Mr Mahmood Sadat-Noori
- Ph.D, 2017, Environmental Hydrology, Southern Cross University (SCU)
- MSc., 2011, Water Resources Engineering, University of Tehran
- BSc., 2009, Water Engineering, University of Tehran
Dr. Mahmood Sadat-Noori is a Lecturer at the Water Research Laboratory within the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Mahmood holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Water Engineering both from the University of Tehran and a Ph.D. degree in Environmental Hydrology from Southern Cross University, Australia. His research operates at the interface between two fields; hydrology and geochemistry. His research interest is in quantifying groundwater - surface water interactions in coastal and inland environments and understanding how groundwater discharge into surface water bodies can influence surface water quantity and quality. This has implications for water quality management as groundwater discharge can act as a pathway for transporting dissolved nutrients, carbon, metal, and greenhouse gases to surface water bodies such as streams, estuaries, lakes, and wetlands.
Mahmood employs a multi-disciplinary approach to investigate groundwater - surface water interactions by conducting large-scale field investigations, and using hydrogeological, hydrochemical, and environmental tracer data, such as radon (Rn-222), radium isotopes (Ra-223,224, 226), and water stable isotopes (O-18 and H-2). His Ph.D. research introduced a novel sampling approach for reducing uncertainties related to quantifying groundwater discharge in estuaries using radon, (a natural groundwater tracer) through field investigation and analytical analysis. His current research is focused on understanding the role of groundwater in the carbon cycle of wetlands that have undergone restoration and how over-pumping of groundwater resources (for agriculture, industry, and water supply) can affect groundwater dependant ecosystems.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Project Title | Role | Funding Source | Grant $ |
- A Picarro G2401-m analyser for environmental carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, and water measurements | Co Cheif Investigator | UNSW Major Research Infrastructure Scheme | $180,000
- Is groundwater discharge an overlooked source of methane in restored coastal wetlands? | Lead Cheif Investigator | The Hermon Slade Foundation | $75,000
- Using tidal restoration to decrease nutrients and create blue carbon credit in the Hunter River Estuary | Co CI | Hunter Water | $30,000
- Restoring a coastal wetland through hydrological management | Lead CI | Port of Newcastle | $10,000
- Coastal erosion effects on groundwater quality after extreme rainfall events | Co CI | NSW National Parks and Wildlife Services | $30,000
- Groundwater surface water connectivity assessment in a restored coastal wetland | Co CI | Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group | $15,000
- Independent Review of the Impacts of the Bottled Water Industry on Groundwater Resources in the Northern Rivers Region of NSW | Co CI | Office of the NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer | $85,000
- A Radium Isotope Analyser for investigating groundwater-surface water interactions in coastal environments | Lead CI | UNSW | $42,000
- A Portable Greenhouse Gas Analyser for in-situ measurement of the carbon dioxide and methane concentration | Lead CI | UNSW | $58,000
- Top 100 Downloaded Paper in 2021 | Scientific Reports | 2022
- Equality and Diversity Excellence Award | Faculty of Engineering | UNSW | 2021
- Industry Engagement and Innovation Excellence Award | Faculty of Engineering | UNSW | 2021
- Working with Nature Award | World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure (the first in Australia) | 2020
- Community Sponsorship Award | Port of Newcastle | 2020
Associate Editor
Committee Member
- Committee Chair | Early Career Academic Network (ECAN) | Faculty of Engineering
- Committee member | Equity, Diversity and, Inclusion Committee | Faculty of Engineering
- Committee member | Research Management Group | Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering