Vijaya P; Kaul S; Khurana D; Sylaja PN; Halprashanth DS; Madhusudhan BK; Nambiar V; Sureshbabu S; Khanna MC; Narang GS; Chakraborty D; Chakraborty SS; Biswas B; Kaura S; Koundal H; Singh P; Andrias A; Thambu DS; Ramya I; George J; Prabhakar AT; Kirubakaran P; Anbalagan P; Ghose M; Bordoloi K; Gohain P; Reddy NM; Reddy KV; Rao TNM; Alladi S; Jalapu VRR; Manchireddy K; Rajan A; Mehta S; Katoch C; Das B; Jangir A; Kaur T; Sreedharan S; Sivasambath S; Dinesh S; Shibi BS; Thangaraj A; Karunanithi A; Sulaiman SMS; Dehingia K; Das K; Nandini C; Thomas NJ; Dhanya TS; Thomas N; Krishna R; Aneesh V; Krishna R; Khullar S; Thouman S; Sebastian I, 2017, 'Family-led rehabilitation after stroke in India (ATTEND): a randomised controlled trial', The Lancet, 390, pp. 588 - 599,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Lv J; Zhang H; Wong MG; Jardine MJ; Hladunewich M; Jha V; Monaghan H; Zhao M; Barbour S; Reich H; Cattran D; Glassock R; Levin A; Wheeler D; Woodward M; Billot L; Chan TM; Liu ZH; Johnson DW; Cass A; Feehally J; Floege J; Remuzzi G; Wu Y; Agarwal R; Wang HY; Perkovic V, 2017, 'Effect of oral methylprednisolone on clinical outcomes in patients with IgA nephropathy: The TESTING randomized clinical trial', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 318, pp. 432 - 442,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Mathieson S; Maher CG; McLachlan AJ; Latimer J; Koes BW; Hancock MJ; Harris I; Day RO; Billot L; Pik J; Jan S; Lin CWC, 2017, 'Trial of pregabalin for acute and chronic sciatica', New England Journal of Medicine, 376, pp. 1111 - 1120,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Olavarría VV; Arima H; Anderson CS; Brunser A; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Billot L; Lavados PM, 2017, 'Statistical analysis plan of the head position in acute ischemic stroke trial pilot (HEADPOST pilot)', International Journal of Stroke, 12, pp. 211 - 215,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Patel A; Billot L, 2017, 'Reality and truth: Balancing the hope and the hype of real-world evidence', Circulation, 136, pp. 260 - 262,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Patel A; Pieper K; Myburgh JA; Perkovic V; Finfer S; Yang Q; Li Q; Billot L, 2017, 'Reanalysis of the crystalloid versus hydroxyethyl starch trial (CHEST)', New England Journal of Medicine, 377, pp. 298 - 300,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Robinson TG; Wang X; Arima H; Bath PM; Billot L; Broderick JP; Demchuk AM; Donnan GA; Kim JS; Lavados PM; Lee TH; Lindley RI; Martins SCO; Olavarria VV; Pandian JD; Parsons MW; Pontes-Neto OM; Ricci S; Sato S; Sharma VK; Nguyen TH; Wang JG; Woodward M; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2017, 'Low-Versus Standard-Dose Alteplase in Patients on Prior Antiplatelet Therapy the ENCHANTED Trial (Enhanced Control of Hypertension and Thrombolysis Stroke Study)', Stroke, 48, pp. 1877 - 1883,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Selvanayagam JB; Hartshorne T; Billot L; Grover S; Hillis GS; Jung W; Krum H; Prasad S; McGavigan AD, 2017, 'Cardiovascular magnetic resonance-GUIDEd management of mild to moderate left ventricular systolic dysfunction (CMR GUIDE): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial', Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology, 22,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Wang X; Robinson TG; Lee TH; Li Q; Arima H; Bath PM; Billot L; Broderick J; Demchuk AM; Donnan G; Kim JS; Lavados P; Lindley RI; Martins SO; Olavarria VV; Pandian JD; Parsons MW; Pontes-Neto OM; Ricci S; Sharma VK; Thang NH; Wang JG; Woodward M; Anderson CS; Chalmers J, 2017, 'Low-dose vs standard-dose alteplase for patients with acute ischemic stroke: Secondary analysis of the ENCHANTED randomized clinical trial', JAMA Neurology, 74, pp. 1328 - 1335,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Anderson CS; Robinson T; Lindley RI; Arima H; Lavados PM; Lee TH; Broderick JP; Chen X; Chen G; Sharma VK; Kim JS; Thang NH; Cao Y; Parsons MW; Levi C; Huang Y; Olavarría VV; Demchuk AM; Bath PM; Donnan GA; Martins S; Pontes-Neto OM; Silva F; Ricci S; Roffe C; Pandian J; Billot L; Woodward M; Li Q; Wang X; Wang J; Chalmers J, 2016, 'Low-dose versus standard-dose intravenous alteplase in acute ischemic stroke', New England Journal of Medicine, 374, pp. 2313 - 2323,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Bellomo R; Mårtensson J; Kaukonen KM; Lo S; Gallagher M; Cass A; Myburgh J; Finfer S, 2016, 'Epidemiology of RBC transfusions in patients with severe acute kidney injury: Analysis from the randomized evaluation of normal versus augmented level study', Critical Care Medicine, 44, pp. 892 - 900,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Bellomo R; Mårtensson J; Lo S; Kaukonen KM; Cass A; Gallagher M, 2016, 'Femoral Access and Delivery of Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Dose', Blood Purification, 41, pp. 11 - 17,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Billot L; Corcoran K; McDonald A; Powell-Davies G; Feyer AM, 2016, 'Impact Evaluation of a System-Wide Chronic Disease Management Program on Health Service Utilisation: A Propensity-Matched Cohort Study', PLoS Medicine, 13,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Carcel C; Sato S; Zheng D; Heeley E; Arima