Ms Lynne   Roberts-Goodwin

Ms Lynne Roberts-Goodwin

Honorary Senior Lecturer
Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
School of Art & Design

Lynne Roberts-Goodwin is an Australian-based artist, graduating from Fine Arts Degrees at the University of Sydney and National Art School/Alexander Mackie CAE/University of New South Wales and was awarded a Basil and Muriel Hooper Travelling Scholarship in 1979, gaining a postgraduate Master of Fine Art Degree from Medlock Fine Arts, Manchester University, UK. Roberts-Goodwin is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Art at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, Faculty of Art & Design.

Roberts-Goodwin is an artist whose contemporary visual art research and studio practice addresses issues place, geopolitical sites of erasure and the impact of trace the human and animal body evidence. Her photographs conceptually address contemporary and ancient geopolitical trade routes, terrestrial impacts and cultural terrains of contention. Roberts-Goodwin has an extensive exhibition and research history on the human and animal (avian) body within cultural trade routes, migration trails and significant geopolitical and geographical impact sites, undertaking collaborations and research/residencies and exhibitions globally; American Academy in Rome Affiliated Mordant Family Fellowship Residency (2017); Jordan River and Dead Sea Project (in collaboration with MERI), Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (2015 ongoing); Mount Vesuvius stratovolcano, Gulf of Naples, Italy (2013); Galata/Karaköy, Istanbul, Turkey, (2013); Kyrenia Mountains, Northern Cyprus (Buffavento Castle/Venetian 2013); Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, Mexico, (2012); Ubehebe Crater, Death Valley, Arizona and the Kilauea Volcano Crater, Big Island, Hawaii, U.S.A. (Australia Council funded 2011-2012) tracking avian and migratory cultural traces along meteor crater impact sites in collaboration with the USGS (United States Geographical Survey 2012); the Falcon in the Arabian Gulf States and Central Asia – India (1998-2008), Pakistan (1999-2004), Saudi Arabia (2002-03), Yemen (2002-03), Oman (2003), Jordan (2003) and United Arab Emirates (2001-2004). Throughout Roberts-Goodwin’s research field undertakings for the production of work for contemporary visual arts practice in 2001–2004 and 2010–2013 research was undertaken on American Hawaiian culture and avian species and respectively Bedouin Falconers, Falcons and the practice of Falconry in 5 desert regions. In December 2002 through to February 2003 and October 2003–December 2004, Roberts-Goodwin undertook a prestigious invitational residency at the desert farm of His Highness, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, President of The United Arab Emirates, producing a solo photographic exhibition with considerable national press, at the Australian Centre for Photography Gallery in Sydney, Australia and touring to the Emirates Cultural Museum in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. The successfully exhibited portraits and landscape photographic imagery of royal Falconry and Falcons advanced the understanding of cultural and economic implications of the Falcon as iconic representation within Islamic religion, its aesthetically ambiguous codes of representation and it’s pending photographic use for wildlife passport initiation as applied to illegal wildlife trade. This key series from the ‘Azure’ visual arts photographic exhibition forms part of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney’s contemporary collection (7 photographic works), purchased with the assistance of the Mordant Foundation.

