Dr Misghina Weldegiorgis
2012 - 2017 PhD, University of Groningen, dissertation title "Evaluation of renal endpoints in nephrology trials"
2010 - 2014 MSc in Pharmacoepidemiology, Utrecht University, dissertation title "Pharmacogenetics of aspirin in secondary acute coronary syndromes"
2002 - 2008 BSc in Pharmacy, University of Asmara, dissertation title "Prevalence and treatment of breast cancer in Asmara"
Dr. Weldegiorgis is a conjoint lecturer at the University of New South Wales Sydney, a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Imperial College London, and an Honorary Research Fellow at The George Institute for Global Health. His main research interest is in the epidemiology of chronic diseases. His current research project assesses risk factors and pathways to the dominant forms of multiple long-term chronic conditions (multi-morbidities) using ‘Big Data’.
Previously, he held a Postdoctoral Epidemiologist position at the University of Oxford, where his research projects investigate modifiable social and clinical risk factors associated with the development and progression of chronic kidney diseases.
He completed his BSc degree in pharmacy from the University of Asmara and then worked as a pharmacist at the National Referral Hospital and the Ministry of Health, Eritrea, prior to relocating to the Netherlands to pursue his research interest. He was awarded MSc scholarship by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture & Science, and he completed his MSc degree in epidemiology (specialized in pharmacoepidemiology) at Utrecht University. Subsequently, he was awarded PhD fellowship by the Groningen University Institute for Drug Exploration (GUIDE) and completed his doctoral degree in ‘Evaluation of renal endpoints in nephrology trials’.
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