Associate Professor Pan Wang
Pan Wang is Associate Professor in Chinese and Asian Studies at the University of New South Wales. She is the author of Love and Marriage in Globalizing China (Routledge, 2015). She is currently guest editor for the Special Issue of Genealogy titled ‘Challenges in Multicultural Marriages and Families’ (2024). Her recent publications include ‘Violence Against Women: Can the Law Help?’ (China Story Yearbook: Chains, ANU Press, 2022), ‘Love during the Cultural Revolution: evidence from a couple’s private letters 1968-1977’ (The History of the Family 2022), and 'Going Solo: An Analysis of China’s "Single Economy" through the Date-Renting Industry' (Asian Studies Review 2021).
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- 2024 UNSW Vice Chancellors’ Teaching Excellence Award (Category: Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning)
- 2024, 2021 Scientia Education Academy Exemplary Teaching Award (ETP Honourable mention)
- 2023 Scientia Education Academy Exemplary Teaching Award (Finalist) Category: Assessment and Feedback Group peer review and shared feedback Pan Wang.mp4 ( (peer review and shared feedback)
- 2021 & 2022 ECAN Awards for Research Excellence (Best TRO), University of New South Wales, Sydney
- 2019 Dean’s Award for Excellent Early Career Teachers, University of New South Wales, Sydney
- 2018 ARC Kathleen Fitzpatrick Laureate Fellowship Mentoring Scheme Award
- 2018 Course and Subject Performance Award, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
- 2013 Open Taichi Championships Gold medals (24 & 42 Yang style) Taichi Association of Australia (TCAA)
- 2000 National Athlete Certificate, People's Republic of China
Peer-reviewing for the following journals and book publishers
- The History of the Family (January 2024)
- The China Journal (October 2023)
- Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (March 2023)
- Women’s Studies International Forum (March 2023)
- East Asia Forum (Feb 2023)
- Melbourne Asia Review(Asia Institute, UniMelb) (June 2022)
- European Journal of Theatre and Performance (December 2021)
- Portal Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies (November 2020)
- Asian Studies Review (July 2020)
- Asian and Pacific Migration Journal (June 2020)
- Feminist Formations (May 2020)
- Social Politics: international studies in gender, state, and society (April 2020)
- Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies(March 2019)
- Qualitative Sociology (Aug 2018)
- Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research; (Aug 2018)
- Routledge (ASAA Women in Asia Series)
- Edward Elgar;
- Asian Women;
- Asiatische Studien
Keynote/invited presentation
2023 Keynote speaker for International Conferences on Love Studies, 2-7 Jan, Las Palmas, Spain:
2023 Invited presenter and discussant at workshop on Gender, class and Intimacy at Jiaotong Liverpool University, Suzhou
2023 Invited presenter at China In the World Seminar, ANU. Presentation ‘Going solo: China’s singles economy and the date-renting industry’, 19 March
2022 Invited speaker at USYD China Talk event themed ‘Women in China: holding up half the sky?’, University of Sydney 10 May, ABS Building.
2021 Invited speaker (Michael Crouch Innovation Centre) – eHDR Research Lean Canvas, UNSW, 21 January 2021 GMT20210121-020220_eHDR-Resea_1920x1080.mp4
2020 Invited discussant, ‘Resisting violence: A seminar on the international day for the elimination of violence against women’, University of Sydney, November 25
Dean’s teaching award presentation, title ‘Keeping the conversation going: ‘warm-up’ strategy, interactive learning and group peer-review’, UNSW, 6 November. Link to presentation:
2019 Invited discussant “State and the sick role: a study of sick models in the pre-reform China’, School of International Studies Symposium, University of Technology Sydney, 10-11 September
2019 Invited discussant ‘Chinese-foreign marriages in the PRC (1979-2016), Australian Academy of the Humanities and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Theme: Gender Evolutions: Past, Present and Future 23-24 September, UNSW
Media engagement
Wang P. 2022 Interview. ‘The disappearance of Peng Shuai: But will she ever be free?’ The Quicky Mamamia Podcast. 1 April.
Wang P. 2022 Interview. Lunar New Year. SBS. 11 Jan. (Podcast).