Roberts-Goodwin and her work have been the subject of prestigious national and international residencies, fellowship awards and exhibitions within cultural institutions, museums and galleries; Australia Council for the Arts American Academy in Rome Affiliated Mordant Family Fellowship 2017; Australia Council for the Arts Visual Arts Project Grants; Artist Residence & exhibition Wolkersdorf Castle, Schloss, Austria, 2016; Art Central + Art Basel HK 2015; MIAF, Milan Art Fair 2014; Artists Retreat Jaipur, Aust India Institute 2013; ONDARTE International Residency, Mexico, 2012; Eugenio De Almeida Museum, Portugal 2013; V11 Biennale Soncino, Italy; Fondation Arabe l'Image Residency, Beirut, Lebanon, 2009; AQIS Residence, Sydney Airport 2005; ERWDA Abu Dhabi (EAD) Falcon Hospital Residency, UAE, 2002; Rockefeller Foundation Artist Residency, Alfred, New York, 2001; UNESCO Sanskriti Residency, Delhi, India, 2001-2002; Page Museum, La Brea Tar Pits Residency, LA, USA, 1994; Art Gallery of N.S.W Moya Dyring Paris Studio, 1983 and exhibitions including 1994 Touring solo nationally, 'Remote-Half-Light' PICA, Perth, ACCA, Melbourne; 1997 AGNSW Contemporary Project Space 'Blindfold'; 2005/2007 Random Acts + Disappearing Acts, Sherman Galleries; new acquisitions, MCA, Sydney, 2007; ‘closeupatadistance 2016, Kronenberg Wright Artists Projects Gallery; ArtBox Projects BASEL 1.0, Switzerland, 2017; Soncino Biennale D’Marco, Crema, Italy 2015, 2017, 2019. The artists’ work is held in private and museum collections nationally and internationally.

The artist is represented by:

Gallery Representation AUSTRALIA: Kronenberg Mais Wright Artists Projects, Sydney, AUSTRALIA

Gallery Representation EUROPE: Nuova Galleria MORONE, Milan, ITALY
Gallery Representation N. AMERICA: Aberson EXHIBITS, Tulsa, OK. U.S.A.

+61 2 8936 0768


  • Books | 2014
    Roberts-Goodwin L; Tello V, 2014, MORE THAN EVER: LYNNE ROBERTS-GOODWIN 2014, KENKE R, (ed.), Lynne Roberts-Goodwin, Aug. 2014, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA,
    Books | 2014
    Roberts-Goodwin L; Tello V, 2014, MORE THAN EVER: LYNNE ROBERTS-GOODWIN 2014, KENKE R, (ed.), Lynne Roberts-Goodwin, Aug. 2014, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    VON BARGEN A; COSTANTINO M; Roberts-Goodwin LYNNE; MAQUEO EG; BLAZEKOVIC N; VAN LUIK L; PRADELLA M; KARAS V; MIDDLETON J, 2013, 'Distant Ruptures of the Uncanny', in WANG E (ed.), VERITAS FEMINAE, ISBN 978-0-578-12860-3, SHANGHAI, pp. 37 - 38,
  • Journal articles | 2005
    Journal articles | 1997
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 1997, 'Photography listing, artist statement, photographic image', AGNSW Bulletin, pp. 31 - 31
  • Reports | 2010
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2010, NGV 2010/11 Annual Report CouncIl of Trustees of the NatIonal Gallery of VIctorIa, AustralIa, NGV 2010/11 Annual Report CouncIl of Trustees of the NatIonal Gallery of VIctorIa, AustralIa, VICTORIA, NGV 2010/11 Annual Report CouncIl of Trustees of the NatIonal Gallery of VIctorIa, AustralIa,
  • Creative Works (non-textual) | 2019
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2019, T E M P O S Q U I S I T O R O V I N E 0028, X BIENNALE DI SONCINO, ITALY, Castello Sforzesco di Soncino, Rocca Sforzesca and of the Ex Filanda Meroni Via Guglielmo Marconi, 26029 Soncino CR, Italy, 24 August 2019 - 29 September 2019, medium: Photographic installation, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2018
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2018, Land Locked_navigationalfailure_WEST BANK Series (#0004, #0026, #0027, #0074 , #0075, #0086, #0090, #0091), Unconscious Places: Photography and History, Grace Cossington Smith Gallery, Sydney, Australia, 04 September 2018 - 03 October 2018, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2018
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2018, saltlinestereo #10 & #11, MAMA ART FOUNDATION Acquisitive Biennale 2018 National Photographic Prize, MAMA Art Foundation, Murray Art Museum Albury, New South Wales, Australia, 10 May 2018 - 22 July 2018, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2018