H; Yang J; Wu G; Chen G; Zhang S; Delcourt C; Lavados P; Robinson T; Lindley RI; Wang X; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2016, 'Prognostic significance of hyponatremia in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: Pooled analysis of the intensive blood pressure reduction in acute cerebral hemorrhage trial studies', Critical Care Medicine, 44, pp. 1388 - 1394,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Coxon K; Chevalier A; Brown J; Clarke E; Billot L; Boufous S; Ivers R; Keay L, 2016, 'Effects of a Safe Transportation Educational Program for Older Drivers on Driving Exposure and Community Participation: A Randomized Controlled Trial', J Am Geriatr Soc,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Heeley E; Billot L; Anderson CS; Antic NA; Neal B; McEvoy RD, 2016, 'Statistical analysis plan for the Sleep Apnea cardioVascular Endpoints study: An international randomised controlled trial to determine whether continuous positive airways pressure treatment for obstructive sleep apnea in patients with CV disease prevents secondary cardiovascular events', International Journal of Stroke, 11, pp. 148 - 150,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Lin CWC; McLachlan AJ; Latimer J; Day RO; Billot L; Koes BW; Maher CG, 2016, 'OPAL: A randomised, placebo-controlled trial of opioid analgesia for the reduction of pain severity in people with acute spinal pain. Trial protocol', BMJ Open, 6, pp. e011278,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Mathieson S; Billot L; Maher CG; McLachlan AJ; Latimer J; Koes BW; Hancock MJ; Harris I; Day RO; Pik J; Jan S; Lin CWC, 2016, 'PRECISE - pregabalin in addition to usual care: Statistical analysis plan', Trials, 17, pp. 53,
    Journal articles | 2016
    McEvoy RD; Antic NA; Heeley E; Luo Y; Ou Q; Zhang X; Mediano O; Chen R; Drager LF; Liu Z; Chen G; Du B; McArdle N; Mukherjee S; Tripathi M; Billot L; Li Q; Lorenzi-Filho G; Barbe F; Redline S; Wang J; Arima H; Neal B; White DP; Grunstein RR; Zhong N; Anderson CS, 2016, 'CPAP for prevention of cardiovascular events in obstructive sleep apnea', New England Journal of Medicine, 375, pp. 919 - 931,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Muñoz Venturelli P; Robinson T; Lavados PM; Olavarría VV; Arima H; Billot L; Hackett ML; Lim JY; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto O; Peng B; Cui L; Song L; Mead G; Watkins C; Lin RT; Lee TH; Pandian J; de Silva HA; Anderson CS; Munoz Venturelli P, 2016, 'Regional variation in acute stroke care organisation', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 371, pp. 126 - 130,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Sato S; Delcourt C; Zhang S; Arima H; Heeley E; Zheng D; Al-Shahi Salman R; Stapf C; Tzourio C; Robinson T; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2016, 'Determinants and prognostic significance of hematoma sedimentation levels in acute intracerebral hemorrhage', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 41, pp. 80 - 86,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Webster R; Patel A; Selak V; Billot L; Bots ML; Brown A; Bullen C; Cass A; Crengle S; Raina Elley C; Grobbee DE; Neal B; Peiris D; Poulter N; Prabhakaran D; Rafter N; Stanton A; Stepien S; Thom S; Usherwood T; Wadham A; Rodgers A, 2016, 'Effectiveness of fixed dose combination medication ('polypills') compared with usual care in patients with cardiovascular disease or at high risk: A prospective, individual patient data meta-analysis of 3140 patients in six countries', International Journal of Cardiology, 205, pp. 147 - 156,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Zheng D; Arima H; Sato S; Gasparrini A; Heeley E; Delcourt C; Lo S; Huang Y; Wang J; Stapf C; Robinson T; Lavados P; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Li Q; Neal B; Billot L; Woodward M, 2016, 'Low ambient temperature and intracerebral hemorrhage: The INTERACT2 study', PLoS ONE, 11, pp. e0149040,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Zheng D; Sato S; Arima H; Heeley E; Delcourt C; Cao Y; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Davis S; Huang Y; Lavados P; Neal B; Parsons MW; Lindley R; Morgenstern L; Robinson TG; Stapf C; Tzourio C; Wang JG; Chen S; Chen XY; Cui L; Liu Z; Lu C; Wang J; Wu S; Xu E; Yang Q; Zhang C; Zhang J; Beer R; Schmutzhard E; Redondo P; Kaste M; Soinne L; Tatlisumak T; Wartenberg K; Ricci S; Klijn K; Azevedo E; Chamorro A; Arnold M; Fischer U; Kaul S; Pandian J; Boyini H; Singh S; Rabinstein AA; Estol C; Silva G; Olavarria VV; Simes RJ; Bousser MG; Hankey G; Jamrozik K; Johnston SC; Li S; Bailey K; Cheung T; Chintapatla S; Ducasse E; Erho T; Hata J; Holder B; Knight E; Leroux M; Sassé T; Odgers E; Walsh R; Wolfowicz Z; Chen G; Fuentes S; Peng B; Schneble HM; Wang MX; Billot L; Heritier S; Li Q; Woodward M; Abimbola S; Anderson S; Chan E; Cheng G; Chmielnik P; Leighton S; Liu JY; Rasmussen B; Saxena A; Tripathy S; Armenis M; Baig MA; Naidu B; Starzec G; Steley S; Moles A; Ruiz A; Zimmermann M; Marinho J; Alves S; Angelim R, 2016, 'Estimated GFR and the Effect of Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering after Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage', American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 68, pp. 94 - 