Dr Melanie Fentoullis
Qualifications in Medicine, Paediatrics and Child Health & Medical Education
I am qualified in Medicine, the clinical discipline of Paediatrics, and Medical Education.
- Bachelor of Science (Medicine) Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery with Honours Class 1, The University of New South Wales (BSc (Med) MBBS) (2008)
- Master of Medical Education, The University of Sydney (MMedEd) (2012)
- Fellowship, The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP) (2017)
Professional esteem and recognition
- 2021 Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
- 2021 Associate Fellowship of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (AFANZAHPE)
I am an inspirational and creative medical educator who partners with students and colleagues to co-design authentic, experiential, peer-driven learning that effectively prepares students for clinical practice. I support the professional development of students and especially foster their skills as educators to enhance their effectiveness in teaching their patients, peers, and health professional colleagues.
As an Education Focussed academic, Senior Lecturer (Clinical Education Fellow) and practicing Consultant Paediatrician I support and lead innovation in education in the Faculty of Medicine and Health. I support clinical learning and teaching across the UNSW Medicine Program as Clinical Skills Tutor (Years 1, 2), Clinical Transition Course Convenor (Year 4), Phase 3 Medicine Co-Convenor (Years 5, 6) and as Academic Co-Lead for the Medicine Program Redesign. I create transformational authentic educational experiences by engaging students as partners in curriculum review and development and designing novel digital learning resources that support blended curricula.
In 2021 I received the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning as well as international professional recognition through Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and Associate Fellowship of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (AFANZAHPE). This recognition added to my 2019 and 2020 UNSW Medicine Educational Excellence Awards for successful initiatives that included interactive online resources to enhance students’ work-place readiness; a cross-cohort peer teaching program for senior students; and responding to the pandemic crisis in medical education with an online ‘Tele-Hospital’.
As a UNSW EF Champion, Academic Mentor, Peer Reviewer of Teaching, Educational Initiatives Fund grantee, and co-leader of the Clinical Teachers’ CoP, I am a strong advocate for teaching and the EF model campus-wide collaborating with my colleagues across UNSW and beyond.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- 2020 UNSW PVCE Education Focussed Educational Initiatives Funding (EIF) Program
- 2021 UNSW Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning
- 2020 UNSW Medicine & Health Award for Educational Excellence (Academic)
- 2019 UNSW Medicine & Health Award for Educational Excellence (Early Career Academic)
2022- Member, Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand (MDANZ) Workforce and Training Committee
2014- Member, The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) Curriculum Advisory Group
Since 2014, as a Fellow in the Royal Australasian College of Physicians Curriculum Advisory Group, I have provided advice utilizing my expertise in medical education and curriculum design to promote changes necessary for curriculum renewal and to champion this process. In 2022, I was nominated by my Faculty as UNSW Medicine program representative on the Medical Deans of Australian and New Zealand Workforce and Training Committee. In this role I work with Deans of the member medical schools to provide advice on Australian, New Zealand and international developments in medical training and workforce initiatives to support and advocate for the development of a medical workforce aligned to the needs of Australian and New Zealand communities.
2021- Member, Australian Medical Council (AMC), Clinical Examination Child Health Writing Group
2020- Clinical Examiner, Australian Medical Council (AMC), Clinical Examination
2013- Examiner, Sydney Child Health Program (SCH) (previously Diploma of Child Health / International Postgraduate Paediatric Certificate (DCH/ IPPC), Sydney Children’s Hospital Network
My Teaching
I have successfully held multiple teaching and leadership positions in higher education at UNSW and nationally.
Teaching / Education Positions
2018- Senior Lecturer (Clinical Education Fellow), Faculty of Medicine, UNSW
2019- Co-Convenor/Senior Lecturer, Phase 3, UNSW Medicine
2018- Clinical Skills Tutor, UNSW Medicine
2017- Convenor/Senior Lecturer, Clinical Transition Course, UNSW Medicine
2018-19 Convenor, Graduate Entry Bridging Course, UNSW Medicine
2009-18 Conjoint Associate Lecturer, UNSW Faculty of Medicine
2015-17 Conjoint Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Newcastle
Educational Leadership
2021- Academic Lead, UNSW Medicine Program Redesign project
2021- UNSW Education-Focussed (EF) Champion
2021- Academic Co-Lead, UNSW EF Clinical Teachers Community of Practice
2021- UNSW Peer Reviewer of Teaching
2022 EF Partner, UNSW PVCESE Course Enhancement Program
2022- UNSW Academic Mentor
I have contributed to the scholarship of teaching and learning through collaborative research and thought leadership at UNSW and internationally.