    Roberts-Goodwin LYNNE, 2018, LAND LOCKED navigational failure_WEST BANK #0090 & #0027, PHOTOGRAPH GROUP EXHIBITION, KRONENBERG MAIS WRIGHT ARTISTS PROJECTS, Sydney, Australia, 27 November 2018 - 14 December 2018, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, 'navigational failure_WEST BANK #0004’ ART BASEL 1.0 2017, THE ARTBOX PROJECT, ARTWEEK, ART BASEL 1.0, EUROAIRPORT, SWITZERLAND, Euroairport Basel Exhibition Platform Gallery, Basel Airport, Switzerland., 14 June 2017 - 21 June 2017, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, Another Green World_As Close As_navigationalfailure_WESTERN PLAINS CULTURAL CENTRE Gallery Installation views, Another Green World: The Landscape of the 21st Century, Western Plains Cultural Centre Gallery, New South Wales, Australia, 26 August 2017 - 03 December 2017, medium: Gallery Installation and Photography/Video works, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, As Close As 0006_Another Green World_navigationalfailure, Another Green World: The Landscape of the 21st Century, WESTERN PLAINS CULTURAL CENTRE, Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia, 26 August 2017 - 03 December 2017, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, As Close As 0011_Another Green World, Another Green World: The Landscape of the 21st Century, Western Plains Cultural Centre Gallery, New South Wales, Australia, 26 August 2017 - 03 December 2017, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, As Close As 120_Another Green World_navigationalfailure, Another Green World: The Landscape of the 21st Century, Western Plains Cultural Centre Gallery, New South Wales, Australia, 26 August 2017 - 03 December 2017, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, As Close As 4061_Another Green World_navigationalfailure, Another Green World: The Landscape of the 21st Century, Western Plains Cultural Centre Gallery, New South Wales, Australia, 26 August 2017 - 03 December 2017, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, As Close As 4082_Another Green World_navigationalfailure, Another Green World: The Landscape of the 21st Century, Western Plains Cultural Centre Gallery, New South Wales, Australia, 26 August 2017 - 03 December 2017, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, As Close As 4084_Another Green World_navigationalfailure, Another Green World: The Landscape of the 21st Century, Western Plains Cultural Centre Gallery, New South Wales, Australia, 26 August 2017 - 03 December 2017, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, As Close As I4019_Another Green World_navigationalfailure, Another Green World: The Landscape of the 21st Century, WESTERN PLAINS CULTURAL CENTRE, Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia, 26 August 2017 - 03 December 2017, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, As Close As_Another Green World_navigationalfailure 90 degrees, Another Green World: The Landscape of the 21st Century, WESTERN PLAINS CULTURAL CENTRE, Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia, 26 August 2017 - 03 December 2017, medium: Photography and Video, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, DEADSEA saltlinestereo 010 & 011 (diptych), Hazelhurst Art on Paper Award 2017, HAZELHURST REGIONAL GALLERY and ART CENTRE, SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA, 20 May 2017 - 15 July 2017, medium: PHOTOGRAPHY, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, deadcalm border & deadcalm tower from closeupatadistance series, Ocean Imaginaries, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia., 05 May 2017 - 01 July 2017, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, navigational failure WEST BANK 0075 ART BASEL 1.0 2017, THE ARTBOX PROJECT, ARTWEEK, ART BASEL 1.0, EUROAIRPORT, SWITZERLAND, Euroairport Basel Exhibition Platform Gallery, Basel Airport, Switzerland., 14 June 2017 - 21 June 2017, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, navigational failureWEST BANK 0086 ART BASEL 1.0 2017, THE ARTBOX PROJECT, ARTWEEK, ART BASEL 1.0, EUROAIRPORT, SWITZERLAND, Euroairport Basel Exhibition Platform Gallery, Basel Airport, Switzerland., 14 June 2017 - 21 June 2017, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, navigational failure_0026 ART BASEL 1.0 2017, THE ARTBOX PROJECT, ARTWEEK, ART BASEL 1.0, EUROAIRPORT, SWITZERLAND, Euroairport Basel Exhibition Platform Gallery, Basel Airport, Switzerland., 14 June 2017 - 21 June 2017, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, navigational failure_WEST BANK 0027 ART BASEL 1.0 2017, THE ARTBOX PROJECT, ARTWEEK, ART BASEL 1.0, EUROAIRPORT, SWITZERLAND, Euroairport Basel Exhibition Platform Gallery, Basel Airport, Switzerland., 14 June 2017 - 21 June 2017, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, navigational failure_WEST BANK 0074 ART BASEL 1.0 2017, THE ARTBOX PROJECT, ARTWEEK, ART BASEL 1.0, EUROAIRPORT, SWITZERLAND, Euroairport Basel Exhibition Platform Gallery, Basel Airport, Switzerland., 14 June 2017 - 21 June 2017, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, navigational failure_WEST BANK series, THE ARTBOX.PROJECT Basel 1.0, Euroairport Basel Exhibition Platform Gallery, Basel Airport, Switzerland, 14 June 2017 - 21 June 2017, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, navigational failure_WEST BANK' #0090, ART BASEL 1.0 2017, THE ARTBOX PROJECT, ARTWEEK, ART BASEL 1.0, EUROAIRPORT, SWITZERLAND, Euroairport Basel Exhibition Platform Gallery, Basel Airport, Switzerland., 14 June 2017 - 21 November 2017, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2017, theworldfromabove_navigational failure_#0000, IX BIENNALE OF SONCINO. A MARCO SONCINO, CREMONA, ITALY, Sforzesca Fortress of Soncino, CREMONA, ITALY, 26 August 2017 - 24 September 2017, medium: Photographic installation and wall work, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2017
