Associate Professor Mathew Chylinski
Mathew Chylinski leads an innovative research program into Augmented Reality, with recognised methodological expertise in experimental design; as well as ARC research funding and consistent supervision of HDR students. His publications have appeared in highly ranked Marketing journals like Marketing Science, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing and others. Together with colleagues from Netherlands and England he initiated the Augmented Research Group to provide thought leadership to marketing academics, industry and wider community around augmentation of consumer behaviour through technology.
Mathew’s teaching expertise spans undergraduate, postgraduate and research level courses. With journal publications in education Mathew establishes a program of continued teaching innovation with the focus on active student engagement in large (100+) university classes. This innovation is supported with UNSW Learning and Teaching Innovation Grants and qualifications enhanced with the Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, and teaching development courses at NIDA.
Over the years Mathew held diverse roles as Honour Coordinator, Advanced Marketing Stream Coordinator, School of Marketing Research Subject Pool Coordinator, Ethics Representative, Research Laboratory (BizLab) Director; and contributed to infrastructure building via Major Research Equipment and Infrastructure Initiative grants. Mathew was instrumental in establishing the BizLab a behavioural research laboratory at the UNSW Business School. He established the Student Subject Research Pool at the School of Marketing, and organised conferences and workshops to engage academics and industry; most recently through the Marketing Analytics Symposium – Sydney that brings together leading academics and industry professionals to foster closer collaboration between industry and academia.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Research Grant, $4,000 |
Experience Infusion: How to improve customer experience with incidental activities |
2016 — 2018 |
UNSW Learning and Teaching Innovation Grant; $20,000 |
Content Co-Creation in Large Classes: Leveraging the Box and Moodle for Enhanced Student Engagement |
2015 — 2017 |
Australia Research Council (ARC); $60,000 |
Investigating the Impact of Augmented Reality on Consumer Decision Making and Marketing Systems. |
2013 — 2015 |
Nguyen, T. N. Q., Tran, Q. H. M., & Chylinski, M. (2020). Empathy and delight in a personal service setting. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 28(1), 11-17.
de Ruyter, K., Heller, J., Hilken, T., Chylinski, M., Keeling, D. I., & Mahr, D. (2020). Seeing with the customer’s eye: Exploring the challenges and opportunities of AR advertising. Journal of Advertising, 49(2), 109-124.
Collinson, J., Mathmann, F., & Chylinski, M. (2020). Time is money: Field evidence for the effect of time of day and product name on product purchase. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 54, 102064.
Heller, J., Chylinski, M., de Ruyter, K., Keeling, D. I., Hilken, T., & Mahr, D. (2020). Tangible service automation: Decomposing the technology-enabled engagement process (TEEP) for augmented reality. Journal of Service Research.
Chylinski, M., Heller, J., Hilken, T., Keeling, D. I., Mahr, D., & de Ruyter, K. (2020). Augmented reality marketing: A technology-enabled approach to situated customer experience. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ).
Jessen, A., Hilken, T., Chylinski, M., Mahr, D., Heller, J., Keeling, D. I., & de Ruyter, K. (2020). The playground effect: How augmented reality drives creative customer engagement. Journal of Business Research, 116, 85-98.
Carrozzi, Chylinski, Heller, Hilken, Keeling, de Ruyter 2019, “What's Mine Is a Hologram? How Shared Augmented Reality Augments Psychological Ownership”, Journal of Interactive Marketing 48, 71-88
Heller, Chylinski, de Ruyter, Mahr, Keeling 2019, “Touching the untouchable: exploring multi-sensory augmented reality in the context of online retailing”, Journal of Retailing
Hilken, Keeling, de Ruyter, Mahr, Chylinski 2019, “Seeing eye to eye: social augmented reality and shared decision making in the marketplace”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1-22
Nguyen, Tran, Chylinski 2019, “Empathy and delight in a personal service setting”, Australasian Marketing Journal.
Heller, Chylinski, de Ruyter, Mhar, Keeling, 2019 “Let me imagine that for you: Transforming the retail frontline through augmenting customer mental imagery ability". Journal of Retailing.
An, Ngo, Chylinski, Tran (2019) “Customer advocates with a generous heart”, Journal of Services Marketing.
Hilken, T.; Heller, J., Chylinski, M., de Ruyter K., Keeling, D., Mahr, D. 2018, “Making omnichannel an augmented reality: the current and future state of the art”. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 12 (4), 509-523.
Northey, G., Govind, R., Bucic, T., Chylinski, M, Dolan R, van Esch P. 2018, “The effect of “here and now” learning on student engagement and academic achievement”. British Journal of Educational Technology 49 (2), 321-333
Mathmann F; Higgins ET; Chylinski M; de Ruyter K, 2017, “Every step counts: When physical movement affects perceived value”. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 39, 279-285
Mathmann F; Higgins ET; Chylinski M; de Ruyter K, 2017, 'When Size Matters: Sensitivity to Missed Opportunity Size Increases with Stronger Assessment'. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 43 (10), 1427-1439
Hillken, T.; de Ruyter, K.; Chylinski, M., Mahr, D.; Keeling, D., 2017 ‘Augmenting the Eye of the Beholder: Exploring the Strategic Potential of Augmented Reality to Enhance Online Service Experiences’ Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 45 (6), 884-905.
Mathmann F; Chylinski M; de Ruyter K; Higgins ET, 2017, 'When Plentiful Platforms Pay Off: Assessment Orientation Moderates the Effect of Assortment Size on Choice Engagement and Product Valuation' Journal of Retailing, 93(2), pp. 212-227
Chylinski M; Northey G; Ngo LV, 2015, 'Cross-modal Interactions between Color and Texture of Food' Psychology & Marketing, vol. 32, pp. 950 - 966
Northey G; Bucic T; Chylinski M; Govind R, 2015, 'Increasing Student Engagement Using Asynchronous Learning' Journal of Marketing Education, vol. 37, pp. 171 - 180
Ghorai K; Jahan S; Ray P; Chylinski M, 2014, 'mHealth for behaviour change: role of a smartphone-based multi-intervention service for hypertension and diabetes in Bangladesh' International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, vol. 16, pp. 135 - 135
Chylinski MB; Roberts JH; Hardie BGS, 2012, 'Consumer Learning of New Binary Attribute Importance Accounting for Priors, Bias, and Order Effects' Marketing Science, vol. 31, pp. 549 - 566,
Chylinski M, 2010, 'Cash for Comment: Participation Money as a Mechanism for Measurement, Reward, and Formative Feedback in Active Class Participation' Journal of Marketing Education, vol. 32, pp. 25 - 38
Chylinski M; Chu A, 2010, 'Consumer cynicism: antecedents and consequences' European Journal of Marketing, vol. 44, pp.
My Teaching
My teaching expertise is broad ranging from customer centric innovation, marketing strategy, experimental design, consumer behaviour.