Educational Scholarship
- Presenting Author (workshop) AMEE International Association for Health Professions Education AMEE Lyon 2022 “Supporting students’ professional skills development as educators” M.Fentoullis, A. Burgess, R. Stalmeijer, M. Kalucy (2022)
- Presenting Author (symposium) Australian and New Zealand Association of Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE) 2022 Supporting students’ professional skills development as educators” M.Fentoullis, A. Burgess, R. Stalmeijer, M. Kalucy (2022)
- Presenting Author (PeArLs presentation) Australian and New Zealand Association of Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE) 2022 Festival (PeARL) Catch the Cake! A Win Win teacher training strategy” A. Seccul, M. Fentoullis, L. Turner (2022)
- Presenting Author (oral presentation) Australian and New Zealand Association of Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE) 2022 Festival “Interdisciplinary Peer Feedback to Enhance Effective Workplace Communication” A. Burdett, M. Fentoullis, J. Booth, M. Kalucy (2022)
- Presenting Author (oral presentation) Australian and New Zealand Association of Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE) 2022 Festival “Empowering students to self-reflect and proactively plan their self-care as learners and professionals of the future” C. Marley, M. Fentoullis, M.Kalucy (2022)
- Presenting Author (oral presentation) University of Hull Teaching Excellence Academy 2022 Annual Summer Learning and Teaching Conference Personalised Pedagogies: inclusive, empowering, and progressive Higher Education for all “Catch the Cake! A Win Win teacher training strategy” A. Seccul, M. Fentoullis (2022)
- Invited Speaker (lightening talk) Harvard Medical School IMPACT 2021 International Symposium "Strategies to Maintain Clinical Learning: Moving Face-to-Face Learning into the Digital Age" Boston USA (2021)
- Presenting Author (oral presentation), The International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) EDULEARN21 13th Annual Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies “Online approaches harnessing the challenges of COVID-impacted ‘face-to-face’ clinic learning” M. Fentoullis, B. Shulruf, A. Torda (2021)
- Presenting Author (oral presentation), Australian and New Zealand Association of Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE) 2021 Festival “Online approaches harnessing the challenges of COVID-impacted ‘face-to-face’ clinic learning” M.Fentoullis, B. Shulruf, A. Torda (2021)
- Invited Speaker, EF Lunch & Learn (Faculty of Medicine & Health) “Teaching Students to Teach - Designing Core Curricula Supporting Students' Professional Skills Development” (2022)
- Presenting Author, Assessment & Feedback UNSW Education Festival “Interdisciplinary Peer Feedback to Enhance Effective Workplace Communication” A. Burdett, M.Fentoullis, M. Kalucy (2021)
- Presenting Author, Student success & wellbeing UNSW Education Festival “Empowering students to self-reflect and proactively plan their self-care as learners and professionals of the future” M.Fentoullis, M. Kalucy, C. Marley (2021)
- Invited Speaker, Pecha Kucha Presentations EF Retreat “Supporting Students as Educators and Professionals” (2021)
- Invited Speaker, EF Lunch & Learn (Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture) “Mentimeter: Overview and… something new” (2021)
- Invited Speaker, EF Lunch & Learn (Faculty of Medicine & Health) “Online Approaches to Clinical (Workplace) Learning” (2021)
- Invited Speaker, EF Lunch & Learn (Faculty of Medicine) "Helping our students see the links: A curricula resource fostering flexible and self-directed learning" (2021)
- Keynote Speaker, UNSW Medicine 2020 Education Forum (Theme: Innovation in Education) “Innovation in Clinical Learning: Harnessing the challenges and opportunities of the COVID-impacted clinical learning environments” (2020)