    Roberts-Goodwin LYNNE, 2017, Dead Calm border_terrestial #01, #02, #03 2017, LYNNE ROBERTS-GOODWIN, RMIT Gallery, City campus, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 05 May 2017 - 01 July 2017, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2016
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2016, BAD BIRD #14, GHOST BIOLOGIES, CONTEMPORARY ART TASMANIA, 07 May 2016 - 05 June 2016, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2016
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2016, BAD BIRD #19, GHOST BIOLOGIES, CONTEMPORARY ART TASMANIA, 07 May 2016 - 05 June 2016, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2016
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2016, FALL FRAME#8401849_0001, GHOST BIOLOGIES, CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUM TASMANIA, 07 May 2016 - 05 June 2016, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2016
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2016, FALL FRAME#8401849_0003, GHOST BIOLOGIES, CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUM TASMANIA, 07 May 2016 - 05 June 2016, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2016
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2016, deadcalm border 132 closeupatadistance 2016 series, CLOSEUPATADISTANCE, KRONENBERG WRIGHT ARTISTS PROJECTS, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 17 September 2016 - 08 October 2016, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2016
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2016, deadcalm distance 100 closeupatadistance 2016 series, CLOSEUPATADISTANCE, KRONENBERG WRIGHT ARTISTS PROJECTS, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 17 September 2016 - 08 October 2016, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2016
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2016, deadcalm distance 101 closeupatadistance 2016 series, CLOSEUPATADISTANCE, KRONENBERG WRIGHT ARTISTS PROJECTS, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 17 September 2016 - 08 October 2016, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2016
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2016, deadcalm tower 21 closeupatadistance 2016 series, CLOSEUPATADISTANCE, KRONENBERG WRIGHT ARTISTS PROJECTS, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 17 September 2016 - 08 October 2016, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2016
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2016, obliquedistance ( 20 works gridded) closeupatadistance 2016 series, CLOSEUPATADISTANCE, KRONENBERG WRIGHT ARTISTS PROJECTS, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 17 September 2016 - 08 October 2016, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2016
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2016, obliquedistance, CLOSEUPATADISTANCE, KRONENBERG WRIGHT ARTISTS PROJECTS, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 17 September 2016 - 08 October 2016, medium: HD Video and sound, at:
    Curatorial Outputs | 2016
    Roberts-Goodwin L; Feigl H, 2016, ARTISTS WITHOUT BORDERS - Wolkersdorf Castle, AUSTRIA, touring to the Austrian Cultural Forum Karsi Sanat Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey., exhibited at: WOLKERSDORF CASTLE, Schloss, AUSTRIA touring to Austrian Cultural Forum Karsi Sanat Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey., 23 April 2016 - 29 May 2016, ARTISTS WITHOUT BORDERS - Wolkersdorf Castle, AUSTRIA, touring to the Austrian Cultural Forum Karsi Sanat Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey.,
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2015
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2015, AERIAL #7, DECISIVE MOMENT, CONTACT SHEET GALLERY, Sydney, Australia, 11 October 2015 - 21 November 2015, medium: Photography
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2015
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2015, Aerial #27, DECISIVE MOMENT, CONTACT SHEET GALLERY, Sydney, Australia, 11 October 2015 - 21 November 2015, medium: Photography
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2015
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2015, Raven Grid 2015 (10 x grid installation), ART CENTRAL, HONG KONG, ART CENTRAL, ART BASEL HONG KONG, Wanchai, Hong Kong., 14 March 2015 - 16 March 2015, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2015
