Associate Professor Michael Bittman

Honorary Professor

PhD, BA(Hons)

Arts, Design & Architecture
Social Policy Research Centre
301 Goodsell Building
  • Books | 2004
    , 2004, Family time: the social organization of care, Bittman MP; Folbre N, (ed.), Routledge Press, London
    Books | 2004
    Wilkinson J; Bittman MP, 2004, Relatives, friends and strangers: the links between voluntary activity, sociability and care, Original, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney
    Books | 2003
    Bittman MP; Rice JM; Wajcman J, 2003, Appliances and their impact: the ownership of domestic technology and time spent on household work, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney
    Books | 2002
    Flick M; Bittman MP; Doyle J, 2002, The Community`s Most Valuable [Hidden] Asset - Volunteering in Australia, 2/02, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney
    Books | 2002
    Goodin RE; Bittman MP; Rice J; Saunders PG, 2002, The Time-Pressure Illusion: Discretionary Time Versus Free Time, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney
    Books | 2002
    Wilkinson JG; Bittman MP, 2002, Volunteering: The Human Face of Democracy, No.114, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney
    Books | 2000
    Bittman MP, 2000, Now That The Future Has Arrived, Original, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney
    Books | 1999
    Bittman MP; Wajcman J, 1999, Social participation and family welfare: the money and time cost of leisure SPRC discussion paper no 95, Original, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney
    Books | 1999
    Bittman MP, 1999, Social participation and family welfare: the money and time cost of leisure SPRC discussion paper no 95, Original, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney
    Books | 1999
    Bittman MP, 1999, The rush hour: the quality of leisure time and gender equity SPRC discussion paper no 97, Original, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney
    Books | 1998
    Bittman MP; Goodin RE, 1998, An equivalence scale for time, 3, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney,
    Books | 1998
    Bittman MP; Meagher G; Matheson PG, 1998, The changing boundary between home and market: Australian trends in outsourcing domestic labour, Original, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney
    Books | 1998
    Bittman MP; Meagher G; Matheson PG, 1998, The changing boundary between home and market: Australian trends in outsourcing domestic labour, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney
    Books | 1998
    Bittman MP, 1998, The land of the lost long weekend?trends in free time among working age Australians, 1974-1992, 2, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney,
    Books | 1998
    Bittman MP, 1998, The rush hour: the quality of leisure time and gender equity SPRC discussion paper no 97, Original, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney
    Books | 1998
    Saunders PG; Chalmers JJ; Mchugh MH; Murray CL; Bittman MP; Bradbury BW, 1998, The development of indicative budget standards for Australia, Original, Department of Social Security, Canberra
    Books | 1997
    Bittman MP; Pixley JF, 1997, The Double Life of the Family, Allen and Unwin, St Leonards, NSW
  • Book Chapters | 2015
    Bittman M, 2015, 'Working Time', in The SAGE Handbook of the Sociology of Work and Employment, SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 520 - 540,
    Book Chapters | 2008
    Wajcman J; Bittman M; Brown J, 2008, 'Intimate connections: The impact of the mobile phone on work/life boundaries', in Mobile Technologies: From Telecommunications to Media, pp. 9 - 22,
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Hill T; Fisher KD; Thomson CM; Bittman MP, 2007, 'Caregivers and community service non-use in Australia', in Paoletti I (ed.), Family Caregiving of Older Disabled People: Relational and Institutional Issues, edn. Original, Nova Science Publications, New York, USA, pp. 359 - 392
    Book Chapters | 2005
    Bittman MP; Saunders PG, 2005, 'Australian couples and the paradox of modernity: earning more and it enjoying it less', in Manderson L (ed.), Rethinking Wellbeing, edn. Original, API Network, Perth, pp. 109 - 135
    Book Chapters | 2004
    Bittman M; Folbre N, 2004, 'Introduction', in Family Time: The Social Organization of Care, pp. 1 - 4,