102,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Arima H; Heeley E; Delcourt C; Hirakawa Y; Wang X; Woodward M; Robinson T; Stapf C; Parsons M; Lavados PM; Huang Y; Wang J; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Optimal achieved blood pressure in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: INTERACT2', Neurology, 84, pp. 464 - 471,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Finfer S; Chittock D; Li Y; Foster D; Dhingra V; Bellomo R; Cook D; Dodek P; Hebert P; Henderson W; Heyland D; Higgins A; McArthur C; Mitchell I; Myburgh J; Robinson B; Ronco J; Blair D; Norton R; Potter J; McDonald E; Peto R; Sandercock P; Sprung C; Young JD; Li Q; Bompoint S; Billot L; Crampton L; Darcy F; Jayne K; Kumarasinghe V; Little L; McEvoy S; MacMahon S; Pandey S; Ryan S; Shukla R; Vijayan B; Atherton S; Bell J; Hadfield L; Hourigan C; Newby L; Simmonds C; Buhr H; Eccleston M; McGuinness S; Parke R; Bates S; Goldsmith D; Mercer I; O’Sullivan K; Gazzard R; Hill D; Tauschke C; Ghelani D; Nand K; Reece G; Sara T; Elliott S; Ernest D; Hamilton A; Ashley R; Bailey A; Crowfoot E; Gissane J; Ranse J; Whiting J; Douglas K; Milliss D; Tan J; Wong H; Blythe D; Palermo A; Hardie M; Harrigan P; McFadyen B; Micallef S; Parr M; Boase A; Tai J; Williams A; Cole L; Seppelt I; Weisbrodt L; Whereat S; Flanagan A; Liang J; Bass F; Campbell M; Hammond N; Nicholson L; Shehabi Y; Foote J; Peake S; Williams P; Deans R; Fourie C; Lassig-Smith M, 2015, 'Intensive versus conventional glucose control in critically ill patients with traumatic brain injury: long-term follow-up of a subgroup of patients from the NICE-SUGAR study', Intensive Care Medicine, 41, pp. 1037 - 1047,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Li S; Wu Y; Du X; Li X; Patel A; Peterson ED; Turnbull F; Lo S; Billot L; Laba T; Gao R, 2015, 'Rational and design of a stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial evaluating quality improvement initiative for reducing cardiovascular events among patients with acute coronary syndromes in resource-constrained hospitals in China', American Heart Journal, 169, pp. 349 - 355,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Muñoz-Venturelli P; Arima H; Lavados P; Brunser A; Peng B; Cui L; Song L; Billot L; Boaden E; Hackett ML; Heritier S; Jan S; Middleton S; Olavarría VV; Lim JY; Lindley RI; Heeley E; Robinson T; Pontes-Neto O; Natsagdorj L; Lin RT; Watkins C; Anderson CS; Woodward M, 2015, 'Head Position in Stroke Trial (HeadPoST) - sitting-up vs lying-flat positioning of patients with acute stroke: Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial', Trials, 16, pp. 256,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Nguyen Viet N; Yunus F; Nguyen Thi Phuong A; Dao Bich V; Damayanti T; Wiyono WH; Billot L; Jakes RW; Kwon N, 2015, 'The prevalence and patient characteristics of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in non-smokers in Vietnam and Indonesia: An observational survey', Respirology, 20, pp. 602 - 611,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Patel A; Cass A; Peiris D; Usherwood T; Brown A; Jan S; Neal B; Hillis GS; Rafter N; Tonkin A; Webster R; Billot L; Bompoint S; Burch C; Burke H; Hayman N; Molanus B; Reid CM; Shiel L; Togni S; Rodgers A, 2015, 'A pragmatic randomized trial of a polypill-based strategy to improve use of indicated preventive treatments in people at high cardiovascular disease risk', European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 22, pp. 920 - 930,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Priglinger M; Arima H; Anderson C; Krause M; Chalmers J; Huang Y; Wang JG; Bath P; Davis S; Kim J; Lindley R; Neal B; Morgenstern LB; MacMahon S; Woodward M; Butcher K; Chambers B; Donnan G; Levi C; Parsons MW; Dorsch N; Huang Y; Wang JG; Lu C; Chen S; Jiang JD; Liu Z; Zhang J; Kong L; Song Y; Wang Z; Wang W; Wu F; Yuan Y; Kim JS; Kim J; Simes J; Hankey G; Jamrozik K; Johnston S; Shunwei L; Skulina C; Peng B; Billot L; Li Q; Su S; Heritier S; Heeley E; Capper H; Chisholm J; Currie R; Fathers J; Hackett M; Homewood S; Jane K; Jones K; Leksuwat S; Mullane B; Pandey S; Patel A; Quilkey A; Scott J; Starzec G; Wadham A; Zeckendorf S; Han D; Ying S; Xu W; Zhang LJ; Huang Q; Li Y; Yan L; Kyung S, 2015, 'No relationship of lipid-lowering agents to hematoma growth: Pooled analysis of the intensive blood pressure reduction in acute cerebral hemorrhage trials studies', Stroke, 46, pp. 857 - 859,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Sato S; Arima H; Heeley E; Hirakawa Y; Delcourt C; Lindley RI; Robinson T; Huang Y; Morgenstern L; Stapf C; Wang J; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Off-Hour admission and outcomes in patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage in the INTERACT2 trial', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 40, pp. 114 - 120,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Sato S; Heeley E; Arima H; Delcourt C; Hirakawa Y; Pamidimukkala V; Li Z; Tao Q; Xu Y; Hennerici MG; Robinson T; Tzourio C; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Higher mortality in patients with right hemispheric intracerebral haemorrhage: INTERACT1 and 2', Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 86, pp. 1319 - 1323,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Saxena MK; Taylor C; Billot L; Bompoint S; Gowardman J; Roberts JA; Lipman J; Myburgh J, 2015, 'The effect of paracetamol on core body temperature in acute traumatic brain injury: A randomised, controlled clinical trial', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0144740,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Saxena MK; Taylor C; Hammond N; Young P; Mysore J; Billot L; Myburgh A; Myburgh J, 2015, 'A multicentre audit of temperature patterns after traumatic brain injury', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 17, pp. 129 - 134
