Associate Professor Omar Hussain
Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science) - JNTU - 2002
Master of Research (Computer Science) - La Trobe University - 2004
Doctor of Philosophy (Information Management) - Curtin University - 2008
Dr Omar Khadeer Hussain is Deputy Head of School (Research) and Associate Professor at the School of Business, UNSW Canberra. Prior to that, he worked as a Senior Lecturer and Lecturer in the School since February 2014. He also worked as a Senior Research Fellow at Curtin University.
Omar's research areas of interest are Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Distributed and Grid Systems, Decision Support, Group Support Systems and their applications to Logistics areas. Omar’s research has been published in international journals such as Future Generations of Computer Systems, Knowledge-based Systems, Information Systems, Expert Systems with Applications, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, The Computer Journal, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing etc. He has won university and faculty level awards from his research and as the main and joint supervisor has supervised 9 PhD students to completion.
In 2011, he was awarded an APDI Fellowship from the ARC on a Linkage project with Prof Elizabeth Chang as the lead CI.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- 2016 - ARC Linkage Project - 'Economically Efficient Green Logistics through Cyber Physical Systems' with Professor Elizabeth Chang as lead CI.
- 2015 - ARC Linkage Project - 'Intelligent CRM through Conjoint Data Mining of Heterogeneous Sources' with Professor Elizabeth Chang as lead CI.
- 2013 - Curtin Business School New Researcher of the Year award for 2012
- 2013 - Prize for Early Career Researcher, Curtin Business School.
- 2008 - Chancellor's thesis commendation award, Curtin University.
- 2004 - Master Prize – Computer Science, La Trobe University
- Supply chain risk management.
- Knowledge synthesis from data and utilizing it in different business applications such as decision making, risk management, cloud service management, new product development and milk quality management.
- Predictive analytics for informed business decision making.
My Research Supervision
- Zahra Saberi - Joint Supervisor
- Rizwan Khan - Primary Supervisor
- Mohammad Nurruzzaman - Primary Supervisor
- Hamed Abotourab - Primary Supervisor
- Hang Thanh Bui - Primary Supervisor
My Teaching
ZBUS3303 Logistics Management