    Book Chapters | 2004
    Bittman MP; Craig L; Folbre N, 2004, 'Packaging care: what happens when children receive nonparental care?', in Folbre N; Bittman M (ed.), Family time: the social organization of care, Routledge Press, London, pp. 133 - 151,
    Book Chapters | 2004
    Bittman MP; Fast JE; Fisher KD; Thomson CM, 2004, 'Making the invisible visibile: the life and times of informal caregivers', in Folbre N; Bittman M (ed.), Family time: the social organization of care, Routledge Press, London, pp. 69 - 90
    Book Chapters | 2004
    Bittman MP; Wajcman J, 2004, 'The rush hour: the quality of leisure time and gender equity', in Folbre N; Bittman M (ed.), Family time: the social organization of care, Routledge Press, London, pp. 171 - 194,
    Book Chapters | 2004
    Bittman MP, 2004, 'Parenthood without penalty: time use and public policy in Australia and Finland', in Folbre N; Bittman M (ed.), Family time: the social organization of care, Routledge Press, London, pp. 224 - 237,
    Book Chapters | 2004
    Bittman MP, 2004, 'Parenting and employment: what the time-use surveys show', in Folbre N; Bittman M (ed.), Family time: the social organization of care, Routledge Press, London, pp. 152 - 170,
    Book Chapters | 2001
    Bittman MP, 2001, 'Family and Gender', in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, pp. 5286 - 5290
    Book Chapters | 2000
    Bittman MP; Pixley JF, 2000, 'Family Welfare at the Crossroads: A Century of Change', in Issues Facing Australian Families: Human Services Respond, edn. Original, Pearson Education, Melbourne, pp. 32 - 42
    Book Chapters | 2000
    Bittman MP; Pixley JF, 2000, 'Family welfare at the crossroads: A century of change', in Issues Facing Australian Families: Human Services Respond, edn. Original, Pearson Education, Melbourne, pp. 32 - 42
    Book Chapters | 2000
    Bittman MP; Thomson CM, 2000, 'Invisible Support: The Determinants of Time Spent in Informal Care', in Volunteers and Volunteering, edn. Original, Federation Press, Leichhardt, NSW, pp. 98 - 112
    Book Chapters | 2000
    Bittman MP, 2000, 'The Nuclear Family, in the Twenty-first Century', in Sociology of Australian Society: Introductory Readings, 3rd Edition, edn. Original, Macmillan Press, Melbourne, pp. 301 - 328
    Book Chapters | 1994
    Bryson L; Bittman M; Donath S, 1994, 'Men's Welfare State, Women's Welfare State: Tendencies to Convergence in Practice and Theory?', in Gendering Welfare States, SAGE Publications Ltd, pp. 118 - 131,
    Book Chapters | 1993
    Bittman M, 1993, 'The Nuclear Family and Its Future', in A Sociology of Australian Society, Macmillan Education UK, pp. 429 - 462,
    Book Chapters | 1989
    Bittman M; Bryson L, 1989, 'Persistence and Change in the Family and Gender in Australian Society', in Family Divisions and Inequalities in Modern Society, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 42 - 64,
  • Journal articles | 2022
    Wong S; Harrison LJ; Gibson ML; Press F; Bittman M; Crisp K; Ryan S, 2022, 'Measuring early childhood educators’ time at work using an electronic random time-sampling approach', International Journal of Research and Method in Education,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bauman A; Bittman M; Gershuny J, 2019, 'A short history of time use research; Implications for public health', BMC Public Health, 19,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bittman M; Cleary E; Wilkinson-Bibicos C; Gershuny J, 2019, 'The social disorganization of eating: A neglected determinant of the Australian epidemic of overweight/obesity', BMC Public Health, 19,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Price AMH; Quach J; Wake M; Bittman M; Hiscock H, 2016, 'Cross-sectional sleep thresholds for optimal health and well-being in Australian 4–9-year-olds', Sleep Medicine, 22, pp. 83 - 90,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Quach J; Price AMH; Bittman M; Hiscock H, 2016, 'Sleep timing and child and parent outcomes in Australian 4–9-year-olds: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study', Sleep Medicine, 22, pp. 39 - 46,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Rutherford L; Brown JE; Skouteris H; Fuller-Tyszkiewicz M; Bittman M, 2015, 'Screen media, parenting practices, and the family environment in Australia: A longitudinal study of young children’s media use, lifestyles, and outcomes for healthy weight.', Journal of Children and Media, 9, pp. 22 - 39,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Dixon J; Carey G; Strazdins L; Banwell C; Woodman D; Burgess J; Bittman M; Venn D; Sargent G, 2014, 'Contemporary contestations over working time: Time for health to weigh in', BMC Public Health, 14,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Bittman M; Rutherford L; Brown J; Unsworth L, 2012, 'Digital natives? New and old media and children's language acquisition', Family Matters, 91, pp. 18 - 26