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2015, VOLUME 2015 | Another Art Book Fair + BOOK MACHINE @ Artspace, Book Machine, Artspace, Sydney, NSW, 11 September 2015 - 13 September 2015, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2015
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2015, a change of plan (burnout 1) 2015, EXTINCT/EXTANT, AIRSPACE PROJECTS Gallery, Sydney, Australia, 06 March 2015 - 29 March 2015, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2015
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2015, a change of plan (burnout 2) 2015, EXTINCT/EXTANT, AIRSPACE PROJECTS Gallery, Sydney, Australia, 06 March 2015 - 29 March 2015, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2015
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2015, a change of plan (salt plain 11), HONG KONG SIGNAL 8 Summer Salon, THE CAT STREET GALLERY, 50 Tung Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong., 06 August 2015 - 12 September 2015, medium: Photography
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2015
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2015, a change of plan (salt plain 12), HONG KONG SIGNAL 8 Summer Salon, THE CAT STREET GALLERY, 50 Tung Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong., 06 August 2015 - 12 September 2015, medium: Photography
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2014
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2014, Buffavento #41, SWARM series 2014, MORE THAN EVER, .M CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 08 August 2014 - 12 September 2014, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2014
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2014, Buffavento #42 SWARM series 2014, MORE THAN EVER, .M CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 08 August 2014 - 12 September 2014, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2014
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2014, Buffavento #43, SWARM series 2014, MORE THAN EVER, .M CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 08 August 2014 - 12 September 2014, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2014
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2014, Buffavento #45 SWARM series 2014, MORE THAN EVER, .M CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 08 August 2014 - 12 September 2014, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2014
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2014, Buffavento #46, SWARM series 2014, MORE THAN EVER, .M CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 08 August 2014 - 12 September 2014, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2014
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2014, Buffavento #49 SWARM series 2014, MORE THAN EVER, .M CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 08 August 2014 - 12 September 2014, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2014
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2014, Buffavento #64 SWARM series 2014, MORE THAN EVER, .M CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 08 August 2014 - 12 September 2014, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2014
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2014, MORE THAN EVER_Think the Mountain #07, MORE THAN EVER, .M CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 08 August 2014 - 12 September 2014, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2014
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2014, MORE THAN EVER_Think the Mountain #17, MORE THAN EVER, .M CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 08 August 2014 - 12 September 2014, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2014
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2014, MORE THAN EVER_Think the Mountain #20, MORE THAN EVER, .M CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 08 August 2014 - 12 September 2014, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2014
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2014, MORE THAN EVER_Think the Mountain #23, MORE THAN EVER, .M CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 08 August 2014 - 12 September 2014, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2014
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2014, MORE THAN EVER_Think the Mountain #3, MORE THAN EVER, .M CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 08 August 2014 - 12 September 2014, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2014
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2014, MORE THAN EVER_Think the Mountain #35, MORE THAN EVER, .M CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 08 August 2014 - 12 September 2014, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2014
