Professor Michael Keane
BS, Economics, MIT 1983
Ph.D., Economics, Brown 1990
Research Interests: Labor economics, Empirical microeconomics, Econometrics, Health economics, Consumer choice behavior, Marketing
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Research Grants:
- 2021-2025: Australian Research Council Discovery Grant, 'Optimal Tax Theory Meets Modern Labour Supply Theory'
- 2012-2020: Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship
- 2009-2013: Australian Research Council Discovery Grant, 'How the Allocation of Children's Time Affects Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Development'
- 2009-2011: Australian Research Council Discovery Grant, 'The Effect of Hospital Waiting Times on Demand for Private Health Insurance'
- 2007-2010: Australian Research Council Discovery Grant, 'Effects of Maternal Work, Day Care Use and Other Investments in Children on Child Cognitive Outcomes'
- 2006-2010: Australian Research Council Federation Fellowship
- 2006-2007: Australian Research Council Discovery Grant, 'Modeling Health Insurance Choices and the Design of Health Insurance Markets'
- 2000-2003: National Institutes of Health, 'An Analysis of Earnings Inequality and Earnings Mobility', with John Geweke
- 1998-2000: National Council for Eastern European and Eurasian Research, 'Consumption in Poland During Economic Transition', with Eswar Prasad
- 1998-2001: National Science Foundation, 'Consumer learning about Quality and its Role in Consumer Choice', with Tulin Erdem
- 1998-2001: National Science Foundation, 'A Political Economy Model of Congressional Careers', with Antonio Merlo
- 1995-1997: National Science Foundation, 'Theoretical and Empirical Issues in Consumer Decision Making', with Tulin Erdem
- 1995-1997: U.S. Department Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, contract to Battelle Memorial Institute, SGA 94-04 'An Examination of School to Work Transitions in the NLSY', with Ken Wolpin
- 1992-1995: National Institutes of Health, 'The Career Decisions of Young Men', with Ken Wolpin
- 1994-1995: Institute for Research on Poverty, 'The Dynamics of Earnings and Poverty', with John Geweke
- 1995-1999: National Institutes of Health, 'Public Welfare and Life Cycle Decisions of Young Women', with Ken Wolpin
Alfred P. Sloan Doctoral Dissertation Fellow, September 1987 - June 1988.
John D.C. Little Award, 1996.
Australian Federation Fellow, June 2005.
Fellow of the Econometric Society, 2005.
Kenneth J. Arrow Award, 2008.
Council of the Econometric Society, 2010-2012.
Australian Laureate Fellow, August 2011.
Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, 2012.
Australian Health Economics Society (AHES) Biennial Research Prize, 2013.
Fellow of the Journal of Econometrics, 2016.
Dennis J. Aigner Award, 2017.
Founding Fellow, International Association of Applied Econometrics, 2018.
Council of the Econometric Society, 2019-2021.
Fellow of the Society of Labor Economists (SOLE), 2021.
ARC Discovery Grant (DP210103319) "Optimal Tax Policy Meets Modern Labour Supply Theory" 2021-2025