    Journal articles | 2014
    Du X; Gao R; Turnbull F; Wu Y; Rong Y; Lo S; Billot L; Hao Z; Ranasinghe I; Iedema R; Kong L; Hu D; Lin S; Shen W; Huang D; Yang Y; Ge J; Han Y; Lv S; Ma A; Gao W; Patel A, 2014, 'Hospital quality improvement initiative for patients with acute coronary syndromes in China a cluster randomized, controlled trial', Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, 7, pp. 217 - 226,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Hammond NE; Billot L; Finfer S; Myburgh J, 2014, 'Individual patient data comparative analysis of hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 v 4% albumin for fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients: Statistical analysis plan', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 16, pp. 206 - 213
    Journal articles | 2014
    Jun M; Bellomo R; Cass A; Gallagher M; Lo S; Lee J, 2014, 'Timing of renal replacement therapy and patient outcomes in the randomized evaluation of normal versus augmented level of replacement therapy study', Critical Care Medicine, 42, pp. 1756 - 1765,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Saxena MK; Hammond N; Myburgh J, 2014, 'Individual patient data meta-analysis of hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4-0.42 versus crystalloid for fluid resuscitation in patients with severe sepsis: A statistical analysis plan', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 16, pp. 96 - 115,;res=IELHEA;dn=312745606203494
    Journal articles | 2014
    Wang AY; Bellomo R; Ninomiya T; Lo S; Cass A; Jardine M; Gallagher M, 2014, 'Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor usage and acute kidney injury: A secondary analysis of RENAL study outcomes', Nephrology, 19, pp. 617 - 622,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Zoungas S; Chalmers J; Neal B; Billot L; Li Q; Biostat M; Hirakawa Y; Arima H; Monaghan H; Joshi R; Colagiuri S; Cooper ME; Glasziou P; Grobbee D; Hamet P; Harrap S; Heller S; Lisheng L; Mancia G; Marre M; Matthews DR; Mogensen CE; Perkovic V; Poulter N; Rodgers A; Williams B; MacMahon S; Patel A; Woodward M, 2014, 'Follow-up of blood-pressure lowering and glucose control in type 2 diabetes', New England Journal of Medicine, 371, pp. 1392 - 1406,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Anderson CS; Heeley E; Huang Y; Wang J; Stapf C; Delcourt C; Lindley R; Robinson T; Lavados P; Neal B; Hata J; Arima H; Parsons M; Li Y; Wang J; Heritier S; Li Q; Woodward M; Simes RJ; Davis SM; Chalmers J, 2013, 'Rapid blood-pressure lowering in patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage', New England Journal of Medicine, 368, pp. 2355 - 2365,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bellomo R; Lipcsey M; Calzavacca P; Haase M; Haase-Fielitz A; Licari E; Tee A; Cole L; Cass A; Finfer S; Gallagher M; Lee J; Lo S; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Scheinkestel C, 2013, 'Early acid-base and blood pressure effects of continuous renal replacement therapy intensity in patients with metabolic acidosis', Intensive Care Medicine, 39, pp. 429 - 436,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Cooper DJ; Myburgh J; Heritier S; Finfer S; Bellomo R; Billot L; Murray L; Vallance S, 2013, 'Albumin resuscitation for traumatic brain injury: Is intracranial hypertension the cause of increased mortality?', Journal of Neurotrauma, 30, pp. 512 - 518,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Finfer S; Billot L, 2013, 'Managing blood glucose in critically ill patients with or without diabetes', Critical Care, 17,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Gattas DJ; Dan A; Myburgh J; Billot L; Lo S; Finfer S, 2013, 'Fluid resuscitation with 6 % hydroxyethyl starch (130/0.4 and 130/0.42) in acutely ill patients: Systematic review of effects on mortality and treatment with renal replacement therapy', Intensive Care Medicine, 39, pp. 558 - 568,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Guidet B, 2013, 'Hydroxyethyl Starch or Saline in Intensive Care', NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 368, pp. 774 - 774,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Hackett ML; Carter G; Crimmins D; Clarke T; Arblaster L; Billot L; Mysore J; Sturm J, 2013, 'ImProving Outcomes after STroke (POST): Results from the randomized clinical pilot trial', International Journal of Stroke, 8, pp. 707 - 710,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Harris IA; Day RO, 2013, 'PRECISE - pregabalin in addition to usual care for sciatica: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial', Trials, 14, pp. 213,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Land MA; Christoforou A; Downs S; Webster J; Billot L; Li M; Peña-Rosas JP; Neal B, 2013, 'Iodine