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2014, MORE THAN EVER_Think the Mountain #37, MORE THAN EVER, .M CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 08 August 2014 - 12 September 2014, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2014
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2014, MORE THAN EVER_Think the Mountain #5, MORE THAN EVER, .M CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 08 August 2014 - 12 September 2014, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2014
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2014, MORE THAN EVER_Think the Mountain #51, MORE THAN EVER, .M CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 08 August 2014 - 12 September 2014, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2013
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2011
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2011, lavaland #01, VOGUL Collection Exhibition, HONOLULU MUSEUM OF ART, Honolulu, HAWAII., 17 February 2011 - 22 May 2011, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2011
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2011, lavaland #02, VOGUL Collection Exhibition, HONOLULU MUSEUM OF ART, Honolulu, HAWAII., 17 February 2011 - 22 May 2011, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2011
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2011, lavaland #03, VOGUL Collection Exhibition, HONOLULU MUSEUM OF ART, Honolulu, HAWAII., 17 February 2011 - 22 May 2011, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2011
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2011, lavaland #04, VOGUL Collection Exhibition, HONOLULU MUSEUM OF ART, Honolulu, HAWAII., 17 February 2011 - 22 May 2011, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2011
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2011, lunawonder twentysevendays #01, ECU Environmental Sustainability Award 2011, PERTH CENTRE for PHOTOGRAPHY, Perth, Western Australia, 10 June 2011 - 03 July 2011, medium: Photography
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2011
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2011, lunawonder twentysevendays #02, ECU Environmental Sustainability Award 2011, PERTH CENTRE for PHOTOGRAPHY, Perth, Western Australia, 10 June 2011 - 03 July 2011, medium: Photography
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2011
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2011, lunawonder twentysevendays #03, ECU Environmental Sustainability Award 2011, PERTH CENTRE for PHOTOGRAPHY, Perth, Western Australia, 10 June 2011 - 03 July 2011, medium: Photography
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2011
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2011, lunawonder twentysevendays #04, ECU Environmental Sustainability Award 2011, PERTH CENTRE for PHOTOGRAPHY, Perth, Western Australia, 10 June 2011 - 03 July 2011, medium: Photography
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2011
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2011, lunawonder twentysevendays #05, ECU Environmental Sustainability Award 2011, PERTH CENTRE for PHOTOGRAPHY, Perth, Western Australia, 10 June 2011 - 03 July 2011, medium: Photography
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2011
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2011, lunawonder twentysevendays #06, ECU Environmental Sustainability Award 2011, PERTH CENTRE for PHOTOGRAPHY, Perth, Western Australia, 10 June 2011 - 03 July 2011, medium: Photography
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2011
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2011, lunawonder twentysevendays #07, ECU Environmental Sustainability Award 2011, PERTH CENTRE for PHOTOGRAPHY, Perth, Western Australia, 10 June 2011 - 03 July 2011, medium: Photography
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2010
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2010, Josephine Ulrick & Win Schubert Photography Award, Josephine Ulrick & Win Schubert Photography Award, Gold Coast City Gallery; Gold Coast Queensland, - 01 May 2010
    Recorded / Rendered Creative Works | 2008
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2008, MCA Artist`s Voice DVD Series 3 2008, Video, Published: 2008, Recorded / Rendered Creative Works
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2008
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2008, Rape Mustart Seed Girl #2, William and Winifred Bowness Photography Prize 2008, MONASH GALLERY OF ART, Wheelers Hill, Victoria, - 02 November 2008, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2007
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2007, Eye to Eye, Eye to Eye, Dubbo Regional Gallery, 08 September 2007 - 11 November 2007, medium: Visual Art, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2007
