Associate Professor Marina Nehme
PhD (UWS) - An Analysis of the Australian system of enforceable undertakings to determine an improved theory of negotiated settlements
Grad Cert High Ed (Deakin University)
LLM by Research (UTS)
LLM by Coursework (UNSW)
Marina Nehme is an Associate Professor the School of Private and Commercial Law in the Faculty of Law and Justice at the University of New South Wales.
She is recognised internationally for her substantial body of work on negotiated settlements, known as enforceable undertakings. Her articles on this topic have provided insight into how this sanction is used by corporate and environmental regulators, filling an important gap in the literature and providing policy makers with the tools needed to perfect regulatory reliance on this sanction. Marina has also written reports on the use of enforceable undertakings and product intervention orders to the Australian Securities and Investment Commission and Treasury.
Further, her research on crowd equity funding has led to invitations to present evidence to the Commonwealth Senate Economics Legislation Committee and the Commonwealth Treasury regarding crowd equity funding legislation.
Lastly, Marina has written a number of papers on Indigenous corporations in Australia. She has actively participation in the consultation on amending to the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth) with the National Australian Indigenous Agency. Marina is actively been involved in Law reforms and has made submissions to a range of inquiries in the area of corporate regulation, financial services, Indigenous corporations and law firm. Her latest funded work was attached to the NSW Law Society Future of Law and Innovation within the Profession project where she completed with Dr Felicity Bell a report entitled: The Future of Legal Service Delivery.
Marina is also a very passionate educator and she has published a range of papers on the scholarship of learning and teaching. She has further received a number of teaching awards including in 2011 a Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning from the Australian Learning and Teaching Council. She is also currently a UNSW Scientia Education Fellow.
(If you are reading this profile athttps://www.unsw.edu.au/staff/marina-nehme, then the materials in the tabs below may be out-of-date. Please go to https://research.unsw.edu.au/people/associate-professor-marina-nehme to view up-to-date Publications and click 'View more' under Biography to see up-to-date material on Grants, Awards and other research and engagement activities.)
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
2021- Research as part of the FLIP stream (UNSW collaboration with the Law Society) where she completed with Dr Felicity Bell a report entitled: The Future of Legal Service Delivery.
2020- Research on UK enforceable Understaking (With Professor Ole Pederson) from One Planet (UK Newcastle University)
2018- Research Contract with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission - Project Title: Comparative research into the use of enforceable undertakings, Funds $20,000.
2017-2018- Research Contract with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission - Project Title: General Deterrence Effects of Enforceable Undertakings on Financial Services and Credit Providers (with Dimity Kingsford Smith and Olivia Dixon; Research Assistant: Jessica Anderson), Funds: $150,126.92
2015- UNSW Law Learning and Teaching Grant in 2015 round - Topic: Enhancing online teaching materials for Responses to Corporate Wrongdoings - $7,500.
2014-2015- Project Title: Competition Law and Policy in Australian Financial Services Regulation; Source: Centre of International Financial Regulation – CIFR Project TS020- September 2014; Team: Chief Investigator: Dr Rob Nicholls. Rest of Team – ass Prof Deborah Healey and Dr Marina Nehme; Funds: $230,000
2013: UWS School of Law Internal research Grants:
Topic: Retirement in CALD Communities: $2,500
2013: Competitive conference funding grant, School of Law, UWS: $5,000
2009: UWS Research Seed Grant Scheme – Marina Nehme and John Juriansz
Topic: ‘Indigenous Corporate Governance’, (Early Career Researchers): $3,500.
2021- ARC Student and Supervisor Award (UNSW)
2016- UNSW Law Dean's Award for Education Excellence for the Quality and Innovation (UNSW Law and Justice Faculty)
2011- Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning from the Australian Learning and Teaching Council
2009- Outstanding Contribution to Students Learning- Western Sydney University
2008- Honorary Research Mention Award - Western Sydney University
In general, Marina's research activities are in the area of:
- regulation, Corporate governance, Administrative sanctions and Enforceable undertakings;
- Crowdfunding and Crowd Equity Funding
- Indigenous corporations; and
- Education.
My Research Supervision
- Eric Ng
- Belle Guo
- Shuo Yang
- ShangXuan Wu
My Teaching
Business Associations (LAWS1091/JURD7224)
Lawyers Ethics and Justice (LAWS1230/JURD7130)
Responses to Corporate Wrongdoing (LAWS3155/JURD 7455)