Wang P. 2021 Interview ‘Can’t touch this: Why we don’t hug our parents’, Podcast 26 July
Wang P. 2021 Interview Labour of Loss: Episode 6: Traffickers next door. Podcast (project commissioned by Winrock International and USAID).16 July Labor of Loss podcast — Freedom Collaborative
Television and YouTube video:
Wang P. 2022 Interview. ABC The world, Debate over gender-based violence in China reignited after brutal restaurant attack, 15 June
Wang P. 2022 Interview. ‘Chinese citizens angry over “slanted-eyed models”, 18 July China Tonight, available at ABC iview & Youtube:
Wang P. 2021 Interview ‘中国男女人口比例失衡 农村青年迎娶越南媳妇逐渐流行’ ABC news, 11 December, (youtube video)
Wang P. 2021 ‘From marriage markets to virtual AI boyfriends, love and romance are changing in China’ China Tonight 今晚中国秀and ABC iview, 11 October 2021,
Wang P. 2021 Interview China faces Olympic spotlight ahead of hosting Winter Games, Al Jazeeza English, Television, 9 August.
Wang P. 2021 Interview (in Chinese): ABC News, WeChat blocks LGBT account in China, 微信封禁LGBT 公众号 专家解读个中原委 9 July (video)
Wang P. 2021 Interview: ABC China Tonight Chinese property market and “sham divorces”, 11 June. Program available on iview too: Tuesday 15/6/2021 : ABC iview
Wang P. 2021 Interview: ABC China’s Three-child policy, 特写:三胎生不起? 听听澳洲华人妈妈怎么说《直播澳洲》9 June
Wang P. 2020 Facebook live show (in Chinese): 华人跨文化婚姻的酸甜苦辣 [The ups and downs of Chinese-foreign marriages], ABC News, [Video], 4 November,
Wang P. 2020 Interview (broadcast): food security and meat consumption in China, Yahoo News Australia, 22 April
Wang P. 2019 Interview: CGTN America, Global Business, on China’s single economy, 27 Feb
Wang P. 2018 Interview: ABC News, The World, 10: 35pm, 20 April.
Wang P. 2023 Nyt kinesisk realityprogram bliver kaldt banebrydende. Men der er en bagside, Politiken [New Chinese reality show is being called groundbreaking. But there is a downside] (Danish Newspaper), 24 July
Wang P. 2023 ‘Hvordan er du i sengen?«. Ældres snak om sex og penge hitter på kinesisk tv’, Politiken (Danish Newspaper), 24 January
Wang P. 2022 Interview. Lunar New Year. SBS. 11 Jan. (news article)
Wang P. 2022 Interview. The Year of the Water Tiger. 30 Jan. Sydney Morning Herald.
Wang P. 2021 Interview ‘Steve Simon, the man who took on Beijing for Peng, Sydney Morning Herald, 3 December 2021. and ‘Fearless tennis chief courts Beijing’s ire’, Sydney Morning Herald (Saturday paper), 4-5 December 2021.
Wang P. 2021 Interview ‘From medal machines to humans’, Weekendavisen (, Fra medaljemaskiner til mennesker | Weekendavisen, 5 August.
Wang P. 2019 Interview:Libération (French newspaper), on dating apps in China, 20 Feb
Wang P. 2022 Interview. Lunar New year. StateABC NSW Statewide Drive radio (live) program (live).1 Feb 2022.
Wang P. 2021 Interview ‘#Me Too campaign and Peng shuai’, ABC’s evening current affairs radio program, 23 November 2021. (interview) and (whole program)
Wang P. 2016. Interview. 2Ser, Think: Digital Futures, a podcast Radio show on topics of love, marriage, courtship and dating show in China, 17 July
Wang P. 2012. Interview. ABC Radio on Chinese-foreign marriage, 31 May.