fortification of foods and condiments, other than salt, for preventing iodine deficiency disorders', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2013,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Myburgh JA; Finfer S; Billot L, 2013, 'The authors reply', New England Journal of Medicine, 368, pp. 775,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Raghunathan K; Shaw A, 2013, 'Hydroxyethyl Starch or Saline in Intensive Care', NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 368, pp. 774 - 775,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Thom S; Poulter N; Field J; Patel A; Prabhakaran D; Stanton A; Grobbee DE; Bots ML; Reddy KS; Cidambi R; Bompoint S; Billot L; Rodgers A, 2013, 'Effects of a fixed-dose combination strategy on adherence and risk factors in patients with or at high risk of CVD: The UMPIRE randomized clinical trial', JAMA, 310, pp. 918 - 929,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Thomas E; Bhurawala H; Liu A, 2013, 'Medication for attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder and criminality [5]', New England Journal of Medicine, 368, pp. 775 - 776,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Webster R; Patel A; Billot L; Cass A; Burch C; Neal B; Usherwood T; Thom S; Poulter N; Stanton A; Bots ML; Grobbee DE; Prabhakaran D; Reddy KS; Field J; Bullen C; Elley CR; Selak V; Rafter N; Wadham A; Berwanger O; Rodgers A, 2013, 'Prospective meta-analysis of trials comparing fixed dose combination based care with usual care in individuals at high cardiovascular risk: The SPACE Collaboration', International Journal of Cardiology, 170, pp. 30 - 35,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Williams CM; Maher CG; Latimer J; McLachlan AJ; Hancock MJ; Day RO; Billot L; Lin CWC, 2013, 'PACE - the first placebo controlled trial of paracetamol for acute low back pain: Statistical analysis plan', Trials, 14,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Zhang J; Liu G; Arima H; Li Y; Cheng G; Shiue I; Lv L; Wang H; Zhang C; Zhao J; Anderson CS, 2013, 'Incidence and risks of subarachnoid hemorrhage in China', Stroke, 44, pp. 2891 - 2893,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Bellomo R; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer SR; Gallagher M; Lee J; Lo S; Mcarthur C; Mcguiness S; Norton R; Myburgh J; Scheinkestel C; Su S, 2012, 'An observational study fluid balance and patient outcomes in the randomized evaluation of normal vs. augmented level of replacement therapy trial', Critical Care Medicine, 40, pp. 1753 - 1760,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Gattas D; Dan A; Myburgh J; Billot L; Lo S; Finfer SR; Collaborators , 2012, 'Fluid resuscitation with 6% hydroxyethyl starch (130/0.4) in acutely ill patients: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis.', Anesthesia and Analgesia, 114, pp. 159 - 169,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Gattas DJ; Dan A; Myburgh J; Billot L; Lo S; Finfer S, 2012, 'Fluid Resuscitation With 6% Hydroxyethyl Starch (130/0.4) in Acutely Ill Patients', Survey of Anesthesiology, 56, pp. 216 - 217,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Myburgh J; Finfer SR; Bellomo R; Billot L; Cass A; Parr MJ; et A, 2012, 'Hydroxyethyl starch or saline for fluid resuscitation in intensive care', New England Journal of Medicine, 367, pp. 1901 - 1911,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Finfer SR; Mcevoy S; Bellomo R; McArthur C; Myburgh J; Norton R; etal , 2011, 'Impact of albumin compared to saline on organ function and mortality of patients with severe sepsis.', Intensive Care Medicine, 37, pp. 86 - 96,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Finfer SR; Liu B; Taylor C; Bellomo R; Billot L; Cook DL; Du B; McArthur C; Myburgh J, 2010, 'Resuscitation fluid use in critically ill adults: An international cross-sectional study in 391 intensive care units', Netherland Journal of Critical Care, 14, pp. R185,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Zoungas S; Chalmers J; Kengne AP; Pillai A; Billot L; de Galan B; Marre M; Neal B; Harrap S; Poulter N; Patel A, 2010, 'The efficacy of lowering glycated haemoglobin with a gliclazide modified release-based intensive glucose lowering regimen in the ADVANCE trial', Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 89, pp. 126 - 133,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Zoungas S; Patel A; Chalmers J; De Galan BE; Li Q; Billot L; Woodward M; Ninomiya T; Neal B; MacMahon S; Grobbee DE; Kengne AP; Marre M; Heller S, 2010, 'Severe hypoglycemia and risks of vascular events and death', New England Journal of Medicine, 363, pp. 1410 - 1418,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Bellomo R; Cass A; Cole L; Finfer S; Gallagher M; Lo S; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Norton R; Scheinkestel C; Su S, 2009, 'Intensity of continuous renal-replacement therapy in critically ill patients', New England Journal of Medicine, 361, pp. 1627 - 1638,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Finfer S; Bellomo R; Blair D; Su SYS; Foster D; Dhingra V; Cook D; Dodek P; Henderson WR; Hébert PC; Heyland DK; McArthur C; McDonald E; Mitchell I; Myburgh JA; Nor-ton R; Potte J; Robinson BG, 2009, 'Intensive versus conventional glucose control in critically Ill patients', New England Journal of Medicine, 360, pp. 1283 - 1297,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Anderson CS; Huang Y; Wang JG; Arima H; Neal B; Peng B; Heeley E; Skulina C; Parsons MW; Kim JS; Tao QL; Li YC; Jiang JD; Tai LW; Zhang JL; Xu E; Cheng Y; Heritier S; Morgenstern LB; Chalmers J, 2008, 'Intensive blood pressure reduction in acute cerebral haemorrhage trial (INTERACT): a randomised pilot trial', The Lancet Neurology, 7, pp. 391 - 399,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Bordom JH; Billot L; Gueguen R; Deschamps JP, 2008, 'New growth charts for Libyan preschool children', Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 14, pp. 1400 - 1412
