Professor Massimiliano Tani Bertuol
PhD in Economics - ANU (2003)
MSc Economics - LSE (1992)
BA Business/Economics - Bocconi (1989)
Professor Massimiliano Tani Bertuol is an Academic in the School of Business at UNSW, Canberra.
I am an economist by training and my research is applied. My interest focuses on human capital at large: how to foster it, its efficient international transfer through temporary and permanent migration, and its effects on productivity, innovation, and economic growth at a firm or national level. I often use Australian data but work with data on Europe, the US, Africa and China.
I teach/taught macroeconomics as well as finance at both undergraduate and graduate level in face-to-face and distance mode. My education includes a PhD in Economics from the Australian National University (Canberra, Australia), a MSc Econ from the LSE and Laurea from Bocconi University (Milan, Italy).
Current affiliations:
2015-present: Professor, School of Business, UNSW Canberra
UNSW - Associate Investigator/Member: CEPAR; Ageing Futures; uDASH; AI Institute; Cyber security (IFCYBER)
2005-present: Research Fellow, Institute for the Future of Labor (IZA), Germany
2018-present: Associate Member, Centre for Workforce Futures, Macquarie University
2016-present: Research Fellow, Global Labor Organization (GLO), Maastricht, Netherlands
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Active grants:
ARC LP (2023-27): $354,811. M Tani, S Baker, C Higgins, K Houghton, K Bassett, S Cousins, and S Gnanakaran. Regional Australia's skills shortages and high-skill refugees' employment.
ARC DP (2019-23): $478,000. F Guo, L Taksa, Z Cheng, M Tani, L Liu and KF Zimmermann. Demographic and Social Dimensions of Migrant Ageing and Wellbeing in Australia.
NUW Alliance (2021-23): $73,367 - M Tani, Z Cheng, TYC Ching, L Si, S Mendolia, A Paloyo, MC Flynn and D Savage. The Effects of Newborn Hearing Screening and Early Intervention on Academic Outcomes in Children with Hearing Loss.
2023: UNSW ARC Postgraduate Council (Arc PGC) award for excellence in research supervision (only 1 award for the faculty)
2011: Vice-Chancellor Award for Teaching Excellence (only 1 award was given out)
2011: Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence for teaching economics (1 award was given out for each faculty)
Currently working on:
1. non-pecuniary incentives
2. behavioural / financial decisions in China
3. occupational licensing
4. language skills and economic assimilation/wellbeing
5. interactions AI-humans, especially in health
6. labour mobility and productivity
Associate Editor: Social Indicators Research; Higher Education Research & Development
My Research Supervision
Awarded: 4
Submitted: 1
Current: 5
My Teaching
ZBUS2333 Data Analytics and Visualisation
ZBUS8105 Finance and Investment Appraisal
ZBUS8149 Introduction to Finance
Professional Executive Courses: 'Make cost-benefit analysis work for you'; 'Communicate effectively using data'