    Journal articles | 2012
    Nicholson JM; Strazdins L; Brown JE; Bittman M, 2012, 'How parents' income, time and job quality affect children's health and development', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 47, pp. 505 - 525,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Bittman M; Ironmonger D, 2011, 'Valuing Time: A Conference Overview', Social Indicators Research, 101, pp. 173 - 183,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Bittman M; Rutherford L; Brown J; Unsworth L, 2011, 'Digital natives? New and old media and children's OlitCOmeS', Australian Journal of Education, 55, pp. 161 - 175,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Bittman M, 2011, 'II) Goodin et al.'s New Measure of Freedom: Authors Meet Critic', Social Indicators Research, 101, pp. 185 - 187,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Brown JE; Nicholson JM; Broom DH; Bittman M, 2011, 'Television Viewing by School-Age Children: Associations with Physical Activity, Snack Food Consumption and Unhealthy Weight', Social Indicators Research, 101, pp. 221 - 225,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Sawyer MG; Bittman M; La Greca AM; Crettenden AD; Borojevic N; Raghavendra P; Russo R, 2011, 'Time demands of caring for children with cerebral palsy: What are the implications for maternal mental health?', Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 53, pp. 338 - 343,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Brown JE; Broom DH; Nicholson JM; Bittman M, 2010, 'Do working mothers raise couch potato kids? Maternal employment and children's lifestyle behaviours and weight in early childhood', Social Science and Medicine, 70, pp. 1816 - 1824,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Sawyer MG; Bittman M; La Greca AM; Crettenden AD; Harchak TF; Martin J, 2010, 'Time demands of caring for children with autism: What are the implications for maternal mental health', Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40, pp. 620 - 628,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Van Der Ploeg HP; Merom D; Chau JY; Bittman M; Trost SG; Bauman AE, 2010, 'Advances in population surveillance for physical activity and sedentary behavior: Reliability and validity of time use surveys', American Journal of Epidemiology, 172, pp. 1199 - 1206,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Wajcman J; Rose E; Brown JE; Bittman M, 2010, 'Enacting virtual connections between work and home', Journal of Sociology, 46, pp. 257 - 275,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Bittman M; Brown JE; Wajcman J, 2009, 'The cell phone, constant connection and time scarcity in Australia', Social Indicators Research, 93, pp. 229 - 233,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Bittman M; Brown JE; Wajcman J, 2009, 'The mobile phone, perpetual contact and time pressure', Work, Employment and Society, 23, pp. 673 - 691,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Bittman M, 2009, 'Comment: "Time use and subjective well-being in France and the US"', Social Indicators Research, 93, pp. 33 - 35,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Sayer LC; England P; Bittman M; Bianchi SM, 2009, 'How long is the second (Plus First) shift? Gender differences in paid, unpaid, and total work time in Australia and the United States', Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 40, pp. 523 - 545,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Hill T; Thomson CM; Bittman MP; Griffiths MJ, 2008, 'What kinds of jobs help carers combine care and employment?', Family Matters, 80, pp. 27 - 32
    Journal articles | 2008