    Journal articles | 2008
    Chalmers J; Joshi R; Kengne AP; Ninomiya T; Bi Y; Bompoint S; Billot L; Patel A, 2008, 'Efficacité et tolérance de lʼassociation fixe perindopril / indapamide dans le diabète de type 2: résultats de lʼétude ADVANCE', Journal of Hypertension, 26, pp. S23 - S30,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Chalmers J; Joshi R; Kengne AP; Ninomiya T; Bi Y; Bompoint S; Billot L; Patel A, 2008, 'Efficacy and safety of fixed combination of perindopril and indapamide in type 2 diabetes: Results from ADVANCE in context of available evidence', Journal of Hypertension, 26,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Patel A; MacMahon S; Chalmers J; Neal B; Billot L; Woodward M; Marre M; Cooper M; Glasziou P; Grobbee D; Hamet P; Harrap S; Heller S; Liu L; Mancia G; Mogensen CE; Pan C; Poulter N; Rodgers A; Williams B; Bompoint S; De Galan BE; Joshi R; Travert F, 2008, 'Intensive blood glucose control and vascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes', New England Journal of Medicine, 358, pp. 2560 - 2572,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Patel A; MacMahon S; Neal B; Billot L; Chalmers J, 2008, 'The ADVANCE trial - Authors' reply', The Lancet, 371, pp. 26,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Patel A, 2007, 'Effects of a fixed combination of perindopril and indapamide on macrovascular and microvascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (the ADVANCE trial): a randomised controlled trial', Lancet, 370, pp. 829 - 840,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Pentz RD; Billot L; Wendler D, 2006, 'Research on stored biological samples: Views of African American and White American cancer patients', American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A, 140 A, pp. 733 - 739,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Pentz RD; Billot L; Wendler D, 2006, 'Research on stored biological samples: Views of African American and white American cancer patients', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PART A, 140A, pp. 733 - 739,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Guillemin F; Billot L; Boini S; Gerard N; Ødegaard S; Kvien TK, 2005, 'Erratum: Reproducibility and sensitivity to change of 5 methods for scoring hand radiographic damage in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (Journal of Rheumatology (2005) 32 (778-786))', Journal of Rheumatology, 32, pp. 1414
    Journal articles | 2005
    Guillemin F; Billot L; Boini S; Gerard N; Ødegaard S; Kvien TK, 2005, 'Reproducibility and sensitivity to change of 5 methods for scoring hand radiographic damage in patients with rheumatoid arthritis', Journal of Rheumatology, 32, pp. 778 - 786
    Journal articles | 2004
    Kranzler HR; Wesson DR; Billot L, 2004, 'Naltrexone depot for treatment of alcohol dependence: A multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial', Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 28, pp. 1051 - 1059,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Hameida J; Billot L; Deschamps JP, 2002, 'Growth of preschool children in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya: Regional and sociodemographic differences', Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 8, pp. 458 - 469
    Journal articles | 2002
    Hameida J; Billot L, 2002, 'Nutritional status of Libyan children in 2000 compared with 1979', Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 8, pp. 261 - 271
    Journal articles | 2002
    Pommier J; Billot L; Mouchtouris A; Deschamps J-P; Romero MI; Zubarew T, 2002, 'French adolescent attitudes towards informal care for physical and emotional or relational problems', Acta Paediatrica, 91, pp. 466 - 474,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Pommier J; Billot L; Mouchtouris A; Deschamps JP; Romero MI; Zubarew T, 2002, 'French adolescent attitudes towards informal care for physical and emotional or relational problems', Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics, 91, pp. 466 - 474,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Pommier J; Deschamps JP; Romero MI; Zubarew T; Billot L; Crema D; Mouchtouris A, 2002, 'Attitudes regarding the delivery of formal and informal care: A comparison of French and Chilean adolescents', Sante Publique, 14, pp. 371 - 387,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Pommier J; Mouchtouris A; Billot L; Romero MI; Zubarew T; Deschamps JP, 2001, 'Self-reported determinants of health service use by French adolescents', International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 13, pp. 115 - 129,