Wang P. 2021 Interview ‘Peng Shuai and China’s #me too movement’, Time magazine, Hong Kong, 17 November. Hong Kong | Time
Wang P. 2021 Interview ‘China’s Singles Economy’, Marketing Horizon (Published by the Japan Marketing Association) . 7 October 2021
Wang P 2024 “Surging use of the diabetes medicine Ozempic in China”, Al Jazeera News, 15 April
Wang P 2024 “Chinese film star Jia Ling loses 50kg for new film You Only Live Once, sparking online sensation”, 6 March, ABC news,
Wang P 2024 Chinese superstitions, 15 February, ABC,
Wang P. 2023 ‘打击“从暗处开枪”还是压制言论自由?微博测试前台实名制引担忧’ [crack down on “shooting from the dark” or suppress freedom of speech? ] ABC news, 20 Oct (in Chinese)
Wang P. 2023 “Happy rebirth!: Chinese women shake off taboos around divorce to celebrate freedom”, the Guardian, 11 Oct.
Wang P. 2023 “伤口上撒盐”:李佳琦直播意外揭开中国经济现实一面"Sprinkle salt on the wound": Li Jiaqi live broadcast unexpectedly unveiled the economic reality of China”, ABC news, 14 September, (in Chinese)
Wang P. 2023 “Marriage declines in China as young Chinese choose dating, staying single”, Al Jazeera, 22 Sep
Wang P. 2023 ‘成都大运会:日本代表团在开幕式现场发生了什么?’ [ Chengdu Universiade: What happened to the Japanese delegation at the opening ceremony? ], ABC news Chinese 31 July, (in Chinese)
Wang P. 2022 Interview. ‘Wandi was asked to get double-eyelid surgery, but she refused to conform to China's beauty standards’ , ABC news, 18 July;
Wang P. 2022 Interview. ‘China’s dating shows for over- 65s challenge taboos about older people and sex’, The Guardian. 23 February.
Wang P. 2022 Interview. ‘The Chinese obsession with Ukrainian wives’. Vice World News. 5 March.
Wang P. 2022 Interview. ‘Why China is censoring re-leased episodes of hit TV show Friends’. ABC news. 20 February.
Wang P. 2022 Interview. What Your Fortune Holds In The Year Of The Tiger. 4 February. The Quicky Mamamia Podcast.
Wang. P. 2022 Interview ABC news ‘Syrian war photos misused by senior Chinese diplomat to criticise US war in Afghanistan’. 31 Jan 2022.
Wang P. 2022 Interview. ‘Women forced to say at blind date’s apartment for days after snap lockdown in China’s city of Zhengzhou’, ABC News, 14 January,
Wang P. 2021 Interview ‘Fallen idol: why a US-born pop star’s divorce drama is the talk of China’, NBC News, 27 December.
Wang P. 2021 Interview ‘中国男女人口比例失衡 农村青年迎娶越南媳妇逐渐流行’ ABC news, 11 December, (in Chinese)
Wang P. 2021 Interview ‘EDG China vs. South Korea’, ABC News 15 November ABC News, EDG夺冠:中国电竞迷高调狂欢 引发争议和审查
Wang P. 2021 Interview ‘From marriage markets to virtual AI boyfriends, love and romance are changing in China’, ABC News 11 October 2021,; (in Chinese)
Wang P. 2021 Interview #Me Too and Feminist movement in China, SBS Mandarin, 12 August.
Wang P. 2021 Interview. ABC News. ‘China holds competition for public to come up with three-child policy slogans but many are unimpressed’. 13 August.
Wang P. 2021 Interview ‘吴亦凡风波撼动中国“饭圈”文化 微博微信集中封号’, ABC News (Chinese), 3 August.