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2007, Museum of Contemporary Art: New Acquisitions
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2007
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2007, Perfect For Every Occasion: Photography Today, Perfect For Every Occasion: Photography Today
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2007
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2007, Random Acts, Random Acts
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2007
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2007, The Year in Art 2007, The Year in Art 2007
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2007
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2007, Voiceless: I Feel Therefore I Am
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2007
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2007, Voiceless: I feel therefore I am
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2005
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2005, Frankincense Crossing, DISAPPEARING ACT, SHERMAN GALLERIES, Sydney, Australia, 10 February 2005 - 05 March 2005, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2005
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2005, Frankincense Highway, DISAPPEARING ACT, SHERMAN GALLERIES, Sydney, Australia, 10 February 2005 - 05 March 2005, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2005
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2005, Frankincense Road, DISAPPEARING ACT, SHERMAN GALLERIES, Sydney, Australia, 10 February 2005 - 05 March 2005, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2005
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2005, Petrol Boy Muhammad, DISAPPEARING ACT, SHERMAN GALLERIES, Sydney, Australia, 10 February 2005 - 05 March 2005, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2005
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2005, Petrol Boy Yousef, DISAPPEARING ACT, SHERMAN GALLERIES, Sydney, Australia, 10 February 2005 - 05 March 2005, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2005
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2005, Petrol Boys Take 1, DISAPPEARING ACT, SHERMAN GALLERIES, Sydney, Australia, 10 February 2005 - 05 March 2005, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2005
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2005, Petrol Boys Take 2, DISAPPEARING ACT, SHERMAN GALLERIES, Sydney, Australia, 10 February 2005 - 05 March 2005, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2005
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2005, Petrol Boys Take 4, DISAPPEARING ACT, SHERMAN GALLERIES, Sydney, Australia, 10 February 2005 - 05 March 2005, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2005
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2005, Petrol Boys Take 5, DISAPPEARING ACT, SHERMAN GALLERIES, Sydney, Australia, 10 February 2005 - 05 March 2005, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2004
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2004, Dissapearing Act Solo Exhibition, DISAPPREARING ACT, SHERMAN GALLERIES, Sydney, Australia, - 05 March 2005, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2003
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2003, AZURE FLIGHT, ARTISTS ABROAD: AZURE Lynne Roberts-Goodwin, AUSTRALIAN CENTRE for PHOTOGRAPHY, Sydney, Australia, 22 March 2003 - 10 May 2003, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2003
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2003, AZURE SAQR #1, 2003, ARTISTS ABROAD: AZURE Lynne Roberts-Goodwin, AUSTRALIAN CENTRE for PHOTOGRAPHY, Sydney, Australia, 22 March 2003 - 10 May 2003, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2003
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2003, AZURE SAQR #2, ARTISTS ABROAD: AZURE Lynne Roberts-Goodwin, AUSTRALIAN CENTRE for PHOTOGRAPHY, Sydney, Australia, 22 March 2003 - 10 May 2003, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2003
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2003, AZURE SAQR #3, ARTISTS ABROAD: AZURE Lynne Roberts-Goodwin, AUSTRALIAN CENTRE for PHOTOGRAPHY, Sydney, Australia, 22 March 2003 - 10 May 2003, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2003
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2003, AZURE SAQR #4, ARTISTS ABROAD: AZURE Lynne Roberts-Goodwin, AUSTRALIAN CENTRE for PHOTOGRAPHY, Sydney, Australia, 22 March 2003 - 10 May 2013, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2003
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2003, GULF COAST SMS, ARTISTS ABROAD: AZURE Lynne Roberts-Goodwin, AUSTRALIAN CENTRE for PHOTOGRAPHY, Sydney, Australia, 22 March 2003 - 10 May 2003, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2003