    Wajcman J; Bittman M; Brown JE, 2008, 'Families without borders: Mobile phones, connectedness and work-home divisions', Sociology, 42, pp. 635 - 652,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Bittman M; Hill T; Thomson C, 2007, 'The impact of caring on informal carers' employment, Income and earnings: A longitudinal approach', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 42, pp. 255 - 272,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Bittman MP; Hill T; Thomson CM, 2007, 'The impact of caring on informal carer's employment, income and earnings: a longitudinal approach', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 42, pp. 255 - 272
    Journal articles | 2007
    Tudor-Locke C; van der Ploeg HP; Bowles HR; Bittman M; Fisher K; Merom D; Gershuny J; Bauman A; Egerton M, 2007, 'Walking behaviours from the 1965-2003 American Heritage Time Use Study (AHTUS)', International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 4,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Bittman M, 2005, 'Sunday Working and Family Time', Labour and Industry, 16, pp. 59 - 81,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Bittman MP; Fisher KD; Hill PL; Thomson CM, 2005, 'The time cost of care', electronic International Journal of Time Use Research, 2, pp. 54 - 66
    Journal articles | 2005
    Gershuny J; Bittman M; Brice J, 2005, 'Exit, voice, and suffering: Do couples adapt to changing employment patterns?', Journal of Marriage and Family, 67, pp. 656 - 665,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Goodin RE; Rice JM; Bittman MP; Saunders PG, 2005, 'The time-pressure illusion: discretionary time vs free time', Social Indicators Research, 73, pp. 43 - 70
    Journal articles | 2005
    Tudor-Locke C; Bittman M; Merom D; Bauman A, 2005, 'Patterns of walking for transport and exercise: A novel application of time use data', International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Bittman MP; Hoffmann SM; Thompson DA, 2004, 'Men`s Uptake of family-friendly employment provisions', Policy Research Paper, 22
    Journal articles | 2004
    Bittman MP; Pixley JF, 2004, 'Equality and gender, divided versus multiple subjectivity: a response to Allon J Uhlmann`s `The sociology of subjectivity, and the subjectivity of sociologists`', British Journal of Sociology, 55, pp. 433 - 438,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Bittman MP; Rice JM; Wajcman J, 2004, 'Appliances and their impact: the ownership of domestic technology and time spent on household work', British Journal of Sociology, 55, pp. 401 - 424
    Journal articles | 2004
    Fisher KD; Patulny RV; Bittman MP, 2004, 'Measuring volunteering in Australia using time diary and annual participation estimates', Australian Journal of Volunteering, 9, pp. 25 - 36
    Journal articles | 2003
    Bittman MP; England P; Sayer L; Fobre N; Matheson G, 2003, 'When does gender trump money? Bargaining and time in household work', American Journal of Sociology, 109, pp. 186 - 214
    Journal articles | 2003
    Wilkinson J; Bittman MP, 2003, 'Beyond the radius of love: the civil approach to care', Australian Journal of Volunteering, 8, pp. 64 - 74
    Journal articles | 2002
    Bittman MP; Rice JM, 2002, 'The Spectre of overwork: an analysis of trends between 1974 and 1997 using Australian Time Use Diaries', Labour and Industry, 12, pp. 5 - 25
    Journal articles | 2002
    Bittman MP, 2002, 'Social Paticipation and Family Welfare, The Money and Time Costs of Leisure in Australia', Social Policy and Administration, 36, pp. 408 - 425
    Journal articles | 2002
    Wilkinson JG; Bittman MP, 2002, 'Neighbourly acts - volunteering, social capital and democrarcy', Australian Journal of Volunteering, 7, pp. 32 - 44
    Journal articles | 2000
    Bittman M; Wajcman J, 2000, 'The Rush Hour: The Character of Leisure Time and Gender Equity', Social Forces, 79, pp. 165 - 165,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Bittman MP; Goodman RJ, 2000, 'An Equivalence Scale for Time', Social Indicators Research, pp. 291 - 311
    Journal articles | 2000
    Bittman MP; Wajcman J, 2000, 'The Rush Hour: The Character of Leisure Time and Gender Equity', Social Forces, pp. 165 - 289
    Journal articles | 2000
    Bittman MP, 2000, 'Now it`s 2000: trends in doing and being in the new millenium', Journal of Occupational Science, 7, pp. 108 - 117,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Bittman MP, 2000, 'Trends in Doing and Being in the New Millennium', Journal of Occupational Science, pp. 108 - 117