  • Preprints | 2024
    Melman A; Teng MJ; Coombs DM; Li Q; Billot L; Lung T; Rogan E; Marabani M; Hutchings O; Maher CG; Machado GC, 2024, Correction: A Virtual Hospital Model of Care for Low Back Pain, Back@Home: Protocol for a Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Type-I Study (Preprint),
    Preprints | 2023
    Billot L; Venkatesh B; Finfer S; Cohen J; Rajbhandari D; Myburgh J; Walsham J, 2023, Statistical Analysis Plan for the Fludrocortisone Dose Response Relationship in Septic Shock (FluDReSS) trial,
    Preprints | 2023
    Chen C; Ouyang M; Ong S; Zhang L; Zhang G; Delcourt C; Mair G; Liu L; Billot L; Li Q; Chen X; Parsons M; Broderick J; Demchuk A; Bath P; Donnan G; Levi C; Chalmers J; Lindley R; Martins S; Pontes-Neto O; Venturelli PM; Olavarría V; Lavados P; Robinson T; Wardlaw J; Li G; Wang X; Song L; Anderson C; Investigators ENCHANTED, 2023, Effects of Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering on Cerebral Ischaemia in Thrombolysed Patients: Insights from the Enchanted Trial, ,
    Preprints | 2023
    Hirst JE; Votruba N; Billot L; Arora V; Thout SR; Peiris D; Patel A; Norton R; Mullins E; Sharma A; Kennedy S; Jha V; Praveen D, 2023, A community-based intervention to improve screening, referral, and follow-up of non-communicable diseases and anaemia amongst pregnant and postpartum women in rural India: study protocol for a cluster randomised trial, ,
    Preprints | 2023
    Melman A; Teng MJ; Coombs DM; Li Q; Billot L; Lung T; Rogan E; Marabani M; Hutchings O; Maher CG; Machado GC, 2023, A Virtual Hospital Model of Care for Low Back Pain, Back@Home: Protocol for a Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Type-I Study (Preprint),
    Preprints | 2023
    Yang Z; Jones C; Billot L; Shan S; Devaux A; Day R; Hamilton M; Koes B; Latimer J; Maher C; McLachlan A; McLachlan H; Webb M; Lin C, 2023, Complier average causal effect (CACE) of oxycodone/naloxone for acute spinal pain: a reanalysis the OPAL trial data ------A Protocol,
    Preprints | 2022
    Billot L; Song L; Hu X; Ma L; Ouyang M; Chen X; You C; Anderson CS, 2022, Statistical Analysis Plan for the INTEnsive care bundle with blood pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral haemorrhage Trial (INTERACT3), ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Chen C; Ouyang M; Delcourt C; Song L; Billot L; Anderson CS, 2022, Effect of blood pressure control on cerebral infarction in the Enhanced Control of Hypertension and Thrombolysis Stroke (ENCHANTED) study: statistical analysis plan,
    Preprints | 2022
    Ghosh A; Billot L; Daniel M; Maulik P; Peiris D, 2022, Statistical Analysis Plan for the SMART Mental Health study,
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Kim D; Lv J; Hladunewich M; Jha V; Hooi LS; Monaghan H; Billot L; Zhang H; Perkovic V; Wong MG, 2022, 'EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF REDUCED-DOSE ORAL METHYLPREDNISONE IN IGA NEPHROPATHY: THE TESTING TRIAL', in NEPHROLOGY, WILEY, Vol. 27, pp. 14 - 14,
    Preprints | 2022
    Nagraj S; Kennedy S; Jha V; Norton R; Hinton L; Billot L; Rajan E; Mohammed Abdul A; Phalswal A; Arora V; Praveen D; Hirst J, 2022, A Mobile Clinical Decision Support System for High-Risk Pregnant Women in Rural India (SMARThealth Pregnancy): Pilot Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial (Preprint),
    Conference Abstracts | 2022
    Serhal S; Saini B; Bosnic-Anticevich S; Krass I; Emerton L; Bereznicki B; Bereznicki L; Mitchell B; Wilson F; Wright B; Wilson K; Weier N; Segrott R; Gomez M; Cleveland R; Jan S; Billot L; Shan S; Arnour C, 2022, 'Pharmacy asthma service offers new insights to health services research', in RESPIROLOGY, WILEY, Vol. 27, pp. 148 - 148,
    Preprints | 2022
    Yatirajula SK; Kallakuri S; Paslawar S; Mukherjee A; Bhattacharya A; Chatterjee S; Sagar R; Kumar A; Lempp H; Raman U; Singh R; Essue B; Billot L; Peiris D; Norton R; Thornicroft G; Maulik P, 2022, An intervention to reduce stigma and improve management of depression, risk of suicide/self-harm and other significant emotional or medically unexplained complaints among adolescents living in urban slums: protocol for the ARTEMIS project, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Billot L; Monaghan H; Wong MG; Perkovic V, 2021, Statistical Analysis Plan for the Therapeutic Evaluation of Steroids in IgA Nephropathy Global Study (TESTING), ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Billot L; O'Connor D; Maguire B; Schram D; Ma R; Buchbinder R; Maher C; McCaffery K; Traeger A; Albarqouni L; Gorelik A, 2021, Statistical Analysis Plan for the MSK DI AF trial, ,
    Conference Abstracts | 2021
    Nagraj S; Kennedy S; Jha V; Norton R; Hinton L; Billot L; Rajan E; Arora V; Praveen D; Hirst J, 2021, 'SMARThealth pregnancy: the development & evaluation of a complex intervention for pregnant women at high risk of future cardiometabolic disorders in rural India', in BJOG-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY, WILEY, Vol. 128, pp. E33 - E33,
    Preprints | 2020
    Billot L; Finfer S; Micallef S, 2020, Statistical Analysis Plan for the Plasma-Lyte 148® versUs Saline Study (PLUS) trial, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Billot L; Myburgh J; Goodman F; Finfer S; Seppelt I; Gordon A; Cuthbertson B, 2020, Statistical Analysis Plan for the Selective Decontamination of the Digestive Tract in Intensive Care Unit (SuDDICU) study, ,