Wang P. 2021 Interview ‘Kodak, foreign journalists and even China's own athletes getting burnt as Chinese nationalism boils over’ , ABC News, 27 July Kodak, foreign journalists and even China's own athletes getting burnt as Chinese nationalism boils over - ABC News
"中国封杀高校LGB 微信号的背后:少数议题的集体困境"
Wang P. 2021 Interview: Gender selection in China, SBS Chinese, 1 July (in English) and (in Chinese)
Wang P. 2021 Interview: feminism in China, ABC news, 11 March (no link available)
Wang P. 2021 Interview: China’s Online skinny fad, ABC news, 19 March,
Wang P. 2021 Interview: The Year of the Ox, Sydney Morning Herald, 11Feburary,,%2C%20power%2C%20stubbornness%20and%20excellence
Wang P. 2021 Interview: CNN International, 30 January, ‘Chinese millennials aren’t getting married, and the government is worried’,
Wang P. 2020 Interview (in Chinese): 特写:澳洲华人的跨文化跨族裔婚姻 [Feature: Chinese-foreign marriages in Australia], ABC News, 6 November,
Wang P. 2020 Interview (in Chinese): ‘我会首先考虑到我的需求:华裔性小众谈出柜决定’[I will prioritize my own desire: LGBT communities [in China and Australia] share their experiences of ‘coming out’, ABC News, 1 October, and ‘专家谈形婚、同妻等在中国带来的社会问题’[Expert talks about social problems brought about by “cooperative marriage” and “homowives” in China],
Wang P. 2020 Interview: animal welfare and prevention of future pandemic, Yahoo News Australia,15 April
Wang P. 2020 Interview: Unsung heroes: 5 Asian women transcending gender roles, South China Morning Post, 3 March
Wang P. 2020 Interview: The Year of the Rat, Sydney Morning Herald, Australia 22 Jan
Wang P. 2019 Interview: SBS Mandarin. Yang Hengjun case, 28 August 28, 2019 (media request via UNSW Media)
Wang P. 2019 Interview: Business of Fashion, on romance & culture of expensive gift-giving, 28 July, file:///G:/Professional%20Services/interviews/Can%20Money%20Buy%20Love%20Some%20Brands%20Are%20Bet...%20BoF%20Professional,%20China%20Decoded%20%20BoF.pdf
Wang P. 2019 Interview: Ten Daily, on Chinese attitudes towards dog meat 23 June,
Wang P. 2019Interview: Yahoo News Australia on Dog meat festival, 20 June
Wang P. 2019 Interview: ABC News, on China’s One Child Policy and bride trafficking, 20 March
Wang P. 2019 Interview: ABC news Chinese, Australia on internet censorship in China, 1 Feb.
Wang P. 2018 Interview: Sydney Morning Herald, on the Year of the Pig,21 December,
Wang P. 2018 Interview: ABC Online, Australia, on expensive marriage and marriage practice in China, 5 December,
Wang P. 2018 Interview: Vice News Tonight & HBO (New York), on Fan bingbing case and celebrity in China, 21 September
Wang P. 2018 Interview: Ten Daily, on ‘Yulin’ (dog-eating) festival in China, 15 June,
Wang P. 2018 Interview: ABC News Chinese service, on Yue Xin’s activity and Me too campaign, 27 April.
Wang P. 2018 Interview. Technode, China, 30 March.
Wang P. 2018 Interview. ABC Online, Australia, 3 April. Available at: ; [Chinese]
Wang P. 2018 Interview. The Atlantic, USA, 20 March.
Wang P. 2018. Interview. South China Morning Post on digital dating, 11 January. Available at:
Wang P. 2014. Chinese-foreign Marriages in Mainland China,
Genealogy | Special Issue : Challenges in Multicultural Marriages and Families (
My Research Supervision
Primary supervision:
Liu Chang(MPhil) Thesis title: ‘How can women achieve gender equality in the workplace under CEDAW? – Perspective from the Pearl River Delta Region (UNSW)
Xing Yun (PhD) Thesis title: ‘Navigating contradictions and conflicts: Chinese feminists in the era of digital feminism’ (UNSW)
He YuZheng. (MA) Thesis title: ‘The impact of China’s fertility policies on female employment (2014-2024)’ (UNSW)
Zhang Jingchi (MA):. Thesis title ‘Social Media Discussion of the Impact of Guardianship Agreements on Gender Relations in China’
Alice Lowe (Honours) Thesis title ' Comparison of attitudes towards marriage of single Chinese women in China and Australia (UNSW) Thesis grade:Hons Class 1
Secondary supervision:
Zhao Yushan (PhD): Thesis title: ‘Memory, History and Gender Politics: Female Trauma Narratives in Late Twentieth-Century China’ (UNSW)
My Teaching
I'm currently convening and lecturing in the below courses (2018- now)
Term 1:
ARTS 1452 Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS 3216 Gender in China
Term 3:
ARTS 1453 Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers B
ARTS 2455 Chinese media and Communication