    Journal articles | 1999
    Bittman MP; Matheson PG; Meagher G, 1999, 'The changing boundary between home and market: Australian trends in outsourcing domestic labour', Work Employment and Society, 13, pp. 249 - 273
    Journal articles | 1999
    Bittman MP, 1999, 'Parenthood and penalty: time use and public policy in Australia and Finland', Feminist Economics, pp. 27 - 42
    Journal articles | 1999
    Bittman MP, 1999, 'Parenthood with penalty: Time use and public policy in Australia and Finland', Feminist Economics, 5, pp. 27 - 42,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Bittman MP, 1999, 'The land of the lost weekend? Trends in free time among working age Australians 1974-1992', Loisir and Societe - Society and Leisure, 21, pp. 353 - 378
    Journal articles | 1999
    Bittman MP, 1999, 'The land of the lost weekend? Trends in free time among working age Australians', Loisir and Societe - Society and Leisure, 21, pp. 353 - 378
    Journal articles | 1993
    Bittman M; Lovejoy F, 1993, 'Domestic Power: Negotiating an Unequal Division of Labour within a Framework of Equality', Journal of Sociology, 29, pp. 302 - 321,
    Journal articles | 1993
    Bittman M, 1993, 'Australians' changing use of time, 1974-1987', Social Indicators Research, 30, pp. 91 - 108,
    Journal articles | 1991
    BITTMAN M, 1991, 'Book Reviews', Sociology, 25, pp. 341 - 342,
    Journal articles | 1988
    Bittman M, 1988, 'Reviews : Sam Whimster and Scott Lash, Max Weber, Rationality and Modernity (Allen and Unwin, London, 1987)', Thesis Eleven, 21, pp. 155 - 157,
    Journal articles | 1987
    Bittman M, 1987, 'Boris Frankel, The Post-Industrial Utopians Polity, 1987', Thesis Eleven, 17, pp. 124 - 127,
    Journal articles | 1986
    Bittman M, 1986, 'A Bourgeois Marx? Max Weber's Theory of Capitalist Society: Reflections on utility, rationality and class formation', Thesis Eleven, 15, pp. 81 - 91,
  • Working Papers | 2005
    Craig L; Bittman MP, 2005, The effect of children on adults` time use: an analysis, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, UNSW, The effect of children on adults` time use: an analysis,
  • Reports | 2008
    Craig L; Bittman MP; Brown J; Thompson DA, 2008, Managing Work and Family, Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney, SPRC Report, 6/08,
    Reports | 2006
    Siminski P; Thompson DA; Bittman MP; Chalmers JJ; Smyth C; Craig L, 2006, Factors Associated with Inter-state Differences in Fertility Rates across States and Territories and over Time, Report prepared for FaHCSIA, Australian Federal Government, Canberra
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Fisher KD; Bittman MP; Thomson CM; Hill PL, 2003, 'Why we should care about the daily activity schedules of adult carers', in Social Inclusion: Societal and Organizational Implications for Information Systems, Springer, New York, USA, presented at Social Inclusion, University of New South Wales, 09 July 2003 - 11 July 2003
    Conference Papers | 1999
    Bittman MP, 1999, 'An international perspective to collecting time use data', in Committee on National Statistics Workshop on Measurement of and Research on Time Use, Committee on National Statistics Workshop on Measurement of and Research on Time Use, Washington DC, USA, pp. 1 - 24, presented at Committee on National Statistics Workshop on Measurement of and Research on Time Use, Washington DC, USA
    Conference Papers | 1999
    Bittman MP, 1999, 'Now that the future has arrived: A retrospective reassessment of Gershuny`s forecasts', in Meeting of International Association for Time Use Researchers, Meeting of International Association for Time Use Researchers, University of Essex, England, pp. 1 - 23, presented at Meeting of International Association for Time Use Researchers, University of Essex, England
    Conference Proceedings (Editor of) | 1996
    Bittman MP, (ed.), 1996, 'One-day conference on Poverty in Australia: dimensions and policies', Brisbane, Qld, presented at One-day conference on Poverty in Australia: dimensions and policies, Brisbane, Qld
    Preprints |
    Baxter J; Gray M; Alexander M; Strazdins L; Bittman M, Mothers and Fathers with Young Children: Paid Employment, Caring and Wellbeing,
    Preprints |
    Bittman M; Fisher K, Exploring the Economic and Social Value of Present Patterns of Volunteering in Australia,