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2003, GULF DESERT SAQQAR #5, ARTISTS ABROAD: AZURE Lynne Roberts-Goodwin, AUSTRALIAN CENTRE for PHOTOGRAPHY, Sydney, Australia, 22 March 2003 - 10 March 2003, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2003
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2003, GULF DESERT SAQQAR #9, ARTISTS ABROAD: AZURE Lynne Roberts-Goodwin, AUSTRALIAN CENTRE for PHOTOGRAPHY, Sydney, Australia, 22 March 2003 - 10 May 2003, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2003
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2003, KALEEF + SHEIKHS’ SAQQAR, ARTISTS ABROAD: AZURE Lynne Roberts-Goodwin, AUSTRALIAN CENTRE for PHOTOGRAPHY, Sydney, Australia, 22 March 2003 - 10 May 2003, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2003
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2003, KALEEF SAQQAR #7, ARTISTS ABROAD: AZURE Lynne Roberts-Goodwin, AUSTRALIAN CENTRE for PHOTOGRAPHY, Sydney, Australia, 22 March 2003 - 10 May 2003, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2003
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2003, YASHEN + SHEIKHS SAQQAR, ARTISTS ABROAD: AZURE Lynne Roberts-Goodwin, AUSTRALIAN CENTRE for PHOTOGRAPHY, Sydney, Australia, 22 March 2003 - 10 May 2003, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2003
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2003, lightline
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2002
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2002, Bad Bird #1, LANDINGS, BOUTWELL DRAPER GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 24 April 2002 - 18 May 2002, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2002
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2002, Bad Bird #10, LANDINGS, BOUTWELL DRAPER GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 24 April 2002 - 18 May 2002, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2002
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2002, Bad Bird #11, LANDINGS, BOUTWELL DRAPER GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 24 April 2002 - 18 May 2002, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2002
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2002, Bad Bird #12, LANDINGS, BOUTWELL DRAPER GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 24 April 2002 - 18 May 2002, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2002
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2002, Bluebird of Happiness #1, LANDINGS, BOUTWELL DRAPER GALLERY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 24 April 2002 - 18 May 2002, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2002
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2002, the synthetic image - digital technologies and the image
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 2001
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 2001, Open Source
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 1999
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 1999, Tankstream...into the head of the cove, SYDNEY SCULPTURE WALK ARTIST COMMISSION, City of Sydney Tank Stream locations, 12 April 1999 - 08 May 2000, medium: Public Artworks/Sculpture, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 1998
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 1998, List-structure
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 1997
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 1997, 36 x 24 x 36
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 1997
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 1997, Deer #1, BLINDFOLD, ART GALLERY OF NEW SOUTH WALES, Contemporary Projects Level 2 Solo Exhibition Project, 15 March 1997 - 20 April 1997, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 1997
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 1997, Deer #2, BLINDFOLD, ART GALLERY OF NEW SOUTH WALES CONTEMPORARY PROJECTS SOLO EXHIBITION, 15 March 1997 - 20 April 1997, medium: Photography, at:
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 1997
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 1997, MULTIPLICATION-the multiple object in art
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 1997
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 1997, RELEASE: Recent Photo-Based Works
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 1997
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 1997, Threshold: Limits of Perception
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 1997
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 1997, Travel and Tourist Series
    Creative Works (non-textual) | 1997
    Roberts-Goodwin L, 1997, pink planks
    Other | 1995
    Roberts-Goodwin L (ed.), 1995, False tales : Lynne Roberts-Goodwin, 1995/1996, L. Roberts-Goodwin, c1995., Alexandria, N.S.W.,


