Ms Nataliia Laba

Ms Nataliia Laba

Casual Academic

Master of Philology (Hons), Lecturer of English and French; BA (English Language and Literature)

Arts, Design & Architecture
School of the Arts and Media

I am a PhD Candidate and a Casual Academic at the School of the Arts and Media at UNSW and a sessional lecturer in Business Communications (MBA) at the Australian Catholic University. My research interests include communication design, multimodality, image-centricity of new media texts, and visual identities. 

I am using a discourse-analytic approach informed by social semiotics to explore how Australian universities communicate their (multimodal) brand via two foregrounded organizational principles, design and visuality. 


  • Book Chapters | 2023
    Laba N, 2023, 'Organizational identity design', in Organizational Semiotics, Routledge, pp. 73 - 98,
  • Journal articles | 2022
    Laba N, 2022, 'Book review: Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design', Visual Communication,
  • Conference Papers | 2020
    Laba N, 2020, 'Multimodal discourse of university websites: The social semiotic landscape', presented at Doctoral Colloquium of #AoIR2020: The 21st Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, 27 October 2020 - 31 October 2020
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Laba N, 2019, 'Multimodal discourse of hypermodal web pages: A semiotic landscape of the enterprise university', presented at Multimodal Research 2019 – International Conference, AUT Multimodal Research Center, 08 December 2019 - 11 December 2019,
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Laba N, 2019, 'Reconfigured discourse in a technologically mediated environment: Compositional meanings of university websites', presented at New Ideas and their implementation in Arts and Social Sciences, UNSW Sydney, 14 August 2019 - 16 August 2019
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Laba N; Moysey L, 2014, 'Шляхи реалізації сугестивного маркування в гендерно-спрямованих текстах англомовної реклами / Means of suggestive marking in gender-directed English advertising texts (Trans.)', Kharkiv, Ukraine, pp. 102 - 104, presented at The III State International Conference of Germanic Linguists, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 05 April 2014,

RTP PhD Scholarship – $96,000 across 3.5 years

  • Elected Member to UNSW Academic Board (2019-Now)
  • Member of the University Research Committee (URC) (2019-Now)
  • Ally @ UNSW at the Division of Diversity and Inclusion (2020-Now)

My Teaching

ARTS2094 Visual Communication