    Conference Papers | 2020
    Hankey G; Hackett M; Almeida O; Flicker L; Mead G; Dennis M; Etherton-Beer C; Ford A; Billot L; Jan S; Anderson C; Gommans J; Lundstrom E; Thang-Nguyen H, 2020, 'ASSESSMENT OF FLUOXETINE IN STROKE RECOVERY (AFFINITY): RESULTS OF A DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED, RANDOMISED TRIAL', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 4 - 4,
    Conference Abstracts | 2020
    Hyun K; Hafiz N; Hare D; Reid C; Laba T; Usherwood T; Briffa T; Chow C; Gallagher R; Woodward M; Zwar N; Jan S; Atkins E; Billot L; Brieger D; Redfern J, 2020, '007 Characteristics of People With Cardiovascular Disease who did not Receive Influenza Vaccination: A Sub-Analysis Within QUEL Study', in Heart, Lung and Circulation, Elsevier BV, Vol. 29, pp. S40 - S40,
    Conference Abstracts | 2020
    Ouyang M; Venturelli PM; Wang X; Billot L; Song L; Arima H; Lavados P; Olavarria V; Brunser A; Robinson T; Hackett M; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto O; Lee T-H; Watkins DC; Anderson C, 2020, 'LOW PRESENTING BLOOD PRESSURE AND ADVERSE CLINICAL OUTCOME IN ACUTE STROKE: SECONDARY ANALYSIS OF THE INTERNATIONAL HEADPOST TRIAL', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, Vol. 15, pp. 89 - 90,
    Conference Abstracts | 2020
    Wang N; Salam A; Webster R; De Silva A; Guggilla R; Stepien S; Mysore J; Billot L; Jan S; Maulik P; Naik N; Selak V; Thom S; Prabhakaran D; Patel A; Rodgers A, 2020, '021 Effects of Low-dose Triple Combination Therapy on Therapeutic Inertia and Prescribing Patterns in Hypertension – Results from the TRIUMPH Trial', in Heart, Lung and Circulation, Elsevier BV, Vol. 29, pp. S47 - S47,
    Preprints | 2019
    Billot L; Coombs D; Machado GC; Maher C, 2019, Sydney Health Partners Emergency Department (SHaPED) trial - Statistical Analysis Plan, ,
    Conference Papers | 2019
    O’Connor D; Hoffmann T; McCaffery K; Maher C; Harris I; Glasziou P; Billot L; Buchbinder R, 2019, '85 Evaluating a patient decision aid for people with degenerative knee disease considering arthroscopic surgery: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial', in Oral Presentations, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, pp. A48.2 - A48, presented at Preventing Overdiagnosis Abstracts, December 2019, Sydney, Australia,
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Yang J; Song L; Li G; Chen X; Chen C; Liu F; Lin Y; Guo Y; Sun L; Arima H; Anderson CS, 2019, 'Intensive Ambulance-delivered Blood Pressure Reduction In Hyper-acute Stroke Trial', in CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES, KARGER, Manila, Philippines, pp. 111 - 111, presented at APSC 2019, Manila, Philippines, 02 October 2019
    Conference Abstracts | 2018
    Minhas JS; Wang X; Lavados PM; Moullaali TJ; Arima H; Billot L; Hackett ML; Olavarria VV; Middleton S; Pontes-Neto O; De Silva HA; Lee T-H; Pandian JD; Mead GE; Watkins CL; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Robinson TG, 2018, 'Head positioning and blood pressure variability in acute ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke: a post-hoc analysis of the HeadPoST study', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, Vol. 13, pp. 48 - 48,
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Carcel C; Hackett M; Lavados P; Billot L; Rogers K; Watkins C; Munoz Venturelli P; Olavarria VV; Brunser A; Sandset EC; Yoshimura S; Arima H; Anderson C, 2017, 'Sex differences in clinical characteristics and outcome after stroke: the HeadPoST trial', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, pp. 28 - 28,
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    Keay LJ; Coxon K; Chevalier A; Brown J; Clarke E; Billot L; Bundy A; Boufous S; Ivers R, 2015, 'Behind the wheel: a randomised controlled trial evaluating a safe transport program for older drivers', in INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE, ASSOC RESEARCH VISION OPHTHALMOLOGY INC, CO, Denver, Vol. 56, presented at Annual Meeting of the Association-for-Research-in-Vision-and-Ophthalmology (ARVO), CO, Denver, 03 May 2015 - 07 May 2015,
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Sato S; Arima H; Heeley E; Hirakawa Y; Delcourt C; Lindley RI; Robinson T; Huang Y; Stapf C; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Off-hour admission and outcomes in patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage in the INTERACT2 trial', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 298 - 299,
    Preprints |
    Hankey G; Hackett ML; Almeida OP; Flicker L; Mead GE; Dennis MS; Etherton-Beer C; Ford AH; Billot L; Jan S; Lundström E; Anderson CS; Thang-Nguyen H; Gommans J; Yi Q, Effects of Fluoxetine on Functional Recovery after Acute Stroke (AFFINITY): A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial, ,

  • 2019 Winner of the Australian Clinical Trial Alliance (ACTA) "Excellence in Trial Statistics" award
  • 2018 Honourable mention for the Australian Clinical Trial Alliance (ACTA) "Excellence in Trial Statistics" award
  • 2017 Winner of the Australian Clinical Trial Alliance (ACTA) "Excellence in Trial Statistics" award
  • 2014 Winner of the George Institute "Integrity" award